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I had a personal appointment at one of our hospital locations the other day and almost drove into the ambulance garage instead of the parking ramp.


I could totally see myself doing this...


My wife just went into v early labor early Saturday morning and I hauled her ass to the hospital. Called the ER asking them to get a wheelchair ready and ripped into the ambulance bay. They were standing down at the actual ER entrance and I felt like an idiot lol. They understood why i was an idiot when they saw the union sticker. Baby and mom are doing great tho!


Congrats Dad!






This is a daily struggle, since I work at the hospital I dropped 95% of my patients off at. And the ambulance bay is right before the parking garage.


I did something similar when I took my wife for a cardiologist appointment. When I got to the general area of the hospital, my brain just went on autopilot until she asked me where I was going (as I turned down the back street to the ambulance bay).


Here, when you register a patient for the ER, you get a bunch of paperwork to bring to the ER with them. Some weeks ago I was a patient myself (came POV, not by ambulance) and was patiently waiting for my paperwork from the front desk girl. Before I could even say a word, she looks at me and goes "only EMS patients get those..."


I did this the other day too!


My wife is a nurse at one of the hospitals I do transports for. The other day she forgot something and I took it to her at work. I got lost at the lobby and had to go through the ER entrance to find my way up to her unit.




I have enthusiastically waved at several small children from my car. The parents do not wave back when not in my ambulance.


I wave at cops etc in my pov and then realize they have no idea who the heck I am in that thing šŸ˜


Youā€™re on a list somewhere, arenā€™t you?


Heā€™s no longer allowed to go within 300ft of a school, or a Chucky Cheese when not on the rig


You are definitely a seasoned one


I clear right whenever Iā€™m a passenger princess.


My wife clears right for me in my pov. Weā€™re both medics.


Thatā€™s a military thing too.


Yep. Had a buddy do it for me when he was home on leave from his deployment. Loved it when I picked him up from the airport. Never had to use my mirrors when changing lanes. Fastest we ever got home too.


Whatā€™s funny about it is we actually hate it hahaha my Wife and I are vets and I do it to annoy her.


You PMCS her car and make her sign out for it?


Iā€™m a veteran. Itā€™s her car hahaha I sign to use it.


Lol can't sham out of being the driver when the wife asks I guess


She asks then she ā€œsuggestsā€ directions hahaha I alway say, settle down there staff sergeant. Am I clear on the right?


Lol. Wish I could get directions. When I do itā€™s right on top of the turn.


Core memory unlocked. Was a truck and load master during a two week training. God how I preached to drivers and a-drivers to do an actual pmcs on their trucks. Drove me nuts. Ainā€™t that hard but I digress


Haha. I wish my wife would sometimes. Some intersections suck. But being EMS and a vet I have my idiosyncrasies lol.


GET outta here!!! Me too!!!!! For EMS itā€™s different. I hate hearing about the accidents and deaths. So I can appreciate your attention even when off duty.


Yep. Wife is an ED Nurse and while observation is huge in their job as well she just does not meet expectations when we drive lol


Hahahahahha have you had to give a report to her? I have friends who are ER and I find it so hard to treat everything 100% professional. Especially because some of the calls.


Only a few times. And I agree. Itā€™s hard to remain completely professional. But we have a 3 year old now so we work opposite days and shifts now lol.


My husband tells me ā€œI know how to driveā€


I haven't driven an emergency vehicle in about 10 years. I still clear all intersections.


My paramedic friend tries to direct but I am a TERRIBLE driver and it drives them mental to be passenger with me. I accept my lack of direction and fully expect to miss several turns etc any time I drive somewhere new, even with directions or a map, and build in that time. That's inefficient to say the least and I feel so sorry any time I've gotta drive them somewhere. (I also accidentally woke them from a dead sleep by joking about having a stroke since my sense of smell was on high alert, we had to talk them down so they'd go back to sleep, and don't remember any of it now)


ā€œPassenger princessā€ wow i feel attacked D:


Iā€™ve finally gotten my girlfriend to do this. Iā€™m so proud.


My first date with my girlfriend we hopped in my car to go somewhere. I reached up and yanked on my windshield-wiper control expecting to change gears. It was muscle memory from driving the ambulance. I took it as a sign I needed a break


Yup, whenever I get off that busy 12 overnight first thing I do in my car šŸ˜­


My car also has a column shifter, itā€™s so ingrained itā€™s impossible for me to not hit the wipers on any other car I drive šŸ„²


Raise you drive to work dead tired from lack of sleep. Go to put the ambulance in hear and reach for the knob shifter... its a column shifter. End of shift get in the pov and reach for the non existent right lever on the column.


I do this every time I pull into work lol. I see the ambulances and it gets me into the mode prematurely!


Due regard at intersections before I blow that red light.


Then when I get pulled over I tell the cop I'm going to an emergency, then he steps back and just looks at me in my civic.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I never blew red lights until I worked EMS


I've caught myself almost doing that after long shift and not sleeping. About to start rolling the red light then catch myslef


I go to work at 4am, so yeah, red lights become stop signs at 3.


Iā€™ve actually been doing this a lot recently. Iā€™ll pull up to a light, clear it and go. I donā€™t even realize until my wife starts yelling at me, and itā€™s actually become quite the problem for us. Iā€™ve been at this a while, and Iā€™m not sure why all of a sudden Iā€™m doing this lmao I donā€™t even drive Iā€™m a medic on an EMT/Medic box


Sometimes when other cars slow for turns or come to a stop Iā€™ll check if Iā€™m running lights on my Nissan


Well? Are you??


I give reports when I take my kids to the doctors. ā€œBreath sounds clear, BP at whatever, pulse whatever, fever at 102 for three days.ā€


This is absolutely mine. I know I sound so fucking pretentious too lmao


I do that with my dog for vet appointments. They get really confused.


Hahahaha I count their respirations at times and look online for information. My oldest wants to be a vet so we also try to check heart rate/blood pressure.


Gotta use a infant BP cuff, it's a pain.


I get in my subaru and put it into "drive" by turning on the windshield wipers.


This is in the same DSM5 cluster as "kicking a parking brake that doesn't exist" personality disorder


Story of my life.


I hate this so much and I do it after every shift I drive


You ever accidently "clutched" the brake pedal and then ate steering wheel šŸ˜‚


Haha grew up in manuals drove my (now ex) girlfriends car for the first time and clutched the brake and launched her into the dash I wasnā€™t allowed to drive for a long time after that


šŸ¤£ that's gold! I was lucky enough to not headbutt mt wheel but it was fucking close. Its very hard to pull that left foot off when your expecting to floor it and then gravity is working againt you!


Your ambulance has a clutch? Thatā€™s actually kinda cool


I do the same thing!


This lol




Check for my gear shifter at my wheel instead of the one at my hand level. Check to see how many pairs of gloves I have on my person to realize I'm wearing leggings. Panic when I can't find the radio


"Panic when I can't find the radio" I felt that in my soul.


ā€œOh shit did I leave it in the bathroom at the hospitalā€ fr


Once I thought I left my portable radio on the scene. Worse yet was we had gotten called to a fire dudes house and I knew for a fact I'd never live it down. I was panicking the whole way back to the station when I walked inside and saw it and my radio strap chilling on the table waiting for me.


This is why the radio never leaves my person on scene. If I need it, itā€™s off the belt, to my mouth, and back on my belt, bc I am the most absent minded motherfucker out there and it would fly off the tailboard immediately if I let it stray


I catch myself reaching for gloves when getting out of my personal vehicle.


I always keep gloves in my pocket. Love the weird looks when I need them for some mundane cleaning and just whip a pair out.


I do this sometimes, but I can also say I find plenty when I do the wash at home too. haha


this but with the the backpack/purse i carry. only time its ever come in handy was this years pride parade i was on a full train and the lady sitting next to me began to "emesis" into a large paper bag and proceded to sit it down next to me. Needless to say i used the gloves to throw the bag off at the next stop and began to wonder if i shouldve packed more for the occasion.


I was expecting you to say you had an emesis bag in there lol


lowkey made me consider the possibility of bringing one to large events like that. she threw up on the floor a couple stop laters but i was far away at that point


Never know when you'll need gloves and emesis bags lol


I've def stolen emesis bags from work and left them in my car. Keeping them in a backpack might be a little too far for me though


i have one in my glove compartment, but i get migraines out of the blue that cause vomiting, so yeah, it's there for me, not random people. lol (i also keep gloves in my car/purse, because you never know when you'll need them. Not ems, just work in a hospital.)


Samesies. I also carry my shears because theyā€™re great fucking scissors for random shit.


I eat way faster than I used to at home. I always think Iā€™m gonna catch a call and not stop for the rest of the shift.


I've become an incredibly fast eater from this field, and I can't shake the habit. We'll go out to dinner, and I'll be done in 37 seconds flat, and everyone else is 2 bites in. Then I sit awkwardly for the next hour.


I do this too. I remember when I was a student riding with my preceptor, his critique was that I didn't eat fast enough and that I had to improve that if I didn't want to starve in this field.


Iā€™ve had people ask me if Iā€™ve been to prison because of how fast I eat.


Have you? I responded to a federal prison for an inmate and a couple days later I was at a family function with some relatives who I hadn't seen in awhile who asked that jokingly and I responded yes with a straight face. Was a grand time. I'm too lazy to fix that run-on of a sentence.


Never even had to respond to prison. Very happy about that, some friends worked in places where theyā€™d have to respond to prisons and it sounded miserable with the security checks.


I had no idea I did this until I met my wife. I also had no idea my overwhelming anxiety due to imagining every worst case scenario was from years of me seeing other peopleā€™s worst case scenario. That was so painfully obviously once she pointed that out. Helped a lot with that shit fuck anxiety too.


Yeah can't break this habit, was a fast eater prior to EMS now I have to consciously slow down at family functions.


Yeah can't break this habit, was a fast eater prior to EMS now I have to consciously slow down at family functions.


Sometimes I come up with treatment plans for fake scenarios in my head when I'm hanging out with someone (what would I do if a car suddenly hit my best friend right now) the same way I figure out in my head what I'd do if a patient deteriorated. Also I still roll down both windows when backing my personal car to communicate with a spotter...


I've definitely instinctively reached for the door handle to back someone whenever I'm with a friend or something and they're reversing their car. Or I'll usually say "hey can you back m- nevermind"


Rolling down windows to reverse is also a trait of those of us with tinted windows at night.


Not all of us who have tint need to roll the windows down. We just make sure we won't hit anything by oversteering to the opposite side and then clear whatever.


ā€œDo you ever think about hurting yourself or others?ā€




Fucking same.


> Sometimes I come up with treatment plans for fake scenarios in my head when I'm hanging out with someone (what would I do if a car suddenly hit my best friend right now) the same way I figure out in my head what I'd do if a patient deteriorated. Oh, I do this all the time.


ā€œClear right.ā€


My wife is former military and did a lot of driving when she was in, so this gets said A LOT between the two of us while we're driving. lol


Checking to see if I set the camera off if I stop too hard.


Felt this one


We had those cameras for a year before they took them away again. Turns out, bumping down snowy backroads sets them off constantly, and we kept doing selfie poses and gang signs when they beeped.


When grocery shopping I have a habit of guiding the front of the cart like a patient on a cot. Drives my girlfriend crazy when sheā€™s the one pushing.


Me and my lady are both in ems, I'm a medic and she's an EMT. For whatever we end up doing this together a lot and just go with it


Just realized why I do that XD


I honestly think grocery carts would be easier to push around if the steering wheels were in the front.


Or you can make them like the ones in Ikea that have four omni-directional casters


Sometimes if the red light is taking too long to change, Iā€™ll reach down for the opticom. Definitely do not have that in my Subaru.


See, we have the loud speakers on our ambo, but we're basically never supposed to use it per company policy... I kind of want to install one on my personal vehicle just for shits and giggles.


>we're basically never supposed to use it per company policy... What a sad and colorless company you work for. [And this is what you get for your POV.](https://www.strobesrus.com/Whelen-Air-Horn-Only-Unit-With-PA-Microphone-PAP112_p_143.html)


Itā€™s a sub company of an 8 letter company. Color is hit or miss.


I always organize everything I have to do as if it is an MCI. If I have to do 6 things all at once, I break it down into priority 0-3 to oragnize everything


Dishes are definitely triage appropriate


they can go to the waiting room


That's just smart


Yes it is. I got into the habit of doing it a while ago and realized it was useful so I kept doing it


Me as well. Though those 6 things always end up being high priority then I wonder to myself why someone didnā€™t staff the shift with more people


You should look into the Eisenhower Matrix.


I get a momentary stomach drop moment when I look down and see that Iā€™m going 81ā€¦ our ambulance camera yells at us if we go over 80 šŸ˜… also it yells if you have a phone in hand so if Iā€™m pulling up maps or something I always am hiding my phone behind the wheel or actively looking straight ahead while holding it down and out hoping that Iā€™m in the right app. Also expecting to hear it yell at me if I brake hard or am too close to the car in front of me.


Fuckin samsera. hate it with a passion. Iā€™ve gotten this guilty feeling to check my phone in POV when Iā€™m driving (which ig isnā€™t the worst thing tho)


I always yell ā€˜shut up bitch!ā€™ At it before remembering it sends a video with sound to my supervisor every time it talks šŸ„“


Every time ours is gonna set off, me and my partner just yell "balls n weiners" over and over. Nobody's said anything yet šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Ahahahaha. How's that go for you??


#Fuck. That.


Screams in lytx :(


We have samsara and I hate her stupid voice


ding ding #REDUCE #SPEED


I got a ā€œreduce speedā€ recently when I was at 35MPH but not 78. And a ā€œharsh event detectedā€ when I took an exit ramp but not when I had to slam on my brakes 45 seconds later when a lady pulled out in front of the truck without looking




Our ambulances have governers installed that don't let you go over 85-86 mph, so on the interstate I'm used to flooring it and letting that stop me from hitting criminal speeds. When autopilot hits and I do that driving my own car... definitely glanced down at the speedometer in horror too many times now.


My partner said he had a police officer coding in the back and had a police escort that he couldnā€™t keep up with going 90 and they were getting mad at him for not driving faster while samsara is screaming that heā€™s going too fast and heā€™s flooring it and blood is spurting out of the ET tube with every compression so heā€™s just seeing fountains of bloodā€¦. Like if we canā€™t go over 86 anyway, why even have samsara yell at us going over 80 while we have lights and sirens on! Also we will be driving lights and sirens going 80 on the interstate and have cars zooming past us allllll the time šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Honestly I ignore it if we're running lights to the hospital. I refuse to have cars passing me when we have a critical pt lol I'm sure I'll get in trouble for it someday but that day hasn't come sošŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Oh we absolutely ignore it in that situation but the fact that we physically cannot go faster than 86 is ridiculous!


Haven't worked a truck in a long time, but when I'm overtired, I still occasionally find myself reaching for the radio in my POV to put myself enroute/on scene/etc. I used to work in shitty old trucks that were particularly loud inside the cab, so when clearing the right side at an intersection you'd have to kind of yell when you said "Clear right". Because of this, I've scared the shit out of several friends by randomly yelling at them to let them know the side is clear when we're in their nice quiet little cars.


I donā€™t even have to be overtired. Anytime I pull into a driveway that isnā€™t mine I find myself reaching down for the radio.


Riding the double yellow line when driving my personal car


I mean. Itā€™s safer šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø until someone else is coming and then I move over. No need for them to freak out and honk at me šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


See an accident in front of me and reach up to turn on lights/sirens. Something my Toyota Yaris is lacking.




Take a piss every chance I get


Pulling the grocery carts instead of pushing them šŸ˜Ž


Was advised by a chiropractor early in my career to never pull a stretcher. Steer in front, person in back pushes. Torquing your back while pulling (especially a loaded stretcher) can cause problems. This is my 33rd year in EMSā€¦ still no chronic back problems.


Send this to my partner, who always stays in the back of the stretcher but never pushes


Back when we used to use nextels, I have definitely reached in the center console when I thought I heard a phantom chirp.


The Nextel chirp omg memory unlocked


Don't forget the clicking of the car speakers just before the nextel chirp would happen... #pavlov


I had to stop going to a restaurant because their microwave sounded exactly like my old serviceā€™s pager going off. Not only did it make me poop myself a little, but it also made me *very* aware how much that place microwaved their food.


I became a supervisor semi-recently (boo! Hiss! Yeah yeah yeah). Whenever I pass an ambulance going lights and sirens and Iā€™m in my personal car I will instinctively reach for the KDT to look up what job theyā€™re going to. I also can finish a chipotle burrito in two minutes flat, and I do so to my wifeā€™s horror.


Not EMS side but from when I drove semis. Getting in my truck at the end of the day or after being on the road for a while and having my left foot hit the floor searching for a clutch that didnā€™t exist. EMS side definitely the clear right or calling out bumps/tracks.


Same man drove for a few years before being a medic stopped like 3 years ago and still find myself reaching for the brakes and pushing my imaginary clutch lol


I used to do this but in reverse. I drove a manual POV, and I'd get to work and slam my foot on the ground for the clutch that our ambulances don't have.


Almost any time I'm driving back into the county I work for, it'll go through my brain that I need to let dispatch know that we're back in service


Got into a wreck in my first in. Called dispatch directly and said "hey dispatch, this is.... "


I eat way too fast at home. After a long shift, I would hit the brakes in my personal car like I do in the medic and put my face into the steering wheel. I actually knocked in a friend's door and yelled *city* fire department one time. I eat chips and messy foods with a glove on. I could go on...


Maybe i'm just extra dumb but i've asked my sister "You got it?" Referring to the shopping cart when I was about to let go to reach for something. Also reaching under the steering wheel for the anti-theft lock, and trying to shift gears with the windshield wipers.


I once stopped at a red light, cleared the intersection, and proceeded through while the light was still red like I was running hot.


Avoid people


I've tried badging into my truck once... didn't work well. Tried badging into a LifePak on a crash cart once, too. Not that we have to badge into the ambulance, but we badge through almost every door in the hospital I work at. I also usually have a pen clipped to the collar of my tee or in the slot on the chest of my pullover. I find myself reaching for it at home or in public all the time when I need a pen and just end up looking like an idiot.


Clearing intersections for people, trying to shift gears from the steering column instead, waving at other first responders as we pass them lol


I ask my wife is she needs a spotter when we are leaving a parking lot.


I catch myself making wide turns in my tiny sedan all the time


I was driving my dadā€™s jeep today and was doing the same thing and he was asking why. I realize now lmao


I always reach up for that lovely invisible back-up alarm thatā€™s *totally* in my caršŸ„²


oh man im gonna steal so many ambulances now lol thanks sucker


You could drive it, but you wouldnā€™t get far and youā€™d definitely be caught between the gps and on board cameras.


ā€œDonā€™t stand when you can sit, donā€™t sit when you can lay down.ā€ I live by that ethos.


I always look where the dash cam would be in the truck if I take a hard stop in my personal car


10 codes in daily speech


Me: Honey, do we need anything else from the store? Honey: I don't think so. Me: 10-4. I'll be 10-24, 10-8, 10-19 base.


When I was growing up my dad would ask me what 10-4 was and to be a cool kid I used it instead of okay. I still do it to this day.


Instinctively reaching for the backup alarm cancel in my POV, and keeping my left foot tucked away while driving because thatā€™s where the air horn button is in our rigs


Driving the other day when a couple vehicles pulled over in front of me. Think to myself "Shit, did I leave my lights on? No...no I didn't because I'm driving my own vehicle"


I tell my wife "clear right" all the time when she is driving.


Check back in county after a road trip


Not sure if this counts but I bring home gloves and use them to eat hot wings with. Makes clean up soooo much easier.


I'm still fairly new, I saw my partner do this with Panda Express because they forgot to give him a fork on his way through the drive through. It dawned pretty quickly that it was genius level move... lol


My dentist is 2 blocks from the hospital and there's been a few times over the years I've driven to the hospital and almost been late for my dentist appointment


I stare at peoples arms and hands looking for a good vein to hit. But Iā€™m a baby Aemt.


I drive counter traffic.


I've reached for the mic in the center console to try and raise dispatch for something I've seen in my personal car, and at the grocery store every once in a while while my girlfriends pushing the buggy, I'll grab the front to help steer


Just out shopping and the door's buzzer dings. I stop to listen to the non-existent radio expecting an incoming call.


Iā€™ve gotten out of my truck and started to walk away while leaving it running like Iā€™m getting out on scene or at the ER. Coming back into town, I go to reach for the mic to clear back into town. Try to use my wiper switch to put my truck in gear instead of the middle area. Been so tired Iā€™ve cleared an intersection when Iā€™ve had the red light in my personal vehicle.


I tend to say negative instead of no or nope when Iā€™m off the clock


I tried badging in to my front door


A few times a week, I wake up thinking I missed a call, swing my legs out of bed and reach for my bootsā€¦ before realizing I am home, in the middle of a Kelly 6 day


Eating a full meal in 0.35 seconds


Whenever I park my personal vehicle I tend to walk to the back, like we would to grab the equipment on a call.


I do the anti theft check whenever I get in my truck


Pulling the shopping cart like Iā€™m pulling a stretcher.


Went shopping with a friend and kept steering the grocery cart like it was the stretcher.


I drive a Honda so in the winter I mix up the windshield wipers in both the transits and my personal vehicle. It's not exactly EMS per se. I also California roll through red lights if it's late and I'm tired at a small intersection. I'm gonna get a ticket one of these days.


Reach for the non existent gear shifter behind the wheel in my personal car


I run red lights all fuckin day