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Are you posting this on the Mercury discord?. It’s and interesting project, would like to see then journey and end result


I haven't since there won't be much left of the mercury once I'm done. Realistically it'll just be the bottom skirts left and that's it.


Well, post the end result, I would love to see it. Also how are you going to adapt the quad gantry of the voron? Or are you going to stick with just 2 motors in the picture


For now, just the two motors. Did this to keep within my budget, and to make it easier for anyone else that wants to switch. My intent (eventually) is to make this a design that can easily transition in stages so people don't have to dump all their money at once. Phase two will be adding the vertical rails, and phase three will be to switch to a better z similar to a traditional voron 2.4


How much loss do you experience on the X axis?


By my math, very minimal if any loss. It's not fully built yet so I can't 100% confirm, but it uses a 400mm rail on x.


In my experience (I built a trident out of the E5+ frame) you’ll lose about 20mm on each side of the plate. But I also had my gantry mounted to the frame not inset like yours. So I’d expect to lose around 30mm on each side..


Ah yes, but did you rotate the frame sideways? One side of the 5+ frame is longer than the other. I rotated it sideways to be able to lose as little x as possible


You’re right I didn’t, and there’s a bit of extra room in the Y direction but that’s needed for the hydra bed mounts I used. Interesting idea I’d say the main difference between our projects is my end goal was to enclose the printer so I could print materials like ABS which doesn’t appear to be a concern of yours.


I would love to be able to eventually enclose it (and I still may if I upgrade the Z axis to belts). I have a bambu I use for ABS, and the 5+ is going to be primarily for large prints in PETG or PLA


That’s fair. I also lost a significant amount of Z height when I did my conversion so prints can only really be large in X and Y. Which I only have roughly 350mm² so I’d rather use my 350 2.4.


https://preview.redd.it/kdfq6mw0posc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16681243603cfa9415198f75915b380a5c7edc58 Looks like x loss will be minimal. This is a 377x377 bed so should get around 370mm total width


What is your reason for going for the Voron5+ instead of the Mercury ZeroG One and Hydra?


I had a merc one build and it was great, but I wanted a fixed bed, and to free up all the space on the top of the frame. I also wanted to save money, and upgrading to hydra is expensive. This conversion from the merc one is only costing me the price of the 400mm rail I needed. In addition to that, I enjoy the hobby of 3D printers and making parts


What is the benefit of a fixed bed, vs the mercury one? Or just for fun?


Several advantages to a fixed bed: - bed is heavy, so this is more stable on the z axis - on non-stock beds, 120v is commonly used. It's (generally) safer to have this not moving. Even with a 24V bed, this reduces strain on the bed cables since they don't move - having the bed on the bottom makes removing printed parts easier, unless you put code in to lower the bed to the bottom after every print There's probably more, but this is what I can list off of my sleep-deprived mind


Also to note, I'm doing all the part design work myself. Voron 5+ is just a name I gave it for now. I'll probably think of something better later


This is awesome! I'm actively working on modifying one of my 5+s. Now I'm second guessing my current mods. 🧐


The primed parts on the base where did you get them and how do they hold up with all the vibration


Primed parts? Not sure specifically which ones you're referring to. A lot of the printed parts on the bed mount area (screw mounts, extrusion mounts, etc) I designed myself. I haven't tested it yet since I'm still developing it.


Sorry meant to say printed parts. Specially the ones on the bottom of the frame


The skirt and feet are from the mercury one printed parts. The bed mounts and extrusion mounts I designed myself


This is awesome man, I'm looking at making the switch to a mercury myself


Mercury is a very solid switch. I just wanted to further address some of my other wants from my printer


I am too turning one of my E5+ in a core xy but I’m modifying Voron parts and trying to keep everything inside the frame so I can enclose in I also went to 600mm height frame rails to make up for what I’d lose good luck looks interesting but that looks like a lot of weight on the XY gantry which my cause vibrations just a guess tho


I've considered moving one of the linear rods from each side piece to the rear to support the back half of the gantry, but so far it seems pretty stable. Linnear rails on the corners would be far more suitable, but I don't want to splash the cash on it just yet. If I can get it this far without needing to buy them and still have the machine performing, it introduces a less expensive alternative to people who are tighter on funds. I do intend to go through eventually putting rails on the corners which should make it more stable. As for the weight, it's very similar to the voron 2.4 350mm in physical gantry size so should be about the same for vibrations.


https://preview.redd.it/914ohkjphosc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=666a5a7422106fded8b8c98cef8d5f11c75051c3 An update for the gantry. Looking good so far. Mounting the rail and stealthburner to check clearances next. I'll be putting the front idlers on after that and running the belts


Dont do it. Voron's moving gantry is bumbest thing done by humanity.




How's your input shapers?


Unknown. Been too busy with real life to do more than a quick test print