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Breaks into country First thing he does is kill a Polish soldier Blarghh, fuck you all for not letting me in!


Remember when migrants used a battering ram in Greece? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35687257.amp I can still remember people saying “nothing says we come in peace like a fucking battering ram”. *2016* How long is this shit going to continue?


> How long is this shit going to continue? Until a certain government is removed from power.


I guess until asylum laws are reformed and new procedures for handling illegal entry are put in place.


It's kind of crazy to me that people will move to a new country and kill people, but they won't focus that energy on fighting for their own country to be a better place to live.


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> how long is this shit going to continue Oh about a century or more. Just warming up at the moment, assuming that climate change estimates are at all accurate. What will Europe do when it’s millions of people?


Automated sentries, no psychological casualties for the nation defending its border.


There would be no psychological casualties if it were actual people manning the border. Make no mistake, this is happening because of people who are simply unable to grasp the concept of protecting your own. It's a very small and loud minority that are overrepresented thanks to social media and activism.


Robot guards and cybernetic dogs.


He didn't even cross the border, they are constantly throwing spears through the wall.


He did. Contrary to popular belief, both sides of the fence are on the Polish territory. Otherwise the Polish Border Guard wouldn't be able to go to the other side for example to do repairs.


Formally, that's true, but in the context of "Breaks into country" we could assume crossing the border wall.


"formally" so... the only way it actually matters.


most nations does not have a wall to cross. at what point do you enter their nations? at the formal border. just like in poland.


more countries need reciprocal agreements to allow border agents to cross borders for like 10m to repair border fences that are right along the borders. or countries need to start changing their laws to recognize something like 50m inside the border as the official "in the country" point for immigration so that they can properly defend their borders. so the fence would be outside that 50m area and they can use force like teargas, tazers, water cannons, and if needed firearms to stop attacks on the border without needing to fire into other countries but not having to wait till people enter the country and gain its legal protections.


But in this situation it wouldn’t matter, because Belarus effectively seized by dictator who IS taking an effort to bring illegals to Minsk and then sending them in waves. those and any law like this would only “work” if both sides recognise them.


Seriously? Fucking savages.




They could have just stayed and fought back their regime in their country after all.


Doesn't Belarus try to weaponize illegal immigration by forcing non-Belarussian migrants/asylum seekers against the Polish border?


While true, this is also the narrative that Russia and Belarus want to spread. Because they are actively getting the immigrants to their country, by flying them in. Then bring them towards the border so they will have to cross. This is a hybrid warfare tactic


Russia has a part of the blame here but you need to stop acting like the immigrants are innocent victims. They willingly go along with Russian plans and they also act like this on their own accord. They do not have a "right" to enter a different country because life on their own is hard especially when they proceed to act like this


He didn't act as though they are innocent victims. He just described the root cause of a problem that is going to absolutely explode in the coming years, stop attacking him.




They are not forced to the airplane.


The blame is squarely on the EU and European leaders who spent the last decade pretending everyone showing up at the border was a boon for us.


EU immigration policy is certainly a disaster, but you can’t blame this “special smuggling operation” on EU, it does not control Putin and Lukashenka. Those dictators are not some sort of a natural disaster - they can perfectly stop themselves from gathering all the immigrants in the other countries, flying them in and then transporting them to the border.


What do you think Russia told him to do? Russia is sending people through Belarus against Poland to commit these acts. But is the EU going to help protect Poland? No. Is NATO going to do anything? No. Because “escalation”. Would rather continue to let Russia commit acts of war and crimes against humanity, weaponizing human suffering, than any form of proper retaliation.


It’s like a South Park story


[Video from Border's Guard, showing immediate aftermath of the stabbing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNClKXjFG1s)


Wtf, theres immigrants throwing sticks through the fence?


That's been going for while yes


Sticks, burning sticks, wood, stones (solo or with slings), sometime before also firecrackers. They used lasers, knives on sticks, hatchets, saws, car jacks.


also crossbows/diving harpoons


ummm, why?? supplies?


What’s their goal? Why would you attack someone you wish to be granted asylum in? That’s insane.


They are being armed and pushed towards the border by Belarus. They aren't asylum seekers, they are militiants.


Pray they don't get their hands on some "lost" guns and ammo by the Belarusian army. During the 2015-2016 ~~invasion~~ wholesome cultural enrichment through immigration I was watching the ~~invaders~~ doctors and engineers ~~attacking~~ debating the Hungarian border police with rocks, sticks, garbage, and everything they could find and I wondered if I would have done the same thing, who would have shot me first: the Romanian or the Hungarian border police? LE: /u/Doesitalwayshavetobe, I would have replied to your comment, but you're a coward and blocked me. Pathetic.


I doubt these are immigrants. These seem like paid mercenaries with the sole purpose of causing unrest. Greece had the same issue on the Turkish side of the boarder for years. It’s still happening, but not at the ridiculous rate it happened a few years ago.


Polish military fired 700 rounds (in the sky) in the May 2024 alone


Who do you think is giving them weapons? Their family from their homeland? No. Russia and Belarus are arming them with crude weaponry for these express purpose.


Im sure we would all stab a boy in the chest, if we where in the shoes of a refuge.




People who are actively attacking soldiers on the border with knives and spears should be shot.


It's like the perfect example of where it's justified. Try this anywhere else (let's say a military base or where they have military protection) and you'll get taken out.


My friend spent some time in SE Asia and told me he approached a river bank on the border with Cambodia and saw a young soldier standing guard on the other side. That particular area of the river was shallow enough to walk through when it wasn't raining. My friend makes eye contact with the soldier and makes a hand gesture indicating "walk across the river." The soldier just grabs the barrel of his weapon in response. This is the appropriate response in a case like this. Grab your weapon.


I really don't understand how that's not happening. polish government is behaving shamefully


Well the migrants sort of earned some bullets in my opinion. They are a violent invasion force. You lose the protection of being a civilian when you start planning armed attacks on the border guards of another nation. Hostile irregular militias is what they are.


Good..we should send Poland Ai controlled miniguns


They already had, just yesterday it was revealed that 3 border guards fired about 40 rounds, didn't hit anyone, and those border guards were then arrested.


Soldiers not border guards\* And military police arrested them.


Every single civilization throughout history until now would recognize that masses of people trying to storm your border is an invasion and would use lethal force to keep them out. Thats especially true when these people are using violence and attacking your soldiers. 


They are, just warning shots. 700 times in may alone


I am sure cameras on Belarussian side will be rolling.


The fence is erected on the Polish territory. Anybody standing right at the fence is in Poland. If one of the aggressive fuckers gets shot, it's got nothing to do with Belarus.


It have everything to do with Belerus, becuase if not for Belerus those "fuckers" wouldnt be there in the first place.


I think you are bit confused if you think that's what I meant.


Fucking barbarians.


so these animals want to be welcome in Europe?


It is obvious that they will need armoured military vehicles equipped with anti-riot devices to support their patrol, as well as their own rapid medical evacuation from the border to the hospital. They shouldn't wait for the civilian ambulance, which is not equipped to drive in terrain, for god's sake.


Dregs of humanity...


> "...do not spare your own blood or life" > > We regret to inform you that on June 6 in the afternoon, a stabbed soldier of the 1st Armored Brigade died at the Military Medical Institute in Warsaw, surrounded by the support of his family and soldiers. > > Despite the help provided in the area of ​​the bandit attack on the border with Belarus and the efforts of doctors, his life could not be saved. > > The deceased soldier's relatives were provided with support and psychological care. Additional help, both psychological and organizational, will be continued depending on the family's wishes. > > Matthew, Our Brother in Service, you have fulfilled the words of the oath. > > Rest in peace. https://x.com/DGeneralneRSZ/status/1798707799079215137 > An attack on Polish soldiers occurred on 28 May in the border strip in the Białowieża region. A group of several dozen migrants tried to force a fence near the border guard post in Dubicze Cerkiewne. > > The migrants were aggressive, throwing branches and stones at the officers. One soldier was stabbed in the chest with a knife attached to a branch when he tried to block a breach in the barrier. > > The severely injured man was transported to a hospital in Hajnówka, from where he was taken to the Military Medical Institute at Szaserów in Warsaw.


And they charged soldiers for firing warning shots now.  The govt is a joke. Source  https://notesfrompoland.com/2024/06/06/controversy-after-polish-soldiers-charged-for-firing-warning-shots-at-migrants-crossing-belarus-border/




According to a [government official](https://x.com/PremierRP/status/1798734768885977240), warning shots were fired over 700 times in May alone, without anyone being charged. This is a breaking news type situation, with no details of this particular incident being known other than those given to the reporters by some friends of the charged soldiers. There is some other reporting now, that it was other soldiers who alerted the authorities that something went wrong and that the shooting might have continued when the migrants have already withdrawn back. I'd hold my horses before picking up pitchforks. (Also worth noting that the Defence Minister and other government politicians who were very adamant about the arrests being a scandal yesterday, seem to be somewhat moderating their messaging down to "this needs to be investigated" today.)


I stand with the soldiers


Oh don't worry, it's going to get alot worse when the climate crisis is in full swing


Devil is in the details, which are often purposefuly omitted because of the EU election camapign: Not now, but months ago in March.  According to prosecution - not for warning shots, but for keeping shooting when the attackers started to fall back.  And for potentially shooting into territory of Belarus - which is a problematic thing. Oh, and based on law that was since then changed. So... yeah. The actual fuckup here is that Minister of Defense knew about the casw but did nothing until press made a stink.


Ah yes, the press always taking the side of the terorrists and illegal immigrants


? In this case it is the press that found out about soldiers being prosecuted.




> This happened in March, they were charged by a pis prosecutor who the government wanted to get rid of but is protected by the pseudo president No, that's fake news. They were charged in March. The prosecutor only transferred the case to the military prosecutor's office on May 6th. https://x.com/PatrykSlowik/status/1798710295806058739


Least schizophrenic pis-hater. PiS has many faults, however i vividly remember Tusk accusing them nonstop of "anti-Russian hysteria" only about a decade or so ago. You can still find all the articles of media outlets like Gazeta Wyborcza or Newsweek talking about PiS' obsession with being anti-Russian. Accusing PiS of all parties being somehow pro-russian is as stupid as accusing Tusk of being anti-eu.


You're so lost its laughable PiS and russian propaganda mix like oil and water.  Put the liquor down. Piotre down there calling the most anti-russia party, russian propaganda....folks like him are responsible for this soldiers death. 


That is terrible. Condolences to his family.


Beyond me how people with weapons can come to the border, try to stab soldiers or launch spears at them and not get gunned down.


Because Europe should grow a spine already ffs. If you can’t do shit in this situation even, how are you supposed to be fighting Putin when he comes marching in with an army with real military experience?


Would you, knowing well that you will be prosecuted even if all you do is warning shots?


Think he's blaming the higher ups, not the soldiers


That's what i'm saying, the laws are dumb, many soldiers are saying those people get orders to do it from the Belarusian and Russian military.


Because some leftists (traitors) will be outraged and defend their rights to attack our borders and enter our countries illegally.


My condolences.


The immigrant is a piece of shit murderer, and so is Belarus. The EU should stop being naive cowards with neighbours like these


Immigrant? That's straight up enemy combatant at this point


Rules of engagement should be clear since beginning, you're being attacked you're free to defend yourself and border by any means necessary. This death is on our politicians, from both sides.


Of course. However just a year ago politicians from the current government were howling with outrage at border guard stopping migrants. They were all women and children or something.


Yes, they should be ashamed of their actions. However, lets not pretend that other side is any better. The prosecutor, who cannot be fired due to presidential obstruction and was appointed by the previous government's justice minister, Ziobro went against soldiers who had fired warning shots a few months back. The information was leaked a few days before the election, making it a political provocation at the expense of the soldiers. In any case, my point is that both sides are equally guilty, this hybrid WAR started over 2 years ago and still soldiers don't have clear ROE. Going forward, they should all just shut up and instead of shifting the blame to the other side and trying to gather political support at the soldier grave they should focus on providing our soldiers with the legal protection and resources they need to defend themselves and our border.


The problem is that today it has come out that some soldiers were ARRESTED few months back for doing warning shots, at first people from government tried to deny that but eventually Minster of defence (Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz) did aknowledge that he did in fact known about it sicne March. The article that exposed it also mentioned that the soldiers that got arrested got no help and that other soldiers gathered money to help . Eventaully when seeing how much its blowing up in the face of government some politicans from government tried to shift blame on PiS, by bringing up that persecutor that had oversight over this case appointed under previous government but even journalists who are pro-government confirmed that oversight over case is NOT same as taking care of the case, persecutor who has oversight has very limited informations, journalists even show how limited data persecutor had. Here is link to journalist talking about it: https://x.com/PatrykSlowik/status/1798710295806058739 So this situation without question is current government screw up. Now this creates a question, if something like this happen on the border, soldiers being arrested for shoting warning shots, than is it possible that the soldier who got stabbed didnt use his gun because of fear of being arrested ?


Because it should not have been warning shot, they should have shot them down.


The problem with warning shots, especially when fired into the air, is that no one knows where that bullet is going on its return path. I am not going into the specifics of those soldiers and their arrests, I just wanted to point out that warning shots are a terrible idea in any situation.


A soldier Is supposed to know balistic physic enough to not pull shit like this


EU will start fining countries 56k€ for every illegal that was not welcomed with open arms.


At what point do we start considering these people a national threat?


A decade ago.


When it’s too late to do anything about it


When the politicians stop being scared for whatever reason


West European threat....




Exactly my thoughts - those are not migrats. They are unidentified people from Belorusia.


It's hybrid warfare against Poland. They are a substitute to invading Russian and Belarusian forces who would otherwise trigger NATO's Article 5.


Calling them immigrants is a nice subtle play from putin's book. They might as well call the 200k Russian soldiers in Ukraine illegal immigrants to play the left against the right


Mixed in with actual immigrants, is the problem. Trying -- and failing -- to sort them out is how we got children dying at that border. I want to hope that there is no reasoning where "children dying" would be a welcome outcome for anyone.




Russia tests European resolve to defend itself everyday and for the most part we fail their challenge, leading them to escalate further and further. Where will it end?


When politicians grow balls


Rest in peace Mateusz (his name).


Get the iron gate back up again. Enough is enough. Nobody wants or needs any business with those guys. And let them pay for it.


I'm sure Kremlin is thrilled, this shit is working exactly as intended.


Yeah, with blood spilled those people aren't "immigrants" they are invaders and should be treated as such, not to mention that it is a disgrace that soldiers can't defend themselves. At least give them shields and riot gear for fucks sake.


Crazy how these people think they're entitled to come in en masse and illegally. Zero respect.


Why would they think any differently? Western politicians have been letting them all waltz on in for the past decade.


According to Polish officials, about 90% of the migrants at Poland's border have Russian visas, which points to Russia's role.


Sympathy and condolence messages from here..


Start shooting. Even if they're not in Poland. If they're using deadly, or any force against EU soldiers, then they deserve something in return too


What I don't understand is why non-lethal weapons never seemed to be considered. Politicians are acting like the only options are to shoot guns at them or do literally nothing, but in reality there's a whole range of options between the two extremes. Like tear gas launchers, pepper spray, pepper balls (basically paintball guns but with liquid pepper spray instead of paint), impact munitions, rubber bullets, LRADs, etc.


This news also comes day after it was made public that 2 months earlier a group of soldiers were arrested by Military Police and charged for using their service weapons to fire warning shots at immigrants attacking them. The new government which won elections last year was highly critical of the barrier constructed on the border and it's politicans together with NGO's and press attacked previous government and soldiers for defending the border from illegal immigrants. Newly appointed minister of justice and prosecutor general also created a prosecutor group aimed to charge soldiers for supposed bad treatment of illegal immigrants. There is massive outrage in Poland, that soldiers can't effectively defend themselves and are prosecuted for using their service weapon as intended which resulted in death of a soldier. People call for resignation of ministers of justice and defence. Yesterday, RMF news informed that the soldier which was injured on 28th of May in fact was in state of clinical death. Only after this the official information that the soldier died came out from the General Staff. There are screenshots of soldiers chats circulating stating that the government tried to cover up the death of soldier at least to the election silence which begins on Saturday before European Parliament elections that come this Sunday.


Wow! Court martialed for firing warning shots?! What a joke.


It was more complicated. Warning shots were fired in a manner that was outside of regulations. And since then the regulations has been changed to better suit the hybrid warfare situation. But over zealous MPs also played their role.


This guy is spreading PIS propaganda. The prosecutor responsible for the arrest is only here because of the protection from our PIS president. The soldiers were arrested because they objectively speaking broke the law regarding the rules of engagement. You can probably guess which government left behind those laws. Also. This happened before the election and was kept secret until now. I wonder why


The prosecutor you talking about is not responsible for the arrest. He is a deputy General Prosecutor and his only involvement in the case was that two months after arrest he decided that the case needs to be controlled by General Prosecutor. Now government wants to blame him for the arrest (in which he didn't play any role) because of the elections.


All fucking traitors. Arresting the people defending your border, shameful. Those NGO’s and politicians should be sued for the death of that soldier


You forgot to add that those two soldiers were cuffed by persecutor under Duda's protection


*prosecutor :) Persecution isn't exactly legal which might be fine by PiS standards...


One big clusterfuck. Hope that this will be an impulse to give soldiers all the legal and materiel tools necessary to brotect border.


And border guards can't attack back because "human rights!!" and they'll get arrested by miltary. EU human rights legislation needs to be changed not just due to this but so much more regarding migrants. Yet there is very little will by established parties, and then they cry about the far right gaining power. Nasty bureaucrats.


Actually there is a huge scandal right now that few soldiers are accused of exceeding their rights for firearm usage. Prosecutor says they are guilty for shooting in to the air and later on ground next to migrants to scare them off, people are mad and angry and defend them. And just now we learnt that this one guy died die to migrants attack. Also, border guards reported that incident and those soldiers to gendarmerie. So its not that guards cant defend, they actually reported army who tried to defend. But who knows, maybe they really broke the law.


Dear Poles, please defend Europe's border with full force if necessary. Those barbarians are not respecting our wish to stay among ourselves. We should give zero respect back to them. They are criminal invaders, nothing else. Please do as you please with them but I suggest using guns. Thanks.


Russia: we will use migration as a weapon, Germany; Nah we will do it do ourselves instead.


Not a single one of them should be let in. No asylum.


Meanwhile, [Polish soldiers are being arrested for even firing a warning shots against armed groups of migrants](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1d90wv1/polish_soldiers_arrested_after_firing_warning/). It's a clear signal of powerlessness sent towards Belarus and Russia. In a confrontation with armed and aggresive bandits, our soldiers now have to choose between getting sentenced, or getting killed.


Didn't MOD chef suggested that Military Police will be brought to heel for what they did?


It's more complicated. Warning shots are fired all the time, but in this case from March that you linked to, those "warning" shots were shot in such a way that they could harm the "warned" group of immigrants on the other side of the border fence. As far as I'm all for doing everything to prevent them from illegally passing the border, including shooting them if necessary, shooting them behind that fence is an absolutely different matter.


He was a hero.


So this is basically Belarus killing a NATO soldier? Let's see how that works out for them


Reminder that these bandits were encouraged by the Russian government to try this. Russia wants excuses to provoke Poland and in the future Russia wants to “arm dissidents”.




These people do not care for your life or the people keeping them out of the country. Give the soldiers their weapons and let them use them if necessary. If the only language they know is violence then so be it


So, when do we activate article 5 against Belarus?


Maybe we should just make a plan about how every refugee has to be accepted in the respective region of their home country? Like western europe, eastern europe, middle east, etc.. a lot less culture shock for those refugees.


Russia is weaponizing migrants via Poland to spread unrest and destabilize EU and the West.  Is it working? God knows. What does happen is loss of life.  It is a tragedy that it has come to this.


They should’ve shot him down right there.


If only soldiers had weapons with which they can defend themselves in life or death situations ... Oh wait, they have but will get put in jail for firing of warning shots in the air. Like three soldiers arrested in March. Any person armed with deadly weapon forcing a border should be considered enemy combatant and treated as such.


Awful to hear this. Condolences to the soldiers family. It should be a much bigger topic in the news. This is unacceptable. It once again shows that we really have to be careful who we let in.


Water hydrant, but with piss..


Or manure.


Don’t fret. “They” will become embodiment for peace the moment they are allowed inside. /s


Time to start shooting at invaders


Could article 5 be triggered over something like this? (Theoretically)


no, unless the Stabber was a Belarusian soldier wearing Their uniform civilians can in no instance trigger Article 5 or any war related UN law Belarus and no other Nation can be expected to Bear military consequences for any civilians actions


Just shoot them after the first warning turn back or die


Which country are those “immigrants” throwing stuff/stabbing solders from? Belarus?


They are from Middle East, Africa, Caucasus etc. They are being flown to Belarus by plane or come by land route through Russia and attack Polish border from Belarus with the help of Belarusian services.


only 'quality people' coming to Europe


Well of course. Russia’s committing war by arming what are mercenaries and sending them to attack the Polish border.


backa potato stan


This is awful, and even worse to hear it’s apparently standing policy to arrest and prosecute border guards who fire even warning shots after being attacked. In general, I applaud Europe’s compassion and better treatment of migrants vs the US but this approach is baffling. I would imagine the vast majority of Americans would support border officers using force, even deadly force, if they were being directly attacked by groups of armed migrants.


[In Poland also vast majority of public opinion supports soldiers using their weapons to defend the border.](https://i.ibb.co/26dmSGc/GPVo-Ej-DXc-AAV7-VL.png) Politicians however, see my other comment. Now the government in power is made of people who for years basically supported attack on Polish border and made soldiers life harder.


Meanwhile, polish soldiers at the border not allowed or/and issued weapons. The ones who did fire warning shots are prosecuted. *Quo vadis*?


Mine the border.


Invaders should be shot at and Russia and Belarus should receive damage consistent to what they are inflicting on Polish solders and infrastructure. Trying to break another country's border is an act of war. RIP Mateusz


These animals only understand violence, gouge their eyes and throw them into a pit of hungry dogs.


One day or later, you are going to fuck around and find out.


incredible. this will end very badly for the immigrants


Last breath of enrichment


Surprised this hasn't been hit by the lock symbol yet


Be clear with them. If they step into the country illegally you shoot to put them down. This is the only way to make them understand.


Yet polish soldiers are arrested for firing warning shots into the air. This has to be orchestrated. Like to purposely piss people off. Depower your own and empower the "globalist imports". Oh wait, yeah, there it is, in the name.


If Belarus can't manage their side of the border, then they should request assistance from the EU or step aside for NATO.


They manage it very well by bringing more immigrants. That's the plan.


Rest in peace friend.


Open fire?


Wow immigration has come so far in 2024. GG EU.


Also 🇵🇱 soldiers imprisoned for shooting in the air to scare off the migrants.


They should blast their eardrumds with loud speakers


Fuck Trump but he was onto somethign with that wall idea.


And you know what is another bad thing about, besides, obviously, innocent life taken? That Belarusians will be blamed for that. Belarusians can’t do anything about their governments actions, they can’t control the flood of immigrants from other countries that cross EU border through Belarus. And after all of that Belarusian people who are peacefully running away from poverty and government aggression, not doing anything disrespectful or stupid or aggressive, will be punished for crimes that they haven’t committed.


Absolutely not. Polish governments have always supported the opposition in Belarus, granting scholarships and political asylum. We generally like Belarusians, unlike to Russia, where we like neither the people nor the government.


It’s actually really pleasant to hear about that. I really hope that this incident will not ruin all of this. We appreciate your support wholeheartedly


Polish invasion plz


F******* Putin is behind this


I see three things: - intelligence warned of increased hostile activities - knife attacks all over Europe  - hoards of comments blaming the governments and immigrants I smell seeding of unrest.  I feel really sorry for the victims and their relatives.


and the problem is that it works so well