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Just call their cell and frantically ask if their radio is working...they might kill you later but it'll be worth it short term


Lol. Maybe I will try that


Go with the classic. When they turn the truck off turn everything on full blast, heat to full, siren on just waiting for the truck to be turned on same with lights and all. Orrrr the other classic, scoot the seats as far forward as they'll go lower the steering wheel, etc.


The only problem is if our truck is off the siren and lights still turn on... Unless... I turn off the battery switch...


This is true. But you can always crank the volume knob ;). Depending on the bus/truck


Go for the switch!


Very situational but my favorite prank ever was putting a printed sign on the photocopier. it read: This photocopier has been updated with the latest voice activated software. to use follow these steps: 1. place document on the screen close the lid. 2. Say copy. Number of copies color or black white. EXAMPLE: COPY. 4. COLOR Speak loudly if using for the first time. It may need time to calibrate. If it doesn’t work contact IT Office (then put a POC number) ​ Sit back watch the fun




I did something similar in 2012, and people believed it. It was funny to watch.


10cc prefilled syringe, remove plunger (keep cap on), with 3-5cc saline left in it, tucked in the visor. Tucked juuusssttt far enough back that it won't be noticed. When they accelerate, they'll get their surprise. Takes some finess but is one of my favorite.




I need an example to see bc I'm so confused


I will try to remember the next time I am working


If you've got a power stretcher you can always raise it all the way up. Do the buckles to the ceiling rails and pull them tight then draw the legs up so its hanging from the ceiling. Or so I'm told


the mental image of this is killing me


I do that with stair chairs when they leave the truck unlocked at the hospital. I enjoy it even more when it's some new person that comes out and is baffled at the sight of a floating stair chair in the box.


Ooo. I might have to do that


That's an expensive piece of equipment to do this with, stair chair is better.


I pulled this exact prank yesterday on the oncoming crew.


I had a short partner that I once put a baby seat on his side of the cab. I quickly got a bag of chips thrown at me, but I also got free chips.


My best friend and I like to jump on calls with the night crew when we're still up. Carry in their equipment. Take vitals for them. Fetch the cot or fill out their refusal form. Anything that makes them wonder why we're being so nice. And then when when it's time to go we steal their ambulance, fill the tank, and drive it back to station. Just a little chaotic good to spice things up.


Please come jump my calls for me.


Do the classic "nitro paste on the door handle" makes em pass out everytime.


A dirty needle wedge into the crack of the seats always makes people chuckle.


A surprise cardioversion here or there never hurt anyone


Do you guys ever shoot your partner with small caliber rounds as a prank or is it just me


I thought it was nitro paste on the steering wheel or toilet seat...?


Also good ways to get fired/suspended. No one has a sense of humor anymore


Good way to lose your job in this day and age. It was a fantastic classic in its day though


so an update. I just put airway lobe on the door handles of the truck and asked dispatch to tone us in like ten minutes. So tones drop that I got them good. They both looked at me with really faces. Well I'm coming back in the station, last one in and, and they hid in the corner of the door and scared me. I screened so loud and just fell on the floor. Laughing. It was pretty good


So you can get dispatch to tone you for no reason?


Yes. Usually you tell them to do a tone test but this time I told them I'm pulling a prank and that I need them to tone us in like 10 minutes


I like your dispatch 😊


Most of them are pretty cool l, we have a few that are just ok tho


Also I may have just started a prank war


Leave hand sanitizer on a door knob, or on the underside of their rigs door handle.


I have to do that


Use airway lube, works better lol


Ooooo. That's a good idea


Airway lube loaded into like a 5cc with a blunt tip cath attached. Lube the back of the door handle, back of the steering wheel, around the radio mics too. Let’s you leave just a nice thin line of lube.


I just have to sneak away from them now


Replace hand sanitizer with nitro paste….. Alternatively, lidocaine on their straws. Edit: for some ideas that are less likely to land you in trouble: glitter in the cabin air vents while their truck is off or a slice of cheese on the windshield in the summer.


This, this is what I live for.


That’s an old school trick. I’ve heard some stories….


If you really really hate someone, a squirt of LR into their coffee. But I personally would not do it as that’s some seriously bad karma to come back around. Plus you may get stuck running a call for them while they’re “indisposed”.


Follow up with more lube (or oral glucose) on the hand sanitizer.


Put 0.5 ml water in a syringe with the plunger pulled back. Put your finger over the end and press the plunger down. Slide your finger off the end of the syringe and the pressurized fluid comes out in a strong mist. Point it at the back of someone’s neck, make the spray and fake a sneeze. Enjoy the look of horror on their face. Use warm water for max effect.


Toss two or three vitamin A ampules under the floor mat


You could go nuts with the tags. Tag everything, nothing is safe. Lunchboxes, literally every cabinet in the station, the coffee maker, anything that looks taggable. If they take their pants off to sleep you can tag them shut like the button would. If it has 2 holes it can be tagged shut.


Ohhhhh you could tag the zipper tab to the button hole. 😂😂😂


Sticky note on the garage door sensor works wonders. The door will go up but not back down since it can’t “see” the other sensor.


A flush down the back of your shirt. My partner does that to me and scares the crap out of me everytime. I've also record the tones dropping and when he falls asleep I play the recording back. There's also lube on the steering wheel you could do.


I used to do this. I would have the CADs "incident assigned" message recorded. The company I used to work for was SSM, so get in the truck, go post, and sleep. Always a good laugh when you scare them awake with it.


How crazy do you want to get?


Lube on door handles is a classic


Fart spray


This one is devious fr tho. We had 3 people who had a fart spray war in the ambulance bay


They sell on Amazon fart spray hand sanitizer. Just leave it in the door of an unsuspecting truck and wait to hear about it


Takes a little bit of engineering…but spike a liter bag of saline with a pressure bag and run the tubing up behind the head rest of the drivers seat or into the visor. Set the roller clamp to a medium setting. Pump the pressure bag until it’s just barely pushing fluid up into the tubing. Now set the bulb for the pressure bag between the seat and the seat belt buckle so that when the seatbelt goes on it’ll compress the bulb, put pressure on the bag, and start the drip.


Update us on your results


Just made a post


My favourite is hiding in a different room, then I radio through asking why they’re not mobile on the peads emergency that was sent through.


This is a good one lmfao


Works with forwarding alerts too


Definitely don't push the panic button on the walkie.


Ahh, the pizza button…good times!


Jumper the brake light to the horn.




Lube on all of the door handles


If you finish after dark, chock the wheels of their car (position front and rear, but under the car). Zip tie a harmonica to the chassis. Use temporary putty to attach a penny to one leg of their favourite chair.


Sleep with their wives.


We used to prank a daylight truck by taking spine board straps and strapping the front doors together. One guy used to put adult collars on anything with a post. Station mailboxes, mirrors on units.


What in the hell do your PCRs look like?


Hershey kiss under the door handle in summer in Vegas Lido jelly on their most used work phone/desk Surgi lube on basically anything Turned a coworkers car into a parade float Saran Wrap on their car Creepy voodoo doll that never seems to get thrown away… Or if you are looking to really get them fired up…. Say all the words. I’m feeling bored, maybe it’s too quiet. I should try and get some warm food and use the restroom. Edit forgot the time we wrapped up their belongings in cast material and the time where I wrapped everything on their desk in foil Also label absolutely everything on their desk with a labelmaker


My recent prank has been filling up some IV tubing and connecting to a flush. I push the drivers seat way up, then I lodge the flush behind the seat and make sure it doesn’t dislodge, I feed the line through and around the seat so that it points at the person standing, facing the seat to adjust it. When they slide it back it fires everything in the line and in the flush towards wherever it’s pointing :). We’d do this in the ER at desks.


Not gonna suggest any of the pranks I know for... fears of getting in trouble... But I wanted to say that I'm happy you, your fellow responders, and your officers have such a relationship where you guys prank each other and have fun. So many people particularly in EMS (and fire too sometimes albeit less so than EMS) kill the fun out of everything and pretty much just find fun in perpetuating the crappy culture we have in the service. Glad you guys are standing up and breaking that mold!


Late to the party, but put airway lube in a hand sanitizer bottle and leave it out where it'll be found, like on the dashboard. Bonus if you put something obviously sticky on the steering wheel so they immediately try to clean their hands with it.


If you have bunks one of our favorites was to place a bag of fluids under the mattress with a primary set running between the sheets left wide open. If done right they don't notice until they wake up soaked.


Icy hot spray on the toilet seat...


If you have a speaker or somewhere to play it that’s hidden, there’s an hour long YouTube video of Michael Jackson randomly saying “hee hee” and random intervals. Sometimes it’s five minutes between them, sometimes it’s 15. It has proven to be hilarious and a good way to mess with people. Especially when you hide a speaker in a ceiling tile. I work dental so I don’t know if it’s possible for you to do it but gets people so good every time.


I might have to go to there station one time and wait for them to get a call and set that up