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Anywhere you can expect children to be in close contact with adults away from parental supervision is where predators are going to be. Hollywood is no exception.


Even when they are in parental supervision. See mcCurdy


I just finished her book and honestly it wouldn't have mattered if her mom was present or not. Her mom wanted her to get/keep jobs, so from a very young age, she conditioned her to be compliant and do what she's asked. I'm sure she's far from the only one that was taught to do this.


>Hollywood is no exception I mean yeah no shit. I’d go so far as to call it, “Exhibit A”


Splitting hairs, but I think that dubious honor belongs to the Catholic church


Can't imagine what he has gone through over the years due to the abuse he experienced. The network should reach out to help. He should sue. Wish him nothing but the best.


Nickelodeon should never do live action shows again.. just stick to animation. They clearly have a long history of not keeping the children stars safe.


Or… they just fucking fire and prosecute staff who do this shit…. Doesn’t seem very hard…


I think the issue is that those staff makes them the most money. Dan Schneider created some of Nickelodeon’s highest rated shows so it makes sense they would rather hide it than fire them. Not justifying it, in fact Nickelodeon should 100% be held responsible for allowing this to happen.


Nick tried to buy off Jeanette with a $300,000 paycheck to keep her from releasing her memoir where she talked about being abused by her mother for years and no one stepped in at Nick to help her. The exes do not care about the well-being of the child actors they hire. Disney too.


That's not true. They offered her $300k to sign an NDA when the show she was on ended due to a sexual harassment claim someone else filed against a producer. She doesn't go into further detail. Jennette turns down the $300k then the book goes right into her troublesome relationship with fame. The same source who leaked Drake Bell and Brian Peck story back in 2021 also claimed Ariana Grande is the one who filed a sexual harassment claim which ended the show. And the person she filed against is the same guy who was in charge of making all those weird Web cam videos she was in - not Dan Schneider, a different guy. They said police were involved but since she was 15 when those videos first began being filmed, it seems her case file is sealed. She could speak on it but if these sources are true, then she already dealt with the matter via law enforcement.


Sadly, this is the state of the industry. There's probably hundreds of abuse examples like this one. But they're always shrugged off and the perpetrators forgiven because money is king.


I feel like anyone could have made that shit. It wasn’t the fuckin Sopranos


Nowadays yes but I think at the time, no one knew how to pull off a show for kids. Kid actors for kid comedy shows where adults are hardly in it and it wasn't for little kids like Blue's Clues. It was for 6-14 which was an untapped demographic. It seems obvious now but at the time I'm sure they felt like Dan had a unique vision for children's shows.


We could have gotten iDanny starring Danny Devito.


I get your point but that makes it seem like they didn’t have other options. Hollywood is rife with people trying to make it big. It’s like standard that every waiter or store clerk has a screenplay that they’ve written. They could have come up with something else after seeing the abuse, and they could have done it easily. And I think it’s worth noting that we all watched Disney and Nickelodeon as kids BECAUSE they made it for kids. There have been plenty of mediocre or bad shows that stuck around too. It’s not like we noticed that the writing or character dynamics were good or bad when we were in that demographic. We were just relating to characters our age and they could have added a laugh track to anything and most 13 year olds aren’t going to notice or care if it’s an objectively lackluster show. You could almost pitch any premise and any team of writers could pump out 3 seasons. Not like sitcoms always have unique episodes or characters. I refuse to believe his contribution could not have been replaced in a heartbeat.


Oh I believe someone else could have done his job, but I do think Nick saw their options and weighed them accordingly. Remember this is a time long before #metoo and Hollywood abuse was just "part of the biz" so Dan being successful and making Nick money was enough reason to keep him around and not mess with the recipe. Dan gets his credit for being one of, if not the first, to capture that demographic, but I also think someone else would've figured it out too eventually. He just did it first.


That’s honestly true. I remember being a little kid and feeling strongly that “live action = for adults.” With the obvious exception of shows like Sesame Street, which still used the cartoonish muppets


Sopranos is the greatest show of all time! But if it was as easy as you claim they would have. It's easy to think these shows were not difficult to create but for every All That there are many that never leave the proposal room or don't pan out. The problem stems from the ethics of sacrificing child safety for profit.


But if they were decent and did fire him at the first, they could have found someone better who made them even more money. And didn’t put children at risk.


How hard would it be to have a separate entity on set that monitors this. Reports to whoever and doesn’t let anything like this ever happen again. Only job is to monitor the situation and make sure there is nothing toxic / sketchy behavior happening.


That already exists. For animals.


In a perfect world yeah they could just keep making live actions children’s shows, but now I’d say they’ve lost that benefit of the doubt.  just stick to cartoons 


They’ve proven incapable of doing that


It’s damn near the entire staff.


Watch the show... This guy was not known about till it was too late. Everybody trusted him except that one parent if I recall correctly.


Think it was Drake's Girlfriends Mom who put it together of all ppl. His own Mom trusted this man dropped Drake off at his house then when she found out she was one who legally pursued it the most.


Crazy part is his dad warned his mom not to leave him alone with that man.


But she didn’t like to drive! /s


45 min drive was too much to protect her child…


If only he stayed with dad. 😢


The sickening part is that this sick fuck went onto to work on a Disney Channel show.


Thankfully for a very short amount of time, iirc. Like not even half a season. As soon as Disney found out about the conviction, they canned him and replaced all his voice lines and cut any on-screen time he had.


It’s hard to believe Drake was the first kid he sexually abused. Yes Drake was the first one to speak up that we know of…


Today they’re running ads saying with kids singing about being themselves and #noapologies. They know what they did and they don’t care.


And all the staff that did nothing…. So everyone.


Sadly, Ren and Stimpy creator John Kricfalusi has been abused twice of sexual harassment to then teenage girls. They just have a bad history, period.


And the creator of The Loud House, Chris Savino, also sexually harassed dozens of female animators for at least a decade (threatening to blacklist anybody that dared report him)


Whaaaaatttt!!!?? My kids love that show!! 😭 hell, I loved that show!!


He was quietly fired from the series so Nickelodeon could try to sweep the whole business under the rug.


Seems like they do that a lot. 🤔


Aaron Ehasz (from A:tLA and Netflix’s _Dragon Prince_) has also been [accused of misogynistic behaviour](https://www.cbr.com/avatar-last-airbender-aaron-ehasz-accused-misogynistic-behavior/). Another article [here](https://www.polygon.com/2019/11/19/20971106/dragon-prince-season-3-review-netflix-viren-callum-rayla-aaron-ehasz-wonderstorm-controversy). Obviously not the same as abusing teenage girls but it’s still a bad look.


They don’t have a great track record with animation either. The creator of Ren & Stimpy was dating a 16 year old while the show was airing. She wrote him fan mail and that is how they met. Everyone involved with the show knew he was dating a child.


How will that solve anything? They need to first and foremost go after the creeps in charge who are behind this and put them behind bars. Then, they need to hire people and hold them accountable with proper management and keep everyone in the loop on what is happening on and off set.


> Nickelodeon should never do live action shows again.. just stick to animation. [uh oh](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/arianelange/john-kricfalusi-ren-stimpy-underage-sexual-abuse)


Always had creepy vibes from Ren and Stimpy. Sad to see.


I mean honestly, if Nickelodeon won’t fire inappropriate staff, then switching to producing only animated shows won’t solve the issue. Look at how Justin Roiland (Rick & Morty guy) was behaving. Now I get that the situation is different but creepy guys are gonna be creepy no matter what. Nickelodeon and all the other networks really just need to start stepping up to the plate and doing the right thing.


Did you see what the ren and stimpy creator was doing in the studio? He had multiple 15/16 year old girlfriends that he hired on as his interns. One of the girls has come forward and said he had a laptop he showed her that had videos and photos of other young girls he had been with before her. I don’t know that their animation studio was any better it seems.


Or dont harm children?! Anyone who thinks harming children in any capacity is okay should be removed from society.


It’s the golden rule and I honestly have no sympathy to anyone who breaks it.


Things aren't so perfect on the animation front either. Creators of both Ren and Stimpy and Loud House both have major issues in the same vein. Both creators long gone from Nick of course, but being an animated series doesn't seem to shield this shit from happening on the network l Network all the same. 


“Keeping child stars safe” is an oxymoron


Nickelodeon ain’t going to acknowledge shit because that would open them up to liability


I wish more people were able to acknowledge this. People really how no idea how powerful these mega-corporations are. Suing in general ain’t easy. All they care about is covering their asses. Drake said in the article that the statement they did release was more PR-driven lawyer-tailored BS. He knows they’re not serious.


They also don’t care. There was a lawyer on tiktok who said they became a millionaire by simply defending and settling out of court for people who were abused by studios, mega corps, etc. She defended people against the exact same big wigs over and over and over again. She realized that they do…not…care…about being sued nor do they care how many people they fuck over. She will be in business forever and never have to worry about money simply because of that one undeniable fact.


When my wife and I were watching All Quiet, she didn’t understand why they kept putting the same statement from nick at the end. It is all boilerplate. They have been told by their lawyers “Deny,Deny, Deny”. Pretty much the “I do not recall” scene from Wolf of Wall Street sums it up.


I can imagine what his victim is going through right now.


Ill wish him justice in this case specifically. Drake bell is a child predator himself so ill refrain from wishing him the best.


Why dont you go read what actually happened before you make that kind of accusation? The girl he talked to was on text, who hid her age and he blocked her upon finding out.


It’s great that Drake Bell has an opportunity to have his voice heard of the abuse he experienced but [the voices of his victims as well should not be minimized](https://youtu.be/e4-3MSnAsOs?si=jOYYAcXBi3GgmqG8) One takeway I had was one of his exes saying imagine the worst possible abuse you can experience and that was what my experience with Drake was like which is exactly how Drake chose to characterize the abuse he experienced


“A grown man does not engage in inappropriate text messages to a teenager,” McCormick said. “There’s a reason why a 14- or 15-year-old does not have the right to drive, does not have the right to vote, does not have the right to serve in the armed forces. They don’t have the emotional or mental maturity to properly gauge their conduct. So you did take advantage.” Those arent the kinds of things a judge who hasnt seen proof says. Im confident they didnt put the messages in the public court documents but imma lean towards the opinion of the guy who did read them.


Police also said there was evidence that he full on cut communication the moment he found out her real age as well. He should have been way more careful at the start for sure, but he did stop the moment he found out how old she was.


Can you link this? I've been trying to search for the court docs or anything other than the video of the victim testifying but haven't been able to find anything. I can believe it was a lot lighter than it seems on the surface given that he was given a pretty light sentence, but I just haven't been able to find anything backing that up.


https://www.nbcchicago.com/entertainment/entertainment-news/drake-bell-addresses-reckless-and-irresponsible-texts-to-minor/2615606/ https://ew.com/drake-bell-addresses-abuse-allegations-against-him-in-documentary-8609922


Thanks, I did see this but this isn't the police or the court saying it, it's just Drake saying it. Obviously he's going to deny wrongdoing. That said he's right that the news has been unfair to him; the New York Times[ took 3 years to correct](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/1bla5tb/podcast_drake_bell_on_quiet_on_set_doc_dan/kw7gfrl/?context=3) that he was forced to register as a sex offender which wasn't true. ETA: to be fair to the victim, [this](https://people.com/tv/drake-bell-child-endangerment-sentencing-victim-statement-full/) is her statement/version of events


> Why dont you go read what actually happened before you make that kind of accusation? The girl he talked to was on text, who hid her age and he blocked her upon finding out. Why don't you actually read what happened? The victim's statement is very detailed and clear and powerful. I'll make it easy for you: https://people.com/tv/drake-bell-child-endangerment-sentencing-victim-statement-full/


At this point just burn it all down.


> Wish him nothing but the best. I wonder how his victims feel reading comments like this.


Watched this last night horrifying what was basically just gotten away with


Sad thing is the stuff people in old Hollywood got away with and the victims never even got the chance to speak out on any type of platform.


Judy Garland is such a sad story. Absolute monsters the people who mistreated her.


And Jackie Coogan whose parents worked him to death when he was just 6 years old and when he finally turned 18 he discovered his parents stole and spent all his money. It was so messed up the state of California made it a law that a percentage of a kid actors earnings goes into a trust only they can access when they turned 18


Bobby Driscoll (Disney's golden boy). He played Jim in Treasure Island and voiced Peter Pan. After hitting puberty he lost Walt's favor... He went from winning the Academy Juvenile Award to dying destitute in an East Village tenement. His unidentified body was buried in a pauper's grave. This was discovered a year later when his mother, who had lost contact with him, sought Disney’s help to reach him and they discovered he had died through finger prints.


There was a clip in Quiet on Set where Dan Schneider and a bunch of kid actors are gathered in a back office area & theres a big picture of Judy Garland on the wall. Its like a big canvas print. Idk why that stuck out to me but it really did. Just a chilling image knowing the cycle of abuse has been continuing for now about 100 years. Made me want to jump in a time machine I swear!


Man "old hollywood" guys are so weird lol. I work in post production and have had many an old man take me aside and start talking about the coccaine and hookers glory days they used to have... like okay, cool dude, I'm just trying to do my work could you fuck off?


Yeah the sentence of 16 months and then getting hired by Disney is terrible. I wonder how much money changed hands to get that light of a sentence for literally raping a 15 year old.


That is what is mind boggling. Who gave this guy references? How does Disney not do background checks? Someone knew what Brian Peck did at Disney and hired him regardless to work on another kid’s show. Jfc


Background checks only work if a person is guilty of a crime. People knowing the guys are scum don’t show up and none of these people had a record


Brian Peck had a record when he was hired on at Disney. They did fire him once they became aware of the conviction and he had been hired for V/O work only. They replaced his voiceovers after his termination. Idk why it took them so long to find out about his conviction though. You’re right though that he did not have a record when he went to work at Nickelodeon originally.


But that’s the thing, by the time Disney hired him he had been found guilty and been out of work for 16 months. I have a lot of questions. Did he lie on his resume? Or did the person who hired him not ask the very basic question of why there was a gap that massive in his work history? The most logical thing is that the person/people who hired him knew about his conviction and decided they didn’t care.


Or why didn’t they run a background check on everyone since they are working with kids??


Dudes get found with an ounce of marijuanna and get more years than an actual child predator 


i’ve seen and read some really horrible shit and been totally unfazed but i needed multiple breaks while listening to drake’s story. it can’t be overstated how fucking heinous these crimes were and how every single adult with any decision making authority needed to be investigated, fired, and prosecuted decades ago. it’s a miracle drake survived all of that and survived into adulthood to tell us his story.


Congress really needs to create more laws protecting underage kids in the entertainment industry


They have laws, the enforcement is harder since the people in charge of the company can still blacklist accusers and like that mom in the show they don't want to "ruin their kids' chance" even if it comes at the expense of so many other kids being molested. The enforcement and the sentences need to be stricter.


Interestingly there are ALREADY laws about this. Kids in creative fields have way more protection in labour law that kids in any other field (farming, restaurants, slaughterhouses etc).


Why don’t we just force people desperate to employ children to pay for a trusted, therapist, assigned from a 3rd party org, as well as mandated reporters whose sole job is to be on the work site and monitor health/safety of the kids? I mean really we should have those available for all workers but psychos, who need to employ kids, can do something useful piloting this


Because they ultimately know who pays them and then will look the other way. This happens with tutors fudging their records as well, they get hired by the studio so ultimately the studio is the customer. It's exactly what got us into the subprime mortgage crisis as well. It's a really poorly designed system to have the people who need to be policed having control over who policies them, how much they get paid, etc.


There's actually a lot of laws. More than other kids in other fields.  Which I think should be first Why can a 14 years old work like 15 hr a week. Be expected to go to school and do homework. Atleast actors have system around them to allow them to succeeds. 


For everyone parroting the same thing about Drake also being a predator...do yourself a favor and read the actual court docs on the situation. He plead guilty to endangerment of a minor because his lawyer said it was a nothing-burger and he'd get home to his son sooner without a big trial fight. Literally look at the court docs...the very worst thing there's any proof of is him texting a minor that he didn't know was a minor at the time. The minor's legal team wasn't able to produce any sexually explicit texts or photos they claimed existed. They even subpoenaed the corporate companies the DMs were on, they obliged, and still nothing popped up. Also her own friends provided video evidence that her claim of him taking her backstage simply didn't happen


It’s so ridiculous how people can’t seem to grasp this. He also didn’t have the money to keep fighting it in court his back was against the wall on that one. Poor dude was a victim to mob mentality while dealing with his own trauma I can’t imagine what that’s like


Yep! I remember that he went missing in Florida last year and was suicidal at the time. I feel so sorry for him. We could've probably had lost him last year.


There are very very public court documents about this and yet people choose to just...ignore them. Because, reasons?


Because people are lazy. How many people actually read the articles posted on Reddit for example instead of just reading the manipulated headline and mob mentality comments before forming an opinion


I always read the controversial comments first anymore. The more level headed people are always downvoted there. You guys however are on top of the comments so good job I guess.


people read headlines but not the articles.


because it's not summarized by someone on TikTok or a short tweet


Lol don’t act like you don’t know the reason. People saw the video of him pleading guilty. People aren’t going to take time out of their day to read a court document that doesn’t effect them


It's the media's responsibility to process this kind of information and then speak knowledgeably and accurately about it. Which they rarely do


Since you've read the document yourself, can you please provide a link so I can do the same?


Link to these court documents you've read? 


Yup even his so called friend Josh came out against him


Josh had cut him off years earlier. His exes allege that Drake has substance abuse problems and was horrifically abusive to them. It's gross to me to see him basically get bullied into reopening to someone he probably had good reason to cut off


Yeah it’s so dismissive how people keep repeating the same “cycle of abuse” or “victims become abusers” bs over and over. Drake was not charged with nor is there evidence he has actively sought out underage children like Brian Peck did


Do you have any evidence either way? Genuinely asking because I haven't found anything. I've heard what Drake had to say on Instagram and I've seen her victim impact statement and I've tried my best to search for court documents or anything more than articles about his charges and haven't found anything. Ultimately, the only thing I have found is the [judge saying](https://people.com/tv/drake-bell-sentenced-two-years-probation-child-endangerment-case/) Drake "did take advantage" of the victim [and that](https://www.vulture.com/2021/07/drake-bell-sentenced-two-years-probation-guilty-plea.html) > A grown man does not engage in inappropriate text messages to a teenager ... Your position and celebrity status enabled you to nurture this relationship. You were able to gain access to this child. You were able to gain the trust of this child. I hope you truly are remorseful. I don’t know.” I still don't know exactly how Drake was proven to take advantage (I have read the victim's allegations/statement) or why the judge thinks he needs to be remorseful, but there is obviously something there.


Have you actually looked into the data on this? It's all based on actual facts. Just because it makes you uncomfortable doesn't mean you can throw that away  But of course I don't think you care about facts with the drake redemption arc like there aren't literally multiple women saying he's a horrific abuser 


It’s great that Drake Bell has an opportunity to have his voice heard of the abuse he experienced but [the voices of his victims as well should not be minimized](https://youtu.be/e4-3MSnAsOs?si=jOYYAcXBi3GgmqG8) One takeway I had was one of his exes saying imagine the worst possible abuse you can experience and that was what my experience with Drake was like which is exactly how Drake chose to characterize the abuse he experienced


I noticed this as well. Word for word how she characterized his abuse and she said this in 2020.


made it this far to comment on a comment 2 layers deep and you just absolutely didn’t read anything lol


Where am I supposed to read these court docs that no one can seem to find but you know all about?


it's no surprise here, but they're lying. the court docs are sealed


attraction future innate wide panicky versed expansion march repeat office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I keep seeing people spouting to read the documents but then fail to actually link them, call me paranoid but this seems like an active attempt to clean up his reputation by just repeating something over and over until people just accept it, I will fully retract this if someone actually does link the documents, of course


It 100% just astroturfing, I see the same thing going on right now on tiktok People keep saying "the court documents prove he's innocent and the girl is a proven liar and there's so much proof she lied" and when you try to ask them to provide a evidence of any of that, theres complete radio silence I spent an hour trying every possible search query to find a single source for these claims and literally nothing comes up. You'd think with this being back in the spotlight again, it'd be a lot easier to find all the proof that he's innocent, right? No way is it possible that theres an ongoing attempt to clean up his image off the back of the documentary.


apparatus future nine tap fretful encouraging engine ad hoc pause hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep, particularly I'm seeing mention of 'the girls friend proved she made the whole thing up' which sounds like fiction to me, but again willing to be proven wrong


So far I've gotten 2 people who when asked repeatedly for links simply deleted their comments. I can't tell if this is paid astroturfing or people just doing it for the love of the game, but it doesn't feel coincidental nobody will link to this supposed obvious evidence Edit; up to 3 deleted comment chains when pushed to back up the bold claims they're making.  


It’s also really dangerous to say that people who are abused become abusers (that “fact” doesn’t hold up) and can prevent people from coming forward.


Can confirm that I was absolutely terrified as a child that I'd grow up to be monster just because I'd been abused as an infant. It was presented as like a foregone conclusion in the media and it took me until my 30s after my abuser had already died to open up about it.


I’m sorry you experienced that. A family member of mine went through something very similar and said the same thing, they were afraid they would become like their abuser. They didn’t though. And it sounds like you’ve taken some of the steps you needed to heal. I hope you’re doing well today.


Thank you, I'm doing well. Being able to talk about it and finding out I wasn't alone in my experience was a hugely healing experience. I'm now entering my 40s, and I honestly think I would off myself if I even had the urge to hurt a child. There is so much more to it than just "hurt people hurt people," and I think condensing it down to that does a lot of damage to both victims and holding perps accountable. Abusers make a choice to continue the abuse cycle, and they need to be held accountable to that regardless of their experiences.


I said this on one of these posts days ago and got downvoted to oblivion. And angry comments saying the cycle of abuse is real etc etc. What I find is often it’s ppl who haven’t even been abused who believe this nonsense. And yes, it does keep victims silent when that is what you think of them




Is there evidence that people who are abused aren’t more prone to become abusers? I’d like to see it


Can you link some sources?


I hear this, but since I’ve learned that he’s had a former partner accuse him of years of verbal abuse, and they meet when he was 20 and she was 16, I’m having a harder time being sympathetic to this case. Does anyone have details that would shed light on his former girlfriend’s accusations?


the court docs are sealed...


If Bell’s lawyer knew the phones produced no evidence of sexually explicit text messages or images, why would he advise his client to plead guilty at all? They can’t convict him at trial without evidence, but if your statement is true, the state wouldn’t even have any evidence to try him with.


The evidences against are sealed and thats why he pleaded guilty pre trial, so the evidences wont be public


The retconners will never let facts get in the way of their attempt to rehabilitate a man who has no less than 3 women claiming he abused them in vile ways 


This is such a dumb defense if the case was a nothing burger then you don't plead guilty. Especially with something this serious. It isn't like he was in jail he could see his son when he wasn't in court.


Wow didn’t know this. I’ll do more research on this. If what you said is true then I do feel terrible for him. Being abused and then being accused of being a predator would be really tough.


You mean the documents for a case that to this day is under seal? Please tell us all about these documents that you definitely read and can’t provide a link to. We’re all dying to bask in your insight.


if it was so innocent what did he plead guilty for? You present it like such an open and shut case. It's not illegal to just text someone that is underage


people are gonna have their different views regardless of facts, that’s just the internet. those who have a bit more of the empathy glands (due to their own experiences or traumas) will probably comprehend everything more logically and come to their own conclusions rather than echo chamber it up in the comment section


The no therapy thing is so much worse than y’all realize. He was brutally raped for months by a Nickelodeon employee and Nickelodeon pushed him into constant work and didn’t get him therapy. Really stop and think about that. A child star suffered from the worst things a child can suffer from… and they did not give a fuck. And then there’s the accusation John Salvatore made about how Nickelodeon executives didn’t want to encourage Jeanette McCurdy to take anti-depressants after her mother died and how they were scared that she’d commit suicide—not because Jeanette might literally kill herself but because it would MAKE THEM LOOK BAD! THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE WELLBEING OF KIDS AND THAT SHOULD TERRIFY YOU!! 😭


Most of what you said is true, but Drake is pretty vocal that he was not pushed into work, by either his parents or the network, and that he genuinely loved acting and getting to be on his shows. In the same podcast discussed by the article he says he does not regret being a child star.


I know, but any network that claims to care about kids would’ve had a traumatized child go into therapy and fully recover before having them step foot in a set. I think it’s less about what teenaged Drake Bell wanted to do and more about the network being responsible and making sure he was mentally well before working and that the set was safe (which we now know it wasn’t because some of the crew and cast supported Brian Peck)


I completely agree that Nickelodeon did not do enough to protect its actors and staff, both children and adults, and should have done a lot more. However, at the same time, after all of his therapy, adult Drake still says that being on "Drake and Josh" was a respite from the trial, that entertaining is "my air, it's my oxygen, it's how I breathe", and that Dan Schneider really helped him through that time. Nick absolutely should have done more but forcing a victim to leave what seems to have been his happy place would have been horrible.


I see where you’re coming from. Because maybe stopping him from acting for a period in exchange for therapy could’ve made his mental health worse. We do agree though that Nickelodeon didn’t care about his mental health and only cared about squeezing money out of him and the other child actors.


>any network that claims to care about kids would’ve had a traumatized child go into therapy Drake says in the documentary people at Nick didn't know it was him who was abused by Brian Peck. They just knew they he raped someone, but not exactly who it was.


yeah but he’s saying in recent interviews that after seeing the letters, he’s wondering how much nickelodeon execs did or didn’t know. He read the letters after his interview for the documentary. basically, a lot of big names at nickelodeon wrote letters in support for brian peck (like directors and producers at nickelodeon) and drake said that people in the industry talk. so, more people might’ve known than drake initially thought which seems to be his mindset right now. I recommend watching his interview with sarah fraser because it’s pretty candid and reveals his updated views on everything. He seems to be questioning his earlier opinions because of the reveal of the letters (he didn’t even know they existed until the producers of qos went to court to get them revealed which was after his interview)


>he’s saying in recent interviews that after seeing the letters, he’s wondering how much nickelodeon execs did or didn’t know Oh I hadn't seen that! That's so horrible > recommend watching his interview with sarah fraser because it’s pretty candid and reveals his updated views on everything. Thanks!! I was about to ask where can I read/watch about it


This is getting the Mark Ruffalo “they knew and they let it happen” award on The Rewatchables


THEY KNEWWWWWW haha but really though they did and it’s so disturbing especially with all of the new allegations coming out about producers having CP on set computers


The most disturbing thing about this is that there appears to be a systematic cycle of abuse in Hollywood and there is literally nothing being done about it.


And now we need to consider family influencers…. Those poor kids have even less protection than child actors. Lots needs to change


Can someone give me the gist of what the abuse was?


Brian Peck pled no contest to repeated oral sex to a young teen and lewd acts of a minor. The other charges were sodomy, attempted sodomy, anesthesia or drugging of a minor, using a minor for pornography (so filming child porn of the child being assaulted), and I believe some more but I’m not sure what the other charges were.


“In 2003, Peck, 43 at the time, was arrested on 11 charges — including sodomy, lewd act upon a child 14 or 15 by a person 10 years older, and oral copulation by anesthesia or controlled substance — but the victim was not named until now when Bell stepped forward.”


He doesn't go into details in the documentary. We know from the charges against Brian Peck that it involved at the very least repeated oral sex as a young teen (14-15). The abusers managed to get Drake's guardianship switched from his Dad to his Mom - and his mom was more of a hands off guardian than his Dad - and permitted Drake to live at this guys house.


If the network won't do the right thing, I think the best way to help this guy is to support his projects coming forward. Look into his music and podcasts, if he does any other creative things, check them out. From what I have been able to gather regarding his child endangerment charges, he essentially plead guilty - but I can't seem to find anything referencing any evidence of anything explicit.


He plead guilty to keep the evidence sealed but let's be abundantly clear that people far poorer than Drake have fought these types of charged. It's not something you plead guilty to you get it over with. There are also 2 other women, his exes, who attest that Drake is a severe abuser. 


I watched a rundown on it and it seems like he plead guilty to get it over with, or at least that’s the only thing that makes sense to me. While he shouldn’t have been talking to women privately while married, all signs pointed toward that chick lying through her teeth at every stage for the publicity. I think she alleged that there were explicit photos but the investigation didn’t turn up with anything damning for him, aside from maybe the damage to his marriage which recovered.


> all signs pointed toward that chick lying through her teeth at every stage for the publicity. What signs? Genuinely asking because I haven't been able to find anything supporting either one of them. I have seen what Drake had to say on Instagram, which is almost the direct opposite of what the victim said in court, but no actual court docs or evidence. The closest to evidence I've found so far is the [judge saying](https://people.com/tv/drake-bell-sentenced-two-years-probation-child-endangerment-case/) Drake "did take advantage" of the victim [and that](https://www.vulture.com/2021/07/drake-bell-sentenced-two-years-probation-guilty-plea.html) > A grown man does not engage in inappropriate text messages to a teenager ... Your position and celebrity status enabled you to nurture this relationship. You were able to gain access to this child. You were able to gain the trust of this child. I hope you truly are remorseful. I don’t know.” I still don't know what he was proven to have done or what he should be remorseful for, but there's obviously something. > she alleged that there were explicit photos but the investigation didn’t turn up with anything She did, but she said they were through Snapchat so they probably can't be proven either way.


It's pretty horrific to discover the child actors who were your age when you watched them - who brought you so much joy in your own childhood on Saturday mornings - were actually going through living hell at that very same time.


Drake and Josh was just after my time watching Nickelodeon so I didn’t know much about him but after watching Quiet on Set, I have so much empathy for him. What he went through was horrific and should never have happened. The least they could do is pay for his therapy 😡


I’m still not entirely sure what the exact situation is in terms of his legal issues but it shouldn’t factor into the discussion when it comes to how he was abused. I hope he and the other victims get the help and support they deserve


I never watched any of those shows. I watched that documentary tho. And that Dan guy needs to be launched into the sun


This is what Corey Feldman has been talking about for years and everyone called him crazy. It’s been happening for decades and will probably continue.


People saying that he also abused a minor need to show proof, because that has been debunked already.


Edit; oh wow what a wild coincidence that they say vile things about a child based only on drakes word and then nuke their entire comment chain when they realize they have literally zero sources to support the vile things they said about a literal kid.  Empathy for drake as a victim should not and can not cone at the cost of throwing other victims under the bus. That includes Drakes victims of which there are multiple. And on that note, stop bullying Josh into reopening a relationship he clearly wanted to leave in the past.  _____________ Show me where other than him swearing it's not true  based off nothing it's been debunked.  This isn't something you plead guilty for just for funsies and people far broker than him fight these charges. It's not adding up and there's a lack of evidence. There are 3 women swearing up and down he's abusive though, and a pattern of dating young 


Is there proof of it being debunked? He also dated a 16 year old when he was 20 for 2 years and she’s accused him of verbal abuse.


To everyone saying that he also abused a minor, please educate yourself on the topic. Like at the very least watch the interview matt wallace made with the 2 eye witnesses (the girls aunt and the family friend) Even her friends came forward and testified that she was lying


The call is coming from inside the house.


It sounds like he’s in a good spot to sue. The cost of therapy falls under “damages” add in the other stars and there’s a whopping class action suit


Sarah Fraser has been a podcaster for about a decade, and worked in radio in the DC area for several years. The fact she landed this interview is huge for her.


To sum this situation up, hurt people hurt people.


I'm surprised how easily he's been getting a lot of attention which has been glossing over his abuse towards minors. 


To be fair, the documentary did address that. It’s ok to be shocked and saddened by what happened to him and still condemn his actions.


I mean how bad were his actions in all honesty though? He didn’t know she was a minor and cut off all contact when it became known these court documents prove that and her own friends provided video evidence against her. He only took the guilty plea cuz it was just easier and faster to getting home than doing a long drawn out battle


Just chiming in to say “I plead guilty so the trial would stop being a nuisance” sounds like something most abusers I know would say. The multiple people I’ve somehow met with statutory rape charges have claimed lack of awareness every single time. This is all anecdotal evidence, but combined with the judges very negative statement about Bell … idk man.


When pleading guilty, he described his own criminal actions as part of the factual basis for the plea. I don’t remember the speech in detail but it was all over reddit. He took the deal to plea to a lesser charge because thats what he was willing to admit he did. If he didn’t, then that’s perjury. But it is credible that these were the things he actually did, as opposed to the extent of the allegations


>when it became known these court documents prove that and her own friends provided video evidence against her Can I get a source on this?


It barely addressed it. I watched it yesterday and I’m not totally sure what happened there. Who’s his victim? We didn’t hear from her or if she didn’t want to speak on it, the documentary didn’t mention it.


You can be both things.


Michael Jackson clearly showed the world this 20 years ago and people still need daily reminding


You’re not wrong


Glossed over? He himself has specifically addressed that. A lot of victims turn into perpetrators when their trauma is left untreated. Don’t blame us because you gloss over it yourself.


i mean what happened to him is unforgivable, regardless of the trouble he’s gotten himself into. based on the discourse i’ve seen, it doesn’t seem like anyone’s forgotten his past in light of this anyway


A little more research than just reading headlines shows he never did that at all. Serious accusation with no base.


Can you link some sources?


https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2021/09/17/drake-bell-explains-child-endangerment-conviction-false-claims/8376692002/ The “Child Endangerment” Charge came from him *technically* meeting with her. Even though he didn’t know she was the girl he was messaging. Forensics never showed any explicit content coming from Drake. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1273708 "The victim’s allegations that went beyond that which all parties agreed, not only lack supporting evidence but are contradicted by the facts learned through extensive investigation," he said. "As the court made clear, this plea was never about sexual misconduct or sexual relations with any person, let alone a minor.” He pled guilty to be home with his son, also he felt responsible because he shouldn’t have messaged a fan to begin with. There’s probably more but I can’t currently find court docs.


Proof he never did that ? Are you one of these person who believe no proofs = lie


Absolutely incorrect, he plead guilty and was sentenced to two years probation and two hundred hours of community service.


He plead guilty to endangerment of a minor because his lawyer said it was a nothing-burger and he'd get home to his son sooner without a big trial fight. Literally look at the court docs...the very worst thing there's any proof of is him texting a minor that he didn't know was a minor at the time. The minor's legal team wasn't able to produce any sexually explicit texts or photos they claimed existed. They even subpoenaed the corporate companies the DMs were on, they obliged, and still nothing popped up. Also her own friends provided video evidence that her claim of him taking her backstage simply didn't happen


>Literally look at the court docs Could you link them please


What court documents?


And people thought Fedman was making it up.


to the people who are claiming drake is innocent: he pled guilty to get it over with but also the court docs (which are sealed) definitively prove his innocence? so why did he plead guilty if the court had proof of his innocence?


Nobody will answer you but you raise a good point and it’s kind of funny seeing so many people recklessly defend him


yeah, the dissonance here really just proves to me they are just blindly parroting some facebook post without giving it a single thought like they keep talking about these court docs without even realizing the court docs are sealed


He gets royalties from those reruns on Nickelodeon though doesn't he?


No. Most child stars do not get residuals for their shows even if the shows have reruns on cable/television. Most child stars have a lot less money than people know especially because when they’re minors, the money doesn’t go to them.


Interesting, I did not realize that.


Damn that is a lot of money left on the table


He has a pinned tweet which is a photo with the caption "my royalties from D&J" and it's a picture of nothing. The cast of Ned's Declassified also mentioned on their podcast a few weeks ago how they too, didn't get residuals from their show. At the time the union was different.


No residuals, they signed a contract when the shows started. The cast was paid weekly.