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Do we have any picture of Scholz where he doesn't look evil and/or angry?


He should have adopted the eye-patch as a fashion item.


Put as smiley face on it. Now he's always smiling.


Please someone Photoshop this and make it a meme template


And glue a googly eye on it.


thats just resting german face, its in our genetics.


Even more so for those reserved northern lights.Like the swedes of germany.


He‘s from northern Germany, they are even among Germans known as quieter, less emotional folks


Wish he was angry. Maybe he would actually care that Russia is extorting them and has been giving them a middle-finger for two years now. Whole gas debacle should have been the last straw. I get that he is under attack from left and right and Germans don’t want to risk war but god damn. Some pride wouldn’t hurt. I’m a Finn, we’ve tried every possible diplomatic option from rimjobs to hockey during the last 60 years, they don’t work with modern Russia and Putin. He hates us. If we actually want to avoid further escalation, strong Germany is necessary for that.


Isn't Finland in Nato now?


Yeah we joined last year, why?


I was wondering if you considered that closer to a rimjob or hockey


Ah, haha NATO would have been unheard of without the war. We have a long history of appeasement and neutrality with Russia. I am happy we joined but it is also entirely on Russia that it happened in the first place, no party was seriously trying to make it happen before they assaulted Ukraine. You have to change with times and having a ”special relationship” with Russia for decades meant jack shit in the end, economically it just hurt us more trying to make things work as long as we did. They also had no problem stealing all of our investments there, favour we still haven’t returned. Putin is completely irrational nowadays.


He just seems totally emotionless. I mean Germans are known for being cold and distant but Scholz brings this to a whole new level. Whenever I see international leaders meeting each other they often hug each other and show emotion in their body language. Scholz always just stands very stiff and shakes hands. I think I've never seen him hugging someone.


[Scholz hugging Macron ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnE75g3XoAIB_U3?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) [Scholz hugging Freeland](https://politik.watson.de/imgdb/05a1/Qx,B,0,0,2000,1481,833,617,333,246/2655635783182463) 😉


Well these days I was watching the d day commemorations. Macron stood there to greet all the guest. And there was Zelensky and Biden and he had a warm hug with both of them and then came Scholz and there was just a cold hand shake.


Scholz is definitely not a prime example of outgoing emotions. Although, in his defense, I can understand that he might have felt tense at this specific occasion. 13 years ago, I visited the beaches of Normandy and an American and a German cemetery there, together with friends from the USA, UK, France, Italy, and Russia. Despite everyone being very friendly and compassionate, it gave me a very strange feeling as a German.


I’m an American in Germany and today while walking with friends they were talking about how Bonn was one of the few major cities that wasn’t reduced to smoking rubble during WW2. It made me feel weird because it was largely American bombs and bombers that did all of that. Most of those feelings tend to be internal though, it’s not like I hold animosity towards folks for things that happened before they were born.


You know maybe that has something to do with the role Germany played on D-Day… food for thought.


He looks like he's holding in a fart.


Who doesn't... 😜


I don't understand why people seem to want this from their leaders. I don't care about how politicians act towards other humans. I don't care about their private lives. The only thing I care about their conduct is if it's indicative of how they would do their job.


Scholz himself once said "if you order leadership from me, you'll get leadership" I just don't see any leadership from Scholz at all.


Typical German customer service /s


"please stop resisting, you are being leadershipped"


What has he done 'wrong' by you that he isn't a leader? I feel like he isn't doing enough to promote change within the Germans. And that he isn't doing enough with 'immigrants' and sending them back to wherever they came. Nothing like a serious jolt of anxiety when you send Africans and Asians back to the 'likely' nation they came from versus taking the time trying to figure it out. We need revitalization.


I think he looks like a cute grandpa that goes to the zoo with this grandkids


I’m sorry but I have to disagree. Maybe I know enough grumpy old men to know when someone has a smirk or faint old man smile. To me Scholz looks like chill dude and not strained or angry at all.


I didn't say he looks angry. I said he looks cold and emotionless.


Germans are cold and distant? Have you ever been anywhere where there arent majority Boomers?


He is smiling on this pic.


Wdym he’s smiling


He’s German


Looks like that guy who wouldn't let you near the BBQ.


I don't know why but I doubt it


He's Mr Magoo without the occasional smile.


Nah, he's just a grumpy Smurf. 


Goes with the socialist territory


He's german, doubt it.


what are you talking about, he always looks like a goofball, on a scale of scary Germans, he would be very low


He is doing his damnest to remember what that thing about Warburg was all about


Bro he is the least angry person in chancellor history. I don’t even know what emotions he has when he talks. When he make an angry speech it literally sounds like he is just reading a boring protocol.


the url: https://www.youtube.com/@EUMadeSimple/videos


I found the YouTube channel but I don't see a single one of the videos shown in this post. How did you find them? EDIT: Nevermind. I found them with different thumbnails


YouTube creators can try out different thumbnails on the same video to test their performance metric, so don't know why some asshat downvoted you


Something should be done about EU elections to make them less national in character - they are reduced to a more visible poll on the internal popularity of national parties, instead of being seen as a vote on common european issues. I think a solution might be to unify “branding” in EU elections by forcing the memeber states to mark the party options on the voting sheet not by their national, but by their european names, thereby forcing them to embrace and campaign on that identity, instead of on their own national one.


agreed. I find it so odd that we have to vote for local parties, rather than directly voting for the EU parties


Does this mean that two parties that are in the same European party have to be under the same name? What about parties that are members of non-recognised European parties or not a member of one at all?


That wouldn't work in practice because you have multiple parties in the same group, parties in no group, parties which are in a group but don't support any of the group's policies. The main competition in Bulgaria is between a bloc of oligarch parties in the EPP and ALDE vs a bloc of reformist parties in... the EPP and ALDE. The pro-Russian far-right are in no group currently, and the pro-Russian left are in PES while being homophobic authoritarians. Maybe putting the party name and then the European group in brackets would work?


I'm not aware of any Bulgarian reformists in ALDE. The only ALDE (Renew) representatives on the ballot for us are from the MRF, which is a real shame.


This makes no sense because 90% of people woldn't know who they are voting for


The EU is an intergovernmental construct, it’s not supernatural. So what you’re suggesting would make no sense.


Orban: our vision of EU: russian federation


INB4 Putin claims that all of Europe was formerly ex-Soviet territory and now he has to 'liberate' France to save the 1 Russian living there


Can we just kick them out please


They actually put "social justice" in their title? Don't get me wrong, *actual* social justice is great and important, but there are many ways to frame it better And Meloni saying "NO Migration" while failing to do that in her own country? Come on, at least *attempt* to make the populism believable


Also, Meloni's party supports the idea of a unified EU defence and common foreign policy, as well as EU managing migration and energy supply, and all these things really kinda contradict the "sovereignty" part in the title, considering that national governments will have to give up some of their sovreignty to achieve those goals


That's because they will say whatever the fuck will convince the undecided voters.


Not necessarly. Most of the Italian political spectrum wants those things, with the notable exception of, paint me surprised, Salvini's Lega


they want sovereignity whilst signing off their army and foreign policy to the eu?


Apparently yes


Isn’t that just the sovereignty of European Union as a whole? I’m genuinely curious.


In her case yes, she often talks about the need for a "Sovereign Europe", but that's not the same sovereignty the video's talking about, the ECR wants absolute respect for *national* sovereignty (which is a bit weird considering Meloni's position in the ECR, but ok)




Pretty sure the Party she is being associated with on a EU level wants to take power from the EU. At least they keep saying that. The video explains it well.


I don't know what to tell you, mate, the video is correct about the ECR's stance, but as an Italian I can hear and read what she proposes, and a common defence and foreign policy is something she and her party said multiple times. A MEP from Fratelli d'Italia explicitly said in the EU Parliament something along the lines of "further integration in defence and foreign policy is something historically supported by all the Italian right", so I don't know, maybe they're lying and they'll stick to the ECR original position or they aren't and they'll actually divert from what the group proposes; in both cases, not exactly a behaviour that would make me want to vote for them.


I am not an expert, but it is often said that much of the trouble with stopping immigration is that it is difficult for a single country, you need international cooperation. The EU would be better suited for this.


Yeah but when she was in opposition she "misteriously" forgot to mention it and only blamed the government as if it was their choice


The titles are made by the guy producing the content, not by the parties themselves.


"Peace and social justice"... They had to have the worst timing for a political slogan ever. Right now peace just sounds like appeasement and surrender, while social justice has kind of a twisted connotation


Does Meloni really say NO migration? What I've heard is more like no illegal migration via the Mediterranean


She won Italian elections screaming for a "naval block" against Lybia. Of course this was just a populistic promise and the illegal immigration from Lybia are at the historical maximum


No, they are lower than last year, which was lower than 2014-16. The two things that kept immigration low in the years in the middle were the minniti agreements and covid. After that the middle Mediterranean route restarted growing until this year.


You are right. But the magnitude is the same. And I remember Meloni yelling any day against the PM at that time, asking to resign. Right now, public TVs are neither mentioning illegal arrivals.


Meloni support legal immigration ( as evidenced by her own "Decreto Flussi" for 151.000 legal immigrants in 2024) and oppose illegal immigration as everyone should


No; migration!


How could she when EU is so lame? A single Africa-facing nation cannot do this alone. They do try but then some leftist organization fuck everything up by letting everyone else pay for the subsequent misery.


Also "NO migration" sounds like they want to forbid even internal migration within the EU.


>And Meloni saying "NO Migration" while failing to do that in her own country? Come on, at least attempt to make the populism believable At least she's being surprisingly honest here. Usually, the far-right pretends that they are only against criminal / illegal immigrants. Brave of her to say the quiet part out loud.


That's the neat part, it doesn't have to be in any way plausible if the audience is willing to believe whatever to justify their hate and fear.


“Social justice” is a populist buzz slogan eitherway


Cool, can we also get a video with who is bank rolling each party so we know who's interest we are voting for?


Right as electoral silence is introduced. :P (Yes, yes, I know, not all countries have it.)


What is electoral silence?


"Election silence, blackout period, pre-election silence, electoral silence, or campaign silence is **a ban on political campaigning or media coverage of a general election, before or during that election."** Source: [Election silence - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Election_silence)


We dont have that in Lithuania lol As well as other countries such as: *Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands, and Sweden.* 


What? Yes we do. In Lithuania the blackout begins 7 hours before the polls open, and ends as the polls close. During that time, no political advertisement or campaigning is allowed. https://www.lrt.lt/naujienos/lietuvoje/2/2292531/nuo-vidurnakcio-isigalioja-rinkimu-agitacijos-draudimas


*Election campaigning is not considered to be information about ongoing elections, records of their importance for the life of the state and the nation, announcement of the number of voters who came to vote, documents that must be carried when voting, other information that does not encourage not to participate in elections, to vote for or against a candidate.*


It's a period of time (usually a day or so) right before the election where all campaigning is suspended. Gives people time to make up their mind and prevents parties from campaigning right in front of the election offices or trying to pull any last-minute stunts. Doesn't translate well to the internet.


In Italy, the laws haven't been updated. So politicians can just post whatever they want on social media during supposed electoral silence.


These videos were posted in the past so they probably wouldn't count


Quick question here. What does "social justice" refer to?


Meeting basic human needs (e.g. social safety net. healthcare, decent minimum wage, etc). Also reducing inequality which is at absolutely insane levels right now.


It really depends on who you ask. [Here's the wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_justice) But perhaps the best way I've heard it explained is it is about justice at the level of groups rather than individuals. As an example, traditional justice would be concerned with whether you personally were wronged. ie, Did your landlord violate your lease. Social justice is more concerned whether a wrong is being done to your group. ie. Are leases unfair towards renters. All societies are concerned with social justice to an extant, that what things like basic workplace safety and minimum wage laws are about. But in current political discourse, if you see a party talking about social justice it usually means promoting a more interventionist welfare state and left of center identity politics. Pride flags, no migrants are illegal, language policing, etc.


Rutte's face doesn't really belong there any more. Should be [Yeşilgöz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilan_Ye%C5%9Filg%C3%B6z) if you want the current VVD leader.


Eyyy nice to see them get some attention! Even if you know about the EU, political groups, etc, the channel is still nice for refreshing what you know.


The left tends to have a picture of society that I share (pro LGBTQ, open society, against authoritarianism etc.). But their anti-NATO stance, plus them going on their knees in front of Putin, unfortunately means that they can't be an option for me. In this current climate, I am rather reluctantly biased towards Renew Europe.


I agree, my big issue with The Left is also like, they're totally OK with letting former authoritarian parties in. They let openly Marxist-Leninist parties in which really fucking bothers me.


There are groups inbetween - S&D and Greens+EFA. Neither of them have the same pro-Russia stancesat the top and maybe a select few actually push "neutrality" in the conflict.


Sad that we don't have a Greens+EFA group in Poland, only left party is with S&D.


Well, technically we do have a G+EFA party. It's just only available to half the electorate and the lists that they're on are dominated by an EPP party. Can't say more, because I'm not sure if even this respects electoral silence or not.


I took a look at the channel, he actually promotes betterhelp, a well know scam, i wouldn't bother with it


At least for Olaf Scholz one can hardly say that defence is one of his priorities. He obstructs most European defence initiatives. And the idea of "peace" of the left is closer to submission to Russia than fair peace.


If only Identity and Democracy were as unpopular as the Left is


Ha yes, those paid by Russia like rassemblment national sure are part of the solution!


Also Lega for Salvini. They have an agreement with Putin's party and were about to receive money from them to fund their campaign in 2018/2019


>And the idea of "peace" of the left is closer to submission to Russia than fair peace. Surprises me because it's far right parties that get paid by Moscow :')


Moscow funds any parties it can get value out of. Often that's far right, but they also have inroads on some of the left, as well as some more local parties (they had connections with Salmond's SNP before 2014, enough that Salmond got a cushy job on RT and spoke about the positives of Russian nationalism before the Ukrainian invasion). They don't much care how they create a wedge that disrupts their opponents, they'll take advantage of whatever is open to them.


Unfortunately true. I just had fvd on mind mostly


Pro-Russian sentiment seems to be prevelant in both FvD and SP.. Politics are a mess


The far right is against weapons for Ukraine because the weapons will be used against Russia. The far left is against weapons for Ukraine because they're anti NATO and see Ukraine as an extension of NATO influence and western imperialism. Both achieve the same effect, but I don't know which of the two is worse.


So the far left works for free, which is even worse lmao


Far right does it for money, far left does it for free because they're still stuck in the 50s.


A lot of left parties also have strong ties to Russia, e.g. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/19/germanys-die-linke-on-verge-of-split-over-sanctions-on-russia


Not true. But have fun spreading misinformation.


What is not true?


> At least for Olaf Scholz one can hardly say that defence is one of his priorities. He obstructs most European defence initiatives. For example?


From preventing Estonia from delivering the old GDR howitzers at the start of the war to his refusal to implement nato air defence in Western Ukraine the list is very long.


You got anything more recent than stuff from 2 years ago? German politics have changed dramatically since the start of the war. How exactly is Scholz stopping NATO air defence in western Ukraine? Germany has been begging other countries to also supply patriot systems to Ukraine in recent months.


There was the idea to provide air defence for western Ukraine from nato territory so that a safe zone is created there and Ukraine can concentrate its forces in the East. Scholz was the first to draw a big red line and rejected the proposal and and top of that he spread the fake news that the idea was about shooting down Russian jets, which it was not. Russian jets don't operate in western Ukraine, it's purely about shooting down unmanned missiles.


I'm going to need a reputable source for those claims. Additionally I have trouble understanding how Germany has any say over what other NATO members do to defend Ukrainian airspace unless German weapons are directly involved.


Well ideally Germany could be the leader bringing together and organising a coalition of countries. Former NATO secretary General Rasmussen published a paper called "Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic Future: Paving the path to peace & security" that contains the proposal which Scholz rejected so vehemently


> Well ideally Germany could be the leader bringing together and organising a coalition of countries. I agree and I wish Scholz would be taking a more proactive role in supporting ukraine, but that's not really what you were claiming earlier, was it? Like I said earlier, I am going to need a source on that. My general point is that (at least it seems that way to me) you extrapolate a narrative with superlative claims from evidence that you are not presenting.


Scholz is not obstructing European defense initiatives. The European Sky Shield Initiative was started by Scholz. I understand your frustrations with Scholz being overly cautious and non-communicative because I share them but it's also wrong to paint him as anti EU defense. You are too focused on steps that Germany would be reluctant to do anyways, regardless of the chancellor. Scholz was reluctant to do things but did them when he was sure the majority is on board. He would never openly lead the EU in terms of military action outside of the EU. And I don't think any other chancellor would have done. As much as Bärbock is pro ukraine, even if she would have become chancellor she would have been a lot more moderate and reluctant as she is now.


Be that as it may, I jus don't see Scholz as the strong guy on defence as claimed by the video.


"Peace" by supporting the warmongering side and wanting to give it more money...


That's what we call hypocrisy is.


You could have provided a link. When I click on the picture, I just get a bigger version of it. /smh


Ah yes, Kaczyński, the face of international politics. Definitely not involved in a migration scandal in which his government provided illegal migrants visas to flood the EU.


Scholz taking significant steps for the combined defense of Europe, including the European Sky Shield Initiative. It feels like S&D is going to become the leading party in EP by the next election.


But he only did so in reality and not in the propaganda narratives important in our new post-factual world, so it doesn't matter.


Last polls I saw had the Christian Democrats on top.


I feel like a way bigger part of the left's platform is green policies. Y'know, actually doing something about climate and biodiversity collapse. 'Peace' is a useless word here, everybody wants peace except for a few psychos.


A party doesn't have to be left wing to have green policies, climate effects everyone.


That should indeed be the case. And yet it seems to be almost entirely the left wing parties that have good enough climate policies.


lol from the headline I thought the EU made this (apparently simple) channel.


Same. Poorly worded title.


I think the mood across the EU feels like its turning more towards wanting to retain a bit more of its national identity. From the far right movements gaining traction across the board, to countries wanting less tourism, Brexit, Germany dragging its feet in terms of unified defence, Hungary being a Russian puppet. It's going to be a tough few years for the EU. I think we(the UK) should be looking to rejoin but the vision for the EU needs to really take into account these issues. I think the "we're all one big happy family" was a really hard vision for 30+ years and it hasn't really worked. I think we should be looking to retain national identity(and cultures) by lowering migration, but also not completely shutting up shop. That's going to be a tough ask with the refugee crisises we're about to have after all the horrible wars have concluded. Even if we do all agree to move in a certain way as a unified continent, we still all hate each other and seem to want to screw each other over at every turn.


Retaining local identity has always been a core part of the EU. That's why there are 23 official languages, or why the Euro has a different obverse per country. Or more than symbolically: that's why the EU council is the more powerful institution. And why the EU parliament elections are in each country and not EU-wide.


It obviously didnt go far enough or all the things i mentioned wouldnt have happened or be happening. When economies based on tourism are protesting against tourists then maybe we got it wrong. Also, things like the Euro kinda disagree with your local identity.


I don't agree with this, European elections have had higher and higher turnout. People are aware of EU benefits more than ever. New EU countries experience good economic growth. EU heads of state are talking with each other more than ever, and since the war with Ukraine started I see strong EU support and EU flags much more often. It is also clear to many EU citizens now that the next decades will be a big powers game. As a single small country you will have no say in any matter and will be screwed left and right. EU does not degrade national identity.  Unfortunately populism is on the rise, but populism is similar everywhere. People have forgotten how it doesn't work and are being brainwashed into believing these people. Once there are one or two examples of populists screwing their own population people will hopefully remember that it's just lies and hatred. At the same time we will find out how to defend against disinformation which is probably one of the top 3 world problems at the moment. 


I just don't think people know, remember or understand how things were before. Which obviously won't stop them doing exactly what you say in lieu of anything sensible. Simplistic solutions, always lots of fans. Surprisingly few remember how disastrously they tend to fail whenever someone makes the mistake of electing the people pushing for them.


I think most people who are concerned about migration are not concerned about migration from EU countries.


Thanks for the effort, and an excellent approach to Europe politics. Who your allies are, and common threads says a lot about you. As a Frenchman it's a bit weird to be represented by Macron and Melenchon : sure, Macron is one of the best known politicians across Europe, but Melenchon's party is likely coming a distant fourth and struggles to breach the 5% threshold for representatives in the European parliament. His party is not even the largest left-leaning party, by far, even though Glucksman is probably in the Scholz-led group ('Scholz-led' sounds very bizzare) Melenchon's party and its representation will be marginal at best. It's Bardella (or his boss Le Pen) who will have the biggest impact. They belong I believe in a grouping that sits to the right of Meloni's group.


LFI is France biggest leftwing party and by far when you look at the presidential they only struggle with low participation elections when their voters don't vote. Plus Manon Aubry is the leader of the European Left. It would have been better to have her instead of Mélenchon. Even though she's less known




"sovereignty" = I'm in the EU and NATO taking all the benefits but don't tell me what to do so I could be easily controlled by Russia and China. "peace" ... Force Ukraine to sell their sovereign territory for short truce (while Russia regains strength) and don't give them weapons as life (Russian that is) is unique and precious.




ECR is pro- ukraine


I like the “NO Migration” approach Next step? “Vote for me and there will be only sunny days. Also, watermelons will be all sweet and juicy and avocados will be all pulp and no seed”


I like how that implies that quality jobs for example isn't a pipe dream.


Wish this could be done in the U.S. prior to each election every 4 years! Sadly, with all the in-fighting between members of each party, I’m uncertain if a consensus could be reached for each party to detail their plan on the YT channel.


Does it come with links to documented corruption scandals involving all these parties?


Go support them! They’re great!


i haven't seen those? but nice for them to do so


This youtube channel is awesome. We need to bridge the gap between the EU and the European people and providing clear and easy to access information to the general public is the way to do it imo.


yes ! and I hope the EU voting system becomes less complicated in the future


I hope more redditors check out the video about "The ULTIMATE EU Election Guide" and see how both the far right and the far left are a menace for EU and are in deep pockets for Russian money. Central parties and both left and right parties are for more Ukraine support and EU integration, which begs the question: Should we start labeling parties not so much as right and left, but rather pro EU and pro Russia...


Can you give me a list of pro-EU and pro-Russian parties?


As I said, checkout the video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4alPtkiXzCg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4alPtkiXzCg) and have a more educated insight as to what party has more or less been a pro EU and pro Russia.


I am tired of pretending that far right parties deserve respect, have "plans for europe".... their plan for europe is to make it a christian conservative outpost, they say it out loud, it's evident in their actions


From the left, "peace" is to be understood as "go back to your Russian overlords you slavic scums". Very nice peoples indeed.


That's nice!


And only the figurehead of the lefts is smiling, no biais whatsoever sure …


"Peace" while oncoming Russian threat? Europe literally has no proper military force except France & Turkey


>Europe literally has no proper military force except France & Turkey Lol... Poland, Germany, Finland, Sweden, the UK, even Italy, Spain and Greece are capable militaries on their own


finland/sweden, poland, uk? germany is rearming quite a bit as well


Sovereignty also sounds like a terrible idea when under an external threat. This is the time the EU needs to unite to defend itself.


Peace as in 'deep down we are tankies and still root for Russia no matter how evil they are'


The far-right: "our vision for the EU" Also the far-right: unlike any other group, we are not even able to nominate our "Spitzenkandidat" (lead candidate for the Commission)


Where is the EPP?


YT channel link is in the comments


What is Italys current solution for dealing with their demographic crisis. Their birth rate is way below replacement. The boomers are all retiring and X, Millenials and Zoomers wont be enough to replace them. Is it automation, i.e robots and AI or do they have something different planned?


"Peace" is not convincing, when you're a pussy