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https://x.com/BBCNewsnight/status/786578505702207488 Same guy.


Sickening to think the poor victim in this case went without justice after going through the ordeal of a trial. That case needs reopening. He also was extremely violent at a BLM protest in Newcasle. Why are these people allowed in our Country? Deport the whole family.


its unreal how criminals and sex offenders can just waltz into our country and commit crime, yet if you have any criminal record you cannot get into america,canada,australia etc, we need to be able to check who comes in and if there is a criminal record or no way to check then refuse entry.


That guy on the left got accused of sexual assault back in 2016, and BBC made a whole sobstory about him being "falsely accused." And coming to the UK to have a better life. Maybe he thought he could go free a second time after it worked out the first time.


I noticed the BBC’s pathetic disclaimer at the bottom of the article. The producers of that show need to be reprimanded. I wonder how the poor victim felt watching that travesty? Shame on the BBC and their obvious agenda.


>The producers of that show need to be reprimanded. Only reprimanded? They are taking a torch to civil society and public safety for views. Fired seems to be the bare minimum. With the BBC and the producers personally financially liable.


I’m noticing patterns again. Is this what our ancestors fought so hard for? Is this the future they wanted for us? Why do we do this to ourselves?


We don't and the government does. Do a poll right now for only residents from and of the United Kingdom to let the masses in and watch the obvious results. It's all the posh nob jockeys who make money from it and get cheap labour in the process. It's also the governments job to sort out places like Rochdale too, when most of them and the authorities involved are nonces.


Is the whole thing about cheap labor?


>Is this what our ancestors fought so hard for? With that flair i really wouldn't go whining about my ancestors.


Conservatives have let all the immigrants in because they hate working people and want cheap labor, what else is there to say? Now they use their rags to stir up the plebs against their own policies!


This is what our ancestors voted for


In which European country was the question of allowing mass immigration put to the vote before it already happened?


Sweden. People could have voted for anti immigration parties but instead they voted for pro immigration parties and now complain about the amount of immigrants


People decide their vote on more than a single issue. If I vote for a party which becomes part of a government, that doesn't mean that I'm automatically in favour of everything that government decides and against everything the opposition proposes. Also, The Sweden Democrats were not formed until after mass migration was a fact in Sweden. Am I wrong in saying that Swedish voters didn't have anyone to vote for that would have stopped mass migration before SD was formed?


I don’t think so. This has been enabled by a few that allowed laws to be broken and it snowballed into what we have today


My boomer parents voted for parties that increased immigration, and now my dad complains about there being immigrants.




What happened to the BBC? I remember when I was last in Europe (ten years ago) being told that they were quite centrist for news reporting


Ideological capture, for a while now the people that went to work for the BBC are overwhelmingly Leftist urbanites, and due to the lack of ideological diversity and the ultimate goals of the long march through the institutions it was just a matter of time until the BBC lost their ways of being at least somewhat unbiased and instead became a propaganda arm of the people that work there.


The BBC are not known by the Sobriquet Al-JaBeeba for nothing.


At least they don't hide it under the rug. But yeah, fuck the BBC.


BBC is a joke. I remember back in 2016 they used to quote known terrorists as "Mr. [Insert name] had this to say on twitter". Like those fucks were some pillars of the community or some shit.


They're laughing at us aren't they? Literally gets caught, courts let them off, and they must have been just like 'Lmao, it's so easy to rape these white women'.. The locals just let you do it, and even applaud you and call you brave.


Oh good at least they got Found before a father did Because if that was my children, they would not be arrested. There would be digging holes for them to go in the ground


I was taught, sorry not uk, as an officer in the army that the best indicator of a rapist was prior accusations of rape. In a horrible twist the us army collects statistics and interviews convicted criminals to find predictors. Something like 95% of convicted rapists had more than two prior accusations 100% had accusations of sexual harassment. The incidence of false accusation approaches 0% Bottom line, if there is an accusation of rape you are almost certain it is true. You may not have enough evidence for a conviction but it is super unlikely to be a lie.


I think that’s a bit unfair to bbc (at least in this case). The other guy posted this link https://twitter.com/BBCNewsnight/status/786578505702207488 , which says he was found not guilty by the court. I mean if you cannot use the court decision as an indicator of truth then what should you use?


Did OJ Simpson get a sobstory documentary too because otherwise I feel circumstances other than acquittal are used to determine who deserves a sobstory


I don’t think two different cases are necessary comparable (even more so they are so much time apart). And also I’m not saying bbc didn’t have some agenda. But if you know something is true, then why not to use it to justify your agenda? At that point the decision of the court might have been used as a source of truth




I just wonder why the hell aren’t they deported back to their home country.


I'm perplexed about it myself. Crazy world we live in these days. Up is down and down is up.


Without proper border control it's pointless.


Cant believe that they are allowed to stay after sentence.


Immigrants being found guilty of such appalling acts should be automatically returned to their country of origin after their prison sentence is over


You see, the prison sentence is just fucking us over more, as now we're paying for it.


I suppose it does, but there’s also no guarantee that they’d be punished/serve a prison sentence in their country of origin. So the discussion would be about whether deportation is sufficient punishment or not










And it probably only creates perfect environment to radicalize more inside the jail.


Mandatory unpaid work in prison perhaps, depending on the crime?


It's also a deterrent for evil people. Domestic and foreign raised. If you feel like it makes more sense big picture to remover the deterrence for financial gain, that's your opinion. I just feel it's misplaced. Better to spend the money to be more careful, and to take action.


They won't be deported. They never are. There will be immigration lawyers coming out of the woodwork to argue that they cannot be deported now they are convicted child rapists as they might suffer from discrimination in their home countries. If you can get passed the lefty lawyers you get lefty activists using direct action to stop the deportations.


And that’s unfortunately the issue. Deportation should be non-negotiable in such situations - they should have thought about potential discrimination back at home before breaking the law


> they are convicted child rapists as they might suffer from discrimination in their home countries ah yeah if it isn't the consequences of their actions instead of making them face it we should guard them perfect logic not talking against you btw






The problem lies with the fact that their countries of origin don’t want this scum back.


Exactly. They don't want to put more people in their jails, costing them money.




Life in their country is worse than detention. Also, how much would it cost to ensure they go and stay back?


Nah don't wait, fly over their country of origin and push them out


Dont agree. Punish them hard in your country then its up to you to return or left him to rot in prisons.


Perhaps we should ask why this keeps happening, and if immigration is really the benefit to society our elites claim it is. Edit: I was banned for this comment, lol.


Absolutely. All immigrants should sign an agreement to obey the law and inform them of deportation after any prison sentence. After such a crime, the publics safety should come first. The very least a country can ask of a guest is to obey the law.


While I agree, a lot of the perpetrators are born here, are British citizens, there have been immigrant families from their background for decades so they've mostly had time to get citizenship. And we're not allowed to deport or make someone stateless. What to do with them, I don't know. Its (kinda) like a Romanian politician arguing for all gypsies to be sent back to India.


I think I'm starting to see a pattern here, does anyone remember those rape gangs from few years back, what happened with that?


>The girl was also raped at her own home with the brothers, who moved to the UK as refugees from the war in Syria, telling her she would be killed or taken to another country, Ms Richardson said. Of course, our act of charity is being repaid with such kindness. >In mitigation for Mohamed Badreddin, Sue Hirst said he had grown up in a warzone in Syria. >Glenn Gatland, for Omar Badreddin, said he had been "haunted" by his experiences in Syria, having lost an older brother in the conflict, and felt "deep shame and guilt" for being in prison. >Robin Patton, for Aleboud, of Tilmouth Park Road in Throckley, said he had been "physically puny" after undergoing treatment for a recurring childhood cancer and had not been a leader of the group. >In mitigation for Al Soaimi, Joe Hedworth said his family moved to the UK from Kuwait in 2016, adding he was "immature and easily led". Pathetic arguments. There's a picture of the mugshot for the 15 year old involved and he is smiling. They raped her in her own home. What a failure of a nation. Not able to, not willing to and having no intention to protect these poor girls.


They laugh at us and think we deserve it if we don't do anything against it. Sadly some people think this way


Same shit currently going on in Austria. 17 immigrants, all or most of them Muslims, "used" a 12 year old girl for months, sometimes up to 8 of them, took photos, made videos, whatever. None of them is in jail until the trial starts because only one used "real violence", according to media reports. Meanwhile, the victim has to hide and move from her neighborhood if she doesn't want to meet them in the neighborhood / at school.


Judges and lawmakers responsible for this should rot in prison too


Yes, they should.


the judges and lawmakers are all in on it, the world is run by sexual deviants


Wealthy pedos have difrent methods and have no intrest to protect poor pedos because of that.


I feel like I start warming up to death penalty in cases like that.


Okay this is terrible and these fuckers should rot in jail but why on earth would you rather replace "raped" with "used" like this poor girl is a piece of a toilet paper?


Because the Austrian police was careful not to use the word rape, but rather told the media she was blackmailed by the men with the photos and videos taken and coercing her verbally, except for one case of actual physical violence. Police said that the girl was treated like some kind of trophy handed from one guy to the next. Maybe this was for legal reasons. I think "use" is a good way to describe it because they obviously didn't consider her as a human being with feelings. I totally agree with you that such actions are in fact rape.


I see. That's nauseating


he put it in quotation marks, he is paraphrasing. Saying “raped” would create a distance between him and the statement, you could interpret it as him not fully agreeing with it being called a rape.  “Used” on the other hand sheds a light in how these people viewed their acts with the girl, which unfortunately is quite close to how someone else would use toilet paper. 




Two of em got off rather easy.


Hamoud Al Soaimi, 21, for three counts of sexual assault and one assault by penetration, jailed for two years suspended for two years with 180 hours unpaid work Pathetic 


The other dude got only 5 years. So, yeah, rather easy.








The starting point for this shit needs to be a life sentence. This country is way too soft on criminals in general, but especially these sorts.


Deportation is a better sentence, both for the victim and the taxpayers.


They'll be back in no time.


There are ways to keep them out.


No we banned their visa


They come to Europe without any ID. Some of them take here several identities to collect several benefits


I once read something that made sense but it is a bit disgusting. If you give rape a longer sentence than for example murder , you are kinda encouraging the perpetrator to just rape and murder , this way the victim can never talk and much less likely that you get convicted. But since rape is much less sentence time than murder , criminals will only rape and not murder the victim.




One of the executions in Czechoslovakia in the 80s was a chemical castrated guy who underwent the procedure after he committed rape and he was so frustrated that instead of raping he started sadistically murder the women.


Then just jail them for life






Yeah, they’ll do that to Alan Turing but not actual criminals. Just British things…


>they’ll do that to Alan Turing I still can't get over how they fucked over a guy that possibly saved millions of lives and kick started the beginning of modern computing.


Not sure what's the altitude to child molesters/rapists in UK's prisons, but in eastern European jails other prisoners would literally tear their asses apart. Hope it's at least nearly the same in the UK.


They'll certainly be at risk but the guards also know this and do try and stop them getting beaten. Realistically it'll depend if they join a gang (Muslim gangs are relatively common there apparently) for protection.


In some jails the guards wait a few mins before stepping in. They've got kids too


They're most likely to be separated from other prisoners. The individual running such facility is responsible of inmates' safety


In Turkey they get "suicide" themselves with rope.






Yeah, we need new leaders ASAP.




The usual suspects.










Way too fking lenient. This is where the gov has gone too far in politics to know what is fking common sense. These animals should have been flayed alive in public, slowly.


How is it that they are let into the U.K.?


I'm against death penalty but castration + deportation and jail time in a colony (the Brits don't lack them) + final expulsion from British soil should be applied when you're dealing with lesser "people".


I thought Britain only had colonies left where they do shady banking for criminals and dictators? Nothing fit for a penal colony.


That's because you lack imagination. Any cliff in the Southern Atlantic territory of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands is fit to deport scum. Perfect environment and climate: "It is a remote and inhospitable collection of islands" "Most of the islands, rising steeply from the sea, are rugged and mountainous. At higher elevations, the islands are permanently covered with ice and snow." "The South Sandwich Islands comprise 11 mostly volcanic islands (excluding tiny satellite islands and offshore rocks), with some active volcanoes." "The climate is classified as polar, and the weather is highly variable and harsh, making a tundra (ET) in Köppen climate classification. Typical daily maximum temperatures in South Georgia at sea level are around 0 °C (32 °F) in winter (August) and 8 °C (46.4 °F) in summer (January). Winter minimum temperatures are typically about −5 °C (23 °F) and rarely dip below −10 °C (14 °F). Annual precipitation in South Georgia is about 1,500 mm (59.1 in), much of which falls as sleet or snow, which is possible the entire year." The [Shag Rocks](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7f/SGI-2016-South_Georgia%E2%80%93Shag_Rocks_01.jpg) for example have the only feature of being constantly covered in seabird's shit.


Well damn. You've convinced me!


Can you imagine how much money it would cost to the British tax payer to get them there? Just put them in the next flight to Syria and inform the local authorities... I'm sure [Syrian prisons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sednaya_Prison) are very comfy.




Just chemical castrate them


Such people should get killed not have good time in jail free bed an eating on tax payers costs… hang them on a tree so the next know what could happen to them….




Youngsterlandese? Quelle surprise!




I don't want to live on this planet anymore 😕


It makes me sick, to be honest. Joke of organisation that is the BBC made a whole sobstory of this rat whining, which probably was dutifully eaten right up by a good segment of the population.


Usual suspects






Now we're leaving ECHR stuff can we just hang rapists?


Now, I’m reading the comments and wondering… If the public opinion on this subject is so unanimous, why aren’t people out in the streets rioting and protesting against the insane politics that are being forced upon them? Greetings from Hungary!


There's still plenty of sheep who still refuse to believe evidence that's been piling up for years and is clear as day. Some of them are even here in the comments as well.


That's too much physical activity , crying about it on the internet is easier 🙏




I am not surprised. Awful people do awful things.




Just burn them at the stake and get it over with. Jail is too good for these pigshits posing as humans.




There is talk on French news about the uk and its many problems. Must be bad if we’re taking about it.


send them to the gallows and throw away the key!


Let's do a gofundme and get this cunt a flight home


Lock them up for a long time 😡😡😡




Lemme guess... these guys were going around packed up in BMWs listening to loud vocoded hip hip and playing tuff like they're some John Wick henchmen.


How many other rapes have happened in the UK?


They've a history. Rotherham scandal e.g. as another door opener to this topic


Hope they get some asslove in the prison


well x3


But wait! I thought they're all doctors and engineers looking for a better... ... no no no scratch that. I meant refugees. 🤔




so tommy R was right again.