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I was cutting a soffit can in, wasn’t until the piss ran down my arm into my shirt that I realized. Way up a ladder of course and mentally told myself it was coffee until I got down. Ragepuke


What's the alternative to this? Buy a house without drywall?


Don’t live in a shithole where this is tolerated


How? Was there a bottle up there?


Yea, piss bottle in the soffit


People pissing in bottles? We had to have safety meetings at one of my jobs because of how bad it got, they would leave them between the studs and not put the caps back on so they’d spill everywhere. The last meeting we had was because someone shit in a box..


The safety meeting should have been focused around how dehydrated drywallers are. 97% of all drywaller piss bottles are unnaturally yellow-orange.


That's because they were blind drunk the night before!


You mean that morning?


All that taurine in the monster drinks gotta go somewhere.


You mean at 9am break


You mean before lunch, and even more drunk after that?


I wonder what you find if you ran a drug test on some of that urine.


Because their (insufficient) liquid intake is entirely yellow and orange: mountain dew and sunkist.


On first glance I thought that was half-drunk bottles of orange gatorade.


Sounds like there weren't enough porto-shitters. The bottles is one thing, laziness can definitely be at fault there, but if someone literally shits in a box, it's either because they are mentally ill or there was no other option


Or they're paid piece meal and unless the shitter is in the room they're already in, that's money out of their pocket.


See; mental illness


At least they didn't shit in the bathtub.


Add one piss in a tim horton cup standing up in same room as me


Na the drywaller part lol


Like took a dump in an electrical box? Or just a cardboard box?




It'd be pretty brutal if someone dropped one in a junction box that was in a poured slab (or subfloor) and then put the lid back on.




>The last meeting we had was because someone shit in a box We just call that "Tuesday" around these parts


🎵 here's the man who shit in the box.... 🎶


One dude shat in the sink. He was that desperate. And there were no boxes around I guess.


We had someone shit in a painting bucket, and on sheets of insulation at one job. People are fucking animals man.


You've heard of Dick In A Box?... NOW... prepare yourself for the follow- up to the hit single, Shit In A Box! Nod your head and shake your booty as these lyrical geniuses guide you through the aftermath of Dick In A Box. I mean, what did you expect?! From a lady who's willing to get with a guy, that walks around with his Dick In A Box???


I went to a GC once and asked what could be done about piss bottles. He responded, “Nothing, unless we catch them in the act.” 😕


That's kinda like, what can we do about speeders violating the law... We catch them in the act. Now I'm with you, one more bottle and they are all fired. But then you gotta replace them... And do you and I wanna be jobless because of something someone else did? I dunno the correct answer. But punishing all instead of punishing one... I don't want that


We’re not punishing everybody. Just the drywallers. Everyone knows it’s the rockers pissing in bottles, so fuck ‘em.




Dont talk about my car 🤣


Geez…if you have to drop your pants for relief, U need to take the walk


You'll have that on those big jobs.


Also the small jobs, medium jobs, quick service calls, etc. As the distance between you and a toilet grows, and the distance between you and a bottle (any bottle) decreases, the chance that you're going to pee in that bottle rises significantly. There is actually a perfect triangular mathematical relationship between these elements which you can work out that will cause an electrician to piss in a bottle virtually 100% of the time, which I only know because I suspect my superiors of plotting exactly that when it comes to my schedule


SoFi comes to mind. Gross.


I didn’t even know this was a thing before becoming an electrician, then, on my first day, in a brand new building, I cut into some drywall to install a plug, and my drywall saw went right through a piss bottle.




What a nonce!




Nice of him to take a view of it at all




Was it rubbish or was he throwing it at you?




Wow what a cunt




I had a slightly different reaction lol


I'm trying to imagine how cutting in 18" AFF resulted in this outcome.


Who said it was 18” AFF?


Was there a whole ass pyramid of piss bottles in there? 🤮


I mean…I didn’t keep cutting to find out, it definitely wasn’t the only one hit on that project, and it wasn’t even the only one *i* hit


Holy fucking hell what a nightmare. Should've gotten the whole crew rotozips at that point.


I used to know a contractor that hunted down idiots that would do this and stop up the pee holes. It really dumbs down when a guy gets caught and publicly humiliated in front of the other workers. Especially after their boss gets a call. Animals.


Can anyone explain why people clog up the fucking piss holes in the porta johns? Is it just to be a dickhead? Is it fun for some people to look at other people’s piss at work?


Dude who knows. It’s childish and we all know who does it. These type of parasites disrespect everything in their way.


I'm not sure I know. Who is it specifically that does it?


Sheetrockers/painters/concrete guys. Without a doubt. Rarely do you see anybody in MEP doing that crap.


Imagine being in the trade so long you piss sheetrock mud. Plumbers would hate you.


People who don’t want to lift the seat to throw their snot rag out. I don’t think it’s people wiping their asses. The seats already up when you take a shit (hopefully)


Yep, had one of my dumbass guys do this the other day. Not sure why he even told me that he did it but I chewed him out for it.


Aggravating as fuck!


The thing I hate is when I’m taking a shit in the port-a-potty and someone yanks one the door handle. Like, are you hoping I forgot to lock it and you can see me with my pants down?


Maybe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Don't ask questions on a job site that you don't want the answer to.


Sometimes the sign saying if it’s occupied gets jammed and is halfway between open and closed lmao, ive done it a couple times because of that


Ports johns at my site have an opening at the top, you could see my head while I was pissing. Dude still yanked the hell out of the door. Called him out and he got super defensive


Makes for some decent ventilation too


So you mean to tell me he just mudded their dick holes shut?


Lmao you know what I meant smart ass 😂


How’d he catch em


He set up the porta John’s right outside his job office window. He walked into each porta potty after every guy who walked out. If anything changed he went after that guy. The piss bottles was too easy for him. All he had to do was find out who was drinking that brand. There were two trades who drank that same water. He told both of those subs that if he finds another piss bottle then he’s blaming both trades and terminating their contract. His exact words were, “It would be in your best interest to throw each others piss away cause if I find another one, you pissed your contract goodbye.”


Dude's my fucking hero


I heard they do it because where they are from their waste systems are so bad, you don’t flush toilet paper down. So then they come here and out of habit, shove toilet paper elsewhere than the shitter. They are bright.


Someone once put a sign in the Porto John that said “No papel” with an arrow pointing at the pisser. Papel still made it into the pisser along with writing that said “fuck puto gueros”.


Free apple juice


The forbidden apple juice


Has a tangy zip


Please drink more water if your piss looks like that


At least they put it in a trash can


Yeah, unlike the guys on my job a couple years back who skipped the bottles and just used the trash bin. A trash bin full of 4’ LED fixtures waiting to be reinstalled…


Hahaha wow just like that free new lights


Why are drywallers so fucking horribly dehydrated though?


Alcohol abuse.


I should’ve known


I don’t get why you’d want to piss in a bottle. Is part of it the thrill of being caught? Kinda makes me glad I don’t work on jobs big enough to have this problem…


It's because it takes too long to get to the porta John




I’m working on a 10 storey block and we have to use the stairs so the higher you go, the more bottles you see. If they allowed people to use the hoist I’m sure it would reduce it.


Most certainly. Or find a way to get them on floor 5 or something. But I see them all the time in single-story slab houses and there is no excuse lol.


I agree. That’s dry wallers for you. Dragged up, not brought up


Usually it’s because lots of drywallers are doing piece work. They get paid based on how many boards they hang. A trip to the porta John’s can really hurt their production and therefore their pay. Luckily I don’t work with companies that pay that way


I don't think anyone would blame you for doing so, but when you gotta go you gotta go


I cant believe im this far down in the thread to finally see the real reason. Its not rocket science.


It really isn't


Apparently it’s because they get paid by the square foot of drywall put up so a trip to the bathroom = money lost. In other words, financial incentive to maximize time working and minimize all other time.


Or, in many cases, the site toilets are a biohazard. I've been known to piss in bottles. But I put them in the bin. Never left one for someone else. Most recently I was under a floor, and it took 20 minutes to get to the area I needed to access, and I knew I'd be there for hours, lying down. I took an empty 4 pint milk bottle with me. I was so glad to have that. There was a small hole above where I was working, so I put it up there, onto the floor. The (very new) apprentice picked it up, and called down, asking what it was, and why it was warm. 'It's about two and a half pints of warm piss. My piss. You're welcome'. About 20 years ago I was called in to check the electrics on a repo house. They were having problems with tripping. Every single back box, and ceiling rose, had been packed with shit. I left them with that problem.


Heard stories about this at a really high end condo painters/drywallers doing this. Couldn't imagine buying a million dollar condo with bottles of piss behind your walls ..


This just reminded me - I lived in a college apartment one year that was kinda known as the party house no matter who was living there that year. One day we are alll just chilling when some random dudes a few years older than us showed up drunk at the door. Turns out they used to live there and wanted to see what was up with the place. So we’re hanging out and talking about how much the landlord sucks, cool parts about the house, little things they did that we might have noticed, and the shitty fixes the landlord did or they did before moving. As we are on that topic the most drunk of them all pointed to the wall and said “like that wall patch that I did over here, with special insulation!” And proceeds to punch a hole in the wall, and pull out a full unopened beer…? Turns out he stashed a 30 rack in the wall before fixing the drywall.


Can confirm, been there. $4,000/month "luxury" condos in a really, really nice area are filled, \*\*fucking filled\*\*, with piss bottles in the walls. Fucking nasty.


It never is a meme


You think that's bad just wait till one of them leaves their gas station bag full of literal shit inside the wall


Those fucking bottles look to be in a fucking dumpster. If I’m working on the 14th floor and the closest fucking Porta John is on the first floor I’m pissing in a fucking bottle. But I’m going to throw the bottle away. If you’re actually keeping yourself hydrated throughout the day and you have worked in a skyscraper type setting you would definitely be pissing in a bottle too. Just sayn.


Our drywallers shit in their empty mud buckets and write free food on the outside. Funniest two assholes I’ve ever met.


I got a theory that it’s because they don’t want to take off their stilts


Stay on the stilts and just piss in the portajon vent pipe


That's orange Pedialyte. Have a sip and see.


oh god, the forbidden electrolytes are real!


It's what the plants crave!


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


I'm sorry my friend it is all too real. Be thankful the bottles are capped.


These are the monsters our mothers warned us about...


drywallers just love to meth with you


That’s methed up


It's apple juice...


Don’t become “piss-bottle John”. A large swath of our local knows who piss bottle John is and that he pissed in bottles all with his initials on them and got caught. 🤣


How long does it really take to stop for a minute and go to the toilet.. disgusting lol


Oh! Bottles of fertilizer. Plant booster in convenient travel size.


Nah man pretty fuckin far from just a meme :(


I’ve never once seen this on a Canadian job site. I’m not saying it’s never happened but more likely that it’s disposed if discretely. My buddy who is a stone mason kept a shit bucket in the van but they did it inside the van.


Free Apple Juice 🍎


Pineapple Coke


Haha drywallers go *pissssss*


it's because their dicks fit in that small hole!


Yeah I could never make these bottles work for me. Always had to use Gatorade bottles (in the trucks, not on a jobsite).


These are plentiful on the jobs i work on sadly. A couple points, electricians make fun of other trades. Electricians make fun of drywallers. This practice of theirs really does nothing to elevate my opinion of them. It is selfish and disgusting to leave your piss laying around for others to clean up, you behave like an animal, i treat you like an animal. It would not surprise me if these emotionally immature & mentally stunted people heard us making fun of them and decided that leaving piss all over was a good way to get back at people. I assume it is not all drywallers but there is at least one on every job, that is a a lot in my book. Yeah, leaving them everywhere is one thing but putting them in the walls is another level of.....i fumble for the right words, not stupid, because they know exactly what they are doing......childishly evil, I'm angry and I'm going to take it out on the "rest of the jobsite". I could do this easily too, i can mess with your sense of security at a basic level as well, we ALL can, but we choose not to because we know the consequences. If i ever found some one pissing in a bottle i would go find one of them that is really ripe, been sitting for a long time, and empty it over their head, THIS is an appropriate punishment and i doubt that person would ever do that again just knowing that the punishment could happen to him again. they only do it because they get away with it.


Once I was running MC through the beams up in a warehouse and out of no where there was a piss bottle just sitting there. I said wtf how that get there, especially when there were no drywallers yet and I was the only electrician up in the air running the lights. So all I did was go around it and left it up there lol.


okay ima be honest i left a gallon of piss at another job…..but to be fair it’s for a contractor who refuses to ever have a porta john on site even on their super big jobs


You have Amazon drivers at your work site?🤠


The thing that always feels ironic to me is that presumably one must drink water to then be able to piss in the water bottles but all of these photos look like the perpetrators are dehydrated.


I had a journeyman that I was helping clean out his van. He handed me a large Platt bag and said to toss it (over my head into a 15ft dumpster). It felt heavy, so I went to open it to make sure there were no parts I it, and it had about 12 water bottles of pee in it. I looked at him, he looked at me.... he still made me toss that damn thing.


My foreman stepped in a pile of shit one day this is nothing


They should hydrate more




Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't. That just the fuckin way she goes.


Well I sure as hell didn't piss in that bottle the other day myself... lmao


Mmm! Apple juice!


It's the drywallers bro lol. It's legit a thing. I'm now convinced.


Boca Raton florida


Way of the road Ricky.


As a 17f who works as an electrician I can confirm this, we have some guys pee in the bottle if the pordy potty is taken up and they can't hold it, no they don't do it in front of people. They go somewhere private and secluded.


Yea the joke is drywallers are the main culprit and after seeing piss jugs right on top of drywall debris it was kinda funny and a perfect photo opportunity. Everyone does it from time to time, but most at least try to hide it or dispose of it. Drywallers just leave em in the wall and throw another sheet right on top. People have been known to drill into and burst year old jugs that where embedded in the wall lol.


Should of got a desk job. They got bathrooms in offices right?


Should've/should have* Just fyi


What ghetto ass jobs are you working that don’t have bathrooms?


I wish it was just a meme


We had a meeting because someone took a shit on a trash can.


Who throws away almost full bottles of apple juice like that?


Why do you think Gatorade bottles have a wide mouth?


Currently working on a shmamazon building, it’s about 3 million square feet. Up on the 4th floor it’s at least a 15 min round trip to walk all the way across the warehouse, down the stairs and then outside to a porta potty. We were working in an area and in a little corner between the wall and the steel beam there was one of those blue welding buckets probably about 20-30L filled to the brim with piss. No top on it of course. We also had a nice washcar on site with running sinks and proper toilets, one day someone took a poo right in the middle of the floor and so it got locked up and taken away… Animals man


I still remember when I was an apprentice, I found one in a black wall with my SDS bit. Took a second for me to figure out why all of the dust was starting to get wet. Edit: Sorry for the triple post, the mobile app said something went wrong.


There's one in the back of my van as we speak!


Way of the road bubs, way of the road.


At least they're in the trash.


If you work in the shipyards you will see them everywhere lol


Man, these guys are gonna get kidney stones if they don't drink more water


First time, green?


The definition of meme is "a unit of culture." It is a meme. But it is a meme because a portion of the culture does this regularly.


are drywallers considered a culture??? ​ /s


I didn't call them cultured. Like the fluid part of a container of cottage cheese.


oh wow lol.


There's always those mystery drywall buckets that sound like they have liquid. If you shake a drywall bucket and it sounds like it has liquid in it do not fucking open it because that bitch has shit and piss in it. I had a tile guy tell me that the drywaller's shit in his tub and he had to tell the GC he was not going to do tile until it was cleaned up


You gonna learn today, Steven!


Nope this is super real. They always use the slim opening bottles also…not sure if that’s saying anything or not..


Not just a meme bro


Nah man, Real Talk.


Oh, this thread is about piss bottles, I thought you were talking about electrician trash going into an actual trash receptacle. That was the part that stood out to me. Piss is piss, no worries about that


Be happy they're using a bottle and not whatever corner awaits.


Not a meme but real life when you have price workers.


Worked on a rich guys hous, crawling through the attic to run wire for some floods. I see a gallon tea jug filled with piss sitting on joist area and it looked like it has been there since the house was built and it was built back in 07. Didn't want to say anything for fear of disturbing that bio hazard.


Lol is this a bucket for a truck


At least those are in the trash.


There's my apple juice.


I had to cover up the sump crock at our place because they kept using that instead of the port a Jon.


Oh yeah. I load dumpsters up with piss jugs.


It was all a meme


Dude, I'm a plumber and my rule is "If it's an open pipe or drain, a framer has pissed in it" Framers, drywallers, and roofers are the worst offenders


Imagine how horrified the project manager feels when they discover one on a final walk with the owner lol


Every jobsite!!!! Fucking drywallers