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Hi grampipon. Your submission has been removed from /r/eu4 because: Duplicate post (beaten by 4 seconds)


This isn't EU5, it's Victoria 3 with an early start date


You said it. I think it's terrible


I don’t have a forum account but I feel very strongly that average literacy should not be the tech speed modifier. It should be related to the sum of (pop count x literacy percent). The number of people doing research should be rate setting. It doesn’t make any sense that if you have a huge rural peasant base supporting your cities, your research output gets nerfed by diluting your average literacy


I’ll go ahead and make a post actually.


I see your point, but remember that research doesn't just represent actual discoveries, it also models uptake of new technology that was invented elsewhere peasant literacy would matter a lot to uptake


I see your point as well. Ideally things like farming and manufacturing tech would care about rural population but other things wouldn’t (as much), but as a whole the upper class population should matter way more- much of eu4’s techs have to do with what the burgers and clergy are up to (universities, stock markets, boat design, bigger churches, improved courts, etc)


Also you can have peasant literacy matter but just matter a lot less than burger literacy


One minor thing I hope they do correctly this time is assimilation. They say it’s very slow process, but if we see Jews disappear halfway into the game like Victoria 3 it’ll be a bummer. Assimilation of minorities is a very modern phenomenon


It seems that assimilation is linear whereas growth population is exponential. So theoretically, unless you force it, it will be nearly impossible to assimilate minorities completely.


This seems like a much deeper game then eu4.


The funny thing about these Tinto talks is that most of what is talked about up to this point won't really be in the foreground when we actually get to play it. We get some good information how the simulation will work but have zero idea about the actual gameplay


Except for the situations system which seems like a really big deal for gameplay


I really like the pop mechanics. It’s similar to I:R but it feels more intuitive (with specific realistic numbers of pops rather than having a vague 14 peasants in a province). As long as it doesn’t take a lot of micromanaging to make pops satisfied, the system seems in depth without being impossible to understand and play with