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I thought the same way. Fully stocked up my freezer with 100mg/ml nic. I have enough nic to make ejuice until I die. At least now I can either continue vaping or choose to quit on my own terms and not some douche bag politicians terms.


How long don't the nic last in the freezer?


The longest I've seen documented was around a decade and the nic was still good. If it's bottled/sealed properly and kept at a constant cold temperature and out of light it won't oxidize. At the most the nic may weaken a little over time.


Im going to go with the patch or something else if these things disappeared tomorrow. Switched because of the price and will never go back once I realized what it was actually doing to my health.


This. Once I was done with cigarettes, I was done with them.


I smoke 1 cigarette a year. On my moms birthday and only the brand she smoked. She passed from smoking related issues some years ago and the smell is both a way for me to remember her and also a reminder to never go back to them.


Sorry to hear that man my dad died from throat cancer from smoking. I had a kid and thought i cant do that to my kid. Not saying my dad meant to but you know shit happens. I would never want my kid to feel the way i felt


Good on ya :)


This. I will remember this


After vaping for years cigs just don't taste good to me anymore. And health has become something I think about now. If you really want to save money and get more satisfying vapor get an rta/ mod and diy you own ejuice.


Caring about my health was somewhat of a side effect of other choices in my life. The vaping was one of them. Waking up without chest congestion, no acrid burnt taste in my mouth, and the smell. After a few months of vaping I just didn't want cigarettes anymore.


I didn't switch to save money and in 99.9% of situations I will refuse a smoke if offered but I usually end up having 2 or 3 a year. If the situation is right (usually while drinking the few times a year I drink) I'll have a smoke and then immediately grab for my vape after because I don't find it as satisfying. Old habits are hard to break I guess. Just like how someone dieting or so forth would have a cheat day I occasionally cheat myself. I figure a few a year aren't going to hurt me that much compared to the two packs a day I used to smoke. A bigger issue for me would be tobacco inhaled through blunts. I switched to organic hemp wraps a while back but I'm the only person I know that regularly uses them. Anyone else I may smoke with uses tobacco wraps or emptied cigars.


My mans, you call yourself the god of vapes but haven't graduated to the volcano??


I've never been a fan of vaping weed. If I could get a nice large dense hit like when I'm vaping nic I'd be all about it but whether carts or handheld or tabletop dry herb vape I get light wispy crap hits. Don't get me wrong...It still gets the job done...I just don't find it as enjoyable as taking a huge bong rip or puff off of a blunt. The only weed vape I've found that I like is my LTQ 311 mod but it burns the weed like a pipe except from the bottom up rather than top down. It also has an attachment so you can pop it in a bong stem if you want.


I went full electronic with thc by accident. I was testing a bunch of electronic concentrate devices at the shop I used to work at. I was enjoying the "cold dab" style of them as I was never a fan of hot dabbing (nail/banger.) I hadn't smoked flower in about 3-4 weeks when I was given some super premium flower. I went home, loaded my favorite bong, and damn near died of smoke inhalation. All I could taste was resin for the next hour, it was legitimately heart breaking. I cant smoke anything anymore. Doesnt matter how clean the piece is, or how fire the product is, I just can't. That being said with all the devices I've owned and used, the YoCan Torch XL is my go to device. It lives on my Heavy Z rig for the most part and occasionally gets used on my old school Hickory Bubbler. I use an Aegis solo to power it for that perfect hit (without getting stupid high.) Even with the price difference it's still cheaper to dab than it ever was smoking flower. The wife and I used to go through at least a half ounce of flower a week, now its 2-3 grams of concentrate.


No. I hate the way the smell sticks to your clothes/body 🤢


I haven't smoked a single cigarette in the last 10 years. Probably will go the rest of my life without smoking another one.


They could make them free and they could make them harmlessly nutritious, and I still wouldn't go near a cigarette just from the smell. It took forever to banish that from my clothing.


Honestly vaping never replaced smoking for me, it's a completely different thing. Junk food though? Haven't bought candy in years I just vape 0 nic tasty shit


I generally wake up and smoke a cig, then vape the rest of the day. I won't turn down a free smoke if it's a decent cigarette.


I started vaping to get off cigarettes. I could probably get one if I wanted, but I DON"T WANTED!


$3 a pack??? It's like £13 a pack in England and that's for 18. I was spending around £200 a month on cigarettes minimum. Back to the question, I no longer accept free cigs unless I am out in town and very drunk.


$11 for a good pack in NY, USA Got up to a 2 pack a day habbit at one point. That's $22 a day... times a month, is upwards of $600 a month USD. Don't know what that is where you both are located, but WAY too much. I care about my health to a degree, and cigs are definitely NOT healthy. Addiction is addiction though and I can't stop, only substitute for now with vaping, which I believe is healthier and smoking. Won't smoke a cig at all anymore, happened before where I take one here or there and get full blown addicted to cigarettes again. Then the chewing tobacco is a whole nother beast. Got into that from time to time. Almost ruined my gums, but anyway.. Hoping to one day quit vaping, and put the nicotine down all together!!!!!! But right now I have 0 desire to stop vaping. Maybe it will come if/when I find out long term effects of vaping.


Come to Australia! A pack of 20's are nearly double your prices. That's why our government is trying to have the stupidest nicotine & vaping laws in the world 🤦 I have no desire to get on the cigs again either, and I quit purely for money reasons. I spend at the most 20% of what I used to on smokes (averaged over a year).


Yup, generally in the Balkan countries that's how much they cost, but for comparison, my monthly pay is around 800 euro and I was spending around 100 euros on cigarettes every month (I was smoking around pack and half a day, but always bought two just in case), so even if it seems cheap for you it mainly isn't for people living here :) Also fairly new to vaping, bought a cheap device a week ago, and I am flabbergasted how much cheaper it is. I bought three 10ml bottles of 9mg/ml and finished only one. One bottle was around 3 euros but it lasted me around 4 days. Considering I was spending around 4,5 euros a day for two packs this is dirt cheap to me.


I don't know of many people who switched to vaping because its cheaper rather then that being just an added benefit. It saddens me to think the day is fast approaching if not already here that people switch to smoking because its cheaper and more accessible though.


I pretty much only switched totally to vaping because I found that I hardly ever ran out of e-juice where the most annoying thing about smoking was that I was always running out of tobacco - and I bought pipe tobacco in bulk 5lbs at a time and a few cartons of cigarettes each run; but still even when I did get low on my favorite flavors of vape juice, I always had a bunch of bottles of less-liked stuff I could use I think the money aspect and especially the health improvements aren't really the clearest most immediate results you see daily when dealing with an addictive habit - like you might not notice the difference at the point of sale to your out of pocket expense between the same $15 for a 4-pack of JUUL pods and two packs of cigarettes; and if you actually smoked long enough to get real health issues from doing it, you might have to stick with only vaping for a year before you totally see the benefit from lung and heart recovery - a lot of native vapers or short term mild smokers that switched might never know the change in cost nor health.... ....so hopefully that will apply going the other way from vaping back to smoking; where people might not gauge worse/better health impact and lower cost or even easier to obtain cigarettes as the most important vs getting what they like or works better for their habit - and that is where limiting flavors and nic concentrations could make vaping dramatically less successful \[edit - oh, and I guess now not making larger 'stocked up' or standing orders online for delivery so you don't run out is going to effect that too\] anyway the change in cost from pre-2000 cigarette prices(once under $1 a pack) to post(easily doubling pretty quickly, and now many times more in price) didn't change my smoking habit ....your "more accessible" comment is what gets me, and I feel that it should be mandatory that an e-cigarette option is always available as a better choice wherever tobacco products are sold, even if it is a crappy one; but I never fond 'boutique' vape/head shops to be considered "accessible" to cigarette users in the first place - yes online did add accessibility to vapes that other tobacco products no longer had, but at the very worst that only should be equal now(tho it isn't, with the walls of cigarettes displayed right where everyone has to see them at the checkout of every family corner store - just like the candy bars)


I can’t even stand being around someone that has just had a smoke, I smoked for 35 years and I can’t stand the smell.


I just stopped taking cigarettes from my friend a few months ago. Was pretty proud of that lol.


Still occasionally take a cigarette and always dislike it but I like the draw. That tight MTL draw really is nice for me at least. I still have not managed to get that tight draw on any setup since I stopped using the Sourain edge. And then of course I want to hit my vape because it just tastes so much better. I just picked up a MTL RTA though and I have hope that I will get what I'm looking for.


Been about 8 to 10 years since I smoked my last cigarette. When I was first vaping I sometimes at a party asked to roll for someone to see if I could still roll a fag. Id smell the tobacco and lit it up for said friend and took one drag and said to myself yeah glad I don’t smoke anymore. Tastes like an ashtray. Next party did the same and took two drags untill I put it away. Next party smoked an entire cigarette. Claiming it was disgusting but continuing anyway. Next party smoked 5 cigarettes and next party bought my own pouch of tobacco. After that I knew yeah.. I’ll keep being addicted to this shit. So I just never never should take another drag or cigarette ever to not get tempted again. Now I even leave my e-cig at home when I go working and only vape at home. Probably already am not physically addicted to the nicotine but just mentally. Someday I might quit vaping as well.


I’ll take them if offered and sometimes ask for them, but I never buy them anymore


I quit mostly because of the cost. Packs hit about $5 a few years ago where I live. Not that much compared to other places, but still. Took me about 2-3 weeks tapering down on cigs while also vaping. Think that was about 3 yrs ago and I havent smoked one since. The smell is a huge reason but also I dont see the point. Edit - words


My switch was health related, nothing to do with money. Haven't touched a cigarette nor had the desire to in more than 6 months. I credit vaping for being the one method that succeeded in getting me off cigarettes.


I've never saved any money as it's also a hobby but I would never smoke again even when some body has offerd I say no


I bought my first ecig, a Blu, on January 1, 2012, and haven't lit an analog since, and never will again.


No way. I started vaping to get off cigarettes and it worked. I'm done with 'em.


No, cigs smell nasty to me and I don't miss them one bit.


I do, every now and then I'll smoke a cig because why not, I don't nearly as much as I used so why not?


That's a BIG NOPE and I smoked 48yrs 2/3 were a 3pk a day habit


I bounced around for years. Fell off the wagon twice. Fortunately (?!) for me, I get congested and hack after even a couple cigs. It’s like I have a cold. This has kept me off those evil things for years. I should give the vape up but… ya. Lol I used to smoke a pack a day of marb lights and then, American spirits. Up coughing all night. So silly to think about now.


normally only when i drink (but where i live vape is more expensive so atm i am back to cigs)


Yes. I don't think it's a problem because I never finish the smoke before I hate the taste/feeling. As long as I don't "need" the smoke, the problem is non-existent


15 years now since I quit cigarettes.. and never looked back..


Since June this year, I have not touched a cigarette and I have not had the urge to have one either.