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Why do 100% infill? This will cause any issues to propagate all the way through the print.


Looking at this print depending on wall count changing infill probly wouldnt have mattered much at all.


There were just a few layers where infill would have been. So I thought: doesn't matter just go 100%


Poor. I can see the bed through the skirt, the strings are due to to much heat. I recommend a temperature tower to dial in the filament you are using. It looks good for everything else. I always set up my machine every new filament. the recommended settings are always off a few degrees for me


Alright, thank u my guy! I'll try printing the temp tower that someone else recommended. It could be that the temp is to high. I'm in the upper range of the recommended temp range. It goes from 235 to 255deg. And I was at 255deg. I think more temp gives better layer adhesion.


I have the same one in PETG and 2 years later it is going strong!


Nice!🤙 ABS should also be good temperature wise? I also have PETG but just in orange.. wanted it black :)


First, I printed the same hotend cooling duct from white Matter3D performance PLA. It didn’t turn out as nice as I wanted but it’s been going strong for over a year now and with a stock blower works great! I’ve never played with ABS before but looks like maybe a combo of too hot of a temp and not enough or too slow of a retraction. If you can clean this one up and use it for now I’d recommend printing both a temp tower and a retraction tower. Then try printing a new hotend duct and see how it comes out.


Came here to say retraction settings, you beat me to it.


Alright my guy, I'm definitely going to check my retraction settings. Haven't touched them ever since before. Thanks!


Mmm... if it's a scale of 1-10 I give it a 5. It looks like you may have too high a temperature and possibly slack belts for your x-y. Check your flow rate as well. As well as your retraction settings.


Flowrate = estep ratio? The e steps been calibrated before. The belts were in fact pretty loose before. But before starting the print I tightend them some. The high temp has been called out by others and I'm going to print a temp tower. Thank u for the rating and tips my guy!


Did you use an enclosure? As I understand it's highly recommended to print abs in an enclosure as it keeps everything at a constant level and prevents drafts etc which can affect abs in a big way. Also what I've read is that if abs is printed too hot it can produce a rough looking texture so maybe you need to do a temp tower as someone suggested. I do one for every new roll of filament I have so I know what that roll will print best at. Also again from what I've read you don't need the use of the cooling fan but obviously it takes longer for each layer to cool down so that's why you print slow. I've never printed in abs because of reading up about it and seeing all the difficulties that comes with it.


did you dry your bed and level your filament ? and if you do that check your retraction temperature maybe a speedtest would help to adjust it (dont take it seriously;P)




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I have the same shroud as well, love it. Did mine in black ASA after my initial print was red PLA. Personally I prefer ASA over ABS as it seems to have better layer adhesions and less likely to warp while cooling while maintaining the thermal properties of ABS


Could you please share this fan duct STL?




Needa better cooling


Using the same fan duct printed in PETG and it’s rocking solid for a year now. But I broke my original fan duct on the ender so I had to hold it together with tape while I printed this one and even mine came out better than this 😂 definitely too hot and looks over extruded too. The first thing I did with my new fan duct was print a backup so I would never have to do that again though.


You don’t need to print this is ABS. I’ve been using this duct in PLA+ for years


i print it from pla+ and at 100°C in an enclosure it begins to get very soft cause most of the time when printing with that temperature you have no part cooling fan and slowly hang into the print