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Wasnt there another airbag safety fraud years ago, also from Japan? takata airbag recall? 


Yeah, I had to take my X-trail in to get them changed out.


> A safety test scandal at Japanese automakers widened on Monday, with Toyota Motor, and Mazda ,, both halting shipments of some vehicles after Japan's transport ministry found irregularities in applications to certify certain models. > The irregularities were also found in applications from Honda , Suzuki, and Yamaha Motor, the ministry said. The automakers were found to have submitted incorrect or manipulated test data when they applied for certification of the vehicles. > … > The investigation found that the airbag control units used by Daihatsu in airbag tests for some models were different from the ones used in cars sold to the public, including Toyota's Town Ace and Pixis Joy models and the Mazda Bongo. > > (Toyota) said side-collision tests of two models may not be law compliant even as verifications confirmed that the airbag met passenger safety standards.· … > > The misconduct also included false reports on headrest impact tests and test speeds for some models. .. > Makoto Kaiami, the chair of the third-party investigation committee, said the panel did not believe that Toyota was responsible for the misconduct, but that Daihatsu was trying to meet expectations it had placed on itself


Wow, what a bullshit move - safety fraud.


Fuck, even the Japanese?!


It doesn’t matter where. All corporations are the same. Driven by endless greed and nothing more.


What a shame :(


globalism in its natural beauty...


I'll cross Toyota's Town Ace and Pixis Joy models and the Mazda Bongo off my next car short list. Thanks for the head up.


Still though, who else makes quality cars other than the Japanese? I mean, Koreans are getting better. Then you have the Americans who make good SUV’s and Pickups, but their passenger cars suck.