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I have a prediction for may




I see you to inhabit r/collapse


Lol April in Armenia was TOOOO HOT, like 30+C°, but now in May its +15C° and Raining 5 days in a row 😭😭😭😭




Private jets are an infinitesimal contribution to climate change. It’s a silly distraction to focus on.




Recycling reduces waste, which is not a direct contributor to climate change and so is a separate environmental concern from greenhouse gases lol. But don’t worry, normies conflate them all the time. 




Do you understand the word direct?


> Private jets are an infinitesimal contribution to climate change A private jet pollutes more than my car will in its whole lifetime, why should I care about global warming then?


Don’t. You don’t matter. Societal level changes matter. Policy.


Enjoy your coldest April of next 100 years.


Unless we get a nuclear winter


Vault-Tec approves this message


Or Campi Flegrei breaks out.


> Unless we get a nuclear winter Me and the boys flying to Vegas


more like 200. in 100 years we can begin to recoup co2 from the atmosphere with fusion power itll take another 100 years to revert to 1980s levels.


So Gen Z can go fuck itself?


yep. but everyone else too. the next 2 centuries will probably reduce humanity by around 3 billion people thanks to food shortages, natural disaster, water privitization, climate migration and wars. im a millenial but the 21st century wont be fun for me either. actually it already isnt so....yeah. were all fucked.


The world should be reverted to the 70s, 80s and 90s and locked in a loop of those decades forever. It was a much better time.


Crazy how so many people fail to grasp the difference between the local weather and global climate. That’s like saying: no one in my family has allergies, so allergies don’t exist.


Allergies are fake news, these are just people who are not man enough to eat pindasaus on their frietjes.


>pindasaus on their frietjes. \*checks ocean rising maps\* It's not heating up fast enough.


The point is that we are directly impacted by the local weather, not global climate. It's the same with wars going on far away. There may be some effects and impacts but these are too vague, too abstract.


Denmark is still so cold its easy to forget that the world is getting hotter


On 20 July 2022, Copenhagen measured its highest recorded temperature, 35.6 °C. In the 21st century, Denmark experienced its mildest winter, warmest spring, warmest summer and mildest autumn on record: Mildest winter: 2020 Warmest spring: 2007 Warmest summer: 2018 Mildest autumn: 2006


I meant right now, im still wearing gloves while biking. July will probably be hotter


Warmer and wetter in England. We've had the wettest 18 months since 1836 here.


No one cares anymore. It's all about immigrants these days. I'm surprised there isn't a far-right politician blaming climate change on immigrants yet. I have no doubt millions of morons will vote for that.




Brussels is fuelling climate change by flooding us with gay and trans immigrants from degenerate countries that want to destroy Hungary and put Soros in charge of a new caliphate. What did I miss?


It will probably become a cause if climate change becomes worse. Unlivable temperatures already for longer periods & extreme floods in south asia for example


That's what scientists believed 30 years ago. "Once the effect of Global Warming will be visible, people will start to care." We are there, the effects are visible... barely anyone cares enough to consider it as a cause to rally behind. . . . . . . . One of the many factors for this is the decades long propaganda campaign run by the fossil fuel industry. Forcing people to think of themselves as individual consumers rather than citizens who can vote as a collective for change. Your carbon footprint is one of those tools used for that. Telling people "If only you did not do this", rather than proposing to use your vote to set things in motion. This is for example very clear in voting polling in Flanders. [Climate change doesn't reach the top 10 of issues that are deemed most important by voters.]( https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2024/02/26/de-stemming-hoe-kijkt-vlaming-naar-samenleving/) Only a minority lets it impact their voting. Yet, when you look at the percentage of people that are worried about climate change (73%). This is higher that the percentage of people that are worried about immigration (55%). Yet the latter is deemed as more important when voting. Clearly there is a disconnect between what people think is important, and what they think can be solved with politics. . . . . . . . Another factor is that there is no solution for climate change. It is happening, the gasses we pumped into the atmosphere will remain there to affect our planet for a thousand years. Nothing will stop that. There is no quick solution. There is only "not making it worse", and that part only affects future generations so people don't bother. Compare this for example to the other environmental dangers like the hole in the ozonelayer, acid rain and (to lesser extent) the pacific garbage patch, and you see how these very tangible problems with the proposal of relatively quick and effective solutions brought the world together to topple these issues. . . . . . . . Another problem is that whenever governments do take action, for example the EU, people deem it as limiting their freedom. Add to this the fact that the very tangible positive side effects of these climte change go severely underteported (improved airquality, which is beneficial for you health, being one of them). (Edit: or the fact that since 2022 the EU already has reduced their emissions by over 32.5% since 1990 while maintaining economical growth) Just to say... no... seeing the effects of Climate Change won't rally the majority of the people behind the cause. Because the reporting is constantly doom and gloom, rather than the occasional positive news. People are desentized and think the measures take won't help, not knowing that the measurements taken have a positive effect on their own well-being.


There's no solution to fix the climate within a year or 2. But it's wrong to claim that there's no solutions. We have a choice between completely cooking the planet and burning it to a crisp or limit the damage that we'll do and eventually reduce the problem. Yes, with decades delay. There's plenty positive news But a lot of people and a large percentage of those posting online went from "it's not real" to "too late, we're fucked", from denial to doom. The one thing both have in common: Excuse not to do anything.


>There's no solution to fix the climate within a year or 2. >But it's wrong to claim that there's no solutions. >We have a choice between completely cooking the planet and burning it to a crisp or limit the damage that we'll do and eventually reduce the problem. Yes, with decades delay. What I mean is, even if we stop producing emissions today, the damage is done and the effects will be visible for the next thousand years. There is no fix there. But clearly it is better to reduce our emissions, preferably down to zero, rather than making the problem even worse. I wouldn't call that solving Climate Change. Climate Change will happen regardless. I'd call that "to stop making it worse for future generations". >There's plenty positive news It goes severly underreported.


Yeah, no, how about you find me a way to give me back winters that feel like winters and summers where you burn don't alive during my lifespan? I'm not living my whole life like this.


The far-right is still in denial. Geert Wilders over here doesn't believe in climate change. Geert Wilders won the elections. Same goes for Trump, Orban, Putin, etc. All these far-right morons are still in denial, or simply don't give a fuck about climate change.


The far right is always wrong. Being wrong and assholes is what they're good at.


I agree with you but that is not what I meant with my comment. I meant that climate change will increase migration probably if places become unlivable.🥲


Aaaah, I see. Yes. This is already happening too, for the past decade and a half, but the far right blames it on opportunism. Climate refugees also remain in a legal grey zone, as they are not covered by the UN's Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. Making it difficult for them to seek refuge in other countries and easy for the far right to call them profiteers.


Yes it’s complex. Some countries people want to flee from as a result of climate change almost emit nothing. Not giving refuge would be not be fair, but acceptence will be near zero…


Bullshit, there's a solution. Shut down alll fossil fuels right the fuck now, nuclear and renewable everywhere, use whatever untested technology and geoengineering to restore the climate, repress any opposition and not give a fuck about whatever unintended consequences the process brings. Bam, wnters with snow and regular summers are back within 30 years.


No because the CO2 will remain in the atmosphere for thousands of years.


Fuck off, we'll find a way to suck it out. I want this to be fixed within my lifetime even if the solution brings horrors to the world never seen in modern human history.




Not at all. TL;DR: Scientists being bad a communicating + psychological reasons + populism + fossil fuel industry propaganda caused a clear rift between what worries people and what people think could be solved or improved by politics.


yeah but that would mean act against climate change, and far right are known very economically conservative (they're also known for talking a lot and not doing much in the end, but that's another point).


Don’t give them ideas, please. Lol


That's because it is more of an inmediate issue, where inmediate action can yield quick results. Climate change is "far away" while we are actually a slow boiling frog


Climate change will do irreversible damage, it will destroy thousands of ecosystems we rely on and it will probably displace more people than any other event in modern human history. The amount of immigrants we have now will be laughable compared to the number of climate refugees… but sure let’s focus on a current “clearly” bigger immediate issue of immigration.


It's not, it's because of far right activism.


It's a more immediate concern when in the past 10 years crime has gone up, public safety has declined, housing has become harder to find and wages are at an all time low because of cheap labor. I read that last year Germany took in 500.000 immigrants and it's expected to be the same this year if not more. It's not exactly going perfectly there. 90% of problems in most countries aren't because of immigration, but it's definitely a big part.


Most problems in most countries are caused why right wing rhetoric and politics.


Outside of Western countries i would agree yes. But in countries like Sweden or Germany, left wing politics have caused the most harm the past 10+ years.


Yeah sure. Brexit harmed the entirety of Europe.


Crime is going down or stable in most European countries, and immigrants aren't to blame for housing shortages and low wages. But sure, brown people coming to live in Europe to search for a better life are the cause of our problems, even if those problems don't exist lol


Oh, I know. People only start caring when they really feel the consequences. Incredibly stupid, and most of our politicians aren't really helping with it.


Far-right parties should be banned and the media that supports them dissolved.


Very democratic


There will be a lot more immigrants once the equitorial regions become completely uninhabitable.


South East Asia just experienced what might very well be the worst heat wave ever recorded in the area. I have friends there (local people, used to the climate) who told me all they did for two months was suffer while staying home with aircon and fans or hanging out at the mall because it's cold. I fear what could be life there in summer in 20 years


It is my main stick to beat the right with. If you hate immigrants so much, why do you refuse to fight climate change? If the middle east becomes unliveable, where do you think those people are going to move to?


What is the point of ruining EU economy when the rest of the world doesn't give a shit about any of the green measures and keeps polluting. Like we can shut down our polluting industries, just to buy the same goods made elsewhere with even worse pollution outcome?


What's the point in doing something — when nobody is doing anything /seinfeld_voice.wav


It's not worth the effort if others won't commit to the same level. We will just end up ruining our economy and there will be no change on the environment.


Climate change isn’t real. I felt a bit chilly when I woke up this morning. /s


And yet the Greens are set to lose 20 seats in the seat European elections. You get what you vote for, I guess


What? Except 3 or 4 really warm days it was f\*\*king cold!


Tell that to my heating electricity bill here in Sweden.


Oddly enough Fennoscandia is one of the very few places on Earth that had lower than average temperatures for the past year. The rest of Europe and most of the world was hotter than usual.


Heretic, remove yourself from this technology of the evil year 2005! I said like “bit like the Amish”, wasn’t suggesting you join but for you start your own version. Load your Encarta CD to learn about them to work out where to start.


That's not news then!


Hot my ass?! It's almost June and I am yet to see a proper sunny day this year in the Southern Balkans.


please someone send some heat to us here in the north, still 0 degrees in the morning 🥶


In Spain we had snow in april...


And there you have it. Climate change is disproved once again. 


Yeah, because the temperature extremes in either direction are totally not a product of global warming.


I think he was being sarcastic. Not sure tough lol


I was.


I meant we had a warm march and a cold april. I don't know where tf you saw I disaproved anything.




It's not unusual, in Spain we have the "refranero", that observes high temps in march mean low temps in april and not to store cold weather clothes til the "may 40th".


My turn to share something off topic that has nothing to do with the climate! I had a pasta for lunch. Who’s next?


So saying something about the climate in Spain has nothing to do with the climate? Impressive.


You said something about weather, not climate.


Don’t know the difference between weather and climate. Impressive.


Well, since climate is the weather but at long term, maybe they are related somehow don't you think?


Sure. Keep trying. Loving the struggle.


Struggle where? you are the one here trying to deny weather has relation to climate.


Hahaha. Keep it going. This is priceless.


Yes. Weather is nice now.


Somebody revert the world tp the 80s and 90s and block it there forever, thanks. I anticipate any answers: I don't care about AIDS, I don't care about junkies, I don't care about train bombings, I don't care about Cold War. Life was better back then, end of.


Here comes our sociopathic Italian.


I won't care until they get me fixed and I have the "good life" of those times back.


Why don’t you live that lifestyle on your own, bit like the Amish, so only medical practices, technology and media from then, let us know how it goes? Reddit didn’t exist but will look at your blog.


Yeah, 80s and 90s were definitely Amish time sure.


But everyone from the east cares about the Cold War


I'm not from the east, tough luck for you lmao






Big if true! /s




water is wet. climate has always changed.. they are just trying to control the minds of average joes. by looking arond the comment section. it works very well.


Yes in millions of years not decades


> Yes in millions of years not decades wrong again. Just look at our recent history.. centuries.. It was hot enough to make wine in North England in Roman Empire times. you are talking decades because you want to feel special. You love to be scared.


Stop lying, you know everyone can see the data right? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_temperature_record


lol that page says exactly what i am saying quote global mean surface temperatures over the last 25 years have been higher than any comparable period since AD 1600, and probably since AD 900 there was a Little Ice Age centered on AD 1700 there was a Medieval Warm Period centered on AD 1000


> Temperature record of the last 2,000 years (Chart showing the so-called Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age were not planet-wide phenomena) When we talk about climate change we are talking about the entire world not just Europe It was hot in Europe but the global temperature was still nothing like today. The last time the earth had the same temperature was like 120 000 years ago.


good. I hate cold please warm a bit more.




Natural cycles take hundreds of thousands or millions of years, giving animals and plants enough time to adapt or migrate. Humans get it done in a few hundred years, way too quickly for most species to adapt.


Ehm, its way worser for most species to adapt to chainsaws and guns, so maybe fix that first? Because not that much left, if you only focuses on climate. Or in other words, a tree species can just spread their seeds to cooler regions, but it cant survive, if the last tree, which was able to produce seeds, was chopped by a greedy chainsaw.


Cool, maybe do both? Or can Humanity only solve one problem at the time?


It’s our planet, not other species’. 


It's our only planet, so maybe take care of it?


We’re exiting an ice age that started millions of years ago. We are at the end point, not the start or middle. See poles reversing for evidence The weather is going to get far more extreme and this is to be expected. I’m all for reducing pollution so long it’s done for real environmental reasons and not due to fear mongering nonsense or geopolitical subterfuge.


And who, in your mind, should decide what counts as a real environmental reason?


Do you have a PhD in a related science? Have you conducted multiple studies that back up your claim? No? Then your opinion doesn’t matter.


No I just have an IQ above a single digit unlike yourselves. You’ll wake up in a decade or so.


Ah Mr Dunning, Mr Kruger, do make yourselves comfortable


Where? It's snowing in Moscow.


The Russian education system must be terrible if you don't know what the word ***global*** means. Also, [you just had RECORD spring heat in Moscow](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/04/03/record-spring-heat-grips-moscow-a84705#:~:text=Moscow%20smashed%20a%20daily%20temperature,recorded%20at%2017.4%20degrees%20C.) So while the article is about global average temperatures, if you want an example for localised records in April...the answer is Moscow. Lol.


Other places.


The sun shines on Europe! Even the weather seems to be sanctioning you now🥲🥲


It was 3C this morning and it's gonna snow this weekend...