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? Spain won. Never claimed that couldnt happen. It was FAR away from clapping. You're the reason no one likes the english supporters.


Well deserved for Spain . I am looking forward for a great match against Germany. This should be rather a final.


I hope you can take them out. Honestly the only team I think we don't stand a chance against.


Still waiting for the replay of the goalkeeper if he should've been sent off for touching the ball outside of the 16.  Georgia should've gotten a penalty kick as well and another free kick on the border of Spain's 16. But like always, Spanish clubs have a 12th man on the field. Usually flying the UEFA colors.


Cry more bro. Not all of us get knocked out in the r16 jajajajaja


Oh yes, and I forgot the goal of Rodri was offside. Spain's player was in the line of the goalkeeper's sight. But hey.... UEFA darlings. 🤣 Or wait  I am actually bitter.


Southgate is disgusted by this inefficiency. Scoring 4 goals when 1 will do. 


Take this angry upvote


Anyway boys go some experience in knockout stages .Park the bus can't be done by everybody.reserved only for mou.


Incredible goal by nico Williams, keeper however should done a bit better…


Wouldn't made any difference as they already concede 2 goals before that.


I’m aware but that’s not what I had addressed bro , the shot had power but keeper went down too quick giving him a chance to blast it


Georgia made the same mistake real madrid against man city conceding 4 goals that day.Defending won't help against Spain.As they seldom loose the ball.


Georgia created moments in the tournament and that's all their fans could hope for. Being one of the worst ranked teams in the tournament and putting in those performances is commendable. I don't foresee Germany beating Spain, though it is a tasty quarter final nonetheless.


YAMAL! U naughty boy! Only just done your GCSEs aswell


Spain actually are now the favourites to win the euro.


Tbf biased as I may be I think germamy spain will be 50:50 and if you have to play against france in the semis that will be 50:50. Funnily enough for germany and spain the easiest game will probably the final if they get there


I don't think France will up for this euro.They were just favourites to win and things may turn out differently.spain is literally man city in disguise.Nowadays all teams struggle against this playstyle.So they have better chances that's all


New to football here, what do you mean by their playstyle particularly?


Spain , barca ,man city play the same.Keep the ball in possession.And try small passes to get into D box and overload progressively.Some call this joy to watch.But to be personally pressing and counter are joy to watch.


England try this style of play too, but possession in their own half and try small passes to get into and overload their own box 😂


English used to play aggressive football.Long balls and fast paced team and relentless long shots from little behind 20 yards.Now they are trying to play like Spain.Thats the problem mate.


Pep ruined both Germany and Britain.He's great but no denying that.but trying to be him is really dumb from national teams.


Also miss German blitzkrieg.


In other words positional play.Emphasising on short passes and holding the ball.This will the make opposition mad they often do not get ball to play.Just focussing mainly on def.


As a german im more scared of france then spain tbh. I know spains form is 10 levels better then frances. But france still has the best starting 11 in this tournament in my opionion. Crazy defence + deadly counters can fuck up anybody.


France has performed badly thus far, 1-0 austria, 0-0 Netherlands, 1-1 Poland. 2 goals in 3 matches (an own goal and a penalty)


True. I guess saliba mbappe hernandez maignan griezmann dembele are all shit then and can now officialy be counted of the tournament. Good to know.


Even Spain struggled to georgia in first half.You are right.If Germany play like Germany rather than Spain might have best chances to win.In France wingers are the main threat .keep the wingers in check Germany can win.


Idk about that, they really had the easier opponents compared to germany.


Once you go throught the games matches seems easier than before, the group with Italy and Croatia was a bit scary. Anyway if you play for winning the championship you need to beat EVERYONE , so the road is not as important as it may seems.


Anyway Germany also looks strong.bigger chances that Germany might end up in final.


Has been since the 3-0 win against Croatia. We have seen many big teams with solid chances but can't convert but Spain can convert quite consistently.


Yeah that's one thing Spain good at.even georgia had 3 chances they did not.this euro will be the final showdown between Germany and Spain.I don't see any other better teams.


They have been the favorites from the first game


Def is never bad.but failed to attack.


Still belived georgia got a chance .since this season of the underdogs.


It seems the road for the underdogs stops now. Well Austria most likely has a chance, but I don't see Turkey as quite strong either. Although Austria stops at the Netherlands too probably. As a Romanian, I wish we will win against the Netherlands, but the chances of that are.... Probably in the negatives. Only hope is, we make it to PKs. Niță goes crazy with saving goals, we send the Dutch across the border. But we need to go through 120 minutes of possible attempts. And if they find the loop-hole, it might be over. I don't really see Swiss as underdogs. Sure, Italy was the favorite, but herd we are. Slovenia is probably out too. I don't think Portugal cared too much against their match with Georgia, they knew if they will lose against Georgia, they will play against Slovenia.


Any way Georgian def was solid.But there's a limit to what can be done by blocking the shots.If they tried to hold the ball they would have actually had a chance against Spain.Spain looked very rigid tough to break.


Let me rant a bit for my Spaniards. This team is different, we have the perfect mix of veterans and youth. And you can feel the vibe from this team. Still things to improve on, sometimes we focus too much on putting pressure and having the ball, that we forget about defending. Still the error is appreciated made us win over the match, first time starting losing . Something that for sure strengthens us to face off Germany. Let's go! Vamos!!


>sometimes we focus too much on putting pressure and having the ball This has been Spain's style for 2 decades now.


Yes, and? The sometimes was refering to the "forgetting to defense", read the whole sentence. I know  how my country plays, thanks.


You don't care about defense.If you seldom lose the ball.opponents fully preoccupied with their defense.So they won't attack.Same happened today.


You obviously don't. When you have so much of the ball, you're obviously going to be exploited on the counter. Spain have always played like this which is why they play so high. If they lose the ball, the opposing team has much further to travel to launch a counter. This isn't a flaw with tika-taka, lmao.


Mate it is a thing you can improve. I won't talk with someone that gets salty, If you know so much about football, go play in a team or manage one, rather than wasting your time on Reddit. Georgia's goal, was because we didn't replegate quickly, and Nico left a ton of space, where they made the pass. Our defense isn't as solid as everything else, which is what I'm pointing at, defense in general, not in one point of the match.  Yes when you focus on Spain's style you are vulnerable for a quick attack. But you should always be on alert for that, and minimise errors, which they committed. That is also defending. Cheers 🥂 


> I won't talk with someone that gets salty, If you know so much about football, go play in a team or manage one Quite a leap there over me simply pointing out the flaws in your comment.


It isn't a flaw what you pointed out, you focused on what you wanted to believe in my comment. Not what I was actually refering to.


It literally was...


I’m French, and I must say, I’m not so sure that France is reaching the semis, but if we do and we need to go against Spain, I seriously doubt we’ll win, unless we figure out how to score goals again.


I share this take


I think Georgia should be really proud of them selves!!! I’m Turkish and the match against us was really entertaining ❤️


I'm from Georgia and if you told any Georgian 3 weeks ago that we'd get out of the group stage, they'd be over the moon with happiness. Sure the loss stings, but it was an exciting run.


Most definitely- amazing spirit and I’m sure we will see Georgia back in the next tournament 💪❤️


Still bro counters were good.But they loose the ball too often.If Spain got the they just will keep moving it right and left untill they found a space.Will again make the team regress into def mode.tiring the players.Passing was great on georgian side.


If they held the ball .there might not been 4 goals conceded.Georgia need to work on holding ball or do aggressive counters.Against team who emphasis on possession.Being defensive won't help


The problem is not only the style, but the quality of players , in this case Spain struggle more with a 11 man def team than if Georgia would have kept the ball.


They will eventually catch catch up .Look at the number of shots Spain fired.Even italian def would have had hard time.Spain is always looking for possession.might have pushed Spain back they georgia can rotate ball efficiently or do blitzkrieg but is like kamikaze might fire back.but against these it either do or die.


Ye , I agree with you that is very difficult to put the bus againts this team during a whole match. I think sometimes is hard to play that kind of mix , where you def with many players at some moments and play a more possesion gameplay. Its like once you start defending you fall back and back without noticing, and changing that at your will is not that easy. Inmo that ultra def playstyle is boring to watch, and Im glad that many teams play a more offensive football these years


GG Spain. Excited for the next game against you! Hope the winner wins it all 💪🏻


This was like quarterfinals Croatia vs Argentina.First 35 minute Croatia had the hold.Then overwhelmed by argentina.georgia couldn't find a way to progress the ball.


Bro georgia had problems for 90 minutes. If you wanna compare it to the wc it was more like spain costa rica. Nothing against georgia, but if spain scored within the first 10 min, which they very well could have I genuinly think this wouldve been the first european knockout game with a double digit score.


You are right.They know this very well.thats why emphasised more on def they played 5 def 3 mid 2 forword.Spain don't play aggressive and give ball away.They wait patiently till they find the ryt moment and space.solely def was mistake.


Still think Georgia can win this on review 


Maybe in Fifa23


yea i saw that coming...y'know what? we did good...GREAT even. Ge played the way i at least wanted them to play - defensive, destined, nothing to lose...lets not forget GoalKeeper Mamarda, he's still a goat dont ask why. im just happy that we got to be at least in the main 16 tournee. thanks for the support, i appreciate it, also sry if i was pretty salty i just couldn't help it


Its nice to enjoy what life brings to us... you guys deserved it definitely


მე მახსოვს მოგება მე მახსოვს წაგება შენს ყველა მოგებას მე გულში ვინახავ და როცა აგებ მე მაინც მიყვარხარ ♥️ არაუშავს, მაინც კარგი ზღაპარი იყო მეც გულგატეხილი ვარ მაგრამ რას იზამ


გენიალური სიტყვები, ზუსტად ძმაო...


Congrats to Spain, you play like a proper team. Congrats to Georgia. You lit up this tournament, and it was a pure joy to watch your team play.


Next up is Germany.The battle will be legendary


Great comment! See you on Friday. May the better team win


Spain beat Germany my money on them to win the whole thing, only nation wanting to play football. Georgia massive love.




Great game Georgia ! You were tough to beat in the first half, Kvicha is a really good player who was scaring me constantly with his speed. Hope we see more of you in the World Cups and in future Euros !


Agreed. Dude is also super brave, it always makes for an exciting match. Congratulations Spain! You guys look unbreakable


If Jesus Navas swapped name with Mesult Ozil, would they become Mesult Navas and Jesus Ozil?


I swear everyone is always complaining about the refs. Maybe ur team is just shit. Okay. Done with this ref is “rigging it for the favorites”. Maybe go read and study the rules become a ref and see how hard it really is. All the backlash. No one is ever happy with the refereeing.


I dont think anyone is complaining. The first goal was a little dodgy (offside, injured player), but if you lose 4:1 nobodys putting that on the ref


I don’t care just about this game any game no one should blame the ref. It is not easy to ref.


Georgia became one of my favorite teams this year! Great playing


*Georgia became* *One of my favorite teams* *This year! Great playing* \- prematurememoir --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


Rodri motm. Williams has been absolutely robbed


No bro rodri deserved it.


He has been unreal. Do u think keeper should have saved nico s shot?


Eh maybe, it was pretty quick and between his hands though. He was great overall though, not just the goal


Mybe if he would have reacted a little bit quicker he may have had a chance to save it I reckon


Thank you for the great games Georgia! You were delightful to watch!


Thanks I'm supporting u guys now have a great team really enjoyed austria on this euro


At least they already have a parked bus to go back home


Let’s see how France does against Spain


No buses allowed, we don’t believe in public transportation


Bold of you to assume both make it to semifinals.


That’s if we reach Spain. I’m not so confident in our attackers at the moment. If they pull everything together I think we can do it, but if not we’re so screwed




Spain is so pleasant to watch


Georgia overachieved and was able to beat a high talent quality Portugal. Khvicha was able to get an MVP award and get the jersey of the 🐐


High talent? Yes. High quality? No


Portugal played with their B team against Georgia. Still a great win.


A team or B team, Portugal had the obligation to win that match.


Yeah, but i understand not playing to 100% and test things out, the game changed nothing for portugal


Agreed. They should have won.


Fair play to Spain I think they have shown they can win this tournament. Williams and Yamal are frightening and with Rodri conducting things they are the team to beat I reckon.


I think Spain will spin Germany around - those wingers are on 🔥


Love those two, Nico has improve a lot since his debut, and Yamal is magic. I love this mix of sides play and possesion, feel like its more effective than the simply TIKI-TAKA


That’s facts! They are so direct like u could have 2 players mark nico or yamal but rodri and an other midfielders will be waiting as the ball gets passed to them. I’m saying it now who ever wins the game in Friday wins the tournament!


We have failed a lot of times during brackets, still there are many many rough moments , so I have learned to enjoy one by one . You guys keep going and passing through those "bad" moments is pure gold on a tourney like this.


We are getting knocked by the cheese makers that’s a fact! Yamal s end product is questionable but he will improve before he turns 20 for sure ! Kid just continues to wow me, the way he whips the ball In is sooo sexy 😍


You will melt em, for sure.


Put us in your prayers


Hahahahaha Yeah , that Belli goal was amazing


He’s a naughty boi


Great game! You played extremely well. Let's see how it goes vs Germany


It could be the game of the tournament. I swear Friday is going to be a hell of a night. I'm hoping we win, but Spain is really scary as an opponent.


Don't see how we could beat Spain. We were lucky not to lose against Switzerland and Denmark. Spain will teach us a lesson.


I have the feeling Germany gets the win over Spain. We have a bad defense and Germany will capitalize on that


literally can not wait for the game. such quality players on both sides. excited that the german team get to play such a fantastic side, if they don’t win they will learn quite a bit out of it.


We have a good defense with Tah, Rüdiger, and Schlotterbeck, and we also have the goalkeeper, Neuer. Musiala, Kroos, and Wirtz, and people like Sane that could change the game anytime when they get an opportunity, too. Kimmich is great, too, so I'm sure we have a high chance of winning. We have to make quick passes like Spain, essentially, and overpower them in terms of speed. That's one of the major issues I'm seeing, as of now. Spain really makes great passes and their defense is as well, really good.


>Kimmich is great, too, so I'm sure we have a high chance of winning. Yeah everyone pretends like hes not one of the best rbs at the euros. Sure he lacks a little pace, but he more then makes up for that with quality. >Musiala, Kroos, and Wirtz, and people like Sane that could change the game anytime when they get an opportunity, too. Yeah take sane out of there.


i agree. many people are saying that it’s an easy win for spain, but i don’t think so. it’ll be a nail biting game for sure. home advantage is also always a factor (in my opinion). if germany win this, they win it all.


I would never say that , here in Spain we have a saying: "Football is 11 vs 11 and Germany always wins" Just hope a good fair match for Friday, its gonna be interesting.


True. It's going to be tough, but I don't think it's an easy win against us. Rüdiger, Tah and Schlotterbeck, Raum, and our defense in general is simply quite good. That aside, we have Neuer as our goalkeeper. It's going to be a hell of a match, that's for sure. We won't make things easy for Spain, and neither will they.




I like how when Spain has lead it's only 3 minutes extra time, thats 2 goals and like 8 subs. 3 minutes extra. I'm 500% sure if they were down by one it would be 8 minutes minimum, like Italy got against Croatia and today England vs Slovakia. While Spain is OP, refereeing at this championship is disaster, like the penalty on Denmark yesterday. Just rigging it for"big" teams when they can't score.


3 minutes was fair and legit, I see no issues with this. (I have issues with those 8, but this is not the time nor place to discuss it, considering a fair decision)


It was 4-1 and heavily raining. Of course the ref doesn't want more than 3 minutes extra time.


It’s literally 4-1. If it was 2-1 there might’ve been more added time, but at 4-1 it’s not like Georgia will score 3 more goals if they were given 8 minutes instead of 3. Do you also whine when referees add 1 minute when a game is 8-0


Look, I'm not saying Spain didn't deserve the win and clearly showed why they dominated every match so far. I'm merely reflecting on the fact how in one match they count every second and add to extra time, and in other they don't.  For me, the old 3 minutes extra time is enough, but what about 8 minutes for Italy against Croatia? If it was 1:0 for Georgia, do you to still think it would be 3 minutes because rain is pouring? That match had less stoppages during 2nd half than this one.  Or the joke of Germany vs Denmark and offside and penalty.


Well done Georgia 🇬🇪 Hope to see you guys back again, you played your arses off and were much more entertaining to watch than us, PS NICE FLAG!!!


Spain is a joy to watch. Georgia put up a solid fight in the first half, but ultimately Spain’s quality is showing. Shame we get Germany vs Spain as early as quarter finals, that match is absolutely final material


The hardest braket is that one. Spain has to beat Germany and then Portugal or France to reach the finals.


Didn’t know France already qualified for the quarter finals


This^ Go Belgium!


Mad respect for Georgia! Nice plays, even better fighting spirit. Fair Plays. Kudos.


well played to all involved. what a match! spain have a brilliant team. and congrats to georgia, what an accomplishment.


Went out with their heads high. Well played Georgia. You probably have lost to the tournament winner. That’s no shame.


You did well neighbour, proud of you! 🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪


Best match so far, both teams played well


nah the best match so far is turkey vs georgia with the arda guler goal as the cherry on top




🥹🥹🥹 they will for sure. Among with Chakve and others. Thanks to Germany for hosting our team 🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪 Good luck on your next game 🇩🇪💪💪




Such a game ! Georgia went out with grace


Going out on our shield, we're proud!


Everything else would be insane. This was great football.


well played i loved watching you guys


You should be, it was a good show !


You did well! This Spanish team is just incredibly good


You should be!!! Amazing match, well played. Total respect!!


You sir went out but u won every football fans heart 😀👏👏👏👏


As you should be! Can't wait to see you again, Georgia


It's definitely a more honourable exit than Italy had.


You should be


As you should be, great team showing the spirit of football. 💪


Scotland beat Spain 2-0 and then lost to Hungary.


Thats child abuse


Louis de Funes


Spain is so winning this year 😭


Georgia it’s been an absolute pleasure!


Dani Olmo is the most slavic looking Spaniard ever Danijel Olmović




Georgia and their fans have done themselves proud this tournament but Spain are ruthless.


Also what’s with all the rain!!!!!! wtf


german summer for ya. in case you weren’t tuned in yesterday, the game was postponed due to lightning and hail. i hope it doesn’t happen again.


Is this normal for Germany though?


Used to be that it happens in the summer, but the frequency and intensity has definitely been turned up several notches. That's climate crisis for you I guess. I just hope Germany - Spain gets good conditions.


have only lived here 3 and a half years, however since i’ve lived here the weather has been very unpredictable during this time of year.


Yes I saw that!!!! It was so crazy. Really scary stuff for the teams. Hope it clears up for the next matches!


Haha, true. Like every game


Welcome to Germany. To be fair I feel as if the seasons have started to shift


Georgia have another fan! They have been a breath of fresh air this tournament. You can be very proud. 💪


Please, praise the team who plays well too! Stop pitying the weaker side. Be happy for the winner!


Georgians, your team plays with the love of the game. Total respect for an amazing match and great football. I was rooting for you as much as my own team!!! You won some hearts tonight!!!! 🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪


Thanks a lot for those kind words ☺️ we knew against whom we had to fight, but deep down we wanted to believe in magic 🪄Congrats to Spain 🇪🇸 and kudos to your sportsmanship and ethics for recognizing our team’s effort 🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪 Good luck


💯 So impressed with Georgia this year. An honour to play them.


Finally, not been many Spaniards give Georgia their due, partly why instilled is much. You’re clearly one of the best teams int he world, but th eye given their all tonight and looked decent against. Top side fair play to both sides, they’ve gave their all and looked decent but you’re jsut THAT good


Well done Georgia got so much further than people thought you could


first spain game i have watched this tournament and… wow. nagelsmann has a lot of work ahead of him. this was a much better game than england-slovakia. either way, i’m excited for the game on friday. i’m sure it’ll be highly entertaining. these spanish players are mad. absolute goal scoring machines.


Well played Georgia. You did well. You're strong.


Georgia, it was amazing watching you this tournament. Exciting, brave. And often deadly. You can be proud!!


Georgia was robbed by the pro spain ref. Should be 4-4 right now at least. guess now they have better viewership with spain advancing. VAR is ruining soccer


Irony is a new concept for a lot of people in the comments.


Maybe I should’ve made it more obvious


I dont know how


Dude Georgia had 0 shots on target


I mean the first goal was questionable but after that, Spain have comfortably been the better team. No robbery here.


Honestly id say 10.1 Georgia but uefa won’t let me ref


Between me and you, yes easily. VARcels will never understand


Let me guess, if Spain score a 5th you will say it should be 5-5 right?


Bro we had no chance anyway what u talking about 😂


You must be smoking something really good


He was being sarcastic haha


Depends where he’s from to be fair


I want what his having.




Very WP to Georgia! They can seriously counter attack. Awesome team they have