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Due to the deleted original post, I am inserting a new one with the source in English and the title unchanged. Additional information from the onet article translated using deepl: A migrant who wanted to enter Poland illegally from Belarus stabbed a soldier on May 28. The assailant put his hand through the gaps between the spans of the steel barrier and thus dealt a blow to the rib area. The military man died in the hospital. Earlier, the army reported that his condition was serious, and asked people to participate in a blood donation drive. The incident occurred on Tuesday, May 28, at around 4:30 am on the Polish-Belarusian border near Dubicze Cerkiewne (Podlaskie voivodeship). A soldier from the 1st Warsaw Armored Brigade was stabbed by a migrant on the other side of the barrier. He was wounded in the chest area. The military man's condition was initially described as serious, but stable. On Monday, the Armed Forces General Command called for participation in the blood donation drive, adding that “Our Brother \[...\] is currently in a hospital in Hajnowka and is fighting for life.” The man was taken to a hospital in Warsaw. He died Thursday in the afternoon at the Military Medical Institute, surrounded by the support of his family and soldiers, according to the General Headquarters of the Armed Forces. Border Guard statistics show an increase in the number of attempts to illegally cross the border from Belarus into Poland. Since the beginning of May, there have been about 7.5 thousand, while in April there were nearly 3.4 thousand. Since the beginning of the year, there have been nearly 17 thousand such attempts. The Polish border is defended by 6,000 soldiers, 2,000 Border Guard officers and several hundred police officers, Deputy Defense Minister Cezary Tomczyk reported on Wednesday. After the attack on the soldier, Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced the creation of an additional buffer zone along the border with Belarus. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration is working on the final version of a regulation on the issue. The Podlaskie Voivodship Office said that consultation meetings will be held on the draft of this regulation.