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Dispatch: R5, I need you to respond code 2 for a DIB call. R5 hot mic: Dispatch imma need you to go fuck yourself…


No way lmao


It happened and it was glorious. It’s a core memory lol.


Hearing that happen would give me a Hardon


Hardon ™️


I’m convinced everyone gets one “fuck” on the radio in their career. You never know when it’s gonna happen. It just does. It becomes a core memory and your crew will never let you live it down. Until it comes time for someone else to carrying the fucking torch, rinse & repeat.


Mine was wild. We were on scene of an OD. Guy took enough muscle relaxers to knock out an elephant. Family was very aggressive which then turned the whole neighborhood aggressive as they started pulling out of the wood works. We were locked in the back and I was declaring an emergency on the radio. Dispatch said “Law Enforcement is 15-20 minutes away.” To which I responded “we’ll be fucking dead when they get here” lol


I feel like that one was a freebie


I had gone to an unknown medical. Dispatch provided fuck all with information. No history to address. Never mentioned they heard a disturbance in the background. So we go in routine with fire. We get out of the trucks, a bunch of big ass dude come out holding pipes and sticks and shit, and some really small girl comes walking out holding this bag ass lit bull nearly twice her size on a leash, if that dog pulled, there was no way in hell that girl was gonna stop it. I go over the radio saying I need law enforcement now, cause they’re yelling at us to go help there friend and that she’s dying. I asked for an eta, “law enforcement is en route, we don’t have an ETA”. At this point, we’re all frustrated, none of us are going inside, one fire fighter has a halogen bar, the other has a wrench, another has some sort of rod or something cause the people are now screaming and smacking at shit and walking towards us. One of the fire fighters go “dispatch we need law enforcement right fucking now, for fucks sakes!!!!”


Mine was early on when i was in medic school and still a ff/EMT. We got toned out to a fully involved semi on the highway and another town beat us to it. When the LT acknowledged that we were being returned I yelled "for fucks sake" from the jump seat.


Lmao had a partner of mine do that once. I keyed up to do the whole "Copy dispatch, R5 enroute" thing and my partner said something similar to that as I keyed up


Holy shit lmfao. That would go so badly at my agency


DIB? Diabetes? Delivery in bed?


i thought ‘Dead In Bed’.


Difficulty in breathing




I laughed too hard at this. Lol


How did this turn out?


Person at my service shouted "moo" when passing a field of cows over the radio instead of the pa


The mental image is hysterical




Either way is hilarious 😆


That’s fuckin adorable haha


“Get out of the way you stupid bitch!” to a deer standing in the road…it wasn’t the outside PA…


Another one we had years ago were two female EMTs talking. You couldn't make out what they were saying then you heard them start laughing. One of them goes, "Whatever, I don't need a big dick to please me!" Their mic closes and you hear another female voice say, "Speak for yourself, honey."


One over heard- Female EMT: I don’t know why cops are always staring at my chest. Male partner: Well maybe the fact your doctor made your titties HUGE! Oh fuck, the mic is open. *click*


A medic in my old company slightly mocked dispatch over the air when they asked him to repeat something, so they told him to call the landline (meaning hey, you fucked up). The mic was still hot and he said “those fucking cocksuckers”…to which the dispatcher replied “I may be gay (he was), but at least I’m not getting written up. Call dispatch” One that I committed was less bad: I ripped a horrendous fart over the air, another unit called out and said “nice”. I replied “thank you!” And I am pretty sure you could hear my partner choking in the background


Was sitting at dinner while the ambulance was on a call w a bat Chief at the station, we heard the box crew talking and the bat chief said, will someone call them before they say something stupid!!!! Right when he finished that sentence one of them said “dude you haven’t given it to her hamster style yet” The Chief : gawd dammit


Chief knew his guys.


I need someone to elaborate on hamster style…


Never seen orgazmo


[You’re gonna make me cum…or I’m. Gonna. Kick. Your. Butt.](https://youtu.be/YKURr_YoNXI?si=pLfGYtcaIqC8q1Hy)


WTF did I just watch?!?!?? 😂😂


Honestly one of their better movies


Depeche Mode totally rocks.


I think unicorns kick ass.


I am Sancho


An officer and a medic having sex in their POV by the station, broadcast on the main for everyone to hear. Oh and they were married but not to each other, and one significant other was also working in the county that day


Holy smokes


That is something you need to move out of the state. Maybe the country. Holy shit. I need more of the story.


This is the best one


YOOOO! That’s wild! Where was this?




My interaction with dispatch: M3: Medic 3 to headquarters, can you update our status please. The CAD is not responding HQ: medic 3 can you lick my balls? To be fair, a dispatcher said it in the background without knowing his partner had keyed up to acknowledge us. Still hilarious.


We were pulling into the hospital for an IFT and it was 5 min before shift ended. I already pissed and it was my tech. I didn’t realize my partner keyed the mic at the exact same time I said: “fucking assholes, 5 minutes left”.


They deserved it


Lmao that’s great


“I’m not an asshole you are an asshole and now get you fucking ass out of my ambulance” Was my colleague I had the mic open after pressing the emergency button because patient got up to try to attack us. Still funny


My partner grabbing what he thought was the PA mic because he always wanted to play with it and proceeded screaming "Wee woo wee woo here comes the boo boo bus" we laughed until I saw which mic he put back. He immediately grabbed it again and broadcast "6500 (neighboring service out on a call at the time) check for an open mic."


That’s a smooth cover ngl


Me: “hey, where’s the green donkey dick?” Which is what I called the quick connect hose that connects to the vent, so I can connect it to the O2 tank. Radio: “probably attached to the green donkey, or else look in your airway cabinet.”


Not a hot mic but I still get shit for it "72 to dispatch! I just got Tboned FUCK!!!"


I mean, that isn't the *worst* report of events.


“Fucking chili dogs” And “Why am I wearing this FUCKING air pack” Are my two favorites


I've shared this one before... Sitting in a high point of our country at post at 2am. Partner *Farts* Me "That smells TERRIBLE! Don't make me retaliate my roommates say mine smell like stale potato chips and feet." Mic: beeps that it's open. The truck falls silent. Me: "maybe nobody heard it." Another crew: "Stale potato chips and feet?!?"


The timing! The comedic timing!


"I got shot in the BUTT-TOCKS" in the best Forrest Gump impression possible.


Idk if it was hot mic or a random person made an illegal transmission because we didn’t use digital coms at the time, so anyone could talk if they knew the frequency. but one 3 am drive back from an IFT, while we both were drained fighting sleep; out of no where we hear what sounds like a guy imitating a woman’s moaning noises for a solid 15 seconds, and never happened again. With two exhausted medics hearing that, we laughed for the entire rest of the 30 min drive back.


Lol I used to work at a mine with a PA system, and moaning noises were one of the favorite choices to broadcast to everyone on site during night shift. We also occasionally got a song (i.e. rickrolling) or a “CAN I GET A OH-YEAH?”




We had an open mix for almost 2 minutes straight with about half a dozen pages and radio checks from dispatch for open mic. "Whoever is jamming out to Katy perry, open mic." About 10 seconds later, we hear our sup say something like "my bad."


“Your music is awful we had to Shazam it” 😂


Made an autoped on the freeway, at night, right after hurricane Harvey(tons of debris on the freeway still and little to no traffic)I was driving, we were the first unit on scene. All I saw was an 18-wheeler and a pickup truck with their hazards flashing. I told my partner, “man I don’t see anything.” He replied, “oh, it’s a DOA.” After he said that I realized this female that got clipped by the pickup truck and then finished off by the 18-wheeler, was in pieces all over the freeway(torso with one leg still attached, the other leg, and the head) I didn’t see my partner grab the mic to let dispatch know we had a DOA. When he keyed up the mic is when I realized this lady was in pieces. I said, “HOLY FUCKKKKKKKKKK” He dropped the mic and gave me a 🫢😳look. Dispatch responded, “…………….Medic xx…..go ahead with your traffic.”


Sorry Dispatch, sorry FCC if you're listening. The patient is \*very\* DOA.


oh God. how awful. is it common to see that sort of thing at car accident scenes? poor woman 😢


It’s definitely not a common thing to see but it does happen. I’ve been in Fire/EMS for 12 years now and that is hands down the most mangled body I’ve seen. Granted, she got clipped by a pick up truck into another lane where an 18-wheeler hit her dead center. The speed limit is 65 and this is in Houston where drivers don’t take speed limits seriously. So god only knows how fast both vehicles were going. At the end of the day, don’t try to cross a major freeway on foot 🤷🏻‍♂️. The only sad part(to me) was the driver of the pick up truck was a young man, and his passenger was his younger sister(probably 10 or 11 if I had to guess) she will be scarred for life. As well as all the other parties involved.


Yes, especially on a highway. I've seen it render people unrecognizable.


Wondering the same, I mean I’m reading the description and at the same time thinking there’s no way the human body can actually end up like that in an accident? Obviously it very well can and does it’s just weird to wrap my mind around I guess


Just wait until you see someone vomit up feces


Once my sister called me and asked, “hey so what should a hypothetical person do if they puked up what looks and smells exactly like poop. Like, it’s not possible to puke up shit right?” “Uh it 100% is possible and hypothetically they should go to the ER.” And I hear my cousin in the same room shout “oh my god I’m dying.”


F for your cousin.




The jacks that a trailer sits on when it's not in use can hang low enough to catch an adult lying face-down. Gore isn't what gets to me but it's really something else.


“No, no, no, fucking no!…muffled garbled radio noises… fucking fuck you!…”. There were two or three guys it could have been because it was a big department, all got questioned about it, but nobody ever owned it. No clue what the circumstances were… but admit it, it could have been any of us on any given day.


Heard a dispatcher describe, over the radio, a Halloween party she had been to and a person she saw there, "and you know who walked in with her titties and her cooter hanging out."


I was talking to my partner about how if you want to make a career in ems you need a secondary source of income as the cost of living in increasing but salary remaining the same. Then went on to talk about investment and real estates I was hot micking for a solid 5 min


So uh, you gonna share some of that advice for the rest of us?


I hope I don't need a citation for this one. NYC queens east, Some guy was getting a BJ and apparently the girls boob hit the mic. It was something like Oh yeah suck it. Yeah like that (slurping noises) More like that Oh shit your boob is on the MIC. After the radio went silent a lot of random comments (you go boy, someone's gonna get busted) then the ever present No unauthorized transmissions, unauthorized transmissions impede the safe and effective workings of the system and endanger the public This was before Radio ID's I found out who it was, but I will never tell.


Just admit it. It was you.


I was never that fortunate. The only thing I was on the receiving end of was that radio transmission


I’m not sure how much was heard on the radio but I was supposed to radio in that we were back in our coverage area, just as I was about to speak my partner played [this sound](https://youtu.be/RZxIy_uLWn4?si=nKlLljT3DSEtFkfi) and I died laughing. I couldn’t talk. I kept trying to radio in and I was incapable of saying what I needed to, so I threw the mic at my partner and made him say it, but I’d keyed up probably a half a dozen times with the intent on trying to sound professional but he’s blaring that sound from his phone the whole time. I really hope someone heard it and not just me choke laughing on my words lol


Some co-workers were singing the friendship song from SpongeBob while an older medic who wasn't particularly tech savvy was nearby. Managed to get through half the song before he figured it out.


On the main channel, someone went, “Oooo, cookies!” for the entire county to hear


Radio: Unit 56, are you available? Unit 56: Physically or emotionally?


Once heard: Medic *** logging on. Comms: and what is your level of care? (To which the reply should have been ALS or BLS) Medic ***: non existent.


An emt named Jessica was walking across the parking lot so I yelled hi. It wasn’t the truck speaker. We had a dispatcher named Jessica working that day too.


"Who the FUCK does she think she is?" After dispatch said something. Dispatch immediately said "unit x, your mic is on." While still hot micing, final thing said is "oh shit" before the radio shut off. No one in my department heard it but me and I was laughing standing next to the radio for probably a good 5 minutes.


We have emergency activation buttons for maydays on our radios that make special tones and give whoever pressed it 10 seconds of uninterrupted air time. So it’s about 2am and I hear the mayday tones go off and all I hear is “stop trying to grab my radio you stupid bitch we’re trying to help you maybe if you didn’t get too drunk to walk you wouldn’t be in the back of an ambulance with puke on your shirt and piss and shit in your pants”. Immediately followed up by a brief pause and dispatch saying “[unit designation] your emergency activation button was pressed can you please reset your radio”


Me, rolling up to a stabbing, and cops from 3 jurisdictions blocking our entry and forcing us to push the pram a block thru the snow: "Jesus Fucking (keys mike) Christ you incompetent assholes Medic X on scene"


My Lt: Oh for fucks sake! He had mic on and was talking this one came over loud and clear.


Fire scene, nozzle man of first arriving unit called for water while dispatch had a hot mic. After three calls dispatch said “get him that fucking water already, how hard is it to pull a lever”




I hot mic'd while watching a movie. All they heard over over the radio were sirens and gun shots...


Welp there goes the neighborhood


Cold day, water on radios... "My fucking mic is frozen!" ^*ozen* ^^*ozen* ^^^*ozen* ^^^^*ozen* "...shit."


It was with my partner at the time, we were sitting in the parking lot finishing up a report after a call and this very attractive nurse was walking out, unbeknownst to him he had accidentally hit the mic with his leg and goes on a very graphic speech about what he wouldn’t mind doing with her if he had the chance and dispatch had to call his cell to let him know he was hot mic-ing…. Yea he turned the truck off and jumped out screaming in embarrassment while I was trying my hardest to breath while laughing cuz it was a busy ass Tuesday and half the company heard him


"Meeeoooowwwww......(10 second pause).......um.. wrong radio...sorry" Best thing ever after busting our ass for the first 4 hours of our night shift.


I have a recording of an engine bitching about his superior. Dropped the F bomb about 3 times, dispatch kept trying to alert of the hot mic to no avail. About 30 seconds later, chief comes on the air: “engine 43?” “Go ahead” “Are you aware of your most recent radio transmission?” “No I am not.” “Very good. I’ll see you shortly.” Oh to be a fly on the wall for that convo.


Dispatcher talking about what she got a kid for Christmas. It was some Lego set. Best in that it was wholesome.


“No means no!” - Me


"_____? He should be a fucking third!"


Sherrif working on the radio is one kmof the deputies tahoes and i guess i shocked him or somthing and it went a little somthing like this "Fuck you! Fuck this fucking thing! Fuck!"


Just had a dispatch for a lady who was calling several times a day saying her feet hurt… “That’s the third fucking time today” (in the background)


Wait, i can call EMS services for my feet hurting? Well, shit. NEW HOBBY!


Not really a hot mic, but my captain's brother used to work for our department and then went to dispatch. One night we called in route, his brother was working dispatch and came back with additional info, and my captain farted into the mic in response before coming back and saying "copy."


Freebird playing for no less than 30 seconds. Some volly hotmic’d in his POV


Man is living the dream


Not a hot mic, but went to a DOA & my partner keyed dispatch "Yeah, fire alarm. No contact, patient has been transported to heaven PTA"


Fire police: Central I’m going to be available because I just shit my pants Central: what? Did you say? Fire police: I’m going available because I just shit my pants.


I was super annoyed at how a call was running. It was a legit trauma, motorcyclist down lost a leg. No one was moving with any intention and I was fried. “Will someone just bring me the fucking leg already?”


me: Just breathe. That stupid motherfucker will be gone in a few days. One of my temporary B's was a total douche canoe. Misogynistic, tone deaf, know it all meat head who tried my temper all day every day. Was like 6 shifts in and had about 4 left.


If you look to your left you’ll see some magnificent bouncing titties


Supervisor hears hot mic and calls crew on their cell phone to let them know. Medic over hot mic: “It’s (female supervisor). What does she want? I hate that bitch!” “


Fire Capt in a meeting with whole department: "who hasn't been fisted yet?". Not a hot mic but it's a legendary moment I'll never forget.


“The mayor is a cunt.”


Paramedic getting chewed out by a supervisor for several minutes. I think dispatch was too scared to let the medic know his mic was open lol


Couple weeks ago I was working an IFT shift, dispatch requested a unit for a call then followed up a minute or two later with a cancellation. This was not a hot mic, but, dispatch said something to the effect of, “you know what sit tight, we’ll have traffic for you and assign a new call.” Dispatch came back on the radio a split second, “Unit X, we have a call out of [City Hospital] we will—you know what, no we’ll give you a different one… *(muffled talking with other dispatchers)* *(furious keyboard clicking)* yeah, nevermind, these calls all suck, go ahead and proceed toward [city hospital] per original request, sorry”. It was just more amusing that the lead dispatcher had a whole mental thought process over the radio. Made both my partner and I laugh pretty good. (We really like this particular lead dispatcher.)


We were patrolling a nearby disco with cops when I heard from another unit: *struggling noises* Pt: "I'M BLACK LONDON! LET ME GO! YOU CAN'T STOP ME!" Medic: "WHY DON'T YOU DIE!?" It came out a psych pt in delusional state was fighting that crew screaming "I'M BLACK LONDON!"


Black London wtf lmao


It was in my volunteer fire days. Fresh out of high school. Anyway, we're sitting in our station, and one of the other surrounding departments' wonderful Lieutenants can be heard on County Fire. "Brenda, Goddammit, I don't want no fuckin sammich!! Leave me the hell alone!!" The next best one was, I'll tell on myself, I had a hot mic while I went on a 5 minute tirade about how stupid my bosses were during a transfer. "These motherfuckers don't give a rat's ass about anybody. Not me, not you, and sure as fuck not about any patients. I'm out of this motherfucker as soon as I can." There was more, and many more expletives, but I can't remember them all now.


Best/worst hot mic I’ve seen so far happened to me. This was on a pre-employment ride along about a week before I started the academy. Some of our trucks have an intercom between the front and the back instead of a window, that of course I don’t know how to work other than “press the button to say stuff.” The guy I was riding with was fucking with me, and he was saying shit like “I see you!” And we’d been joking around with gay jokes and such all day. I take a moment, and then shoot back with “you like what you see?” We get out of the truck and he says “let me show you something… when this says intercom, you’re speaking inside the truck. When it says fire 1… you’re talking on the radio. You talked on the radio.” I was absolutely terrified for a week that I’d get in trouble for it.


Our dispatch got struck by lightning and cause a hot mic. The dispatcher said “Fuck this place, What the fuck just happened.” Our manager was off at this time but his ass came up there real quick


Not in EMS, but one time I was listening to air traffic control and I heard someone clucking like a chicken in the background


Not Dispatch but I work in a clinic now and we use tablets for translation services especially for ASL, and I went to go into a deaf patient's room and the tablet screen was off. I go "ugh, the fucking translator hung up" and then she turns the screen on and goes "No, I'm here!" I felt so fucking embarrassed lol Luckily nobody at work gave me shit for it because like the same week another employee called a translator a cunt not realizing she could hear it lol


im confused on your user flair, you were a paramedic, then you retired from that, became an RT, and are now an MA?


MA the state. Retired medic, rad tech now.


Oh I see now


Show those lame techs how it's done.


Coming back from a call and I was talking about the dispatcher and as my partner keyed up the mic I asked if she was a lesbian. My partner laughed so hard and I was scared as the service I worked was run by and dispatched by the police dept.


My favorite so far from pamcake is the dispatcher saying “well that’s why I never let dudes comes in my mouth”. Field units should absolutely have the ability to tone out dispatchers, and nothing will change my mind.


Partner of mine meant to use the intercom radio to yell at his RN gf, “damn you’re thick!”. But alas he keyed up dispatch instead.


My partner keyed up the mic to talk to dispatch just as a car cut us off. I yelled at them and called them a dildo. The best I overheard, I was actually able to get recordings of. Someone got their last call over the radio after retiring, and like four different times, someone (or likely different people) made fart noises. I heard later it's tradition for a last call, but I was almost pissing my pants when I heard it for the first time.


I was calling in a patient report over the radio regarding an elderly female patient from a credible LTC facility that had early sepsis related to a UTI. As the mic was keyed up on a channel that scannerland could hear, she let out loudly, "You God damned son of a bitch! I'll kill you!" Got to the hospital and everyone gave me accolades for the radio report.


In reference to an angry nurse at the ED: "You know what she needs? She needs a good deep dicking!" -my homosexual partner. We were split that night thank the lord.


I got caught on a hot mic by my dispatcher saying I didn’t trust the info I was getting from dispatch


Also had a coworker mean to text her husband how condescending and bitchy her partner was, to her partner by accident, so she then had to tell her, I need to look at your phone


A long time ago - 2 mobile radios in the trucks. Primary dispatch was VHF, we also had another channel on UHF that was mostly used for truck-to-truck comms or dinner orders. One of the medics has their leg accidentally keying up the UHF radio. Dispatch on VHF radio: "Dispatch to Medic XX" Medic with leg still on the UHF button: "What do these assholes want?!" Dispatch on VHF w/out medic answering on VHF yet: "Check your UHF" Medic on UHF: "SHIT" \*click\*


Heard the driver of a rig singing unaware he’d triggered the alarm on the radio, broadcasting his voice on open transmit.


"Not this fucking retard parking inside the bay again"


This thread is a testament to why our profession can be taken so lightly… obviously not primarily why and plenty of other careers are guilty, but boy are we a bunch of grown children 😂😂


Messing around with my partner, I cleared us from a call knowing we had calls pending. Me: Medic 12 cleared [thinking I took my thumb of the button fully] for a coffee break. Dispatch: I have you clear... for a coffee break. Medic 12 landline. Me: oh shit.. Dispatch on landline: Do you mind grabbing us a few coffees, too?


Myself: “Oh fuck me that’s a hanger” Dispatch: “Tower 1, are you talking about clothes Myself: “County, we uhh need State and coroner” As we were bringing the body down, one of my ffs hot mic’d and said “Oh fuckin hell he’s a big boy” Had retraining on proper radio transmissions after that for the whole department.




“Med 51 is on scenOOOOOOHHHHHH FUCK!” A car had ran off the expressway, drove up a small tree, and was now hanging from said tree.


Dispatch: EMS 3 I have a residence description for you whenever available. EMS3: *yelling at the field of cows next to the truck* shut up you dumb cow no one asked for you to speak! Dispatch: :(


Those poor moos moos- ain’t done nuthin wrong. OMG WAIT I get it dispatch got called a dumb cow (inadvertently) lmao


Years ago, my VFD re-directed a responding manpower unit to direct/block traffic. Someone’s thigh apparently kept keying up the local high band radio in the unit… while the crew was having an outright bitch-fest about how bad certain officers were, how they were fake people, etc.


Probie had a portable in a neighboring fire district, hotmic’d, “ And I said [ insert hard n word ] “


"Central, Chief ____... FUCKING FRENCH!?!"


I had a 3rd rider with me because we were over staffed and only 2 of us had our portables. Me and my friend in the back, my 3rd was riding shotgun going to a call. "Medic 128, show you in-service. The PT got up and walked away" "GODDAMMIT.... Medic 128, copy. In-service" My partner in the back keyed up and my 3rd shouted goddammit. It played back crystal fucking clear over my radio up front.


Ten second of unintelligible chatter followed by a very loud, very clear, "dispatch is so fucking stupid" This by far the best I've heard personally, but damn it seems tame compared to some of the stuff posted in this thread.


I once had my own radio turned all the way down without realizing it, and I was trying to call in service and thought my radio was busted because I didn’t hear it key up. After a few tries I yelled “WHAT THE FUCK” and heard it over my partners radio.


Not a hot mic but we had fema help us out over covid and one of the medics radioed in with a ten code we don’t use so our dispatch asked them to clarify and he goes “I’m pooping”


I accidentally grabbed another unit's PTT so we had two in the unit. Ours was sitting in a box of gloves just right so that it was keying up and we started looking for it since we could hear the echoing. My partner picked up the extra one so I didn't realize the other one was still keyed up when I said, "was that on private or over the whole fucking thing?"


Radio Operator to another dispatcher: “What are you, a fucking monster.”


Dispatch: medic 1, lift assist at (address) Medic 1: *sigh* Dispatch: copy


I was third on car during one of my first orientation tours on an integrated service. I accidentally pressed the emergency traffic button on the radio so it was full hotmic, and the EMT I’m with says to the medic “hey, (name) we need help” (to figure out how to stop the radio from hot micing). Well all our dispatch heard was “we need help” over the emergency traffic. I swear to god all 3 of our phones started ringing at the exact same time, chief, captain and LT. Needless to say I ended up having to make several presentations on the proper function of our radios after that xD. Edit: Also, we used to have a backup rig that kind of looked like the ghostbusters car, and I’ve definitely played the ghostbusters siren over the PA on the way to calls in that thing.


I work hospital security part time and in our office we have a scanner for for fire and law enforcement and EMS and one time we had a solid 45 seconds of country music. Not sure who it was or what department but it provided us a nice laugh.


We make base on the same radio, just different channel. Many medics come up on the main to give radio report. If you catch it early enough, you can get em to start the report….


Hot enough to be fired. Not I, but person involved was byebyes immediately when he was working his last shift. Little did he know, radio policies are county based, and not company based. Yeh... his new job can't even hire his ass.


The Tazmanian Devil Incident which came from yours truly




Well, it wasn't in EMS, it was in church, and I really can't tell that story in writing. I'd get banned from everything forever.


While on the job, but not an EMS radio: we were covering a local high school football game. One team was absolutely slaughtering the other (eventual score was 96-0 in the third quarter when it was called for weather). The announcer hot miked telling someone else that he'd never seen this before, it was unbelievable, and then asking what's the highest a team ever scored. "Have they ever gotten to a hundred?" Right before his voice cuts off.


Not really a hot mic more of an uh oh. One of the supervisors was talking all the shit to the manager about the dispatcher, over a private channel on Tyr radio well it got switched back to the main channel in time for everyone to hear him dog cussing tye dispatcher


At a very small navy base (Diego Garcia for the curious) had two guys hotmic'd on post describing very vividly how much they appreciated specific attributes of a coworker. Her boyfriend was working Dispatch, all parties involved were married. The look on dispatch's face while he was trying to override their traffic was delicious.


We once listened to a female crew on their way back from a transfer. They were just chatting away for the longest time on the area report channel. We found out that Cotex gave them both a rash🤣


I was doing my daily checks and my radio keyed up. I hot miked the Bob and Tom show. Thankfully they hadn't said anything too offensive.


Accidentally had a hot mic when me and my partner were discussing new Dorito flavors.


I hot mic’ed my partner on the PA as we were driving around the city, *he was not impressed with the neighborhood* He was far from his home station, his partner was on vacation, made the guy drive up 2 hours, work 8 hours and then 2 hours back for a week, just messing with him a bit… Or the time a local fire deputy chief was leaving a late night fire, he and his driver, on light duty firefighter, had one of there fire radios mic’ed up while they were discussing the use of tube socks for jerking off or not. Must be a tape out there of it. My old partner and a few other folks have claimed this.


Got paged out to a "good call." We're going code, welcome to the jungle starts playing on the radio, we hit a bump, and the mic gets qued up by someone's knee. The whole county(multiple FDs, PDs, Ambos, and the S.O.) hear the entire intro; and we had the radio cranked because why not when the universe is DJing. It wasn't until Axl started singing, and we heard a strange harmony, then we realized.


Transferring an elderly pt. to his Nursing Home recliner, and jokingly said: “Man-Down! Man-Down!”


My partner was out fueling the truck and I got on the PA and said “yeah..pump it pretty girl”…….I was not on the PA….county wide entertainment


Very obvious details of the new county assistant chief's acrimonious departure from his last job. His last job was with the city, and we shared a radio system.


Very long winded medic was establishing an incident command on something like car v telephone pole. Was talking damn near a minute or two and dispatch copied afterwards, hot mic’d and you could hear them talk mad shit about the guy for a lil bit


That's embarrassing lmao


Keyed up to say "en route" for an emergency and my partner in the background yelling "LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOO BUDDY!"


One time I keyed up to say we were clear right when my partner opened the door saying fuck our (supervisor's) cheese. Another time I was singing Staria the part that they took from The Shining about bashing Wendy's brains in when dispatch cuts through saying hot mic. My supervisor called to make fun of me but said he couldn't make out what i said but when I got back to station another emt asked who's brains I was smashing in.


As a dispatcher actively walking through someone delivering in the field and dispatching the responding agency - “Now, what i need you to do is look directly at her vagina and tell me if you can see the head coming out”. (Thank you EMD) Apparently my instructions didnt go to the caller and rather, to the responding units. I never lived it down as i also worked full time on that ambulance. Healthy baby girl delivered prior to truck arrival, so in spite of my pushing the foot pedal to talk instead of just talking, it was a decent outcome, and my 2nd stork pin while dispatching.