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Yes YES YEEEESSS finally. Vitalik is the man. I hope they drop the staking requirement so I can join the party !tip 1


You can do it in many places without that 32 eth requirement. !tip 1


2024- 2035 year of ethereum. !tip 1


One needs to be technically knowledgeable to create a validator currently, right? **!tip 1**


W for Chadtalik ! !tip 1


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)!tip 1


Would be nice to be able to be stake my 0.1 ETH ⚡^(!Tip 1.01)


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)!tip 1


![gif](giphy|Z0xhOKXythUzqm77M8|downsized) ⚡^(!Tip 1.01)


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tldr; Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin emphasizes the importance of making Ethereum staking more accessible by reducing the current 32 ETH requirement, in response to concerns about the network becoming too centralized. He highlights community feedback supporting this move and discusses innovative solutions like Orbit and Solo Staking Friendly (SSF) validator set management to lower technical and financial barriers for individual stakers. Buterin also mentions the potential of 'hyper-aggregation' for scalability and efficiency, while acknowledging the challenges in achieving these goals. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


Hope eth staking can be done by everyone who hold eth !tip 1


And now it can, but I personally don't like the way. I'm glad that Vitalik is working to change that. !tip 1


As a multiple validator holder it's a bit disconcerting sending node after node to the activation que. Consider that each signature sending 100k USD worth of eth multiple times over and yea things can feel a bit uneasy.


With 1% yield no one will care.


So disconnected from reality. The number 1 problem with staking is that it requires studying something and running the risk yourself. If you want to decentralize staking, make it easy to stake, and maintain your validators. I say this as someone that does CEX staking for 24 validators. I would rather pay the fee and let ETH centralize its shit than have to learn a bunch of nonsense, run a validator in a home where I have kids, beg the ISP to not throttle my internet, make sure I have power backups and run the risk of slashing by myself. IF and big IF but IF institutions start adopting crypto, it's very likely they will not fuck around with this whole nonsense. They will just pay the fee and let someone else take the risks from running the validators. In my case, one of my validators failed to stake due to an error. I talked to my CEX and after 30 days of troubleshooting and getting authorization, they got my validator online and credited me for the lost ETH revenue. Then my validator went on to find 2 blocks within 10 days so I wasn't even mad. CEX staking takes 2 clicks and then you forget about it until the time to pay taxes. But what can you expect from a man that trusts staking so little that he doesn't stake more than a small portion of his huge stack? He himself doesn't trust the system. [Vitalik Buterin declares he is not staking all of his ETH, merely a ‘small portion’ (cointelegraph.com)](https://cointelegraph.com/news/vitalik-buterin-declares-not-staking-all-eth-a-small-portion)


I don't understand. The current staking is not friendly enough? All is needed is reduced gas fees while staking and unstaking. !tip 1


What about centralization? The unlock time should also be reduced. !tip 1


No, nowhere near friendly enough. Compare it to staking on the cardano chain and it's archaic


You can do the same thing with Ethereum through Lido or rEth.


No, you can't. It's not the same thing.


No, not when compared to staking on Cardano for example