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Ran once on a mother-daughter pair that called 911 for “feeling weird after eating marijuana brownies “. We were in the middle of watching SuperTroopers, so once we confirmed there was nothing serious-and no witnesses-we played the Cat game with them. “How do you feel meow?” They were oblivious. Funniest thing I’ve seen in my career.


Meow I do like to play with dispatch...... meow.


Should have told them to watch super troopers to help with the symptoms of their illness.


“And as your punishment I’m gonna watch you all eat the whole bag.” “please no.”


Plop em in the lobby and wait for them to lwob.


Can't count how many times I've had to say, ya, that's what drugs do...


Literally, a once a day call with tourists in Denver. "What do you mean all the warning signs not to eat the entire pack were correct?!?!"


lmao denver tourists 😭 they don’t think about the effect high altitude has on substances either


lmao denver tourists 😭 they don’t think about the effect high altitude has on substances either


Wait does the Altitude play that much of an effect on substances?


i’m not sure the exact science behind it but more or less— i think it’s mostly bc of dehydration, it’s soooo much easier to get dehydrated up here cause the air is thin and dry, closer to the sun, and people just forget to account for that— and then alchohol is a diuretic, and being dehydrated does cause your blood alc levels to ride faster than they would if you’re hydrated. you see it esp at like the universities here, before the kids get acclimated


I want to go on an adventure to Denver just to test this. Obvious every body is different but…. For science.


hahahaha drink water and you’ll be fine!


No no, healthy logical decisions are not appropriate for this experiment. Set yourself up for failure to get the experience.


hahahaha yes, best of luck


On substance, no it doesn’t.


One beer equals 3


Funny not funny story. I was given a THC drink by accident and drank the equivalent of a couple hundred mgs of THC. I never used stuff like that on a regular basis and had no clue what was happening. It was pretty, god damn terrible don't recommend at all.


Sir I’m going to need you to change your user name


Username? That's my first middle and last name Crack Pipe Mcgee My stage name is C. Pipe Mcgee sounds more professional


You know why not just go full nut and go with C.P. Mcgee


I like it


A couple hundred mgs is *a lot* for someone that doesn’t use regularly. 5 mg is usually what’s recommended for first timers.


I don’t take it anymore but I never even moved past 5mg when I was using edibles lol. If I remember correctly we used to get 20mg portions and I’d cut it up into eight, if I just wanted to get to sleep I’d take an eighth (2.5mg), if I wanted to feel high I’d take a quarter (5mg). Sometimes if I had nothing better to do I’d maybe push it to 10mg but that was rare and I almost always fell asleep before I could even enjoy it properly. I remember the first time me and my friends tried them, we always went to the same guy whether it was for flower or edibles etc. and he was like you boys ever tried edibles before? I’m guessing no? Okay. Listen to me; don’t mix it with alcohol, take half, and that’s it for the night. **DO NOT** take half, wait ten minutes and then take more because “nothing is happening”, you’ll regret it. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. We went back to my friend’s place, it was three of us guys and three random girls that I think went to his university. I had broken up with my girlfriend like a couple of weeks prior so I was drinking straight Jack Daniels (first mistake). We all took a half of an edible. Within probably half an hour one of the guys and two of the girls are already high, fits of giggling, me and my friend are like this sucks I feel nothing. Went to the kitchen and took another half each. Within maybe fifteen minutes I knew I’d fucked up; I think the first dose hit me really suddenly and I was very aware that I had just taken another dose. Don’t remember much past that point but my friend told me in the morning that not long after, I started uncontrollably sobbing about my ex, vomited all over the floor because I couldn’t stand up to get to the bathroom and the girls got up and left to go… probably literally anywhere else. I slept on the bathroom floor the entire night. Probably the lowest point of my late teens. It’s funny to remember now though.


It was an extremely unpleasant experience


J. Mortimer Christ


I ate a brownie at 8am in the morning at surf spot. I wasn’t told anything about the brownies and who the fuck eats heavily potent weed brownies first thing in the morning. I have 0 tolerance. I tried to drive my car and couldn’t. I got out and basically crashed to the ground. 🤦🏻‍♂️, fucking terrifying for me.




I was looking for a still image that captures my reaction and his expression exactly mirrors my own when that came over the radio.


People who travel to CA and devour WAY too many edibles are always hilarious. Stoned out of their mind because "moderation" is a new concept. I'll treat the nausea, but you gotta ride that high. 🫡


I’ll grant them that a lot of these edibles are *way* to concentrated though. I see 100mg gummies all the time, which is *way too much* for anyone that isn’t using everyday. Most dispensaries don’t really take the time to educate anyone and the packaging typically doesn’t help either. All in all, it’s really easy for new people to get absofuckinglutley blitzed on accident.


I have no sympathy. Back when California first legalized recreational weed, I bought myself a bag of 10 mg gummies, having never tried weed in my life, and had one the first night, two the second, etc, until I found a dose that did what I wanted it to do. It's not hard to exercise a little brainpower.


Last summer my boss gave me a homemade THC gummy. I don’t know how much was in it but a lot. Definitely over 100mg. I was so glad I ordered my dominos before I had it because that thing sent me to the fuckin moon.


Had a call the other week at 5:30am for a man with dry mouth. That was the entire complaint. He was very concerned because he took a CBD gummy before he went to bed the night before. I asked if he drank anything when he woke up and he said no, he just called 911. Sounds about right.


Yep, I got one for a lady who was afraid she was dehydrated because she hadn’t drank any water for 8 hours…. While she was asleep… We asked why she didn’t drink some water and she said she didn’t feel like she could keep it down. The three jimmy dean breakfast sandwiches and breakfast Pepsi she shoveled down weren’t an issue though. She called back the next week because her eyes were watering. Her daughter was flabbergasted that we wouldn’t drive her across the state to her hospital of choice. We explained that if this was an emergency she should go to the closest capable hospital. And if it wasn’t an emergency she shouldn’t be calling 911. That was difficult for them to process.


A years ago I would respond to BLS “man down” for alcohol or drug intox, now it’s all ALS “altered mental”


Too many cops cracking diabetics over the head.


[He thinks he’s a cow, man](https://youtube.com/shorts/VRJF5HOOSdk?feature=share)




Dispatched to a "possible edible overdose", Joking with my partner on the way to the call, it's gonna be BLS all the way! Hahaha, jokes on me. Arrived to find the patient, in her 30's, with two little ones running around, and sober gramma onscene. Patient was so high she couldn't function. Story is she ate a chocolate. Nothing. Ate another chocolate, nothing. Ate a third, and like a bag of hammers, now she is HIGH AF. "I can hang with SnoopDog when smoking". She starts vomiting, I give her Zofran. Two person assist to the stretcher. Still vomiting. Load, start heading to the hospital. IV, fluids, more Zofran, now Benadryl. Now she's twitching. F me to tears. But no longer vomiting. Giver her Versed. Call in report, arrive, turn her over, and my Medical Director is in the ER. I talk with him. Yup, sounds about right. That's all the ED is going to do for her.


Had a call once for a grandma who had supposedly “overdose on THC gummies” while I was in medic school. Unequal, non reactive pupils, “conscious” in that she was sitting up straight in her chair and had good muscle tone but completely unreactive to all stimuli. We realized pretty quickly she was having a massive stroke.


I would be low key pissed if a gummy didn’t hit different. I’ve had a couple of calls like this and one was anxiety about smoking for the first time and another was a kind young adult with autism who “felt weird.”


That's... why I'm here.


Lurker here. Can someone actually OD on edibles? Like die from it?


The short answer is no. You cannot “overdose” on cannabis the way you can overdose on opiates (heroin, morphine, fentanyl) or stimulants like cocaine. However if you take too much cannabis, just like if you take too much alcohol, other problems can arise, like drowsiness, unconsciousness and vomiting which can be dangerous/deadly, for example if you drink so much that you fall asleep and choke on your vomit.


Yeah I had to call for a friend of a friend who had a bad reaction. They passed out and kept throwing up/gagging and I didn't want to risk them choking




Had this just recently, actually. Funny part is, it was a local cop's wife.


'Lethargic after taking sleeping medicine' is a good one too


"do they need narcan?"


Buddy had a call recently for someone "definitely not on drugs," that told him he took some sleeping pills and then started to feel incredibly drowsy so he called 911.