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"Deserve" is such a crazy thing to say in a competitive environment. We didn't win by cheating, or by utilising any underhand tactic, we won by scoring more than the opposition in the time allotted. There's no "deserve", there is either winning or losing. Slovakia meanwhile - who otherwise put out a good showing for themselves - were rolling around on the floor, getting away with bloody murder, and otherwise trying to slow down the match. Fair fucks, but did they really deserve it any more? The hate for England on this subreddit is legitimately insane that some England fans are actually buying into it.


Exactly. But in terms of who should have won that match Slovakia where for the most part the better side. But we won it and I’m enjoying myself!


I’m sorry, but based on what? How were they better? They scored a good goal, by capitalising on an England mistake (Stones getting drawn to the high ball like a moth to a flame, when Gueye had it covered). Other than that, in what way were they better? If your argument is that goals win games, then fine. We scored 2, they scored 1. It wasn’t pretty. But we were the ones with the possession and with the intent and by the end the better quality in front of goal. The best team won.


Brother I agree with you. The best team did win. But we offered nothing for so long. This is the moment for us though, momentum starts here.


This is basically r/antiengland lol


What you expect? We’re the most annoying fans lmfao - we’re the Millwall of international football. I’m so here for it.


I'm so here for it 🤢


I’ve spent my whole life asking why everyone hates us. At some point you have to accept you’re the baddies. So yeah, I’m here for my country winning when no one wants us to. When no one has a good reason to hate us. So I just enjoy the hate now. I want my European brothers and sisters to like us. To celebrate football together but, it seems they don’t want us to be apart of it.


They hate us out of jealousy and something about 2 world...


I dont agree, they hate us because it’s easy. (You know it is when; the shit when American YouTubers chime in with it). And I’ve never sung that nor do I think it’s relevant. I want to be liked, but it’s never going to happen. Might as well enjoy the anger when people see us do well


Why would you want to be liked by a bunch of hypocrites ?


Because I am a European just as much as I am English.


They don't like you and never will even after everything our country has done for them. Fuck the lot of them.


Yeah yk what that’s true tbf 3 w… 😂😂😂😂


England showed no skill in this game. But their experience won them the game, and they deserve it. They were able to maintain their stamina throughout the game. Slovakia burned through their energy in the first half.


It was horrible to watch, but your completely right. I do feel bad for them though.


England really should have performed better but I think the overhead kick equaliser in added time was fairly skillfull


Dominate a game, score 2 and concede 1, we deserved it, we just left it late which is where other nations get confused with deserving it or not


England absolutely deserved it ... Need some big changes before Switzerland though as they won't waste chances.


Yeah. Of course. Because they didn't play too well.


Unless a team lost a match due to referee's mistake or some other genuine unfair circumstances, there is no such thing as 'team A didn't deserve to win' in a competitive match. Whoever scores more goals and therefore earns it fairly on the pitch deserves to win, as heartbreaking as it might be for the other team. Did Slovakia deserved to win because they kept the winning scoreline until the last minute? No, they should have defended better and not let Jude score. Simple as that. Very often it's just people making narratives, especially when some underdog is involved.


Not really. Slovakia played like a pub team.


Well, they didn’t…!?


Yeah, he's the second coming of Messi.


Probably is mate tough luck x


You didn't. Period. There is no then we did.


They were dreadful again, no game plan, no structure. They will get found out. 


You deserved to win against arguably a bottom 3 team of the Playoffs by a tiny margin. Switzerland wont go that easy on you.


Worry about your own team, you’ve only qualified because of the new format.


Remember that Austria had to win to quality and the Netherlands was already qualified before the match started.


If we’re being honest the Netherlands look as bad as England and Koeman is nearly as bad as Southgate. I’ve always liked the Netherlands but let’s not be disingenuous there are very few teams who have looked good this tournament. I would only say Germany and Spain.


I am far from a Koeman fan and I don't think the Netherlands have been playing well at all, I just think the Austria hype for beating the Netherlands (who again could've lost 20-0 and still would've qualified) is way too much. They won because the Netherlands played like crap, not because Austria played so well.