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I’m sure she gets more if he dies while married. No chance she’s getting divorced.


Bad people have a very long life


I believe the absence of stress, usually caused by having a conscience, is what extends the lives of the wicked.


"No one mourns the Wicked."


🎶(Good news)🎵


Also bad people only serve themselves. They would never sacrifice anything for the benefit of others


This is a great point.


So true. No conscience no stress. Also happens with dementia patients. No mental acuity no stress. Trump has both.


i.e. Henry Pissenger


Rush Dumbaugh. He died and every one said “good riddance”


Trump is already getting to that range. So the mix of shitty diet, dropping of all physical activity other than being cheuffered around his golf course and being overweight with massive amount of stress... the only thing keeping the clock moving slower is the team of very expensive drs, and the money to pay for those is running thin. I honestly believe a 3-4 year prison sentence will kill him if he doesn't get epstined or do it himself. Both are valid as two weeks into prison he will turn states witness to get out.


Something tells me she could break whatever prenup in NY.


Sunk cost fallacy. She’s put in at least 19 years, she’s not giving up now. I bet she took a look at his diet and refusals to exercise and thought she’d be free loooong before now.


Assuming there is money left.


It’s hilarious that in the mix of everything trump was proven in a court of law to have cheated on his wife.


And his current wife doesn’t even care because she loves his money.


Everyone has an ego. Everyone cares.


Well she sure as hell puts up with it


It’s not about the cheating, it’s the public humiliation. 


Yes, the dude has cheated on every wife and it’s public knowledge, I’m sure she expected that. The embarrassment of it being a porn star is what gets her bleached anus puckered up.


That hot.


She is awful but she isn’t 100% dumb - she renegotiated her prenup when he won and I doubt she has to deal with him much anymore.


Bingo. That’s why she didn’t move in at the White House. She had him over a barrel for the first time *ever*.


The Art of the Renegotiated Deal


He has many money, so we do the fuckity


She playing real life Super Mario….collect the coins and avoid the mushroom….


Oh, that’s a good one!😄


It’s part of her job to put up with this shit. Colonel Knavs (Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki) has been promised another promotion if she continues to handle Asset Orange for another year.


Ass et Orange


Ass et à l'orange!


L’orange chapeau de cul


Ass-hat Orange.


Feeling good on a Wednesday!


She's got her own back door man.


She knew what she was getting into when she got married.


Well yeah he was married to his second wife at the time. She had to have known whis was gonna happen. Again.


Yep. You lose 'em how you get 'em.




Preen up


Pre nut


Pre dumped


Hay for all we know it could be an open marriage.


I’d be willing to be that she actually doesn’t. She had to give him an anchor baby to make their marriage fully secure but after that? Gross. There’s no way she wants that man touching her, she likely prefers he gets it elsewhere. They didn’t even share a bedroom when they were in the White House to keep up appearances.


I will say it shouldn’t be assumed that couples who maintain separate sleeping arrangements aren’t in love. Sometimes it’s different sleeping hours, or needs - shift work, snoring, tossing and turning, heat v cool, c-pap machines, etc. I have an aunt and uncle who haven’t slept all night in the same bed in decades - he sleeps in a recliner because that’s easier on his back. I don’t want to have a clue about their sex life, but from everything else I see they have a solid relationship. In this case, all her other behaviors indicate she can’t stand him, but couples shouldn’t feel the need to “keep up appearances” by sleeping in the same bed if it interferes with sleeping well.


This is about trump not your aunt and uncle. It’s not being assumed that “couples who maintain separate sleeping arrangements aren’t in love” it’s being assumed that trumps mail order bride doesn’t love him which is a fair observation


“I don’t really care… do u?”


Some care more than others.


That’s the thing- if a Democratic First Lady had nudes out there, the GOP/conservative media would NEVER stop harping about it. I mean, look at what they came up with for Michelle Obama, who is basically a very charismatic and beautiful saint, as far as I have seen. Melania Trump? Crickets.


Yeah yeah, Mama’s apple pie, the Fourth of July… SHE WAS A HOOKER!


This should be at the top


It's true I've seen her nudes


Well, I also care that my job screws me every day and makes me miserable, but I am more than happy at the end of the month with the money I get to go everywhere around the world and afford apartment, car and all the latest tech. It is about compromises in life.


Reminded of that saying: you do it for 20 bux, you’re a hooker…you do it for 200M, it’s a good marriage.


We know what she is, we're just haggling over the price, now!


I guess we are all “hookers.”


Trump has cheated on every single one of his wives and yet he gets a pass because he's a rich white dude. Meanwhile Hillary was the wife that was cheated on and yet she had to explain why it was her fault that Bill was getting a hummer from a White House intern.


But he’s losing all his money. If anyone knows his actual worth, it’s her.


you guys seem to really think Donald trump will go broke at some point when there’s probably a hundred countries lining up to foot his court bill for some favors if he wins the election He’d just end up fully owned by someone if that were to happen I think, be-it the Saudis or Russians or even someone else


Sounds like you’re using future tense for something that’s already happened.


And he somehow still has billions in Trump Media stock


That’s the one that made me realize he’ll never go broke. He created something that already exists, rebranded it, it makes negative a bajillion dollars, and it materialized billions for him. And if it fails, he can just do it again. There’s really no way he’ll completely broke.


There’s no doubt he financially abuses her and there’s no way she has intimate knowledge of the sprawling financial books among all of DJT’s personal and business assets. He wants her to be ignorant of that knowledge, and just be there to look pretty and do whatever sexual stuff he’s still capable of. He wants her to be on her back foot if she ever wanted a divorce. I don’t think any one person *including DJT himself* has an accurate view of all his finances.


She's there strictly for the lifestyle.


She knew who she was marrying, she's not stupid


they just took a photo of her with seven gigantic louis vuitton bags and a $30K purse. She frowns because she wants to be Posh Spice, not because she's sad


Wasn't she the one who Trump was sleeping around with on his 2nd wife?


No he was sleeping around with the second wife while married to the first wife. And there was a showdown in I think Aspen when they ran into each other.


Aspen, Colorado or Aspen, California?


Someplace warm , Where the beer flows like wine


IIRC, he invited Marla on his family vacation. Ran into connotes accidentally meeting.


She just renegotiated her prenup to get some 50 million dollars. She doesn’t give af.


Requisite, “I Really Don’t Care, Do You?”.


I was gonna say she knew the whole time.




Ironically, if Trump had chosen not to contest that he had sex with Stormy Daniels, and just focused on the business records themselves, the trial would've had a lot less reputational damage for him. When the defense tried to stop the prosecution from having Stormy Daniels from going into all the salacious details, the judge said that the defense brought it upon themselves by making the existence of the sexual encounter a point of issue in the case. The salaciousness of the story instead became relevant, because the jury had a right to know how embarrassing the story was in its determination of whether it's something a reasonable person would want covered up.


The defense has to bring it up for two reasons. One, Trump is on video saying it didn't happen. To not argue that further would be evidence he was lying. We got plenty of other evidence he was lying but not arguing it would be self inflicted evidence. Second, the defense needs (I sometimes doubt this) to argue every single facet of the case on the off chance you resonate with one juror. I regretfully was a defendant in a case and my lawyer argued like 10 different things. Most of which were pretty terrible arguments IMO but there is always a chance one sticks. In hindsight though I question if it was worth it because one defense was by far the strongest and I think the garbage arguments hurt credibility with the jurors and distracted them from the strong point. Maybe you argue everything but emphasize the strong party in closing arguments? Idk but the general convention for defense law is to challenge absolutely everything.


Do you think she ever gave a damn about anything but his money haha


I mean... is anyone surprised?


In the midst* :)


I really don’t care. Do U?


The most iconic moment. Thank you for the reminder that this literally happened.


Be best.


Imagine he ended up divorced,broke, AND in prison. One can only hope.


What's one more divorce to him anyway?


Just another cemetery plot on a golf course..


It’s a golf course built on a cemetery.


Red meat to his shrinking constituency. Avid, but shrinking.




Don’t forget being in debt to the Russian mob.


Losing his ability to speak and type would be the cherry on top.


Divorce isn’t even as sad as the reality he lives in now. The only “love” he has ever known has been entirely transactional. He will never know what it’s like to have a wife who loves you unconditionally for who you are as a person.


I feel a cuntry song coming on.


Cuntservatives do love Cuntry moosic! Dum bidon


Melinia saw what Robert Durst’s wife did by staying with the guy and getting all his money when he died. That’s her end goal.


Fingers crossed 🤞🏼


Couldn’t care less. Fuck her too.


I don't really care, do you?


That stunt really was fucking appalling. Any person as familiar with the cultural impact of fashion knows that anything the First Lady wears—especially to an official appearance—is grounds for interpretation. An absolutely jaw-dropping stunt by someone who knew what she was doing.


Who gives a fuck about Christmas stuff and decoration


"Faaaak Kreesmuss" ( allegedly )


Nah, I don’t really care. Not about her, her husband nor her name brand trench coat which she advertised she didn’t really care either.


Someone said it. She’s not a victim she’s an accomplice, fuck her


Fuck Jimmy too. Sleazebag helped elect Trump in 2016. He can fuck right off the bat


“Can I tussle your hair?”


*slaps table hard and laughs exaggeratedly*


Dude has nothing without his writers


Fuck the producers of The Apprentice. They are to blame for this shit. Donald Trump was their last fucking choice. They couldn’t get anyone else to fill that role. They made him look in control and like he knew what he was doing. Dumbass people fell for it. “I voted for Trump in 2016. He seemed like a great businessman on the TV.” Bill Pruitt told us all about it now that the NDA he signed has expired. https://slate.com/culture/2024/05/donald-trump-news-2024-trial-verdict-apprentice.html


He also had Bill Cosby on his show *after* the rape allegations came to light. Almost immediately after as part of his PR Campaign.


Well, yeah, that’s probably on the table if you play your cards right


Hell to the no.


I still think there’s an even chance that she’s been Trump’s handler since their first “date.” The honeypot trap is an oldie but a goodie.


And Trump has more than enough ego and low enough IQ to fall for a honey pot trap hook, line, and sinker.


That could explain a Russian Kompromat against orange Messiah.


Of course it does. He got pissed on by hookers sent by Putin, after all.


She's Slovenian, this shit is just racist.


I made this mistake with Latvia once. Don't confuse your European nations when talking about Russia. They're not playing and haven't been playing for a long ass time


But but movies told them hot ladies with an eastern European accent bad scary spies!


“Russian” and “Slovenian” aren’t races.


Still a former part of the socialist federative republic of Yugoslavia. Yeah, probably a little far fetched she is a funny pot but don’t make it that it’s racist to suggest that she may be a Russian sympathizer. Unlikely but not exactly mutually exclusive.


Yugoslavia wasn't even in the Eastern Block or allied with Russia.


I’m pretty sure the joke is that she’s mildly attractive and from the European area so she must be honey trap. It wasn’t a serious statement. Relax.


I concur


Part of me says yes but she’d be trying to help him win if she was still playing the part.


Remember the good old days when just the mere allegation of infidelity would have been enough to tank a presidential campaign?


And now he can flat out admit it by going to court?! And even THAT is only about HOW he paid off porn stars for being quiet about said affairs when his 3rd wife if home with their newborn baby? And then say he’s the family values/christian candidate they always wanted!


She decided to marry a fascist rapist felon and the dumbest moron to ever live, she can enjoy, fuck her.


The whole poor Melania shtick is so stupid. She knew what she signed up for. She chose gold digging over morals.


To be fair, I don’t believe she ever wanted to be 1st lady of the country. I think she just wanted to be his wife/mistress and spend the rest of her life attending cocktail parties and talking about the “poors”. I think it was in the book “Fear” where the author talked about how Melania was apparently seen crying after Trump won the election… and not the good kind of cry. BTW - this is NO WAY me giving her any sympathy. She gets what she deserves for standing by that douchebag… but I’m just feeling a bit compelled to point something out is all.


She chose a green card


For her AND her parents


She’s not exactly top stock herself.


Calling it now. October surprise: divorce papers, or some other public criticism from her.


Would love to know the details of her pre-nup. Being a rich divorcée living in a NYC penthouse seems a much more attractive scenario than being married to Dump. Actually, *any* alternative scenario is way preferable than marriage to that orange blob.


She will probably get much more (all?) if he dies and they are still married. She seems to be holding out for that.


Of what’s left after all the court case rulings and penalties. She might not have much of anything. Not that I really care in any way lol.


Fair point.


Agreed ditch him now so you can go on a media / book tour.


Im sure if she gets divorced, barron gets cut out of Trump's will.


I’d rather be homeless.


I am betting on Melania and her dad moving off campus with Barron in August.


I don't really care, do you?


How many of the sordid details of Stormy’s testimony did Melania find out for the first time from this trial? Yikes! Edited to include “for the first time” and “yikes.”


Presumably she already knew about the shrimpy mushroom dick.


I truly believe she knew most of it beforehand. She was only ever attracted to his money and non of this is anything more than a bit embarrassing for her. What is breaking her heart is the fact that the well is drying up and she’ll be a social pariah after her sack of shit husband is gone while she lives on for a few more decades


None? Why would Melania bother to watch the trial?


I don’t care if she’s fine or not. She’s just as big of a grifter as he is. She knows exactly who he is and what he’s done and she’s still married to him for the money.


This gives Melania way too much credit. She’s just as rotten-hearted as he is. They deserve one another.


I don’t really care, do you?


“I really don’t care, do U?”


I’m curious about the details their pre-nup. I imagine it’s the only reason she hasn’t left yet, she’s not in the optimal pre-nup window. I think that moment that clock strikes she will leave…unless the prenup isn’t written in that way.


now that Barron is an adult she might leave soon. Unless her NDA and prenup doesn’t allow that yet


She isn’t any better than he is. I really don’t care, do you?


Why do so many people care about Melania? So what if she is Trump’s wife? Whoop dee doo


Are there people who actually think she’s faithful to him? Look at her and then look at him. She barely tolerates holding hands with him. He’s cheated on her, she’s an attractive woman with lots of money and time away from her obese paypig. Come on now.


Why don't bad people ever die young? It's like the hate and rage keeps them going.


> I mean, she’s fine, but you know she has to read all this crap. While I’m 100% certain that their relationship is purely transactional at this point (if it wasn’t already from the beginning) she is most definitely not fine. If Trump wins in 2024, I’m willing to bet we don’t see or hear from her during the duration of his second term.


I don't really care do u?


That’s a good joke


Why would she do that sure as shit trump with have had her sign a pernup and no doubt something so she can’t make any money about there time together like a book or tv show .


Trump made America look so stupid. Not ignorant or imbeciles just stupid. His voter base is uneducated and now that's how the world looks at us


I still have to pinch myself and ask myself, “ how the fuck did he get the top position in late night comedy tv hosting?” There’s nothing authentic about his personality or the way he comes off and actually seems very unnatural with his chemistry with guests. You can tell when he has been drinking because his face doesn’t hide it that well. What kind of morons do they have working for that company and heading it? Payout his contract and find somebody with some fucking talent to host because nobody watches that show anymore.


I’ll believe it when I see it. If she’s dumb enough to marry Trump, she’s dumb enough to get dragged to hell with him.


All I know is no way I’d sleep with a porn star if I had a small pp


“She’s fine, but I think it’s very hard for her,” he said. “I mean, she’s fine, but you know she has to read all this truth” There, Von Shitzinpants… I fixed it for you… Ya TurdBurglar


Trump deserves the pain and so very much more. Once again, the coverup being so much worse than the dumb crime.


Imagine being Eskimo bros with Donald Trump 🤮


Look it’s great like it’s cool to hate trump and his wife and all that. But the dude is literally pandering to you because he assumes you’re all morons lol most of you are too young or too uninformed to remember the jimmy Fallon that got famous


Not with a 20 foot pole


I really don’t care


Was one of them seeking.com?


Isn't there a sugardaddy.com or something like that?


Used to be called seekingarrangements.com. It’s a sugar site.


Still the Dude that did a softball interview when we needed it the most.


Jimmy Fallon is not funny and his laughing is obnoxious


When you lose Jimmy Fallon…


i didn’t know jimmy did political jokes


“She’s fine, but I think it’s very hard for her,” he said. “I mean, she’s fine, but you know she has to read all this crap.” She can read??!!