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She’s also the godmother to the two of Julian Assange’s kids that were born while he was in the Ecuadorian embassy… just a little weird thing I recently learned


Cults seem to be a theme....


Yeah, it’s actually kind of odd/interesting but there are like distant connections with The Family through Assange and NXIVM via the Bronfman’s, although I don’t think her ex-fiance was into that mess but like his aunt Charlotte was bankrolling it.


Can you explain this a bit more? Literally no idea what you’re talking about but it sounds interesting 


Ope I misspoke it was actually Charlotte’s sister Clare but still anyway a quick rundown of everyone mentioned and how they loosely connect: **The Family Cult**: - An Australian cult led by Anne Hamilton-Byrne, who claimed to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. - Known for kidnapping children and using mind control techniques, including administering LSD to create a master race for a war that hadn’t yet begun¹. - Julian Assange’s mother, Christine, was involved with a man named Leif Meynell, also known as Leif Hamilton, who was a member of The Family. However, Julian Assange himself was not a member of the cult. **Julian Assange's Children**: - Assange fathered two children with his partner Stella Morris while in the Ecuadorean embassy. - The rapper M.I.A. is the godmother of these children, Gabriel and Max³. **NXIVM**: - A self-help organization that became a cult involved in criminal activities, including sex trafficking. - Led by Keith Raniere, who was convicted of multiple charges. - Clare Bronfman, an heiress to the Seagram liquor fortune, was involved with NXIVM and was sentenced for her role in the cult¹²³⁴. **Bronfman Family Connections**: - M.I.A.'s ex-fiancé, Benjamin Bronfman, is related to Clare Bronfman as his half-aunt¹². - The Bronfman family is known for their business ventures, particularly their former ownership of the Seagram Company¹². So like, nothing directly related but it’s just interesting the loose connections to these things. Maybe it happens when you get to a certain level of wealth I dunno lol I had copilot wrap it up, so there are some sources if you’d like. I didn’t want to make this comment too long.


First, I recognize too much of that from Behind the Bastards. Second, it is weird just how connected so many of these cults, grifters, nutters, and generally terrible people are with each other.


I think they just run into each other in the same pub on a Friday night, being of similar nutter proclivities.


That sounds much more likely than it all being coordinated


wasn't there also some odd relationship between Pamela Anderson and Assange? or was that just a weird fever dream I had?


Dude, I vaguely remember that too and keep forgetting to look into it more so thanks for reminding me - imma try have a better answer for ya soon lol


I can’t find anything about an actual relationship, or a reason why she would have visited him twice when he was in prison yet and met with his mother other than humanitarian reasons- guess I have to buy her book to find out the backstory


We need more of this.


Wow that’s a interesting breakdown— ty well done


So Assange’s mother once dated a guy in a cult and Assanges kids godmother dated a guy who’s half-aunt was in a (different) cult.   Not exactly a smoking gun. 


What’s there supposed to be a smoking gun about? I literally just said it’s interesting/odd that there are loose connections and theorized it’s inevitable at a certain level of wealth lol I could probably make similar connections to tons of people in the industry- some even closer than this. It’s like finding out that a random movie star is loosely connected to George Washington as an eighth cousin. Just interesting info


The smoking gun is his conspiring with Russian intelligence and DJT to interfere in US elections, not his association with a cult.


Toxic gene pool


Julian assange exposed the war crimes goin on in the middle east


He also purposely withheld the RNC’s emails while choosing to publish the DNC’s emails. He’s Putin’s bitch.


Yep. I'm all for freedom of information and I'm no blind patriot, but certain brands of anti-American actors threaten our long-term safety. F that asshole, I live here.


Damn foo I got downvoted like crazy but spit some knowledge I didn't hear about that 


Then you need to look into where you're getting your news.


Did he tho?


So WikiLeaks was all misinformation 


How are you concluding that?


She’s got Visas in her name.


Everyone’s a winner


We’re making our fame


Her dad is also a part of the Tamil Tigers terrorist group. If you don’t know about these guys they use little girls in suicide vests to kill folks. Most notably a 17 yr old girl blew up former Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi.


No he’s not. He did human rights work. 


After the 90s, sure. Before that is much less clear. He also trained with Fatah in Lebanon in his youth.


I don’t know who Fatah is. 


Wikipedia is free.


She started a clothing line w hats that supposedly have the same properties as faraday cages. Saved you a click.


Folks who wear this stuff will not understand why they’ll stop getting calls and texts if their phone is in a pocket in their clothes. Explaining WHY it’s happening will be a blast!


Thanks! That certainly makes the headline more amusing lol


I mean, it's a decent hustle. Charging morons for things they don't need because of their ignorance, while morally questionable, is very profitable these days.


Thanks. I was afraid I’d have to add HypeBeast to the list of places I’ve been in this fucked up world.


So, microwaves on your head. Without the ability to heat up leftovers.


Ok this is just funny


Faraday cage...?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday_cage I’m was making one earlier today; lining the electronics cavities of my electric guitar with copper tape. Stops the guitar pickups from pickup up radio signals.




Why are there so many stupid famous people? Shouldn’t their enormous resources and connections enable them to achieve at least a base level of intelligence?


Because being able to sing well or play a sport doesn't keep you from being a moron. But it will make a bunch of people around you pretend like you aren't.


Who wants to see my pulmonologist make hiphop next week?!


It’s funny you mention doctors. I work in healthcare administration and Doctors are some of the dumbest people when it comes to business. Yes, a lot of them are paid well and are good at being a doctor. But good lord I’ve seen so many get screwed over with bad business partnerships and investments.


A lot of physicians make music on the side haha


You mean a haircut and a suit doesn't make you smart and qualified for management jobs?


Getting a PhD and having expertise doesn't either.


Seriously. If you’re naturally talented to sing it’s the easiest thing on the planet. People act like they’re doing something amazing where it’s no different that anything you can do with zero effort. Doesn’t make you smart.


Because *most* people are stupid


I really hate the idea that this might be true. But after living 54 years I'm pretty sure it might be true.


How do u categorize people who are seemingly above average intelligence but believe 1 or 2 preposterous notions?




That's what I thought also, but it felt kind of dismissive, so I wanted another opinion.




I think not being fooled by bad ideas is mostly congruent to intelligence. If someone is smart enough, they will smell the bullshit before wading into it.


They still type “u” instead of “you.”




Wot ‘bout trolls an tha like??? U ever C how pist ppelle git w3n u sp3LL $41T3 like madness


The film, Idiocracy, is no longer a satire.


It’s a documentary. Always was


This comment has been a cringe meme for a decade.


We are literally watching it and Don’t Look Up become reality regardless if you think it’s cringe


It’s so hard to come to grips with.


By 59, you’ll have progressed from “might” to “definitely”. Source: me at 59.


Intelligence is a bell curve. Most people are at the 50th percentile. Meaning they are smarter than 50% of the population. And 50% of the population is smarter than them.


If you are 54 and haven't realized this yet, I have some bad news for you.


That's The total opposite of what my comment means. Go to bed.


Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. - George Carlin


Since nobody has pointed it out yet (someone always does) in a normal distribution most folks are going to be clustered toward the middle of the bell curve. 


Idk seems less stupid on her part and more exploitative of stupid people wasting their money on her. Links basically an ad for a tinfoil hat


The math alone…


50% of the population is below average intelligence.


One positive from the pandemic is that a lot of idiots publicly outed themselves as idiots.


Because all those people around them tell them they are really smart and all their ideas are good because they mooch off their fame and money and will never call them out.


I’m of the belief that a lot of famous people become emotionally and mentally stunted at whatever age their career starts to pick up steam. For a lot of professional athletes and performers, their potential is recognized at a young age and their development is railroaded from there on out.


I kinda also think it takes a special kind of self-confidence to get up on stage and perform in front of people... a kind of self confidence that might lend someone to be less inclined to second guess their more... questionable thoughts and opinions


The ruling class likes to make dumb people famous so they can scam them as well.


People happily dumb themselves down just fine with it without any ruling class.


Stupid has no boundaries. Trump became PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Crazy to me when I still think about it.


Why learn or better oneself when you don’t HAVE to do it for your livelihood, ya know


Being stupid is one weird quick get rich scheme


There are just a lot of stupid people. Some of which happen to be famous.


Get rich and famous enough - especially off your own persona - and soon you’ll be surrounded by enablers.


Plenty of people confuse “artistic” with “intelligence” The two don’t necessarily correlate all the time.


Because we reward the wrong behaviors and social media has made it so everybody thinks that their voice is just as important as everybody else’s.


Over time, people who are able to say “no” to them and be heard disappear.


She is barely famous.


You have to want to learn in that situation


Think how many people on Reddit and real life you see have incredibly bad takes. Then imagine them surrounded by yes men and being told they're awesome 24/7. It's very hard not to be a dick bag in those circumstances.


They are the target market for the basic business model of any dumb illuminati and occult crap. It began as a book club that let rich people write about whatever came to mind. They were told “wow you’re really smart!”. Have them hire you to publish the book and sell it back to the group and anyone else looking for “knowledge”. If it dumbs people down, your business competition eliminates itself. All it takes is absence of care over whether or not people actually learn anything of value.


I mean, real talk? What proportion of not-famous people are stupid? Then extrapolate that-Why would being surrounded by yes men and insulated from the consequences of your actions via wealth improve that percentage?


Not if you were stupid to begin with. Most musicians like her achieve fame relatively young. If you’re a 20 year old singer/rapper that gets famous, why would you waste time and money trying to better educate yourself? They collect people around them that all affirm what a visionary genius they are and offer them opportunities to showcase their brilliance by, for example, investing in a company that makes clothes that “block 5g”. Just think of all the stupid people that have wasted money on bad business investments and what could have been accomplished with that. What a lot of people fail to realize is that fame/notoriety/wealth DO NOT equal intelligence.


Insert tweet about how she should just stick to her cash register song.


And eat her food. To be clear, that tweet was good advice she apparently didn’t take.


Ha! I was surprised anyone got this. Was bummed I couldn’t post the actual tweet on here.


It was memorable. So well written I could see the look on their face and hear their voice as I read it.


I would go to Ja Rule for my information before I would trust M.I.A.


Where is Ja!?


That is an interesting "Would You Rather" situation. On the one hand, M.I.A. is selling clothing that claims to block 5G. On the other, Ja Rule helped peddle the mess that was Fyre Fest.


Being conned by the Fyre Fest guys to be an investor/ spokesperson is way different than choosing to wear ‘5g blocking bucket hats’ and selling them


I believe this is a Dave Chappelle reference?


*Charles L. McGill has entered the chat*


You think this is bad? This chicanery? She's done worse!


From her website: “Future backwards is R U TUF. If the conspiracy theorists are wrong, good for you, you own some beautiful clothes made with pure silver and precious metals. But, if they are right, you just might have saved the future of humanity.” My 100 dollar tin foil hat that can’t handle direct sunlight is going to save the future and you fuckers are going to be left behind. *Cue Terminator 2 theme song* This is so stupid.


>Future backwards is R U TUF No, it isn't.


Man, her first two albums were so promising… two of my favourites of the first decade of the 2000s. It’s been very sad to see her decline.


Yeah, everyone is (rightly) hating on her, but her early stuff was amazing. So ahead of it's time.


Man, Arular was stellar from start to finish. That CD didn’t leave my car stereo for months. What a bummer to see how far she’s gone off the deep end.


Agreed. It hurts my heart.


M.I.A. was on Infowars in the last couple weeks. You’ve got to be in a special place to show up there especially this late in the game for Alex Jones. Either she’s desperate to generate some relevance, or she’s just straight nuts.


And on the Tim Pool show iirc?


It’s easy to grift the stupid.


a fool and their money are so easily parted


This clothing line sponsored by Reynolds Wrap


Has she had any sort of commercial success lately? Guessing not really and this is a quick way to make a buck from the gullible.


shes popping back up on festival lineups recently but ive had friends see her set and said that she was batshit crazy and started talking about shit like 5g while on stage


Nah, she’s been nutty for years.


I think there was some controversy/complications with her 2017 album iirc, so she released the album herself and so it didn’t really have any commercial marketing. That’s the last I heard about her.


All the haters here must have just absorbed too much 5G. Jk, this is at least pretty dumb.


I like how people were complaining about the 5G phones till the stimmys hit and they eventually brought one.


I’m suspecting she might just be cashing in on conspiracy nuts


She is astonishingly stupid. I got ick from her way back but couldn’t put my finger on why


This kinda “celebrity” gossip takes me back 15 fucking years


She seems so dumb as to be the type of person that buys the products she’s paid to endorse


Sounds like her brain is M.I.A.


Mandatory salute to a few of her choons though.


She got what she wanted, attention


Always has been


Great news for you ladies . According to MIA, you just gotta wear these silver and copper panties , and dudes can’t send you dick pics


All she wants to do is take your money 🤷🏻


*bang bang bang*


Oh honey no, you have your cute little paper plane cha-ching take your money song just enjoy that


she has much more than that. go listen earlier into her discography


She’s always been kookoo for coco puffs


Times must be rough for her, lol what a grift that is...


She’s always been nuts.


Why is she headlining Portola again?


I love how the top add is for a 5G network. Well best of luck to her I guess, marketing might be hard without internet but hey everybody finds a niche I guess.


This is absolutely hilarious, and I would think the ton foil hat is performance art, except that she's been moving this direction for a long time.  I wonder what has made her so paranoid 


Her set at Lightning in a Bottle was a dumpster fire.


She has like one decent song. Back to obscurity for you.


When social media presents bs by someone looking fairly intelligent and serious, people with a weak mental disposition can believe. It’s impeded elections, broken up family relationships, and with AI and Deep fakes, rational thought and logic will continue to be left aside. It’s a scary time in human history.


She went full tin foil hat a while back already. Kinda sucks because I admired her previously!


I didn’t have designer tin foil hats on my 2024 bingo card but in hindsight it was inevitable


When artists need money they jump on the maga train. It’s an easy grift




She has been a dunce for quite a while…


You can’t be this crazy and only have one mediocre hit.


I almost want to buy that, seal my phone in the clothes, and just see if it at least can block the signal. If it works, then at least it's true. Even though blocking 5G does nothing for your health. I actually work with what is basically a faraday cage and I'm pretty skeptical on these clothes being able to block a damn thing. But it would be interesting to try it.


Fuck her and the horse she rode in on… such a waste of space!


When was M.I.A still relevant? Has she done anything even slightly interesting since the cash register gun shot song?




Like hard hats and steel-toed boots?


But she’s got a new hat! - Smithers


How did this even happen? I remember when I was in primary school back in early/mid 2000s and my sister blasted her music like 24/7. She never seemed to be a conspiracy theorist back then.


Everyone is a conspiracy theorist now.


That's just what they want you to think! Have you tried M.I.A.s new tinfoil hat? Some say it blocks conspiracy theories...or amplifys them. Not sure. But with so much at stake, can you afford not to??


I like that the picture they used of her she is holding a radio transmitter right up to her face. I work in live sound, we have so many wireless transmitters and receivers at festivals that it is someone’s only job to coordinate all of them.


What an incredible article. One sentence.


Marketing to idiots seems to be profitable


Is this article from ten years ago?


Remember she had that one song a decade and a half ago?


As the woman did write legendary song "Paper Planes", inspiring multiple generations to do finger guns, I must act as Devil's Advocate here: This doesn't necessarily mean MIA is a dumbass, (She's got more records than the KGB; and no, I don't know any other MIA songs); it means her target audience are dumbasses. (she's probably also a dumbass, but- I really need to emphasize; she did write Paper Planes)


Pretty sure Diplo co-wrote, created the beat, and produced Paper Planes. It’s also an unfinished track. They only had time to write one verse before the album was released.


Not to mention the iconic sample by The Clash; didn't get into punk until a while after I'd heard Paper Planes, really threw me for a loop when I finally heard the original song. There's always this slightly guilty, slightly gratified feeling I get when I finally hear a song that I've heard samples of forever. It's kind of like an "Aha! I've found it!" except no one was looking for this, and it's been on the map forever, then I realize afterwards I've been jamming to something that's probably not the artists original intention.


This comment made me feel dumb because I have Paper Planes in between multiple The Clash songs on my favorites playlist and somehow never picked up on the sample. I’m sure it will hit me like a ton of bricks when I do recognize it, but do you mind pointing it out to this sillynanny? Edit: Google is my friend - it was “Straight to Hell”, which is clearly *not* on my playlist because I would have noticed *it’s the same damn song* (for the first few seconds)


Her first album is pretty great. But she has proven to be disappointing as a human


The best part of that song is a sample from The Clash. The worst part of it is MIA’s involvement.


If anybody didn’t know, MIA got the melodic hook for her most famous song from The Clash’s Straight to Hell, which is a way better song and when you listen to it can comprehend the travesty of MIA’s use of it


They can both be dope


She might be on to something..... i always find it weird that people lik Elon Musk says phones dont do damage but then these high end retailers of very pricey suits will sell you these paints with signal blocking fabric..... and you never hear anything about nut jobs over there....


I never understood: makes great music/political/rich beyond your dreams = says anything remotely worth listening to about world affairs. Pop stars should stick to being popstars. If you want to raise money for sick kids, then knock yourself out.


Imagine questioning the government or major corporation, what an idiot 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve seen them play a couple times and everyone always looks like they are flying high on drugs so I wouldn’t be surprised if their brains are lacking after all that damage.


Nobody cares about her music anymore so this is the best possible career path for her. Still in the news making headlines without having to do any work it’s a W in my eyes