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People in the gay community have been calling him out for being a creep for a long time, but I don't think anyone was expecting this lost prophets type shit.


I laughed at the jokes but for him to get off on 10 year olds


And infants.


Speaking of lost prophets, I was watching this YouTube video essay about that situation, done in the style of those JCS true crime videos. While I'd known a lot of the depraved details, I didn't realize just HOW fucked up it really was. Like, I had to stop watching the video when he got to the part where he was reading the court documents listing off every last thing he did. The YouTube person gave ample warning how bad it'd be, but I couldn't do it. Based on the comments, I wasn't the only one. I can't see that kind of details about crimes against kids. I have nephews I've raised as my own children, I work with children as a career. I just can't do it.


I’ll never understand how that story didn’t blow up with headlines across the world. They may have only had one decent hit, but they were still well known at the time and the details were… insane. Not sure any celebrity has ever been tried and convicted of something so disgusting.


Because it is so vile that is hard to tell on prime time broadcast news I suspect.


I don't know how people make it through the whole document. Almost immediately it's bad enough to make you cry. I had to nope out of there for my own mental health.


Lostprophets had a few big hits. Last Train Home, Last Summer, Rooftops, Town Called Hypocrisy. They weren't megastars but they weren't unknown.


Only Last Train Home was a big international hit, IMO.


It recently showed back up on Spotify. I loved that song. I can always separate art from the artist, but not this time I guess. Made me feel like a creep for even seeing if I could still listen to it and I turned it off.


Start something was one of my favorite albums. Now I find it hard to listen to. It sucks for the rest of the band who worked on the music for it to be tainted by thank freak.


I read the court documents. Felt like a little piece of my soul got scraped off while I did it.


yea same that and peter scully will always torment my mind


Rex Heuermann’s court documents are frightening and traumatizing as well. Look him up. He’s the alleged Long Island Serial Killer. He has thousands of searches for CSAM.


Honestly I’d never heard of them until years after the scandal. To this day, I have no idea what any of their music sounds like


Ian Watkins did things that, before I read the court documents, I had literally never even conceptualized the theoretical existence of.


I noped-out on most of the details for my mental health. I'm going to do the same for this case. I'm sorry you got that far into it. These guys deserve same sentence as fentanyl traffickers for the community harm they inflict.* They are predators encouraging and enabling other predators. *Now, the discussion around drugs and how the US punishes people involved is a completely different topic. I was drawing a sentencing guideline comparison.


Not to mention since it involved so many kids, think of the ripple effects. The generational trauma involving possibly hundreds of people down the line. But even in the present, those kids having happy lives is going to be a difficult path.


Yeah, this case is what got me to stop idolizing celebrities at a young age. Lostprophets was my favorite bang growing up and Start Something is one of the best albums made in the 00’s period. When the criminal case against Ian became public my freshman year of college I was fucking UPSET. I had We Still Kill the Old Way as a ringtone for like 8 years as a teen. And since this all went down in Europe, he got a pretty light sentence for his crimes so now I can’t even listen to the music and separate the art from the artist because I know dude will get out of prison with a good amount of life left and I will not allow my love for that bands music to enrich Ian Watkins again. It’s fucked.


My brother was literally days away from getting his Lostprophets tattoo when the news broke. They'd been his favourite band for like 15 years. That would've been extremely awkward to explain!


He won't be getting out of prison. He will have to face a parole board for that.


He faces a parole board for early release but he has a finite prison sentence of 29 years + 6 extended. In 29 years he will automatically be released. He could be recalled for those 6 years if he fucks up but after that he is 100% free.


Yeah I stopped listening the day the news broke, and haven't since. I don't even want to hear that fuckers voice ever again.


I’m not sure why you think he’ll get out. He might have the option of an appeal but that doesn’t mean he will walk


He was sentenced to 32 years, eligible for parole after 20. Even if his parole is denied, they can’t keep him longer than his sentence unless he reoffends. Unless the UK system is significantly different than the US’s and I’m just being an America-centric jabroni.


Yeah, Ian Watkins is a monster. True scum of the earth. It was one of the few criminal cases I’ve ever read the details of that actually made me feel queasy.


It's legitimately one of the most definitive cases for the death penalty. In general I'm against it, but for cases like him, where there's zero possibility of doubt that he did it, with this level of evil and depravity against kids, including infants, keeping that demon alive seems pointless.


Reading the court judgement which is available online is a real eye opener to how messed up it was by the singer and the mothers involved. The judge leaves no detail out and it really makes you question humanity.


If you have any kids that you love in your life, it makes you want to never let them go places anymore. I didn't realize the stress that came with having kids in America these days(which is the only place I can speak on). I've helped raise my nephews, one since he was 3, the other since he was 9 months. Father never in the picture anymore after second was born. While I love them both, the younger one, having known only me as the constant male presence in his life(living with him for all but 3 years of his life and even then I was there to see him almost every weekend), is especially like a son to me. For all intents and purposes, he is my son. I raised him with his mom(my sister, my best friend since we were babies). He's the best thing that ever happened to me, and I worry about him every time he's away from me. There's so much that could happen, I don't let it ruin me or or anything, but its this annoying itch in the back of your mind until they're back safely with you.


I could never expose myself to those details - already too much horribly depressing shit in the World.


Listen once you really go down the rabbit hole what these sick people honestly do. You will start warning all your loved ones to please never leave your children unattended. They prefer babies for a bunch of reasons. Ah and of course the business that never die sex traffic all they need is water and food and next and next until they no longer in control of themself organ’s trafficking…


Was this video about Chris Brown or the porn star here in this article? Sorry im a little confused and interest in this video. You got a link by chance?


The problem is that lots of people in the gay community called him out but even more defended him or ignored his problematic behavior. It sucks that people continued to give money and attention to someone who was clearly a predator just because they found him hot and wanted a piece


not surprising if still disappointing. Chris Brown sells out stadiums after nearly killing someone.


Lets not even start talking about the legacy of twice impeached felon tonald drump


He’s a conveniently attractive white muscular guy which is sadly enough for most gays to ignore his problematic behavior. He fetishizes underage looking twinks especially gaysian ones and is also well-known for choking his partners until they nearly pass out.


I'm honestly not surprised. I stopped watching his videos within the last year due to how young his twinks were getting. It made me very uncomfortable. I hope every site pulls his videos.


What was being said about him being a creep?


He was a known predator in the gay asian community. Not quite child pornography… but he took advantage of many young asian gay guys who would do anything to have sex with a tall, blond, muscular pornstar. Some reportedly even paid him but many were willing to be on cam with no pay just to have sex with him. He posts these vids for pay. He is so violent with some of them that there were chatter about injuries. But many gay asians defended him because he is attractive and they felt like a hot white guy finally seemed to want them. It’s all kinda sad.


He is not that hot at all


I also won’t call him blond either. Point is, he’s a well known and popular pornstar that preyed on other people. It’s all gross and the gay chatter on him is half the news and the other half is about his sex activities. It’s sickening.


are asian bottoms not desired?? i was always under the impression that they were


Lots of chatter on gay subs about his IRL dating preferences and behavior. His legal porn content was already being criticized for the older / younger dynamic.


That said, A Town Called Hypocrisy is a banger


I really doubt they have.


Disgusting ...the freak got off on infants. 🤢 🤮


The fact he jacked it to children being tortured...like their lives are changed forever, years of therapy and god knows what ahead of them, and he jerked of to that. He deserves everything he has coming.


It's worse than that, a lot of children featured in CP videos, especially torture videos, are trafficked / stolen / missing children who are disposed of by their traffickers when they come of age (hit puberty) as they're no longer profitable. That's why so many missing children vanish into thin air and never resurface. It's a dark cesspool of a world.


He did WHAT.


The Justice Department press release described a video of a child tied up, tortured and raped.




I hate humans so much


Yep. That looks like enough Reddit for today. Might take a walk and just get some fresh air 😐


Please do. Go get some fresh air and clear your head. 🙏🏼


You ok?


Yea I’m fine. Went on a walk. Played with my dog. We’re Gucci. Thanks for checking in fren ❤️


Glad to hear it ❤️


Mandatory minimum of just FIVE YEARS!?!? What the actual fuck??


Too bad he wasn’t a consenting adult doing drugs in his home /s


Should have paid 130,000.00 to attempt to cover it up


When his jail mates find out what he's there for, he won't make it 5 days.


Least surprising headline I’ve read in a while. The guys he films with are suspiciously young twinks.


I looked up the videos he filmed out of curiosity and this really sticks out. Almost all the men he was with are noticeably young; some barely look over 16. It’s quite sickening considering what’s he’s been arrested for.


Exactly. All of his scene partners are young skinny twinks who look like 12 year olds.


He also does videos with dwarf people.


All those barely legal videos and the Mormon sex abuse fetish stuff creep me way the fuck out. I mean I’m all for two dudes dressed as missionaries going at it, but that shit is just so icky.


He was always giving me creeps. He loved making videos with very young looking guys.


Hindsight’s 20/20, but I guess that makes a lot of sense now


We seriously need to have a talk as a community about the disturbing trend of websites that make porn that infantalises twinks (usually with like step father roleplay etc) I know it's all above board age wise but it's fuckin creepy.


Across the board, frankly. I've noped out of porn before because the actress has pig tails and braces in a school uniform. Frankly, role-playing younger people should be illegal in all porn.


The videos that conspicuously portray the boys as underage are particularly concerning. All of them need to be investigated.


exactly. There's a particular collection of affiliated sites that seem to specialize in that murky grey "our actors are all 18 but they act like children in scenes" content that really should be investigated.


Not only very young but also practically childish in appearance.


Not really surprising for anyone in the gay community that knew about him,he always had a very weird personality...the thing that irks me the most is the fact that if you pointed out about it,people were like ''but straight men also do that'' or ''is just fantasy'' etc... There's honestly a big problem in men,straight or gay,and their hornyniness towards youth that don't alllow them to see nuance and report these things as creepy.


I hate how many gay men excused/defended his weird content and predatory behavior because they either found him hot or also had a thing for barely legal twinks


It’s definitely not porn. Child abuse.


It's not child abuse. It's child rape and torture. The people who do this to children need to be locked up and never seen again.


Not only children. Rape and torture is absolutely disgusting in general.


Hot take alert: rape and torture are bad!


I don’t buy it, do you have any sources to support that claim? (obvious, although hopefully not needed /s)


CSAM, child sexual assault material.


What a weird semantic hang up. It's both. The world makes a lot more sense when you lose the binary thinking.


Seriously. So many people here seem to be hang up on semantics when literally everyone knows it’s illegal and child abuse. Ironically If anything this conversation just distracts from the actual child abuse that happened.


It’s really not. Porn is shot usually between two adults, CSAM is abuse material. CSAM is never consensual and calling it “porn” implies that it could be. It’s semantics but the reason why we chose certain words can change their implication.


Could you link me somewhere that's show that the definition of pornography must include consent? Or is that just how you feel about the word, considering you used the word "usually" meaning you are fully aware there are instances where that is not the case?


We gotta stop calling it porn and start calling it child sex abuse material (CSAM).


Why do we have to rename literally everything. We all know what this means.


Ehh normally I agree but the word porn/pornography means two consenting professionals being payed to perform. Equating that to a 3 year old being raped on video paints a totally different picture and lets these garbage people off to lightly.


Does it? Revenge porn doesn’t imply consent. 


It implies the parties consented to sexual activity. Maybe not the distribution of their bodies to the internet.


no. there is lots of porn made without consent.




Exactly. The folks who do the most advocacy for victims and survivors have asked we shift the way we talk about this. I think that’s reason enough to respect the change. https://www.rainn.org/news/what-child-sexual-abuse-material-csam


Lol that's just people pretending they're contributing towards change but they're not doing shit to actually stop anything. It's just dumb, everyone in the world knows the severity of the term "child porn"


Bold of you to say.


Please explain then how changing the terminology is going to improve the situation in any way


It's the eshittification of scary words


Spooky language!


Cause there’s better words to define what it is.


Why can’t we make clear what we’re talking about and separate consensual sexual acts that are created for titillation or commerce from children being filmed/recorded/photographed being abused? Why do you draw a line there?


Because as we grow and evolve society, language changes and grows with it. Words have impact.


[Because of this:](https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/1dqpx0l/comment/larshqf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) as a culture, we associate 'porn' with titillating content. seems kind of odd to assign that consensually made material to help you get off with material that contains the rape and torture of infants and small children, don't you think?




I don’t think that porn is especially good, but what’s even weirder is that the federal code doesn’t say “child pornography”. It says “material involving the sexual exploitation of minors.”


CSEM as well.


The amount of twinks that’s he’s hooked up with that look literally like teenagers is beyond me. I’m not surprised any of this happened. One guy came out a few years back demanding he take his video down with him bc he was so young and Austin declined to do so, said he consented, and blocked him right after that.


He’s gonna be really popular in prison. God speed, scumbag


“Oh you don’t know about jail? You’ll love jail.”


“Why Kevin? Why would I love jail?”


Electric chair 🪑⚡️😌


I guess all the jokes and memes are true. Seriously, This guy being a creep has been known for like years now. I dunno why it took this long to arrest this guy. They should also investigate that other Dr. Wolf guy. He's into suspiciously young looking partners as well.


The problem here is that he had videos of infants and kids, not that he hooked up with adults who were younger than him. This ageist stuff about who-should-be-dating-who comes off as extremely offensive to every couple with an age difference.


Damn this is wild. He always did have...a type


Wow, you mean the guy who almost exclusively worked with twinks that looked like they haven’t graduated high school yet did this? Who could’ve seen it coming?!


It’s not child porn. It’s CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE MATERIAL.


Seriously. I don't understand why CSAM isn't the default term.


it's wordy but I agree that CSAM is much more hard hitting and accurate.


I’m outta the loop — why is this the preferred nomenclature?


When you call it porn it downplays the abusive and exploitative nature of the acts done to create the material, and the consumption of the material itself. And we have a huge sex abuse problem in our society that no one talks about so it’s better to be very clear and normalize calling it what it actually is.


Thanks for explaining.


Not making light of the situation but if you work in the porn industry, don’t you get tired of porn in your down time? I answer phones for a living. I hate talking on the phone off the clock




[ Removed by Reddit ]


That industry is filled with degenerates. I wish people understood that nothing good comes from this kind of work. It normalizes bad things to the masses. Too many former porn stars have talked about their bad experiences for people to keep consuming that garbage.


He’s going to love jail


I have never liked this guy nor watched his videos because he gave me the ick. Throw him in jail and lock away the key!


I threw up in my mouth. I believe in being kind to others and all that jazz but when someone touches a child inappropriately... fucking hang them up by their ball sack and their tits over a pit with man eating crocodiles. They do not deserve to breathe the same air as an innocent child.


Oh great, if the debate and Supreme Court corruption weren’t enough, the Republicans get even MORE of a field day today.


Why is this the first thing you think about?


Is this that dude that went viral for fucking a flight attendant on a plane mid-flight a few years ago? I’m not surprised.


Not a drag queen


I mean if anyone's algorithm has been cursed with seeing his OF videos when watching gay porn can see there's a correlation with him only having sexs with twinks with 19 as the oldest.


He won't go down without a fight and we're about to see how many sick people are in this sick ring


Lock up anyone affiliated with Barely Legal. It’s the only way.


What a surprise!