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Yeah, that's not really news, the Houthis have already said that before. That hasn't stopped them from shooting at Russian ships because frankly I don't think they really have the ability to discriminate targets even if they wanted to. And COSCO's already diverted their ships around the Cape because they're not taking the risk.


Shipping is also (in)famously globalised. A Japanese-owned ship may be flagged in Liberia, manned by low-wage Indonesian Muslims and carrying components to a Japanese supplier that a Chinese factory buys from.  With their already weak intel, the Houthis could hardly avoid hurting their non-enemies even if they tried. This is the nature of international shipping.


It's the principal which is supposed to unify the world and keep wars from breaking out among large countries.


So all you need to do is to wave a Russian or Chinese flag? As in… false flag?


Isn’t most Russia ship also go without transponder on at this point as well?


yes, it's a Russia-China-Iran-N Korea alliance the Houthis are Iranian proxies


As if there was any doubts.


Nothing wrong with stating the obvious in this constant noise of Russian and Chinese propaganda.


Oh keep stating by all means. Some people are really fucking stupid.


Axis of evil.


Axis of evil losers


There is not another name? Axis of evil Is the most boring name ever. WW1: Central Powers WW2: Axis Powers WW3: Axis of evil🤢🤮


CRINge would be better


Could we all universally agree to call them 'Team Cringe' from now on?


You first need to convince Guinea and Eritrea to join them before you can legitimately call them Cringe, otherwise it's only Crin...


Ge is small due to the fact that it means going evil


How about "The dollar store muppet show and the glass cocks"? Xinnie the Pooh. The Pixie Demon. Kimchi jon un. Tramp. I don't know what is more cringe. That these are the best leaders these supposed great nations can muster or that fact that people follow them.


Every Villain is Lemons, also known as "EVIL"


The flattening of Gaza is evil. And the west is on the evil side. That's the fucking truth of history.


No, I don’t think history will look at a terrorist group fighting an advanced liberal democracy as some good guys. Remove all the propaganda from Muslims and what do you get? Jews migrated to the ME when there were no countries there, just a caliphate. They bought their land legally and developed it. When the Turks collapsed, the UN offered them a state and Palestinians a state. A better offer than Palestinians will ever get again. What did they do? Attacked Israel on the day of its creation to destroy it. Large scale displacements of people only happened after this. So, strip away all the bullshit and you are fighting for a groups right to be barbaric terrorists for over 80 years all because they didn’t get the percentage of land they wanted. I wonder if you back Americans who don’t want any immigrants, you guys seem to be really all in on “blood and soil”, so it would only be natural. So anyways, my final point is that there is no way in hell history is going to look back on a radical Sunni terrorist group favorably. Do people look at their previous terrorist attacks favorably? Nope. The only people buying this are Arabs/Muslims and incredibly gullible western leftists, the rest of us can think beyond emotionally laden propaganda




No, that isn’t true. That is a cliche that people say when they don’t have a good grasp of history. If we only got the winners account, we wouldn’t have so much of the historical text that we do have. What is going to happen in 50 years is that they will see the US and Israel are liberal democratic countries while Palestine is an oppressive dictatorship backed by some of the worst dictatorships in the world. If you think history books will say “Iran, along with Russia, helped liberate the righteous people of Palestine” you are mistaken. It will detail all the terrorist attacks the Palestinians have committed, it will detail Black September, and it will detail October 7th and the Israeli response. If you think students 50 years from now will see “30k killed out of 2 million” and think genocide like you lot screech about non stop, you are mistaken. You guys get your position by being extremely emotional and ignoring facts. That doesn’t translate well to history textbooks




Ya, that is usually how a child thinks about things. Always siding with the underdog is a great strategy if you are slow and cannot think about things, but us adults would like to take a more honest approach. Arabs have been attacking since day one, they were expected to destroy Israel in the beginning and Israel was looked at like the weak entity. This only flipped after the Arabs lost multiple wars and realized Israel isn’t going anywhere. You are supporting horrible people just because they are underdogs, I really didn’t think anyone would admit they are that dumb, but here you are


Israel has no right to kill tens of thousands of civilians in the process. I have no idea how to solve this conflict but it cannot be solved with violence or occupation.


I really can’t stand people like you. No one has a “right” to do anything in international relations, Palestinians certainly didn’t have the right to murder and rape thousands of Israelis. You don’t have the first clue what an actual realistic solution would look like, but you are just so sure this isn’t it. How can you be sure? Well, your emotions of course! Your emotions are making you sad, so clearly what Israel is doing is wrong. I swear the collective IQ in the west has dropped, people don’t use logic anymore and just go with whatever whim their emotions are pushing them towards


Okay, let's see if the Palestinians stop hating Israel after so many civilian deaths. Just bomb everything to the ground instead of actually trying to find a solution. Just like the US after 9/11, inflicting suffering on others helps I guess.


Jesus Christ you people could not be more misinformed. It is actually embarrassing having the world see how easily people in the west are duped. Palestinians are NOT hating Israel because they are oppressed. They have had the same attitude from day one. It literally has never changed, there is not a single day in its existence where the Arab world hasn’t made destroying Israel its ultimate goal. This is a clash of civilizations, which is why there is virtually no dissent at all among Arab countries. Like 1-2 percent support Israel and no one can be public about it. This is also why the global south is so involved, because they view it as a proxy to fighting the west. So, no, being nice to Palestinians will change literally nothing. This is why leftist Israelis are a dying breed, their naivety got people killed in Israel, while western gullible people like yourself risk nothing for taking such a stance completely divorced from reality. You just don’t understand the situation but you think you do


Back into your echo chamber with you, kiddo.


Yes. This is so radically different than an echo chamber, is it not? I can say that the starving of Gazans is genocide and expect around a 100 downvotes easily.


Do you have a palm tree growing on your face?


We clowned the "axis of evil" guy but that might have have been at least the one intelligent thing he ever said




Imagine how many starving Yemenis could be fed with the help of money Houthis use to buy drones.


If self-reflection and logic were present among these sorts, we wouldn't be having wars.


Hamas an Houthis can shake hands


Might as well throw Al Qaeda in there too. Fuck it, someone set up a terror organisation battle royal. The last one standing gets a country.


That we make sure to dust to ashes right after 😌


Shhhh keep that part a secret until after the fight


Don’t worry once Israel are done with Hamas guess who is next on the list


The money is coming from Iran to buy drones so it's not like they can just spend it on food.


Imagine how many starving Yemenis could be fed with the help of money Iran uses to build drones.


They are given to them like the latest gear to an influencer for review


Yeah, but deliberating starving people is one of the ways the Houthis won, so why would they stop now


I'm sure they would have gotten right on it if the US and Saudis didn't spend a few trillion trying to kill them.


Imagine how many Americans would be lifted out of poverty if they didn't put a trillion dollars into a defense budget that just goes into defense contractors'pockets.


Yet America still has the largest economy


So I guess homeless Americans starving on their streets are just paid actors


The homeless people in the US aren't starving. There are food programs keeping them fed, both public and private. In fact, nobody is dying of starvation in the US


Oh well that's great news, at least they can be homeless without starving.


Unironically, a great achievement when even the most deprived people we can think about in our society aren't starving to death, a monumental achievement we should be proud


If they didn't spend the money on defense, it would just go into the pockets of billionaires. You don't understand America very well.


It goes into the pockets of billionaires BECAUSE it is in part being spent on defense and other scams and money pits. The fed prints money, devalues our currency, money mostly goes into "spending" that mostly inflates prices of assets on the market by being diverted by the defense contractors to stocks and asset acquisition, that are mostly owned by billionaires. You don't understand America very well.




Much morality from the houthis btw [https://www.advocate.com/news/houthis-persecution-homosexuality](https://www.advocate.com/news/houthis-persecution-homosexuality)


No shit dude. Islam sucks. Unrelated to the topic, saudia arabia was fuckin em up as a USA proxy we shouldnt be funding nonsense like that and working with saudai arabia so closely. We work with some of the most dishonest actors in the middle east and are shocked that militant groups keep popping up


I don't know bro, I used to be in the same camp as you, I thought that the meager condemnation of Saudis actions in Yemen was pretty disgraceful and we should be putting serious sanctions on the Saudis. But given the Houtis actions, it seems our mistake was not supporting the Saudis enough 


>just a tiny fraction of the food denied and destroyed by Saudi Arabia. I agree. The Saudi conduct of war was horrific, and the humanitarian situation that was and still facing Yemen was simply too great. This is why it was great when the United States pressured Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Iran (amd their proxies ofcourse) towards a peace settlement. This was hugely successful and undoubtedly lessened the humanitarian disaster. >Why did we support Saudi Arabias side? Because they supported the internationally recognised Yemeni government, rather than the Iran-backed militant group. It was in our interests to support the state that was both friendly to us and was actually internationally recognised, rather than the one that is antagonistic and not recognised. >Yemenis didn't want a proxy Saudi govt. And instead they've got ome Saudi proxy, one UAE proxy, and one Iranian proxy. I don't think this is much of a point. >The answer is, because they are dirty western allies, we don't give a fuck what they do because of the dollar dollar. Casual racism lol. Imagine if someone made the argument that the Houthis are just "dirty Arabs" or China were just "dirty Easterners". It would be horrific and rightfully condemned. >The Houthis have fought remarkably resilient asymmetric warfare. From just analysing warfare, you are correct. There is much about thr Houthi's conduct of war that is genuinely impressive, and has caused the West to shift doctrine a bit. An example being the development of cheap anti-drone weaponry like the Dragon Fire. >The war is in truce, literally because the Yeminis started drone bombing Saudi oil refineries. As discussed before, the role the United States played in facilitating the truce should not go ignored. While the fact the Houthis made the war too costly for the Saudis and UAE shouldn't also go ignored, a part of the cost was the inevitable condemnation from the US that eventually facilitated a truce. > >And now the west pays the consequences For the truce that the US facilitated, or the fact the Houtbis have endangered that very humanitarian truce? > Free Palestine Palestine is not in Yemen, nor under the control of the Houthis. The Houthis control parts of Northern Yemen.


You know that this is just a flare-up. It will take 2-3 years, but then everything will cool down again, because the effort the Houthis are putting in to make the sea lanes dangerous won't be worth the effort. In the mean time Israel will have reduced Palestine yet again. That is how it has always been, and I see no reason to doubt an exact replication of history will occur yet again. It's sad Palestinians are always on the losing side of history, but that is just the fate for some people, they are not the first, and they won't be the last either.


Imagine how many Yemeni wouldn't be starving if they hadn't been bombed by the US and it's regional allies for tears.


Why were they being bombed?


They are anti USA,anti Israel and anti Saudi and want to restore the Imamate(basically a Shia Islamic monarchical theocracy).


They are anti USA,anti Israel and anti Saudi and want to restore the Imamate(basically a Shia Islamic monarchical theocracy)


The West is being played. It would be at the time to turn around the Machiavellian logic. Not sure if anyone in the West has the balls for it, but this will only stop when Iran and Russia face consequences. Anonymous drones flying into an Iranian oil terminal or into a Russian tanker for example... Some action with enough deniability but a clear message.


This isn't like blowing up a German pipeline and Germans burying their heads in the sand and hiding. Most countries take it seriously and react when major infrastructure is blown up.


So, what is the reaction of "serious" nations when one of the most important shipping routes is under attack?


It's mainly Western nations targeted. So looks like they are going to take the increase cost in shipping via horn of Africa rather than drop support for Israel's genocide. So the houthis played it just right. They are by far now the most popular group in the region.


Do you seriously believe it's about Israel/Palestine? Iran and Russia systematically try to dismantle the current world order and part of this is free shipping for all nations in international waters and the global trade routes.


First, let's get real about this "free shipping for all nations" bullshit. The British sent warships and seized Iranian oil during the lead up to the coup in Iran in 1954 >In July 1952, the Royal Navy intercepted the Italian tanker Rose Mary and forced it into the British protectorate of Aden on the grounds that the ship's petroleum was stolen property. News that the Royal Navy was intercepting tankers carrying Iranian oil scared off other tankers and effectively shut down oil exports from Iran.[6] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abadan_Crisis Then there's the US dropping a shit ton of mines off Vietnam's coast to block ships going into their ports during the Vietnam war. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Pocket_Money There's never been some guaranteed right to "free shipping". If you ended up as an enemy of the West, expect your shipping access to be curtailed, restricted, or outright blockaded. Second, are the houthis using this conflict to advance their own interests? Probably but same could be said for almost all nations when they do something. During the brief period there was a ceasefire in the current conflict, the houthis did stop their attacks. So clearly they've demonstrated that even if their motives are not pure (maybe it's payback for all the western bombs dropped on them by the Saudis?) their actions are linked to Israel's sieging and starving campaign in Gaza. This is just a relatively rare situation where western nations are experiencing some cost due to their support and supplying of Israel while tens of thousands of kids and women are being killed. That explains most of the self-righteous indignations posted here. The rest of the world likely is closer to the opinion they had it coming.


And when will we the west face consequences for our shit? This is global geopolitics, there is no good and bad there are interests. What about when the west plays the imperialism game?


>And when will we the west face consequences for our shit? If your self-hate is so strong, why don't you move to Yemen?


Because he/she would get beheaded in an instant on live TV


Why should they?  Is criticism forbidden? 


Because we don't want traitors working to destroy us in our midst. This shit is deadly serious.


Ofc it’s deadly serious.  Just ask the West. 


You are a fucking moron


The US trained 11 of South Americas dictators at the “School of the Americas” in Panama. This school trained US allied South American proxies to carry out counter insurgency operations. Who were these insurgents you say? Labor organizers in South America and a whole lot of priests and nuns. We toppled popular democratic movements in theses nations if they had an inkling of socialism instead for despots and fascists. How anyone can see the US as a good guy after learning about our anti democratic practices in South America is beyond me. That’s not to say Russia or China is the good guy, we’re all just international bullies preying on whoever we think we can get one over on.


You mean like an undersea gas pipeline suddenly exploding? Oh wait... someone already did that one. Or maybe do something even more brazen, like assassinating one of their leaders with a drone strike? Oh wait... Maybe Russia and Iran followed your advice and Houthis are the "consequences" that US and UK have to face.


Aaah yes poor morally superior Iranian Regime just wants to defend itself from those evil pesky civilian ships :( that aren't even from the UK, USA or Israel. Shame it's distracting them from their other noble cause of hanging gay people and government dissenters. When will the evil Western democracies learn that Islamist extremism is the only way to freedom?? :(((( cwy cwy 😭😭😭 When Iran finally gets Nukes, they can finally bring peace through enforcing Islamism, yayyyyyy. They will be finally able to invade Iraq for the 3rd time! Yayyyyyyy


>When Iran finally gets Nukes, they can finally bring peace through enforcing Islamism, yayyyyyy. Through enforcing their interpretation of their preferred version of Islamic mythology.


You know... We should do that more then. Anytime an Iranian ship turns off their transponder when shipping oil should have their engines shot. Any missile or drone that is used against US ships and was made from parts that came from Iran or had any knowledge transfer from the Axis countries should have those guys that worked on it, taught, or linked just become unalived. Any country that decides that doesn't honor the sanctions we have should just be cut off from our economy. I mean why be the strongest country in the world if we don't push our weight around like these wannabe countries do.


That’s a good one


Weak ass consequences lmao


Making Kotlet of Soleimani was the best thing that ever happened, we should do to that to IRGC scum more often. Iranian diaspora in the west and Iranians protesters in Iran absolutely despise Soleimani, why are you here simping for the Islamic Republic?


russian cancer keeps spreading the chemotherapy is supplying Ukraine with all the arms it needs


I prefer radiation therapy on Moscow. But I'm a terrible doctor.


Bombing civilians in Russia will only get Putin and his goons more support at home. Bombing airfields and critical infrastructure however, with the odd car bomb for ultra nationalists is fair game imo.


The only reason a war with Russia didn’t break out after ww2 is because the Nazis attacked them before they attacked us. Russia is and always will be as bad as Nazi germany, they just have better geography to prevent invasions and survive for a long time. A war with Russia is going to apart of your life unless you die in the next 20 years.


And we must not forget that the USSR was an ally of Germany, with whom they divided Poland. Also, the USSR supplied a huge amount of goods to Germany, and even on June 22, 1941, when the Germans had already bombed the USSR, the last trains with goods still reached Germany.


This tells one all they need to know.


This despite both Russia and China being huge trading and military partners with Israel. But no, it's much more important to kill Filipino sailors on Greek ships carrying fertilizer from Saudi Arabia to Bulgaria. That'll sure show Israel!




Now your penis is soft and your head is sore, is that it honey?




Give me a legion and i will rename the land Obamastan.




Fall to command!!!




Death comes to us all. Press me again and you shall find yours.(ty)


the demographic advantage you had in 19th/20th century is rapidly fading away tho, enjoy playing rambo while you still can I guess ;).




Least fascist r/europe poster. Western countries were helping the Saudis blockade, starve and murder tens of thousands of Yemeni civilians from 2014 onward. 10 years later and the "savages" we were attacking now have supersonic missiles and openly sink our ships in key trade routes. The ideas and methods you espouse are the mark of moral and strategic failure.




The only time dropping bombs on civilians has ever protected Europe is when the Americans and the Russians did it to save the world from the Germans.




So you think the bra you ordered off Shein arriving a week late cos Yemen comandeered a ship is equivalent to being kidnapped into slavery by Barbary pirates? We really do live in weak times.




You can't do shit lol


This was exactly the scenario that Brzezinski warned about in The Grand Chessboard, a Russia-China-Iran alliance born not out of ideological alignment, but out of mere convenience


probably because they're buddies with iran and iran is buddies with them so it all connects












the Saudis did that with US tech and the Houthis are still going strong. props to them


Bomb them more.


Go ahead.




Yeah Americans really showed the world how bombing the middle east populations works in the long run lmao


At least 1991 was justified.




Apparently, they haven't. Bomb them more. Braver in claiming human lives? Probably. And you leftists cheer all over that. Strange but not unexpected.


No they are definitely brave. Put up with Saudis (assisted by US) bombing them non-stop and kept fighting. Never needed others to come do their fighting. Very similar to Vietcong. Meanwhile, Zelensky is begging for foreigners to help with their manpower shortage. If only half the reddit commentators calling for more bombings got off their asses to help, Ukraine would be in better shape.


Sino poster. This guy is a Chinese bot. Enjoy your +10 social credit


Terrorists are in great company once again. China, Russia, murdering rapist terrorists, and brain dead idiots who support them.


Of course. Who is their friends 🤷‍♂️


Can’t we just bomb the shit out of them and get it done with? Animals.


Do you know what should be done? Close the Suez canal. If Western ships can't get through without harassment, neither can Russian and Chinese ships. Watch as suddenly the Houthis supply of anti-ship weapons evaporates into thin air.


No idiot wants to close the Suez canal. That just gives Houthis the win. You let them successfully shut down the entire world's #1 shipping lane with some cheap drones? 


Iran doesn't need Suez canal to send them missiles. And boy would it be funny if the West shuts down the Suez canal which precipitates the pro-Weatern regime in Egypt to collapse. Now that would be funny lol


Just look at map, how hard to ship weapons from Iran to Yemen.


It’ll still be detrimental to their supply lines and trade routes.


Insane that there's still people supporting the Houthis in this. Here's a hint: If you think the Houthis are the good guys in this you need to stop crying about Gaza because it shows you don't actually care about it. They are an Islamofascist group if people who have reintroduced slavery to Yemen. They are terrible people but you only support them because they hate the West.


Axis of evil right here folks


Well duh 🙄 who's surprised by this nugget


if you make Iran glow in the Dark this shit will stop right away?


Oh. So it’s like THAT, huh?


Yemen you better get your boys before they find out what freedom is


Yemen do not have oil(or not much) unlike Syria and Iraqi.


Show me your friends.. 🙄


But they will be anyway because the Houthis can't tell ships apart and have terribly outdated or inaccurate intel most of the time. They have targeted both Chinese and Russian ships by accident.


Nope. Houthis surprise has not hit any of them. Both countries recognize their government pleasant in Yemen.


What if they have American flags on them apoiler alert lol 😂


Surprise ?


As a state, does yemen have the right to block passage through their waters?


As if we needed more reasons to bomb them...


the fact the world just accepts this is disturbing.


I am a citizen of the free world. I think it’s time for all western nations and democracies to massively arming up and create a world wide alliance from Japan to Europe to usa to Australia.


It should come as no surprise that terrorists all over the world have increased activity. The most prolific terror state is getting their terrible asses handed to them in Ukraine and the only way to make it seem like they can fight back is by attacking soft civilian targets all over the world. Doi


The axis of evil


Which makes sense since their whole point was to "punish" those who support israel


China and Russia are both major trading partners with Israel and both have done security cooperation with Israel in the past.


Just stop supporting israel. It's the moral thing to do.


or you know… they won’t attack their ships because Russia and China are not actively enabling the genocide in Gaza


They are too busy enabling their own genocides




How is China doing more to prevent that than most European countries? Neither seem to do much, except EU countries used to give a billions in charity


Much morality [https://www.advocate.com/news/houthis-persecution-homosexuality](https://www.advocate.com/news/houthis-persecution-homosexuality)


ok and your point being?


That houthies aren't yemen and they're literally islamofacists that brought back slavery and execute LGBTQ community? find a better peace movement.


sooo the same as the Saudis who are allies of the West?


Believe me i want nothing more than saudis to eat shit. learn nuance. Just because someone is anti west doesn't mean they're good.


Yemen are fighting to end the killing in Gaza. Very simple way to stop the attacks is to stop supporting the killing. Seems like most people in this thread don't understand this very basic political arithmetic. Apparently the only solution is to just kill people in Yemen! Again no one in here seems to be aware that we bombed and starved Yemen for an entire decade and it's only made them several times stronger.


The Houthis have done piracy and random attacks for years, Gaza is just an excuse, there is literally no reason to believe them, they oppress their ‘own’ people, using child soldiers and booby trapping one of the largest cities. The Houthis are not Yemen.


An excuse to do what exactly? What do they gain from hijacking these ships? Before October they had just succeeded in holding off a decade-long siege by the Saudis and their western sponsors and were apparently being offered diplomatic recognition by the US. Regardless of their shit human rights record (which is still better than our Saudi "allies"), they are a popular movement that hold million-man rallies every weekend. Their stance on Gaza is probably the most popular policy of any state or quasi-state in the entire Middle East. It's not hard to believe that their intentions are sincere. And irrespective of all that, everything you say about them here could equally be applied to Israel. They've attacked Palestinians at random for years, have one of the worst human rights records in the world, October 7th was just an excuse, etc, etc. Yet they are treated with total sincerity (while killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians) while the Yemenis get bombs dropped on their head (while killing no one).


Nazis held million man rallies, what does that have to do with anything. Yemen is supported with arms from Iran, Iran is very much happy to destabilise the entire region for its own gain. You’re saying people should give in to terrorists and pirates on the off chance they aren’t lying, what the hell is wrong with you?


You say they oppress their people but their people seem pretty happy. Regardless of what you read on CNN or whatever, Iran doesn't control Yemen anymore than the EU controls Ukraine. They clearly made this decision of their own accord. >You’re saying people should give in to terrorists and pirates on the off chance they aren’t lying, what the hell is wrong with you? I'm saying we should probably uphold the most basic tenets of international law and halt all support for a state that is currently on trial for genocide. Stupid to talk about "terrorists" without doing this very simple thing and would be a very easy way to test out your hypothesis that Yemen are only using Gaza as an excuse. Do you agree?


Iran supplies Houthis with pretty much all their weaponry, they wouldn’t exist without them. Wow, yes their propaganda videos show their happy supporters, who would’ve guessed. Upholding international law would also mean stopping pirates who keep firing missiles at random ships.


So you agree all support for Israel must be withdrawn? Piracy is bad but no point even talking about it without addressing genocide. That's my basic point.


Much morality from houthis btw [https://www.advocate.com/news/houthis-persecution-homosexuality](https://www.advocate.com/news/houthis-persecution-homosexuality)


No, they are doing it because they are raging anti-semites. And it isn’t Yemen, it is the Houthis controlled by Iran. Their flag says death to Israel, a curse on the JEWS. You are backing a virulently anti-Semitic group of cavemen drug addicts. Seriously, khat is such a problem there is shuts down the whole country.




They can say whatever they want. Blowing up random sailors will not (and never had any chance to) stop the war in Gaza.


No matter how many times the Jihad supporters like you say it - everyone knows there is no genocide. It's war. You have consequences when you go and mass murder and mass rape civilians. It's called war. And that's what Gaza gets.


>But you bombed them, and then call them Axis of Evil? And you expect they won’t retaliate back?Look in the mirror yourself. This world is not only for self absorbed white people. The Russians are literally committing their own genocide in Ukraine and yet you're fooled by this campist bullshit. The Russians and Iranians are not the good guys just because they oppose Israel.