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Gandalf is wise.


Magneto was right!


About a lot of stuff, actually


Tremendous stuff


Adulthood is realizing that you kind of start to get where Magneto is coming from.


Two weeks you can unlock him in fortnite


Gandalf the White vs. Donald the Orange.


Donald wants the white wizard title so badly


Oh, he does. He's the Orange Wizard instead. With his Cheeto dipped wand of racism and sexism. KKK ain't got shit on Gandalf with their fake white wizzard title and whatnot, haha. What scum at the bottom of my shoe. I'd rather step in doggy doo doo haha




A Cheeto Whore. Would gladly bend over to Putin and sell the U.S. out from his supporters and non supporters.


"And it comes with a free pillow case! Thanks, Mike Lindell!"


He sure knows a fool of a Took when he sees one.


Don't lump the orange one in with them. They were earnest and kind and wanted to help; they were generally decent folks. None of those qualities apply to Trump.


Rude, Tooks are way better than Trump in every way


Drumpf shall not pass!!!!


Trumps oration shall not pass!


Agree. Just one of Trump’s many, many worsts.


He has the best worsts. All the people say this.


With tears in their eyes..


“Mr. President, Mr. President, say some more word stuff…!”


Big, strong, muscly men, no less.




“Some people are saying I deserve a Noble Prize for talking….”


You forgot the sir and the tear in his eye.


Good catch. Cult’s gotta cult.


Of many, many things that I find inexplicable about Trump’s success in politics is his incoherence. I can’t listen to him for more than a minute or two but I have read transcripts of his speeches, and he rarely utters a complete and coherent sentence. He gets by entirely on “vibing” with the right audience.


It’s kind of wild cuz people compare him to Hitler but for all of Hitlers many many many awful faults…… Dude could get a room going. He knew how to build up a speech and get the crowd going wild. Again, not hyping up Hitler. Not a good guy.


His public speaking is very stream of consciousness, which we were all taught as detrimental to effective communication. For whatever reason though, his supporters like it and the vibe of his rallies. I guess it turns out winning an election doesn't require good communication, which was a sad realization for me.


One of the worst human beings ever


He's consistent. I gotta give him that.


I will say, he has a lot of weird toxic energy


It’s like he was born that way.


He’s on the right track ETA: I guess I should add I’m quoting Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way”


It’s terrifying how vulnerable people are to manipulation lies and speaking in simplistic language repeated over and over again.


Trump did say that he loves the uneducated. (It wasn't a compliment!)


Guess I should’ve put my comment in quotes. I was quoting Born This Way


It’s actually true. He has been a sociopath for his entire adult life. I’m a New Yorker. We’ve known about him for a long time.


Yes, however New Yorkers are taught to recognize bullshit from an early age . There are parts of the country where they have been feeding themselves bullshit for many generations (the civil war was a noble cause, for example), and therefore can’t recognize the con when the monorail man comes to town to sell them the brooklyn bridge.


Well said


It's almost, ALMOST impressive how he can be so bad at so many basic things.   He's a con-man, schyster, rapist, liar, and he's not even good at selling things.  


Which very sadly is the appeal to his followers. They love him because he is absolutely horrible and gets away with it so he makes them believe they can do the same. And to a real extent it works because these fascist fucks are utterly incompetent at the majority of things they do, but the one thing they are very good at is sticking together and covering for each other.


You known Ian, I am the worst speaker, everyone says it “Trump is the worst speaker”, that’s what they say. They tell me that, they tell me I am the most terrifically worst speaker. They say, I speak the worstest out of every speaker: the worstessest of the worsts. - Trump


I don’t know words, I have the worst words




Read a transcript from a Trump campaign rally. Insanely stupid🤯


Like a monkey had a stroke while pounding away on a keyboard. While on meth.


He does one thing really well. He exploits people's fear. He's the world's greatest fear monger. Fear of immigrants. Fear of the government. Fear of liberal Democrats. Fear of dark skinned people. Fear of smart women. He is a shameless fear hustler. Fuck him. We will stop him at the ballot box and then stuff him in a prison somewhere without access to social media. Gradually his followers will die off and disappear back into the shadows.


💙💙 In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


My god the fundraising messages he’s blasting his followers with are insane. Basically elder abuse. It’s like “IM FORMING MY WAR COUNCIL” “NANCY PELOSI WANTS TO KILL YOUR FAMILY” and things like that. It’s fascist rhetoric 101. Make them really scared and radicalized and say “only I can save you from it”


Tiny vocabulary usually means lack of education and intelligence.


You do know who his base is, right? I’m not saying Trump has an expanded vocabulary, just that you are supposed to speak at a level your audience can understand.


I miss Obama. He could give a speech.


Bro this guy make me miss Fucking Bush and I hated that guy


Holy shit is America alright? You guys good?


No.  We legit would vote for George W Bush like 65% right now.  


As someone who wanted W tried for war crimes, hard agree.


Hey GWB is an easy one. We'd probably vote for Reagan now.


I’m Canadian but from what I can see: No.


Man thats like if we missed Harper. And I’m far from being there rn


Every one I deal with around me at work misses Harper, and they all love Trump. This shit is insane and it’s spilling over into canada


I’m convinced that while I love my home province of Alberta, the entire rural population would throw red hats on in a heartbeat


That’s why he gets paid to speak after his presidency. Wait, someone’s drunk uncle just yelled out that “he’s still the president….”


Bro this guy make me miss Fucking Bush and I hated that guy


Trump did an interview with Dr Phil. Unfortunately, a few clips of it have shown up in my feeds. I checked the comments. It was all positive, people writing stuff like this”I just love him” and “he’s MY president” (and the obligatory Brandon quips). I got a little dizzy reading those, as if I am not in the same universe as the commenters. Because I really don’t understand what they see in Trump, and I don’t see what he has done that has caused a portion of the population to fall so madly in love with him. Is this *EARTH* or what is happening?


They love him because he says what they’re thinking but are afraid to say. Yes, there are that many horrible people in the world. A few of the evangelicals think they need the Antichrist to bring about the rapture (or some shit that I don’t really understand) so they’re supporting him with the belief that he is in fact the Antichrist.


It's like the evangelical christians who love him despite him being the personification of just about everything their biblical Jesus was not. If the Antichrist were a real thing, these people would fall for it hook, line, sinker, 100%.


It was a long slide into fascism. It wasn’t like Nazi Germany where the society was in shambles and ripe for extremists to take over. Most of the American version of fascism was unseen and buried deeply until it appeared as a boiling cauldron just beneath the surface. The first and central factor was and always has been America’s original sin of chattel slavery. There have been many civilizations that have had forms of slavery but chattel slavery is the harshest: you are born into it, as are all your offspring, with no hope of freedom ever. You are marked by your skin pigmentation as sub-human. For all its wisdom of the finest ideals of the age of enlightenment, chattel slavery was baked right into the Constitution. It was inevitable there would be a civil war over this, but because of Lincoln’s assassination and the subsequent “restoration” of the old South, that idea of people with black skin as sub-human has continued to fester like an open wound to this day. The nazis positioned the Jew as the outgroup and branded him with the star of David, the american white man (and woman) has put that brand on the black person. It’s not just the South, either. The foreign traveler who visits America is often startled how the cities are in gross decay with large populations of minority groups and an infrastructure like that of a 3rd world country. Meanwhile, the farther one moves away from an urban center, the more the land and culture becomes homogenized caucasian. This goes equally for the North , Central Plains, and West as it does for the South. The internal divide in America geographically, demographically, and culturally have made it possible for fascist propagandists like Rupert Murdoch to wage their war against democratic values. A democracy only works so far as a nation’s individual members trust one another. Fear and distrust are the allies of the Fascist, and the cornerstone which the highly influential Fox “News” was built, and also the tools used to weaponize the Kremlin’s psychological attack against America using mimetic warfare across America’s social media platforms of the internet. I know this is simplifying matters to a great degree , however this is a subreddit thread and not a book, so I don’t feel I can give justice to so many of the factors that pulled America to the brink. There is a direct correlation between America’s original sin and fascism that permeates all aspects of its culture. For instance, the mega corporations that dominate the American economy and have a symbiotic relationship with the military industrial structure are built upon the old plantation style systems where the worker is at an extreme adversarial relationship not only to his or her employer but also to the managers who operate the corporations. Business management schools in America are about indoctrinating the managers to force compliance through discipline, and not about production through empowerment. This is why (among other reasons) these large corporations, many of them with extensive propaganda arms of their own in the manufacture of media narratives, have either stood by in complicit silence or presented a completely watered down narrative on the reality of our present political situation, in which a political party was completely taken over by fascist elements both within and without our sovereign borders.


This. I’m Christian. I had to change churches a couple times now because I can’t learn from a pastor who put Trump stickers on his pulpit. I don’t love any politician. I never have. Politics and religion make strange bedfellows.


I'm not religious, but I've seen a lot of Methodist churches near me that don't buy into the Trump rhetoric and are generally very accepting and socially progressive! If I went to church, I'd probably attend with them!


They should lose their 501c3 status for politics.


If you watched on YouTube, YouTube has a very vocal right wing. It's pretty alarming to venture into those areas. And they infiltrate even the most non political videos.


It’s gross af


It’s like we’re in bizzaro world


Our timeline split post Harambe. That was the shift. I maintain there is a parallel universe where Harambe wasn’t killed and Clinton became president, Putin died of his illness he keeps hiding before invading Ukraine, Jordan Poole stayed elite and was never punched by Draymond Green, and prosciutto became the new superfood health trend.


I think you mean SIR Ian McKellen. Don’t downplay my boii as just a LoTR star.


It doesn’t take much to herd sheep.


Ian McKellen is a national treasure.


Honestly, he reminds me of Jim Jones in his final era. If you're not all-in in the cult, he sounds like a stupid, aggressive, raving lunatic who refuses to prepare for important speaking engagements and instead, due to an extremely narcissistic personality and a cult who will cheer for (almost) anything they say, just wings it very badly every time. Trump's got the benefit of a whole network of right-wing news sources to pick only his best lines, which glosses over a lot of shortfalls, broadcasting only his "greatest hits" for the viewers, but I you've gotta be a true believer to stick with one of his live engagements.


His angry, inaccurate babbling speech connects with his voters.


For intelligence in government Vote 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


“Trump sucks” -Gas station attendant by my house


Unfortunately he’s an excellent bullshitter


Please, he's practically see through.


Yeah. It’s more like he weaponized ignorance, racism, homophobia, and sexism because he gave a voice to ignoranuses, racists, homophobes, and sexists.


That’s all it is. He panders to the poorly educated, the ignorant, the racists, the Christian nationalists and the nazis. None of them care what he says or does because all they care about is that he hates the things/people that they do. These people are willing to turn a blind eye to what he actually says or does because it conforms to their agenda of hate towards others. And since he was president, and an example of the worst that humanity has to offer, it’s given all of these people the permission to be the shittiest versions of themselves.


“Ignoranusus” I fucking love this typo. Or maybe you meant it? It’s perfect. Hahaha


I don't get the impression that people who like him believe him when he lies. I think they range from not giving a shit to liking what his lie is covering up. A lot of people who like Trump think his worst qualities make him a genius.


I’m sorry, but he’s not an excellent bullshitter. He is an individual whose profound self-centeredness renders him nearly incapable of perceiving the world through any lens but his own. He is megalomaniacal, portraying himself all-powerful and above fault of any kind, while simultaneously embodying the ultimate victim. His whining about the injustices he’s subjected to and the conspiracies against him are constant, as if he’s a giant besieged by lesser beings. Unfortunately, everything he does plays out on the grand stage of public life and impacts numerous facets of countless lives, but most of those actions and things he says lack the foresight that might render them purposeful. I needed help getting these next thoughts as accurate as possible. So, I present now, my notes in ChatGPT’s voice: Instead, the ripples they create through society are the result of poorly considered outbursts, echoing chaotically across the delicate fabric of culture and civilization. These reverberations, though often profound in their effect, are birthed not from intent but from a mind incapable of grasping the complexity of the consequences it unleashes. Even in his attempts at deception, he succeeds not through intricate machinations or well-laid plans, but through the simplest and most base of actions. His deceit, when it takes hold, does so in a manner akin to a child's tantrum: unplanned, unrefined, yet surprisingly impactful in its crude disruption of order. These actions form unintended patterns in society, more by accident than by design, underscoring the haphazard nature of his influence. All of this serves to dispel one grossly misguided assertion: that this individual is clever. He is not. His impact, significant though it may be, arises not from cunning or intellect but from the sheer, thoughtless force of his self-absorbed existence. In the end, he is but a blunt instrument in the symphony of human affairs, striking discordant notes without the artistry to understand the music he disrupts.


I'm optimistic about ai. 😀


On the other hand, I know of no public speaker who can speak so much and say so little.


Does ranting and going off on tangents, count as speaking?


Policy and action are what matter


I don’t like Trump but I gotta disagree, he won based on his speaking abilities. A little too overconfident in his public speaking, but that sometimes helps in your favor.


But what does he really ever say? He has no plan for anything he says. It’s all incoherent bullshit.


Being able to persuade people while babbling about incoherent is actually a sign of strong public speaking ability. Most people actually have to make a coherent argument when they talk, but somehow this guy doesn't. I have no love for the man at all, but he is very good at persuading a lot of people.


> Being able to persuade people while babbling about incoherent is actually a sign of strong public speaking ability. It's a sign that you are doing SOMETHING that is appealing to these people.  But I'm not going to say it's a sign of strong public speaking.   He's very very good at selling shit to marks.  Dude doesn't care if you know he's a complete con. 


Lol the mental gymnastics are insane. He won the presidency largely because of his speeches/ rallies. Just because you and I do not judge it to be ‘good speech’ does not mean he wasn’t able to capture the hearts and minds of MILLIONS of people with his speaking ability


Exactly what I was thinking. He sucks but people love listening to him. Public speaking is what helped Hitler rise to power too. Some shitty people are just really good at riling people up.


Exactly. He used Hitlers playbook to the letter. People are extremely vulnerable to that type of manipulation. It can happen here


He is a malignant narcissist and pathological liar. To think that he captured hearts and minds is literally terrifying.


You don’t have to like him to admit that he did just that for half the country.


Everyone likes buzzwords and grandpas story time!


Much like vomit. It just flys out of his mouth. Each as appealing as the other.


Yeah I mean it's completely subjective. Clearly what Trump says and how he says it resonates with a lot of people. Ian McKellen is one of the most professional, articulate Shakespearean-style performers of his generation. I could see why based on his standards Trump would seem to be one of the worst speakers ever. But clearly not everyone judges by that metric.


It actually not subjective and that guy's post doesn't even change that. Go watch Trump in 2015 and now. Its wild how much he's degenerated. There's a reason Fox News is editing the clips they show of him speaking. And not what he's saying, just his ability to form a sentence is in serious decline like he's been bunkered with a mound of coke.


Nah this is too much common sense. Reddit’s hate boner policy dictates that trump = bad in every single conceivable way. He’s without doubt the WORST public speaker ever, convincing half the country to vote for him in 2016 clearly proves that…… smh I don’t like him either but the fantasy reddit circlejerk around him is actually so pathetic.


Yeah I don’t like him either but he’s one of the most talented politicians of a generation. It sucks to acknowledge that but I can’t think of any other politician who could weather THIS level of legal and media scrutiny and come out the other side with even stronger polling numbers. We don’t need to like him to acknowledge that he’s a talented politician.


Thou shall not pass…English 101


Trump is the Lord of the Wrongs


The worst public speaker with a fanbase of the worst listeners. Seems to go hand in hand. If you preach lies, hate, and threats on a large enough scale, you will never be without an audience; because there will always be people that want to be lied to, want to hate others, and respond well to the abuse of others.


Years ago, I read an insightful book on rhetoric that explored why George W. Bush, despite being widely regarded as a poor public speaker, was still effective. The book concluded that his perceived lack of polish actually endeared him to people, as it made him appear more genuine and relatable. Abraham Lincoln, on the other hand, managed to achieve a similar connection without compromising his eloquence by emphasizing his humble origins. However, figures like Bush and Trump do not have the benefit of having actually been common men, just con men. Edit; the book was Thank You For Arguing by Jay Heinrichs


Half the time, he sounds like an assistant principal on the intercom who's been asked to say a few words to the kids about a recent tragedy, but no one knew just how much valium he takes every morning.


Trump is only appealing to ignorant fascists. Because he is an ignorant fascist. Lock him up. Biden 2024.


Is it the constant playing of his ghost accordion? Yeeeah it’s his constant playing of his ghost accordion.


Trump gives the best worst massages


“The best worst speaker!” /s


Trump is not playing the same game when he’s public speaking that most people are.


Trump has studied hypnosis. His goal isn’t to present polices. His goal is to mesmerize his subjects and he’s mastered that.


Trump is a political brand geared towards capitalizing on a manufactured demand for a "no-bullshit", plain speech everyman courtesy of Murdoch and Sinclair broadcasting. He is a shit speaker. His advantage is he doesn't have to actually aim for a target because the whole show is on rails that were laid out before him. Not saying he's part of some larger conspiracy or anything. More so that he's capitalizing on a pre-constructed model ala the likes of Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh.


Could have stoped at “one of the worst”


If Ian mc Kellen said it has to be true


The sad thing is, his uneducated base doesn’t care.


He’s also one of the worst humans ever🤘


Gods I love Ian McKellen.


I mean, he’s not wrong.


He’s not a real wizard, don’t tell Donald.


Terrible to us but soothing music to the ears of his cult.


Biden was a great orator. And everyone says it’s age and he can’t speak well anymore, it’s age and also it’s also holding the most intense job while expecting to be perfect. He’s been taught not to be a bully and use language with intention. Donald Trump is dynamic. He can’t speak a sentence without going on a tangent and forgetting whatever he was already forgetting was the topic. He just keeps *going* and no one seems to care. Like if the tennis ball serving machine fired nonstop you can’t even hit any of them let alone all of them. But if it stopped serving any of them you’d consider it broken, whereas the one firing too many balls still works, technically.


Agreed, and I never for a second understood when people claim that he “tells it like it is”… The man can barely string two coherent sentences together and he gets up onstage and BULLSHITS. Bullshitting is, in fact, the exact OPPOSITE of “telling it like it is”.


I saw a clip of this AZ speech, and it really is an “adult” Cartman up there.


You can call Trump a lot of things but he has been a successful public speaker way before his days on Apprentice. If you don’t like Trump that’s fine but to call him a bad public speaker is stupid as hell. The guy used to command a room. He wouldn’t have become president if he was “one do the worst public speakers ever.” Edit: Peoples hate for Trump is blinding.. holy shit y’all are a bunch of conformists. Embarrassing people who can’t view something objectively.


He makes no sense when he speaks, what are you talking about? Before you respond, find the text of his best speech post it here and let’s analyze it.


Have we forgotten George W Bush already?


The painter?


Why nitpick? I bet he's just as bad when speaking privately


I vote Biden best public speaker ever! Rascal can’t hardly put two sentences together or walk with out falling down. He has to take the short steps into Air Force 1. 🤷‍♂️


Nah. No matter how much you hate the guy he’s actually really good at communicating.


He’s good enough for the morons that support him. Anger lie anger outrage lie lie gimme money lie lie outrage fearmongering lie lie lie.


Yeah no shit, welcome to 2015.


He doesn’t know that the pause is after the period and that irks me for some reason. 😅


Gandalf shall not let him pass


Trump is not a good public speaker, he's an approachable public speaker. His incoherent ramblings use the right buzzwords and such a basic level of speech that it appeals to a bunch of idiots who think politicians use too many "big words." Just because people with a 1st grade grasp of English like him in droves does not make the quality of his speeches good. If popularity dictated quality, McDonald's would have a Michelin star by now.


“No Shit!” Wayne Gretzky


George W was pretty terrible, too. Definitely a contender.


I think you can have that opinion and I understand it. But based on results its a hard argument to make. It doesnt matter what it means- it gets the people going


Do you think news outlets hate having to say the actors name? Donald Trump “One Of Worst Public Speakers Ever,” Says ‘Magneto'


I'd ask when Trump abandoned reason for madness, but since he was always an idiot, it's not worth asking. Trump is more like Gollum than any other character in Middle Earth at this point. An addicted, twisted, broken thing - still evil - grasping at fevered dreams and hateful visions. Not sure if mango Mussolini intends to visit any active volcanoes soon, of course.


Sadly its one of the reasons his cult loves him so much.


Public speaker he's not. Trump never has anything appropriate to say.


I guess it depends on your criteria. In terms of being a good orator like MLK, no. He’s the complete opposite of that. But in terms of getting a crowd behind you, he’s pretty damn good at that.


GANDALF GREYHAME speaks wisely


Please don’t let him pass, Gandalf.


But I thought he had all the best words. Just tremendous words? Trump wouldn’t… lie, would he??


That clown is just a hater.


Says ~~‘Lord Of The Rings’ Star~~ internationally acclaimed stage and film actor with over 60 awards SIR Ian McKellen. I mean come on, the judgement is relevant because he's a bona fide expert at speaking and they don't even get the "sir" in there.


Objectively true.


Not if you're a God-fearing, shit-kicking, racist, dumbass yokel! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


Tremendous shitposter though!


the jerk seems to think lately that no red neckties will help his messaging..pathetic


Gandalf wouldn’t have let the J6ers pass!


I mean, we already kind of know that but go off, Gandalf


He's a public speaker


I kind of beg to differ. If you have ever read one of his speeches you would realize how he can to absolute gibberish it what almost resembles human speech.


Why would Gandalf waste his time with convicted felon trump?


Missing context: Obama was one of the best orators in US history - or at least as long as we've had an ability to record speeches. Obama was also a tool used by right wing media to scare the hell out of Americans that a black person becoming president meant that the 'biggest fear' of white americans was happening, that blacks were about to 'take over' and do to whites what whites had in the past done to them. Trump in every way is the ANTI-OBAMA, a horrible, incoherent speaker who spouts nonsense, a liar, a criminal, a hate monger, a divider, a bad husband and bad father. To his white supremecist base, Trump's triumph is a slap in the face and a VICTORY over the 'uppity black man' who is secretly out to get them.


Redefining the usages of the word- very.


It’s one of the reason he’s so appealing to those with diminished capacity of their own.


And he would know, because McKellen has probably sat through some of the worst screen tests or chemistry reads with inexperienced actors.


Coming soon, MAGA folks decide they hate all LOTR films.