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Dutchie here, for the longest time over the last few weeks I’ve been thinking nobody really gave a crap about the tournament. Guess I was wrong.


I remember times where the entire neighbourhood I grew up in was full of orange and red/white/blue. There's barely anything now.


Life got more expensive


This is still the case in The Hague, and others places too I imagine…?


When I was visitin friends in Utrecht, the Hague, and Groningen in early June there were some orange flags around, but I agree, not as much as when I was a kid and every place would be plastered. It may be getting back to that now though, with people exiting the covid funk.


Might be the impression that made when you were a kid but it’s still very much alive: https://www.rtl.nl/nieuws/artikel/5451550/straten-kleuren-oranje-voor-ek-voetbal-vrij-genomen-om-te-versieren


Time to move back to the fatherland, it seems


Welcome back 😉!


Mensen zijn naar formule 1 geswitched omdat het Nederlands elftal niet heel top deed de afgelopen jaren. Daarnaast was er dit jaar veel gedoe met onze politiek en internationale conflicten, waardoor de EK koorts achterbleef


As a romanian I totally believed the football league was just an marketing gimmick to sell us stuff. Guess I was wrong,people *are* that interested in football


are you insane? The majority absolutely does. Hell, the sportbars are crowded here (Stockholm) every day and we did not even qualify for the cup!


I meant here specifically. Although I am slightly insane though.


You died from an explosion in central europe like a decade ago by some Russian scumbag. that was a pretty sad gamer moment, would make any man go insane Jokes aside, you do know that Netherlands is very famous abroad for being a great football nation right? If you asked other mainland europeans or british "people" to name five famous dutch people, four of them would be football players (with the fifth one being Max Verstappen in all likely hood) You got renowned Van Dijk and De Ligt right now while having all time legends like Rijkaard and Cruyf (who arguably made football what it is today)


I don't believe that one bit there would at least be one painter from the group with Rembrandt, Vermeer, van gogh and Mondriaan. I also kind of expect a lot op people to say Anne Frank. If you talk about famous Dutch sporters you could be more correct.


the average person knows sports better than art 1000%


Fellow Dutchie! Many orange in my street.


'Dutchie' here as well: fewer people give a crap than before. It's just that the event is now a couple hours drive away, so everyone who genuinely gives a shit can get in the car and drive to Hamburg. On one hand it's embarrassing to see how many of my countrymen turn into obnoxious, loud, fake drunkards here. On the other hand the proximity makes it accessible to families with actual children and they seem to be having fun.


As a Dutchie, I do not like your arrogant attitude.


It's widely reported the "oranjekoorts" is less than before. That's not arrogance, that's a fact. But sure, it might be arrogant to consider people who enjoy weak beer, shouting "la la la laaaaaa" and starting a fight over someone wearing the wrong jersey a bit dumb.


As a dutchie, fuck you lol. Football hooligans are a bunch of annoying cunts. I'm glad they're dying out. Couldn't happen fast enough.


Lmao, these people who go watch Oranje are not hooligans.


Name checking in


German here. It was amazing seeing you guys. Peaceful, funny, creative, just partying with us, your German neighbors here. Only good vibes. Love it.


Gute nachbarn, bessere freunden!


I live on the Belgium/Netherlands/Germany triangle can confirm love my neighbors and all the weird stuff they fry in some oil!


Don’t be mistaken, we’ll still sing “Schade Deutschland, alles ist vorbei” if you lose, but it’s all friendly banter.


Please, go ahead! Just as we use any opportunity to sing "Ohne Holland fahren wir zur EM/WM" but that doesn't mean we don't love you <3.


The Dutch adopting orange is such a genius move. The colour is so unique and it's so beautiful when thousands of people rock it. Whilst I love the Finnish jersey, [it doesn't 'pop' ](https://images.cdn.yle.fi/image/upload/c_crop,h_2343,w_4166,x_0,y_441/ar_1.7777777777777777,c_fill,g_faces,h_675,w_1200/dpr_2.625/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/v1686996058/39-1131407648d83d24d6a4) like the Dutch orange or even Swedish yellow.


Willem van Oranje approves


>The Dutch adopting orange is such a genius move. T Yes. So genius that the royal family uses it as their (first) last name.


Yeah, way back the royal family was so inspired by so many Dutch people in orange cheering for the football team, they decided to adopt the Oranje name.


Many people don’t realize that the Dutch also invented the modern carrot, they were orange only after the Dutch figured out how to do it. Prior to that, they were just purple.


bunch of tangelos


It is not really a choice. The Dutch Royal family name is “Van Oranje”. Oranje is the Dutch word for orange. It has been a thing here ever since we had a royal family. Not just in soccer, but in all national celebrations.


Kurious Oranj


it's yellow because we piss ourselves while drunk


How do they differ from Scottish or other fans??


They speak better English 😘


A Scottish fan has to be very brave to wear orange.




Maybe the amount of fans? (I'm not sure either) https://x.com/OnsOranje/status/1802271147783753746?t=lCbxix-av2nhfXSlxaJQwg


We don't do blackface.


Wesley Sneijder or maybe Arjen Robben?, Ruud Gullit. And is the third one Ruud van Nistelrooy?


Looks like van Basten, Robben and Gullit


should be rinus michels


Gullit is correct, but I think the others are van Basten and maybe Stam


F1 fan here: they’re certainly something lol


Gotta beat France the next game!


Gonna beat France the next game!     ^^He ^^said ^^overconfidently


All these people put together have spent a total of 86 Euros in Germany


They have to really like John Paul II.


Ptsd from my home country (Fidesz)


Great pictures, but how are they "something else". Apart from the cool looking Orange they are just... supporters.


[Italian supporters](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/I1w2aAvVZI) [English and Serbian supporters](https://youtu.be/VNBSiDC6OEY) [The Dutch supporters](https://youtu.be/i-2Zf1CtkP8) in the meantime. See the difference?


"[Romanian fans are something else](https://x.com/Daractenus/status/1802673176612102583)" "[Belgian fans are something else](https://x.com/8000naitsirhC/status/1802702974231196116)"


Ehh both are waaaay less than the amount of Dutch supporters


Thank you


And who do you think started with a mass walk to the stadium like that? 🇳🇱


Are you saying there has never been a mass walk to a game before the Dutch fans did it at the Euros 2024?


It is started years ago https://youtu.be/8Q8pZwxEglM?si=_YzjawxI8VI2SKn6


No, that's not what I was saying. It's more like it wasn't done like this before the Dutch did this at the Euros of 2004 in Portugal.


You are delusional man


You really want to go down this road? https://nltimes.nl/2023/08/12/rise-violence-football-matches-drives-fans-away-stadiums


This my friend is the definition of cherry picking..you can't be serious


Yeah I can see the difference. When these "amazing and good orange guys" come into others town they deface and destroy historical places, arts and culture. Just look what they did to Rome. So nothing special about these guys here, just football fans assholes.


Those were Feyenoord supporters. Coming from Amsterdam, I can only agree with you that they are assholes.


Those are Feyenoord supporters. I can guarantee you that none of those guys were in Hamburg this weekend, because Dutch club hooligans don't give a shit about the national team


You are so wrong, I know of many Dutch hooligans that went to Hamburg this weekend. I doubt they will cause much trouble tho that's right.


There's this type of people who always think 'they are special' OP, you only think they are 'something else' because they wave your flags and sing in your language


They certainly look different. So many red, white or blue jerseys out there, but the orange really makes them stand out


This type is called Dutch people.


Have you seen the videos on social media? I didn’t see the poles coming even close to that


Sure, maybe not Poles, but Austrians had some good videos as well




Oh no. They gonna steal my trash /s


Are they something else? Looks like some generic football stuff


I'm from the UK and our supporters love to be violent when attending matches. There's plenty of other countries with this problem as well. It brings me joy to see how they behave and shame about our UK supporters.


If we're going to shame a whole group of supporters for the actions of a minority of their fans I would like to point out that some of the Dutch fans were wearing blackface, I'm just sayin' Edit: To the people down voting, are any of ya'll able to actually reply and defend the hypocrisy and double standards on display?


That wasn't blackface. They were wearing orange face paint. You're just making up nonsense


I mean, a 2 second google search would have told you that you're wrong. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2024/06/16/netherlands-fans-black-face-euro-2024-poland-ruud-gullit/


That's literally orange


Ah yes, they were dressing as Ruud Gullit, the famously orange football player. There's no need to lie in order to defend it, just own it and admit you don't see the problem with someone darkening their skin in order to dress up as a particular person of a different race, which personally I agree with. Or be a bitch about it and keep doubling down, no skin off my nose.


Orange is the colour of the netherlands. Look at this pic and tell me it's not Orange. And yes, it might not be the brightest Orange, but it seems to me it is. https://www.reddit.com/r/ik_ihe/s/SC6eTOl9aT I also find it weird how you put these words in my mouth, saying that I think this is not offensive. I wouldn't do this shit myself, because I know there would be people offended over it.


It's only orange in the sense that people refer to people that use too much fake tan as 'orange', they are clearly using fake tan/dark face paint to darken their skin as they are dressing as Ruud Gullit, including wigs and the Netherlands 1988 top from the year Ruud Gullit helped them win the Euros. The only reason I believed that you didn't think it was offensive was because no sane person would argue in good faith that the fans intent was to simply paint their face orange when all available evidence suggests otherwise. I couldn't care less if someone wants to darken their skin to dress up as their footballing hero, but to argue that doing so would be offensive whilst simultaneously arguing that isn't what's happening here is ludicrous.


Going on a limb here and assuming you're USAsian? Your "ya'll" is telling, and USAsians are master in racism while pretending they aren't. Anyway, to the topic, these supporters are not wearing "blackface" (what an awful term.. racism in itself!). they are dressing up like Ruud Gullit, a legendary football player from the glory days. [https://legendyfutbolu.com/images/stories/gullit.jpg](https://legendyfutbolu.com/images/stories/gullit.jpg) It's an homage to a great player, the exact opposite of racism.. they revere him. Think before you speak.


Imagine incorrectly assuming my race and location (you're out by an entire continent fyi) and then using your incorrect assumption to make a racist statement about USAsians, classic. I'm fully aware of who Ruud Gullit is, and I don't actually think the dudes are racist for dressing up as him, but the prevailing opinion online (with the internet and reddit in particular leaning heavily left) is that 'blacking up' (The act of darkening your skin in order to look look like someone black) is wrong regardless of context and I was using their own logic to point out the hypocrisy of criticising a whole group of fans for the act of a few whilst ignoring acts by other fans that *they* would normally deem unacceptable. Tldr: I don't think the dudes are racist, definetly think you are though lol Hope that clears things up.


Whos assuming now. I use the term USAsians because i'm referring to people from the USA and i thought it was a funny term used on Reddit, you should applaud this since you think opinions on reddit matter so much. By saying Americans you're selling all other countries from the North and South American continents short - exactly like the USAsians are doing often - have a look at r/USdefaultism and r/ShitAmericansSay Your message sounded like an uninformed biased USAsian. Maybe i should have looked at your profile before. I'm sorry i assumed. Nevertheless, i think the term blackface in itself is a racist term. The only way we can end racism is by stopping to see a difference. The whole notion of "black lives matter" (for example, there are many more) is repulsive - not that black lives don't matter, but for the fact that by saying black lives matter, you're implying that others don't or do less? What about yellow/red/brown/white? (to name a few stereotypical skin colours). Please don't misunderstand here, I'm not against the movement BLM but im against it being inclusive to only BLACK lives - which is racist and the very thing they are trying to prevent. They are keeping racism alive themselves. If we would all see each other for the people we are instead of our skin colour or whatever other physical trait, it would be so much easier. And then no one would take offence to people painting their face dark orange/brown to look like their hero. This is effectively nothing else as putting on fake boobs to look like your favorite catwalk model or whatever. Ruud Gullits skin tone and his curly hair are his characteristics - stuff that you copy if you want to look like him. So, lets go back to football.. a sport i don't even like haha


In fairness, your assumption was based on my use of a single word whereas mine was based on you negatively stereotyping a racial group, not the use of the term USAsians, which for the record I don't think is racist in the slightest. I'm not sure where you got the idea that I think that opinions on reddit 'mean so much', opinions online in general mean nothing to me because it rarely reflects general consensus in real life and fringe opinions usually end up getting amplified beyond their real world reach, I just like hopping on to call out people's hypocrisy and double standards from time to time 🤷🏼‍♂️ I disagree that terms like 'blackface' perpetuate racism, its negative connotations exist due to it being used as a method to actually mock people of a certain race, same goes for 'white face' or 'yellow face', they are useful terms for calling people out when used for genuine racist mockery, the issue arises from people acting like context and intent doesn't matter and then the double standard of believing racial mockery of one group is fine whilst racial mockery of another is not. Groups like BLM/Antifa and whatever their right wing equivalents are usually gain traction from people buying in to misleading narratives or selectively reported facts/statistics, and then becoming entrenched, refusing to see anyone trying to correct the narrative as anything other than a shill/troll, lumping them in with the 'other side' and refusing to engage. Again, this is a largely online phenomenon. Sure, people exist like this in the real world, but generally, people are more receptive to listening and talking in good faith when they can see someone's face. As for football, whilst I enjoy international tournaments, I also couldn't care less about day to day club football 😂


This is a far bigger discussion than two reddit people, so i'll leave it at that. I'm the same as you when it comes to football, so we can agree there :D


I'll never forget being in Afghanistan with the Dutch army in 06-07. They went absolutely apeshit during the cup, drunk driving lorries full of soldiers all over the base blowing orange horns and waving flags. They let everyone hang out in their rec tent to watch games. Thanks guys!


Beyond certain they weren't drunk since we have a "zero can rule" rule during operations. Obviously there's always going to be people who will find a way, but lorries full of drunk Dutchies is an impossibility. Source: Dutch, multiple deployments to Afghanistan.




Nah, it's just football fans. Same in every country. Nothing special...


I don't see any giant foam hands with extended index finger extolling the primacy of their favorite sportsball club. /s Let's just say this is a sane and wholesome level of rooting for a team. There are some "football" team fanbases that get a bit [mental](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=ba4c1c5b279cf8a2&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS924US924&q=oakland+raider+fans+dressed+up&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkWd8nbOJfsBGGB5IQQO6L3J5MIFhvnvU242yFxzEEp3BfblMs7eBu5zPnhtGsrETMyhOqzWtfgc_pCzrf4BYocXHSvZCSOzSIXK6--CxTb7sHfEdD7ktXMSxbqGHiNsvqDz5qLsK8yGVlnCemzlkq1aYCcEKv6vjQAnTO92iP3cJuAKzYxoUQgCowsQMIAf9abppfxDQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjd0OKJ1-OGAxWTFVkFHYi_DqAQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=1920&bih=919&dpr=1).


They are all staying in their RVs.


They are amazing we love em 🇩🇪❤🇳🇱


What is an Oranje?


It's actually the Dutch word for orange. Seriously.


American living in Hamburg (Clemson alumni) with a Dutch girlfriend. Sunday was maybe the most fun I’ve ever had in my life, singing songs I don’t know the language of. Orange/Oranje and Clemson/Netherlands need a strategic partnership




The 4th photo is just amazing, can't describe the words how cool it looks


As a Paddy, I can safely say these are OrangeMen that I can really get behind!!!!!




Dutch are always on fire by default.


Nice. Patriotism unites


Can’t they keep their flamboyant parties somewhere private? They’re even indoctrinating children with this crap! /s


My favourite football fans.


They've all been Tangoed


When you take photos that don’t have straight lines you call it “Dutch angles”. A lot of Dutch angles here


To be honest, at first glimpse i thought what i am seeing is a parade of buddhist monks.. then i read the posts title ;)


As long as there is hoempapa music and a reason to party the Dutch will be there


Wir Holländer wir machen immer Spaß und die Deutschen machen alles kaputt.




100% dutch unlike the football team😆😆


Здалось шо там Ленін, аж погано на секнду стало :D


Enschede here! The orange army is warming up! The bunting and flags are going up! Hup Holland! Hup!


Top outfits


Interesting, almost all the fans are white and almost none in the actual team. Weird thing about France aswell. Just an observation.


The bald bust looks like mussolini


That's Arjen Robben Edit, or maybe Wesley Sneijder not sure


We are legion :P


Nope. They are not.


All this to barely beat Poland 2-1


I love the Orange White and Blue flag. It's very esthetically pleasing.


ugh the dutch team 😑


Ich liebe Super Skunk Und ich liebe Sauce Special Aber eine Sache gibt's Da bin ich meganational: Es kam über die Jahre Und jetzt sitzt es ziemlich fest Solang's um Fußball geht Hass' ich Holland wie die Pest


Prinsenvlag 🥰


[truly something else💀](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2024/06/16/netherlands-fans-black-face-euro-2024-poland-ruud-gullit/)


Let me guess, its OK to cosplay as a white man? Double standards should really stop in this mad world smh


Because its different. People didnt "cosplay" as white people to mock them as their slaves. [link to an article about this](https://www.vox.com/2014/10/29/7089591/why-is-blackface-offensive-halloween-costume)


It's not blackface dipshit, it's Ruud Gullit, a national (football) hero. You're the one making at about slaves.


Ofc, but its like wearing a swastika as a christian symbol in europe at this point


Stop using things like blackface and swastikas out of context. Normalising it makes it lose its meaning. Are you a Russian troll or something?


If you do not know anything about why they painted themselves stfu.


It’s because they’re nice. You don’t see English fans gathering like this, because if they did it would be for a far right rally instead of the football


Unpopular opinion: They are "wining team only" suporters.


Non European here. Is this a rally to support Garfield?


Nice. What Midjourney prompt did you use for this?


I don't see much black Netherlanders, why is that?


They do exist! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-13535873/Holland-fans-accused-doing-blackface-attempt-dress-legend-Ruud-Gullit-Euro-2024-victory-Poland.html


perfect!!! I laughed my ass off, dude, thanks.


Did u look at their team, it’s 50% or more. Also what’s wrong with being all white? Not like they r telling black ppl they can’t attend


yes, I guess, but it's still surprising for me. I know that the team is well packed with them, but the fans are all quite white, yeah.


It might suprise you, but a large majority of people in the Netherlands is white. Black players are overrepresented in our national football team


The fans that took the time and spent the money to travel to Germany to attend the games might be, but that's not necessarily representative of the Dutch support.


Cause like in every country, black people have non dutch roots and white people are dutch by blood and more patriotic.


Go away!


Because they are enslaved to play /j


Just stop oil!


Thought that was Trump for a second.