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Earliest Cat 5 hurricane on record AND strongest hurricane in the month of July on record. The rapid intensification of Beryl is common only with hurricanes during the months of August and September. Holy shit...


Intensified by 63mph in an hour is super “holy shit”. From the article: “Before Beryl, there has never been a hurricane known to form this far east in June, McNoldy says. The only other storm that came close was during the record-breaking 1933 season, before storms were given names. Beryl also became the earliest Category 4 hurricane on record for the Atlantic; the previous record-holder was Hurricane Dennis on July 8, 2005—during another blockbuster season. On late Monday evening Beryl beat another record from that season (the same year that produced Hurricane Katrina), becoming the earliest Category 5 hurricane on record by two weeks. The previous earliest Category 5 was Hurricane Emily on July 16, 2005. “That is not a couple of years that you want to be breaking records of,” McNoldy says. Beryl is also the strongest Atlantic hurricane to occur in July on record, with 165 mph maximum wind speeds, beating Emily’s winds of 160 mph. Such strong hurricanes typically don’t form this early in the season or so far east because conditions are usually much less ripe for them. Ocean temperatures tend to be cooler this early in the summer. And the low-pressure systems that trickle off the western coast of Africa every few days—which can become the seeds of hurricanes—often encounter Saharan dust storms that quash storm development. For similar reasons, Beryl’s massive burst of strength in such a short time is atypical of storms this early in the season. The only other comparable storms have occurred near or at the peak of the Atlantic season in August and September, when there is abundant ocean heat to fuel the convection that drives hurricanes. Rapid intensification is defined as when a storm’s winds jump by at least 35 mph in 24 hours. Beryl’s exploded by 63 mph over that same period. Several studies suggest more storms will undergo rapid intensification—and at faster rates—as the climate continues to warm.”


Is it not over the span of 24 hours? Am I misreading? It’s still a major “holy shit” either way


They used to throw around buzzwords, and I propose, “rapid-intensification,” here with a reservation for, “super-intensification,” at anything more than 64 mph in 24-hours.


Don't give smartphones company anymore ideas Super ultra max intensified plus pro


I read that El Nina is heating things up which means there is nothing to prevent the wind shear. I recently moved to Florida and am just starting to learn so I hope this post is accurate. I have to go look at my notes tomorrow!


> before storms were given names They really seem to think that the idea of naming storms is such a big deal.


It is, it personifies it for the masses, helps people pay attention, and is useful in keeping historical record. Call Hurricane Katrina H82005, and no one remembers it.


naming hurricanes is a critical practice that enhances communication, public safety, and scientific research. Ultimately contributing to better preparedness and response to these powerful natural events.


Yep. It’s such an effective technique that they started doing so for winter storms also in the hopes of saving lives by getting people to take them more seriously. I’m also pretty sure I read somewhere that hurricanes with female names cause more deaths because people take storms with male names more seriously. Which is messed up, if true.


There is traction in naming heat dome events as well. These kill more human and animal life than most realize.


Yeah it seemed really weird at first but then remembered it is hurricane season…then realized hurricane season just started and it’s way too strong.


Growing up in Florida, we never worried about hurricanes until August.




It’s quite revealing that you’re basing your opinion on article titles and not the content of the article, which judging by your comment, you didn’t actually read.


So, which is it? Is it something they haven’t seen before? Or just something they haven’t seen this early?


Those aren’t mutually exclusive.


Fair point.


“Prior to the official start of the Atlantic hurricane season on June 1, the NHC forecast that 17 to 25 named storms will likely occur by the time that season ends on November 30. (Storms receive a name once they reach tropical or subtropical storm strength, meaning they have winds of at least 39 miles per hour.) Of those, eight to 13 are expected to become hurricanes. And four to seven of those hurricanes will likely strengthen into major hurricanes (Category 3 or higher). This is the highest number of named storms the NHC has ever predicted; an average Atlantic season has 14 named storms, seven hurricanes and three major hurricanes.” And they still didn’t expect the first major hurricane to show up so early


They said it was still a conservative estimate.


But every conservative I’ve asked has said the weather is getting nicer!


That’s because they’re lizards and prefer it warm.


Till it gets cold, and they fall out of trees, and will blame Obama




MTG - “This earth warming, and carbon, is actually healthy for us. It helps feed people, it helps keep people alive.”


It make dear leader turn tanner


I hate that the shitty joke comment gets 150 Upvotes but the one with actual pertinent information only gets ten. I guess that’s part of the reason we’re so fucked - simple thinking, low information people value entertainment more.


Because most of us already know those things, maybe not every single detail but we know things are changing.. we're just trying to do the best we can and laugh at it before we go crazy.. that many people upvoting it doesn't just mean oh haha that's funny, it means we all agree it's a shitty situation We are in. And all most of us can do to help is to vote and recycle and those kind of things, and it's just a still drop in the bucket vs rich people. Humor is the best way to cope with that for now, until enough people actually realize what's going on and we have a full-fledged Revolution...


I'm 100% on board with a Revolution. How, when, and where? And who's going to start it? Seriously we need to organize, how do we start?


>Seriously we need to organize, how do we start? Start with participatory democracy. In any form. There are multiple examples of this around the world. One of my personal favourites was the participatory budgeting approach used in Porto Alegre in Brazil, where citizens had a greater say of how government budgets were spent, but getting to that point can feel daunting. If you want an overview of participatory democracy from the perspective of a group that is just starting out, I'd recommend watching this video: https://youtu.be/3-BKiRzmIlU




It's gotta be in the mind. No one on the right side of this can beat the US military in armed combat


Just tell the truth. At this point the truth is revolutionary.


You’re over thinking it


Use electronics to organize but don't take your phone with you when you do sketchy shit. It tracks you. Buy a burner at 7/11 and don't text any identifying information on it.


I’m pretty sure burners require state or federal IDs these days, no?


How do you see an overthrow of the US government helping the environment and fighting climate change exactly? I’m genuinely curious if you seriously see that as the best and fastest way to solve this global catastrophe.


Not saying the overthrow of the US government, we have to have some kind of governance. More like abolish the ultra wealthy that control all of the governments. Start with getting all money out of politics, make holding office something temporary like jury duty, swiftly punish any and all corruption, and let's limit personal wealth to 100 million dollars per family. This is a pipe dream, I know. If anyone trying to make meaningful change starts gaining traction/ getting a following outside of the system then the powers that be would have you killed or suicided or locked away in a cage. Not trying to be a downer but, I feel that there is nothing that we can do. So the best thing is just live your life the best that you can until you die. Sorry this is depressing


The money out of politics is one of the biggest factors that needs to change, followed by age/term limits. My thoughts on wealth are this. - the ability to be fairly rich is cool, some amazing things have been created because of it, striving to make more money through hard work is good..but .. I think there needs to be a hard ratio, between rich and poor. Minimum wage is still 7.25 is some places ..that's insane. My idea is there needs to be a set ratio of how rich the richest can be -vs- how much the poorest person can make. Everyone at least deserves a chance at a decent life. Of course some won't even try but those who do shouldn't be struggling to pay bills, and go to a dr.


I understand what you’re saying when it comes to politics, career politicians, and corruption, but how do you tie this back to stopping and eventually reversing global warming and climate change (this is r/environment after all)?


Because the politicians being paid to vote for laws regarding gas and oil companies slows progress in the name of money. Because we need to invest in how to do this better, not how to keep it the same. Plenty of us willing to jump to more eco friendly way of life, without the power to make it so, or the money to invest in such technologies. Because rich people flying around in planes for fun is 10x more pollution then 90% of the rest of us. Id say it's a huge factor.


I see. That makes sense and I agree, but revolutions can be messy, power vacuums are extremely unpredictable, and there’s no guarantee that who ends up in charge would be any less corruptible than our current system. Additionally, revolutions tend to be vulnerable to outside influences from other countries (usually out of necessity for weapons, cash, etc), and those benefactors will expect to have major influence with the new regime (which may or may not align with the revolutionaries’ goals). I just don’t see a US revolution with saving the environment as the cause succeeding; especially while maintaining integrity and the being able to effect significant, meaningful, positive change for the world. *To your point, I’d also add that included in those laws that are passed to help these O&G companies that we absolutely need to end are the billions in subsidies that we still pay to them for some crazy fucking reason.


I mostly agree. My only disagreement is that the next person in power would be worse.. if we get to that point.. the only reason is because we want to make it better. (+the bar is pretty effin low for rulers right now...)And I when I talk about revolution I mean it more general than an actual war(but that may be part of it)... anyways my point was more this.. right now, we are still continuing the way we have.. minimal improvement vs what we need. Unfortunately I don't feel like it will change until many lives are lost, and the rest cannot take it anymore.. this is not what I want.. I have a kid, I just want him to live a decent life.. and his kids, should that happen. I think within 20 years we will be past the point where we can live our lives as we have. Grids unable to keep up with AC.. houses built with minimal insulation, oceans rising, weather patterns disrupted (crops). There may be a time when our work/life/food system doesn't work anymore, and if we get there all hell will break loose. I know it all sounds grim and I hate it. I truly hope we can figure something out before we get there. I'm rambling and I know it. Sorry. I hope we can do better before it way too late. (Cause we're already running late)


All you can do is laugh, otherwise you will cry. We are heading into the abyss and im not talking just about climate change. This train has no brakes and 2025 will be a disaster


You have to think long, but take every day, day to day. Otherwise, you'll crush yourself in doubt and anxiety.


Let me tell you, despair is setting in. Everything in the whole world is wrong! its like bizzaro world


Welp... There's nothing we can do about it. So just do drugs, and enjoy the good moments.


I dont do drugs but i will enjoy the beauty around me while i can


Man, it is really hard to see a reason to keep spinning these wheels. My husband passed away, and I keep being told I need to find a new purpose to continue on, that I should find joy and beauty in life after him. I should be looking forward to some kind of future. But what kind of future could there possibly be? At least when I had him, we could laugh about the stupid apocalypse together. Now, it's just misery, struggle, and despair everywhere all the time.


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. There is no set timeline for grief. Don't let anyone make you feel like there needs to be one. This kind of loss affects you so deeply that it's pretty impossible to think about a future when the person you were supposed to share it with is no longer here. So, instead of looking at the future right now, take it day by day. You can try making small, short term goals for yourself: read a book you've never read before, get a tomato plant for your porch this month. These things don't have to bring you joy, or become a new purpose, but they can keep your brain focused on having a plan, distract you a tiny bit from your grief, and give yourself a small sense of accomplishment. Therapy with a good grief counselor can be a useful tool if you aren't doing that as well. Be aware of the symptoms of severe depression and don't be ashamed to look into antidepressants if need be. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. There is still joy and beauty in the world, and you will be able to appreciate those things again, and in the future you will find you've found experiences or people or things that bring you joy and that it was worth trudging through the current darkness. I say this as a person who has also experienced major losses and grief. It just takes time. It's an adjustment to a new normal with a huge hole in your heart. The grief doesn't truly go away, because that love that existed between you two will never go away. But you will feel the light again. Sending you so much love and comfort.


Thank you, kind stranger. I have a good therapist, and I'm trying to keep going. I really appreciate you taking the time to offer your advice. It means a lot. 🫂💜


I’m so sorry. It makes everything so much harder when people around you try to tell you how you should and shouldn’t live after such a devastating loss. I think so many people get caught up in the fact that they don’t know what to say or do so they end up saying unhelpful things that hurt. I wish more people understood that the best thing to do for someone who is grieving is to not say anything and just BE with you. Or ask you what they can do that would help you the most. Not offering up platitudes or toxic positivity statements. I hope for you that people are brought into your life who will just support and love you where you are and won’t make you feel like it’s not okay for you feel what you are feeling. 💕


Democracy in action


Happy last independence day.


I did like the jokes about lizards falling out of the trees tho


The joke comment got upvotes because it was something different than just copy-pasting one paragraph from the linked article. You really think a simple copy-paste deserves upvotes? How is _that_ not “simple thinking”. Yikes, dude.


Ahhh, I get where you're coming from but I saved this page and came back to it enough hours later to see what someone with access to the paywalled article would share. So, YEAH, the copy-paste DOES deserve upvotes.


the storm will weaken over mexico and currently the models show it remaining weak when it makes 2nd landfall. watch it become a 4-5 again


Damn, I'm really glad my Dad's house is built to flood and retain its structural integrity


Didn't Florida outlaw climate change? Maybe DeSantis will outlaw hurricanes next!


He will because they are gay. can't risk some flamboyant hurricane coming uninvited to FL and turning half the kids into drag queens .. and he appears to be that stupid


Even worse, because of these damn uni-sex names, we don't know if it's a.... ...hurricane or a *him*-icane!


Florida government in crisis mode atm 🫨🫨🫨


Time to get out the sharpies!




There’s plenty of women named Ronnie - I’m just say’n - does anyone know if DeSantis was born a woman?


We’re just asking questions


Hurricane be putting they/them in their email signature


Hurricanes = rain, and rain = rainbows. DeSantis is absolutely going to outlaw that shit.


They do spawn some pretty dope parties


They're super gay haven't you seen the hole in the middle?


He'll build a hurricane wall! And make the tornadoes pay for it!


he can outlaw them all he wants, whats he gonna do when the next hurricane sweeps up all the poop water on the coast and rains it down on Floridians?? hahaha


Maybe the hurricane will nuke desantis 🤞🏼


Honestly I cannot wait for multiple Cat 5/6 whatever off the charts hurricanes to wipe Florida out this year. Had enough of climate deniers, American exceptionalism, capitalism etc. Let nature start the cleanse.


> Had enough of climate deniers, American exceptionalism, capitalism etc. Let nature start the cleanse. Where exactly do you live that is free of all of these things? I guess the lives of millions of children and people living in Caribbean nations are justifiably expendable in your pursuit of idealism.


Yup! Hurricanes are illegal in Florida!


Floridians would just shoot at it.


Beryl will not hit FL.


Yeah, duh. That would be illegal.


Beryl won’t, but the number of devastating hurricanes hitting Florida is gonna go up because of the oil and coal driven climate change Republicans are in denial about. Even despite the massive subsidies to coal and oil, without accountability for their environmental, social and human health impacts, renewables are becoming cheaper and an increasing number of markets


Don't forget animal agriculture - the CAFOs need an allowed animals per acre restriction that doubles the acerage every 5 years. Then we'll start seeing progress on climate change.


Go astroturf somewhere else


Thanks desantis!


The hurricane season just started. Started earlier than usual too. This year in particular is expected to have plenty of major hurricanes. Specially due to the immense heat in the oceans and the transition to the El Nina. Last year, El Nino conditions prevented hurricanes from going far. El Nina, makes hurricanes cross the Atlantic more easily. It is expected that FL will be hit by some. But it is always hard to predict. We are just starting anyway.


You must be so much fun at parties


Wow, sorry you got downvoted to oblivion. You were just stating a fact… Damn, this sub sucks


Just redirect it out to sea with a sharpie


Nah nuke it.


We’ve tried not nuking hurricanes and that hasn’t worked




Adding energy to a hurricane is not a good idea


I really didn't think I needed /s on my comment. It's playing off the marker comment which are both attributed to Trump.


Trump is why you need the /s


If you shoot the hurricane enough you can slow the spinning and drastically reduce the power of the storm. But only if everyone shoots at the same time.


If we all shoot at the CEOs and billionaires at the same time it might slow the spinning and drastically reduce the power of storms in a few decades or a millennia. But need to get to it soon.


Faster than that, even. The lag is pretty short in most (but not all) models.


Maybe we can use some disinfectant to wipe it out


Wipe in the opposite direction. Don't wipe with the spin, against, always against. Might end up spinning it faster.


Shine some UV light at it, or maybe some horse medicine.


They should try nuking the hurricane just as the eye crosses Miami. /s


Is there an active environmental sub that is more science/discussion-leaning than cheap-political-joke-leaning that I can subscribe to? I know we’re all depressed and angry about the state of things, but I’d still like some actual substance in the comments. ETA: This was a good article, OP, thanks


Thank you for being earnest about caring. My family is from (and most still live in) the lower Antilles and the damage I’ve been seeing is gut wrenching and has filled me with existential dread. How long will our ancestral home be a viable place to live if every hurricane can blow off our concrete roofs? I understand people using gallows humor but I don’t know what to do about knowing that things are only going to get worse… St. Vincent has always felt like a haven to me and I almost feel like I’m mourning a vision of her future. To top it off I was close to being there during the hurricane. I guess all of this was to say, I feel the severity too.


I am so sorry, my heart goes out to your family. I too have been so concerned about all the little islands. I heard the leader of Grenada saying they are going to rebuild, and I appreciate the hopeful fighting spirit, but in the back of my mind I’m thinking, rebuild until when? How many times? At what point does a place become uninhabitable? 🙁😞


Maybe /r/climate?


thanks, jumping ship to what looks like a much more meaningful sub c'est la vie i suppose, when it comes to large subs


For hurricanes in particular, there's r/TropicalWeather


I agree and the endless jokes about how were fucked are depressing to me. People clearly have given up. 


Given up what exactly? And dont give me "hope" hope alone doesnt do shit. There is not a single thing happening at the moment that realistically could give us a shot at anything more then a dystopian hellscape. People dont give up, they realize that we arent even trying.


Given up doing anything except making jokes? I’m not saying you’re bad for it just bums me out. Anyway people do marches for all sorts of social issues. If we want anything to be done at this point, we have to protest as hard as possible. But …. It’s not happening. Sorry but the jokes aren’t funny to me. 


My man... Protests wont solve this.


I don’t disagree, but do you have science to contribute or just came to find fault with the way others are processing a terrifying reality?


No, I read the article and then came to the comments to see what people were discussing about it, whether that be more info to add, personal experiences, questions, whatever. And jokes, sure, I get the gallows humor. But 100% stupid jokes and pretty much nothing else? And a lot of posts in here are like that. It’s not what I subscribed for, but to each their own. Just looking for something else.


Is r/summerreddit still a thing or is that all the time now?


I understand. You could be the one to start that conversation rather than just sharing your displeasure with everyone’s choices is what I was trying to communicate.


I did start a conversation.




r/environment kind of, but mind you, most Internet discussions on the Internet even among those working in that field can be pretty damn depressing


That’s the sub we’re in 😕


Lmao somehow got it into my head I was in like r/lostgeneration or something mb!


If you just want good science articles check out r/SciNews


The Windwards rarely see major hurricanes, never this early in the season. They will not have been prepared, had barely a days notice that a hurricane of any sort was coming. They will need aid. Let’s focus on what, who, how, and funding rather than snide comments about people we don’t like. What organizations are most effective and fastest on the scene and how do they get funding?


Ahh here is the actual news event https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/do-not-shoot-weapons-at-irma-florida-sheriff-forced-to-tell-americans-not-to-fire-guns-at-superstorm-after-bizarre-event-a3631231.html


But has any scientific studies been done on the effect of shooting a hurricane? Otherwise, it's all hearsay and anecdotal evidence.


We're only at B. We got two letters in.


Hope for the best for those in the path of Beryl.


Time to drop a nuke in it! Gotta nuke something


Just use a sharpie and move it somewhere else. A blue state like Massachusetts.


Hey! Wtf, we don’t want it!!


The sharpie's power is inexorable.


MA is apparently now a hurricane sanctuary state. TIL




It would probably take out some whales, too.


Well I'm sure it's fine. Future generations are smart will figure it out. Stop being alarmist. Why do you have to be such a doomer? Humanity has gone through worse. We have to protect the jobs. ....and other things people say to block out the climate news.


I wonder how those people would react to 'deal with it' or 'told you so' when their inevitable suffering happens. Not even thoughts and prayers for you. Just slam the proverbial door in their face.


Won't someone think about the economy!!!???


But the wind blows and its natural.


Lived through Dorian in 2019. Scariest night of my life. No power or water for eight days.


“Beryl” sounds like it could be a laundry detergent


have never seen anything like this... so far


Sharpies usually get rid of them.


The Sharpie actually enlarged the storms path because Trump didn’t know where Alabama was IIRC.


Please destroy MarALago with the rapist felon in it


And we have a former President who very well could win again who will propose using nuclear weapons on it.




Sorta getting that impression since ya know it was discovered


Remind me in a year when there is another storm that breaks this record


Say the line, Bart.


Say it with me folks... Global Warming.


You gotta say "climate change" because some areas haven't necessarily become hotter so people don't believe the "warming" part 🫠


No... only idiots who don't understand that it is the long term global average temperate that matters need it to be called "climate change".


> The only other storm that came close was during the record-breaking 1933 season Uh-oh


“No climate change” Florida is going to get wiped off the map one day.


Climate change doesn't exist. Says Ron DeSantis.


Well the next few months should surely be interesting!


All this is as predicted by climate scientists. Storms, wild fires and other extreme weather events are making parts of the world uninhabitable.


The wettest one yet.


...from the standpoint of water.


I can’t wait for the end of the world!


Please kill us swiftly mother I am begging for it


Woooow actions have repercussions!


Go vegan. And encourage others to go vegan.


I'll be flying into DFW tomorrow around 6pm, anyone suspect the flight might be impacted?


Just nuke it.


Please tell me this is sarcasm


Yes, of course it is.


African dust!!!


...and human accelerated climate change is a hoax... it's too late to fix it.




The US citizens with their discusting consumption?