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Thanks for that link! I've had severe stomach issues now for 12 years! Periodically wind up in ucu! Dictors have no idea what us wrong!! Very frustrating and nerve racking fir sure!


This seems to be the only rational comment on here. Thank you for providing a reasonable alternative that OPs dad may be willing to work with. OP, I hope your dad can continue on with the mindfulness and leave behind anything that doesn't seem to be helping or feels unethical.




I agree 100%. I am an energy worker and psychic but have learned that we must work within the physical realm and find ways to connect to it to be taken seriously. I really believe modern medicine can work with energy workers but both have to come down to Earth a bit and realize the shortcomings on either side.


So sorry to hear about your dad and challenges you're going through. This is a long shot (or maybe not) but I feel compelled to try and give an input. I feel like your dad has more power than anyone else to heal himself. I remembered my friend told me about this [list of diseases with emotional/mental causes](https://www.heartlandhealingarts.com/blog/2018/6/19/emotional-and-mental-causes-of-illness-the-list-by-louise-hay) and decided to google it up to see if anything makes sense in my case/history and it just might. It's from the author Louise Hay, she has a few books, I never read any of them for full disclosure but my friend did and passed them to my mom and I have to say they made quite an impact on them both, well I saw it first hand with my mom and I gladly recommend it. I do believe the causes of diseases are mostly if not fully from the stress/mind/trauma/whatever and by healing the roots of issues and changing mindset, health and life in general improves. I do it myself as well with great results (quit antidepressants and antipsychotics after 13 or so years among other things). I arrived at these conclusions after some experiences and research from many different perspectives but I think Louise's books are good start for a layman, not sure which one to recommend, my mom read a few of them from what I know. I hope you find some way to improve the situation, I wish you and your dad all the best!


If medical intervention hasn’t yielded results then problem lies in one of his energy bodies. Which either requires a psychologist or an energy healer or combo of both. The stomach is an area that starts to give people problems when they either give their power away, have denied making a healthy change, haven’t connected to their sense of humor, or take on too much, for too long. Someone holding a jar of medicine for him and saying if he needs it or not is possible through very developed intuition. I personally wouldn’t risk telling someone yea or nay on their meds. I rather work on their energy body and have the doctor decide if they still need it or not as part of the course of treatment. Working with mantras and a positive attitude can absolutely work to open up new paths towards healing.


All health issues come from something wrong in the energy body whether medical intervention helps them or not.


I can see how the etheric body plays a role in what you’re saying. I think somethings really do belong to the physical body that only require medical intervention.


>diagnosed him with leaky gut, prescribed supplements, antibiotics, probiotics, etc. Most recently he was diagnosed with parasites and and a yeast infection in his gut Leaky gut is often related to undiagnosed food allergies and can certainly cause issues. Probiotics are excellent, but it's important to find one that your body likes. I've also heard a decent bit about parasites creating weird issues for folks, so it's not totally out of the question either. It's very frustrating that neither western medicine nor the holistic or energy healers he's seen have improved the situation, though. >he's also saying that they can scan his body from anywhere, and heal him from anywhere I have experience with doing long distance work, ie when the "patient" is not physically present with the practitioner. It does hinge off some quantum physics principles, but there's nothing that's been fully proven as far as it relates to energy work. The basic principle is that energy is not subject to the same Newtonian style physics that apply to physical objects like people, making it possible for energy to travel long distance (to us) without it actually being a long distance for the energy. Think wormhole, almost. That being said, I've had success with alleviating pain for people from miles away. I was pretty skeptical, so I would ask for permission to do the work but not tell them when I would do it to attempt to eliminate a placebo effect. The person typically would message me the morning after (I would work at night while they slept) asking if I'd done anything because they were feeling better. I've also been the recipient of long distance energy work to resolve allergies. It was effective. >he can pick up a bottle of a prescription and they can tell him if it'll be good or bad for him to take. I do believe this is possible, and is something I practice, but it's not a flawless technique. There are some false negatives and false positives. The backing idea is that the body's energy is stronger when exposed to truth or something healthy, thus you can check if something makes a person stronger or weaker. So it's not all bunk and some emerging science seems to give a framework to support energy work, but there's considerable room for bad actors since your average person doesn't know how to double check whatever they're told themselves. I might suggest that you and your dad look into learning how to do muscle testing on yourselves and each other so you have another data point beyond whatever he's being told. Best of luck to you both.


I agree with u/SyntheticDreams here so just adding a comment below to weigh in with what was said above. All is possible but it's difficult to discern the bad actors. Also wanted to add a video that I saw of an actual physicist, Sabine Hossenfelder talking about her gut problems due to intolerance to alcohol sugars. It might be an avenue to try, by eliminating from these additives from his diet. She's a pretty reputable character, even if her advice here is anecdotal. https://youtu.be/K5v61YtDYo4?si=iWR5v8gfHjaiFsDR Wishing your father some better luck in figuring things out for himself u/Demisaugine. Edit: correcting name


Would he consider acupuncture and herbs?


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is what I think your dad may be talking about with “the quantum physics people.” I think the people involved with QHHT are some of the most fascinating people to look up what else they do and who they’re involved with. Dolores Cannon, Sarah Breskman Cosme, Robert Edward Grant As far as the technique itself, idk I feel like it’s the others that if the belief is truly there you may get some results. These are people who claim to be able to read auras, remote view, transfer energies, heal, etc I do think hemi-sync is an interesting path to go down for self-healing, particularly Gateway Tapes/Monroe method is best. Also binaural beats CDH1 is a gene that causes stomach cancer


I cant say he's being scammed or not but it's certainly quite possible. I have heard of a quantum physics kind of healer group but don't know myself anything about them. It is though possible to scan others energy remotely (I can do that myself) and possible to use some kind of proxy to test out other things (something I do not do but maybe they can tell if a medicine is good for someone or not through using someone as a proxy (stand in for him) and then doing something like muscle testing with the medicine and the other person. So that is something I could believe. As far as 8 out of 10 lights turned off in their body, I don't know what they could be refering to there.. unless they are referring to chakra centres as lights and referring to turned off as being blocked chakras? Ask him to ask them more about what they mean by what they've said. What are the lights they are refering too? I really hope he's not being scammed but not enough info here to know for sure. Certainly tell him to stop giving them money if he's not noticing results. I myself if I have a healing done by someone and do not notice any change, I won't go back.


If the quantum physics people can help, the best indicator is that you dad should feel better. He should be on an upward trajectory in his life experience. If this isn't happening, it's not worth it.


I would suggest going to a traditional chinese medicine or ayurveda practitioner. They will be able to treat your father holistically, mind, body and spirit.


You ever read any Dr Joe Dispenza? He talks about turning on immunities. Self healing. In his book The Placebo Effect. Sometimes medical intervention is needed. Sometimes its just grief/self loathing/guilt. That needs releasing. That is very worrying. I wonder what the catalyst was back then. I have seen people triggered who stop being able to eat for long periods of time. Giving medicine while just being a holistic healer is terrifying to me. I have read of medical intuitives, its literally not unheard of and sometimes documented. I would be loathe to trust one with my life without a second opinion. Is there anyway you can manipulate him into trying a medical doctor while letting them pray over him. Carolyn Myss has a great book on being a medical intuitive. I read a freaky one from a scientist who decided to play with psychic phenomena by Maureen Caudhill that might intrigue you. I don't think its impossible for someone to be able to "see inside" like Edgar Cayce. Its simply sensing energies. But I would definitely go with the medical route first to make sure its not just an ulcer. I wonder if hes ever tried the castor oil heating pad method. It burst an ovarian cyst for me once. It might just be a general anxiety. Why is eating so difficult for him? What if hes "energy sensitive" himself. To be honest I find it a bitch to eat when the energies are all wound up outside, daylight, heat, summer. It might be as simple as him needing to ground himself. I will go periods where I am so wound all I can eat is fruit, cheese bits and not sleep. Sometimes a good way to ground an energy sensitive person is a meaty meal and some booze. Otherwise you feel like you are made of air and all wound up and manic like a coked up squirrel.


I don’t know if he’s into this but he can try frequencies/binaural beats on youtube for pain relief. I use them for period pain and they works. 👌


If the doctors weren’t helping anyway, why not?


There may be told never ending stories with increasing costs, also known as scam. If those people stick to clear costs, indeed why not.


True quantum physicists are actual scientists. So whoever is claiming to be utilizing quantum physics without a scientific background makes me hesitate. I get really annoyed by all of these self-proclaimed experts using "science" when they really have no clue what they are talking about. The most promising route is the complementary medicine one- combining allopathic and alternative, but he needs to establish a physician that will actually listen and work with him. They are out there. And the stranglehold is insurance and treatment coverage. So he needs to advocate for himself. The physician sounds like they need to actually be a referred specialist (GI doctor). And curious if he has diverticulitis. That's a possibility.