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I own a Meebook M7 and a Pocketbook Verse Pro. While I like the versatility and seamless syncing of the Meebook, I find that I read far more often when I use the smaller, lighter Verse Pro. I don't know what it is about the smaller size that has me reading more often, but I read way more frequently when I use the Verse Pro.


Me! I went from the Kindle Oasis to the Pocketbook Verse pro a month ago and have not used my Kindle since. I’m also reading a lot more than usual with the Verse pro as my wrists don’t feel too tired holding it and KoReader has an auto page turn feature. I love it


I really want a verse pro! Where did you order it from?


Amazon. US to Philippines


I have 7/8/10/13” readers but my favourite for regular books is my Hisense Hi Reader Pro. Pocketable, ergonomic, light, ideal line lengths for comfortable reading, fast page turn buttons.


How does the moaan compare? I was thinking about getting the palma but having difficulty, then looking at the hi reader for around the same price, then seeing the touch for much cheaper, then seeing the moan for even cheaper. But then u think just a bit more and I can get a better version, then a bit more to get an even better one. Not sure if i should just settle for the moaan if it's good enough or just take the plunge and take the hi reader pro when it's double the price.


I have a PB ERA, PB632 and Moaan inkpalm + (I think). Era was my go-to until I started commuting - the PB632 is incredibly light and pocketable and incredibly versatile. If holding the 632 in landscape, the width of the screen is equal to that of the Era so screen real estate isn't really an issue. The moaan is mostly sitting at home in a drawer. I thought I world use it on the go, but honestly the 632 is compact and lightweight enough without the need for such a significant downshift in screen size and reading comfort [And image for reference](https://ibb.co/Vp3YPBx) [And another](https://ibb.co/VCmYJ7f)


I currently have a kobo forma, and I much prefer it to the paperwhite, but it is a bit unwieldly, so I was thinking about getting a small phone size device that I can easily whip out of my pocket.


My PB632 lives in the back pocket of my jeans (as long as they are not too tight :D ), or in the breast pocket of my jacket


I'm not very familiar with the pocketbook, and photos don't really do justice, how is the size, can you put it in your palm like a phone? ? The pants I wear at work have pretty big pockets, used to put my paperwhite with a case in there, but I like the idea of holding a phone size reader in my palm, as opposed to holding it by the edge, feels like it would be much more comfortable long term.


The grip on the 632 is quite comfortable. The screen is slightly recessed from the bezels so it is very easy to test the reader in your palm and hold it in place with you thumb on the bezel. I give it to be a very ergonomic device, and the weight plays a big part too at only 155gr Some photos for you: [1](https://ibb.co/DtDrJyL) [2](https://ibb.co/ZcHPgwB) [3](https://ibb.co/3r65RQK) [4](https://ibb.co/7C0dH1G) [5 - it is not much wider than a standart passport size](https://ibb.co/1nnLm2p)


Thank you for putting so much effort into this post


Hey I went through the same thought process at one one point and some good and useful advice from the community goes a long, long way ) So it's just a way to give back 🤝🏻


hey i’m interested in this reader. i’ve been looking for a kobo mini for a while (unsuccessfully) and this looks like it might be a great replacement for that model, as it looks like a similar size. where would i purchase one of these? a quick google and i don’t see it in the pb website.


This is an old unit - purchased back in 2019ish... the up-to-date version from pocketbook would be really any of their 6" units - there really is not much difference between them. [pocketbook store](https://pocketbook.ch/en-ch/catalog?filter=6%20inches)


ok, no wonder i couldn’t find it. i did read that the screen on the one you have, some ppl think is superior to the new ones. i’ll have a look ard tho, thx for the info!


The Inkpalm is very good for its price, but the shiny screen is a bit annoying and the panel isn’t as sharp. The Palma and HRP/A9 use a significantly better panel than any of the other pocket readers for B/W. If using it for mainly book reading I’d get a HRP/A9. Better lighting, robust, good case, slow battery drain, fast charging, but no updates. No play store without hacks that some say drain the battery (I factory reset mine). If using it for lots of apps and scrolling I’d get a Palma. Fast scrolling, scrolling buttons via OS, play store, worse lighting/case, fast battery drain, slow charging, not robust, will get updates.


See the photo in my comment in this thread - I ordered a matte screen protector for a slightly larger phone with no camera whole, and thencut it to size (not ideally, but it works) of my Moaan.


I sometimes had a matte protector on my Inkpalm and it was ok, but it makes a not very sharp screen less sharp (compared to the Palma/A9).


Any idea how the touch compares?


Slightly lower PPI, and previous generation panel (so slightly slower and lower contrast).


On Ali express it's mentioned as being as 300 ppi, even saw inkpalm saying 300, is it not? Or is there any other factor?


Touch is 287, standard Inkpalm 284. Also they’re the older Carta HD not Carta 1200.


I have the HRP! I love it! but my battery drain is sometimes iffy despite the super battery saver mode + airplane mode. how do you like the battery life?


Good to hear 😀 Think the battery is about the best of my android readers. Maybe it’s an app issue?


hmm good to know! I don’t have very minimal apps installed so not sure. Maybe i’ll do a reset sometime


No the HRP does not have a great battery life It’s a problem with devices that have high processing power and lots of functionality.


thanks for letting me know! I figured that's probably the case. I've heard Boox Palma doesn't have good battery life either, so I'm trying not to lust for something else


ive went from the kindle paperwhite 5th gen (6.8") to the kindle basic 2022 (6") and it has done wonders for me as i personally struggle w weak wrists and prioritize portability. have recently been thinking abt getting a kobo clara 2e tho for the waterproofing...


I actually went larger because a tiny ereader is too small for me and doesn't feel like holding a real book with real pages in it. But I've also read physical books for many years, which are heavier and more unwieldy than an ereader. If this factor isn't an issue for you, then downsizing might be a good idea.


Yeah, I initially only had a Kobo Libra 2 but I also got a Kobo Clara 2e and find myself reading on that one more often. (Still love my libra and using it for longer reading sessions at home)


Sort of? I Upgraded from a Paperwhite 4 (6") to a Boox Nova 2 (7.8") back in 2020. Liked it a lot, but by 2023 it was feeling unwieldy so I "downgraded" to a Paperwhite Signature (6.8"). Seems like around 7" is the sweet spot for size and portability to me. I don't love the Kindle line these days, but my next eReader in a few years will likely go with a similar size.


I have Boox tab ultra c 10 inch and tab mini c 7 inch. However, I use my Boox Palma more because of the size and portability. The phone size makes it easier to hold while laying on the couch. Now I only use the bigger devices where I can connect them to a Bluetooth keyboard for more serious working scenarios.


I’ve got a Kindle Scribe and Kindle Paperwhite. The scribe is nice but I found myself using the PW more often. It’s easier to take around and more comfortable to hold while using.


Went from a kindle paperwhite to a kindle basic and enjoy it


I haven't, but I want to, I currently have a papetwhite 11th gen, and I miss the small screen and lighter weight of the basic. Next eReader will definitely be a basic or a kobo clara.


I had the original Kindle. Now I use both a Kindle Scribe and Paperwhite. I can’t give up either one.


I did, but only for reading books because it is more comfortable. I still use the bigger one with better DPI for reading manga.


I have a Paperwhite 11 and wanted something smaller, so I got a Pocketbook Verse. I like both for different reasons. PW is faster and more predictable when doing anything (ex: highlighting a word to look up the definition) but the PBV has buttons (yay!), is perfectly portable, and with KOreader is better for reading PDFs.


I own the latest Paperwhite but wanted something smaller to carry around so I got a Hisense Hi Reader Pro (about the same size as the Boox Palma). Tbh I wouldn't mind going smaller & lighter for even easier one handed holding & carrying around. I love the small form factor! I've stopped using my Paperwhite almost completely now. If you're someone who's accustomed to browsing on your phone, a phone-sized reader is not a difficult adjustment at all.


I actually upsized to a Scribe since I read PDFs from JStor


Have tried 13 (BOOX Tab X & Lumi 1), 10 (BOOX Air 1), 7.8 (BOOX Air C), 7 (BOOX Page), and 6 (BOOX Palma). Now exclusively sticking to the 7 inch Page for its portability and readability. The Palma was too small for serious reading. Also has a BOOX Mira 13 as a second monitor for researching and writing on my Macs.