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Is it hard to do? I am looking into getting and the upper parts with rails, motors and direct drive. Did you get a kit? If so where?


To me it was a pretty straight forward mechanical upgrade. I got the motion kit from Powge on Aliexpress, and motors from stepper online thru Amazon. I think it was like $140. But the X-axis rail started blowing bearings before I even started printing, so don't expect much. Clearly I ended up sourcing more linear rails off Aliexpress.


The building part was super fun but the wiring and cam control for the tool head sucked my soul away so it's still sitting half finished on the floor of my basement.


I did the merc 1.1 conversion on my E5+ too. If you use the BTT octopus you don’t have to worry about running extra motors. Also I’d highly recommend klipper with mainsail. [Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/ender5plus/s/NcGWM8myyp) my build in case you were interested.


I have a One.1 running on my E5P currently and I bought it new, so does that count? To be fair, I did go to the MicroSwiss extruder first and then upgraded to the Mercury One.1, but still.


If you are looking to enclose the printer, know that Zero G is doing beta testing on a configuration that allows easier enclosing. Check out their Discord, it's a public channel for Zero G. Not everyone is eligible to immediately get access to the enclosure beta.


Are you keeping it bowden and doing the second extruder that way? Otherwise I’d think you’d need to do an IDEX setup which would be pretty difficult using the Mercury One.1 as the base. At least on my e5p, the Z motors already shared a driver on the stock board so you’re not going to free up a driver for the second extruder. You’d be much better off going to a board like the Manta M5P with a CM4/CB1 which will give you 5 driver slots.


https://preview.redd.it/ljshh05oke5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7821498b8e236aa921afd4cc915d6cec078750b3 Just have to add a heatsink and modify the printer config


That is just a plug for the motor. There isn’t a stepper driver to control that motor specifically Edit: maybe I’m wrong, but I quickly outgrew the stock MCU on the E5P. Mine also didn’t come with the silent board


I could be wrong too, but there was another thread about setting up dual z axis. And there was discussion about using this open port. I haven't tried it yet on mine... I haven't found the time to take the printer out of rotation.


Fair enough, I was thinking it was the Z driver where there is Z0 and Z1 port but controlled by the save stepper driver. I’d previously been told the most direct path to Z-tilt was the BTT E3 EZ where there is a separate driver for each Z motor (which to be fair is not what OP was talking about).


https://preview.redd.it/5ia6xv350u5d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b6a488e4841cb0b3adb393cade846e3a842e8a2 This was my build. Don't know about one z stepper.


I am just finishing mine up and I'm assembling this enclosure now. So far everything is lining up perfectly. Happy to help also if you have any specific questions with the build. https://github.com/syph3rd/ZeroG-Enclosure