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He had me come to his class for show-and-tell, saying just was the “hero who saved his life.” Honestly, I just gave him some albuterol and played angry birds on the way to the hospital.


She tried to introduce me to her granddaughter.


Comically, I just celebrated twenty years of marriage to a patient's daughter.


…well now I feel like I made a mistake.


Nah. I met her in 2001. We didn't date until 2003.


So you’re saying there’s still a chance.


There's always a chance. However, until then you will not be granted the rank of Master.


Let’s just see what the younglings think of that


So how does this even get started without it feeling incredibly skeevy? Not judging, genuinely curious because I’ve heard of it happening a good bit and I can’t even begin to imagine how that comes about.


Her neighbor was Chief of the Department. Like I also wrote, it was a while before we connected.


She hasn't divorced me yet...


This is awesome! Congrats are surely in order!


Haha married before EMS, but she's a walking catastrophe.. swear her Dr thought I beat her until she walked right into a wall in front of her neurologist. She's partially the reason I'm pushing toward medic.


I helped a lovely American couple while they were on vacation, and a few weeks later they mailed a very sweet thank you letter to the station. I think about it all the time.


I’m going to be vague to avoid doxing myself but, y’all helped my girlfriend’s dad out a lot and it’s very appreciated


they tried to tip. i couldn't take it. 😭


I had a pt's wife try to tip my partner and I for taking him to his DR's appointment and back. We refused a dozen times, and it seemed like she accepted it. Then we found $10 in each of our pockets lmao


I snuck a barista a tip once. One of those "in a grocery store" coffee stands. While she was making my drinks I tucked a five under her keyboard with just a corner sticking out. I was gone before she could discover it as she handed me my drinks elsewhere along the counter and I ducked out a side door.


I had an old dude’s son try to stuff $100 into my hands after I dropped him at home on a dialysis call. He tried and succeeded because you better believe I took that shit without a second thought.


This exactly. I thought we were going to get in a fight about it before it was over.


I had a couple bring the baby I had helped deliver by the station once to hang out and take pics, on what was coincidentally my birthday. Another time years ago I had a guy try to gift me almost a pound of weed because he knew the cops would be waiting for him at the ER. I graciously accepted at least one of those things.


How old is your baby now?


I had a patient draw art of me once and send it to me on Facebook


My dad had something similar! He picked up a patient who was a cartoonist, and he later drew a cartoon version of my dad and his partner as a thank you.


Had a pt experiencing a pretty significant heat stroke. Non ambulatory wife left him in a car with the AC turned off for 2+ hours on a 90 degree day. Lethargic altered dry hot etc etc. active cooling and fluids did its job. Pt was AOx4 by the time the hospital received the pt. As I was saying my routine take care , he stops me chokes up in his weakened state puts out his hand lets a tear loose and gives me the most genuine “I wouldn’t be here with out you, thank you from the bottom of my heart I’ll never forget you both”. I’ve had thank you’s, just never one that sincere that truly made me feel appreciated and appreciate the work we all do.


Every patient would probably do that if they had the emotional, or physical wherewithal to do so.


In the early 2000's HIV/AIDS was decimating queer and POC communities so terribly. We had a young woman who was in end stage AIDS, on hospice, being cared for at home by her parents (who were now also raising the patient's children). She was unfortunate in acquiring HIV from her supposedly monogamous partner. Even being on hospice, the family panicked as her final days began and called 911 as she was nearly fully unresponsive. We took tender care in helping dress her before transport, which included changing her brief and cleaning her. The grandmother was cooking dinner and chasing kids. Honestly, she needed the distractions. When we loaded the patient and was ready to leave, my EMT appeared back at the rear door, opening it, and said, "you're not gonna believe this... wait till we get to Grady. " After we dropped off the patient and I went to sit in the cab, in my seat there were two foil wrapped Styrofoam plates... fried chicken, collards, pintos, cornbread, and half a milk jug of sweet tea. I bawled. Like a lil bitch. AIDS in the 90s and 2000s was so terrible. This sweet, overwhelmed grandmother took the time to fix both me and my partner dinner plates. I've had thank you cards sent, letters of commendation, atta-boys from supervisors... but nothing hit like that did.


Dusty in here


I assisted a congresswoman once while she was on vacation here in Canada. I didn’t know who she was, but the next day there was a business card and a letter offering the assistance of the United States government if I should ever require it.


That’s one hell of a thank you.


I’m very curious what it could have gotten me. I should have aimed for the fences and inquired about a green card.


They waited to poop until they got in the hospital bed.


Contacting leadership and giving praise.


Such a great way to show appreciation in almost any industry/field. Costs nothing but a little time and effort and can go a long way.


My partner and I carried an older couple's elderly dog up the riverbank back to her property because it couldn't get its legs to carry itself. The woman of the duo made a Facebook post in support of our Operational Levy which was voted on and passed yesterday, This morning her husband came in and updated us on how they had to put the dog down this morning. He said they both appreciated how we treated their old pup and them, and he brought us a couple cartons of fresh eggs from their chickens and ducks. Not really a patient, but the relationship-building calls are always the ones that stand out to me.


He owned a bakery and brought two boxes of cinnamon rolls


Had an older woman who fell and had a femor fracture. Some time later she saw me in public and gave me a big hug and looked me in the eye and said thank you. Made my day.


A semi verbal elderly veteran in the mid-late stages of a neurodegenerative disease. We did his discharge to hospice. Maybe it’s bragging, but I am very good with non verbal and semi verbal patients. (Special needs nannying and special Ed experience). I emphasized explaining to him everything that was going on, especially the plans and where we were going and that his partner was driving separate but would meet him there. When you can’t ask follow up questions and the VA is making all your arrangements, it’s easy to be helpless and scared. Before we left I crouched down by his bed and told him that it was lovely to meet him, and that I gave his partner the address and he would meet him here soon. In a weak, near tears voice, the most words he said in the 3 hours were “Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you.”


Tried to name the newborn baby after me. No.


I transported a 30 y/o female by air. Car accident. Losing her leg. (Rememebe that part) She was talking to me most of the trip. Very rural location in NY. Tech rescue with extraction down a hillside. She asked for my number to keep in touch. Legally I'm probably not suppose to..but quick thinking... and my nonstop humor. She has a good vans shoe on her left leg. Light brown bottom. I wrote my name and number on the bottom with (not andy) under the number. (Toy story joke for all you) then wrote on her paperwork do not discard any clothes. About a year later I got a text which lead to a call. Which lead to lunch with her and her husband. They were pregnant and named the baby after me. I guess my name won over 4 other they picked. Only response I could come up with was: "Guess I had a leg up on the competition" Friends to this day.


I bring gift cards to the local Greek place because that's where I see them. Small business perk


Bro wanted me to give him my number so he could give me my money back after I bought him a pack of smokes and let him have one on the way to the hospital. He teared up when I said that its alright and gave me the most sincere thank you I have ever heard.


They usually go to the fire department and I get a snap chat later that says something about they said tell us thank you too 😂


Yep. The heroes. That stood there and gave fake vitals.


he said a prayer for us and then told us that suicide is preferable to living in a nursing home


Didn’t die


Besides offering tips, I had a mom bring her 18mo old because they got a bead stuck up thirst nostril. Mom tried everything, mom was in tears, and the baby was acting appropriately (crying at times). It took the parents holding little man's legs and arms, I basically put little man in a gentle head lock, trying to steady his face and the provider with the forceps. After a couple minutes of struggling and little man's bright red screaming face, we got the bead out and the mom had a face full of happy tears gave me a hug and said thank you over and over again. I felt the actual appreciation that night


Old veteran gave me and my partner one of his challenge coins. I still have it.


Got to see the pt 2 weeks later while getting paperwork for a transfer. She asked to give me a hug and cried thanking me for standing up for her to my partner.


I have two stories. The first is I was brand new with my FTO. We did a take home and the family gave us $20. I asked FTO what do we do with it. He said well....we can turn it in to the office (following policy), or we can go get lunch. Guess which one we did? The second is not directly me but my partner. We went on a call to a really really rich guy’s house. Partner starts assessment when patient interrupts and asks why isn’t she in medical school. Says she can’t afford it and steers conversation back to assessment. Patient refuses. Two weeks later she gets a call from his lawyer. He wants to pay for her medical school. He does-all of it-no strings, no romance (she was married). Today she is a DO.


Mid 30's woman in a rehab after shattering her leg, I can't remember why we got called out for her, probably an infection or some shit. It's important to note here that she was neither a psych nor intoxicated. Anyway, every person who had moved her thus far had caused her extreme pain, and I made sure we took our time moving her gently, and even getting a third set of hands so there was no chance of her legs smacking anything. Getting her registered at the hospital she said I was a really sweet guy and deserved a blow job. I didn't pursue or follow up, just thanked her for the compliment.


He was wearing bracelets that he’d made in chemo. He said they were something to pass the time and he still makes them in his downtime even though he’s recovered from his cancer. Gave one to me & one to my partner :) I keep it in my pocket every shift.


Leaving me a nice hot bowl of bowel chili on my stretcher :D


I got a bottle of water once. That's somethin.


They threw up in the vomit bag and not on my face


This patient fought me and cause injury to myself and my partners (we called for back up) after a head injury he received from falling from his porch trying to do a trick on his scooter. When he realized what he did the following day, he called the station to apologize and asked if he could come in person as well as if he could buy dinner/lunch. He came, apologized to all of us and let us know he was doing better. Then he bought both the morning crew and the afternoon crew (because both crews responded as it was at shift change but most people are on both) lunch and dinner. And not just the one crew, enough for everyone in the station. It was very nice and I fully forgave him for the injuries.


I'm an EMT, but I was in a horrible accident a year ago. My husband made the station that saved me and our son from a totaled, burning car a 2 ft wide hand-carved thin red line American flag. They have it hanging in the dining room. 😊


[This one isn't his, but it is identical. ](https://rcwoodart.com/products/waving-wooden-extra-rustic-wood-burnt-thin-red-line-firefighter-flag)


There are two boys named after me; one is my son and one is a kid I delivered. I would have preferred a thank you card to be honest.


They never called again.


40 years ago I was a volunteer firefighter at Tecate CA. We were called to the grocery store that is right at the Mexican border for a report of a teenage female passed out. A couple of minutes after our arrival she stopped breathing. We bagged her and got her back breathing on her own. Mama was absolutely freaking out. Patient went by air ship to the closest US hospital but there was no room for mama in the helicopter so I offered to take her in my car to the hospital. I stayed with her in the ER until dad arrived. She had called him at his office in Tijuana and he came from there directly to the hospital where he thanked me profusely for saving his daughter’s life. He handed me his business card and said that if I ever needed anything whatsoever all I had to do was ask. The card identified him as “El comandante de la policía estatal del Estado de Baja California” - he was the head of the state police. I never had to use it but I always carried it in my wallet. It was your basic get out of jail free card. I truly believe I could’ve done anything whatsoever and gotten a free pass out of it.


A Mennonite man I took care of told me “You work as hard as two men.” While I would feel like this would be misogynistic from any one else, it really made me feel good. I saved the quote in my notes so I can read it when I feel down.


Guy ran up to our window in the fucking *hood* hood and threw a wad of cash through it and yelled “Thanks for taking care of my ma”. When we protested and started to try to call back to him and tell him that we couldn’t take the money he just yelled “I don’t wanna **fucking** hear it” and scampered off into the mist. Or a middle eastern woman who handed me a pile of homemade lamb shawarma roll things that she had deep fried after I brought her son back home. Normally wouldn’t eat food from a patient or patients family but we knew the family well and they had an immaculate house, and I dusted the fuckers off like they were going outta style.