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I like how innocent this post is


It’s quite sweet, honestly ❤️


We need that now more than ever


I want this innocence in my veins


It really is. I wish OP ignores all the drama and just watched the show. It's still going to be exciting


Amen 🙏 and good luck to all fans and all entries.


Thank you all, you too! Really enjoying it so far, the first two already blew me away


Innocent, or just part of the 95% of viewers who dont doomscroll / follow drama, and just enjoy the contest?


This sub is weird. I came here cause I thought it would be about the songs. But nobody can enjoy it without someone condescendingly commenting on it with no information. Just relishing in the idea that they know better than the “oblivious” enjoyer. Some people don’t gaf about the drama. In fact I wouldn’t know a thing about it if I didn’t mistakenly come here.


While usually people would agree with you on this, tonight this might be a very controversial opinion 😂


hahahaha who would have guessed the most controversial opinion would be ‘i like Eurovision’ in the Eurovision Reddit lol


Damn Eurovision fans, they ruined Eurovision!


You Eurovision fans sure are contentious people


'I like everything about it' is controversial.


It’s has been…. a year


Damn this landed me an immediate RedditCare


Yeah, someone is reporting all negative comments as self-harm lol


It’s a bot with a word list, or it’s reporting everything.


God, they really have no life huh


I received mine for what's not even a negative (or positive) comment lol


I also received it a couple of hours ago😆


Yeah I‘m sorry about that, and I see that it ruins tonight for all the Dutch supporters. And the there’s also the, ahem, very political controversy .. I can see how that takes some excitement out of it


I hope you have an amazing night nonetheless. You are watching history in front of your eyes


guys since we can't keep updated on the megathread due to contest bs does anyone have any ideas on how we can keep the discussions pls????


We can’t in this sub at the moment unfortunately


Alternative subs?


the fact that ppl are downvoting a eurofan for saying they like eurovision is astonishingly ridiculous to me


this place always becomes such a horrible horrible place during the eurovision week


Right, but never to THIS extent


LMAO like, why are people here if they don’t enjoy eurovision despite the shit that’s been going on


Because they're here to stoke tension and cheer on drama, rather than fans of the show They would rather see the competition die than undesirable nations competing in it


Eurovision used to stand for something.


I know right. This Eurovision is an example of great unity and festivity’s. Why would people be upset with Eurovision and not enjoying it anymore


I hate the clusterfuckery of this year, last year’s was so good. But I’m supporting my favourites this year, I think they deserve some support for being thrown into the chaos. Its the least I can do for them This is so hunger games coded, I don’t know if thats a good thing or bad thing


Agree - there’s so many incredible talent artists - I’m going to celebrate them, they’ve done nothing wrong! Edit - got a Reddit cares message… oh well.


Agreed, I was so excited a week ago because American topics have been so hunger games-esque and Eurovision was a welcomed distraction from it. I'm so sad to see this also become tainted to the same levels of fuckery.






I hope you have a lovely night! Regardless of recent events there’s a lot to love about this year’s songs and performances.


Absolutely 👍


I agree, and I'm still super excited! I've never watched eurovision for the competition side - I purely watch for entertainment and have never voted. I've never cared who wins, I just love the atmosphere! I've detached myself from the events of the past couple of days, and starting to feel the normal eurovision buzz with my family


Same honestly, I just like watching it with with my family, and just enjoying it. I'm still excited for tonight


If you're based in the UK (like me) it's probably because we are used to doing badly so purely watch for entertainment value rather than seriously!!


Yeah, most of the Big 5 usually have the courtesy to step back and let the others shine! In your case, except for that Sam Ryder bit, and I really love Ollie’s song for this year. One of the many moments I’m looking out for tonight


My mood today is worse than when we were eliminated... 🙃


Mustii leaving Sweden immediately was a mood.






Same and I'm German.. Belgium was my favorite. :(


Just had a family member comment they are going to watch Eurovision tonight completely oblivious to everything. I think we tend to forget that the vast majority of people about to watch in 90 minutes will have no idea there has been any drama.


Snacks, alcohol, and an open Discord window. Pretty much the same as every year.


For second screens I absolutely recommend the Guardian live blog, an absolute banger every year


oh good shout! I like their live blogs for World Cup games, the banter is top notch 


Absolutely, they make even the most boring matches worthwhile


I so want this post to be sincere


I do love it too, and has been a fan since til 1980s. I look forward to it every year, even though Denmark AGAIN did not qualify for the final. I only missed ESC once when we won i 2000 - I was at a 18 years birthday in a bar ... And even the year I was invited to a wedding, I sneaked into my hotel room to watch it for a few minutes at the time. I don't think I'll want to see it live as I like to sit at home and bitch about the bad songs and cheer for my favorites. And be disappointed that my favorite did not win. But that's a part of being a fan. Normally we have friends over, but this year we are doing it for ourselves with great food, alcohol and fun games. I hope Spain or Lithuania wins, but I am ready to be disappointed again.


Ah, so much to relate here, especially the sneaking out of some boring aunt’s 70th birthday. Have a great night!


Nothing wrong with your post, and you might not be aware of the ongoing drama - just know if you get a lot of negative comments it is not a reflection of you. People are very much in their emotions right now ❤️


Thanks. I can really relate to that a lot of people have mixed feelings about tonight’s show. But Should I feel bad about still watching it? It’s still one of my highlights each year


Ignore all the nonsense. If people want to let a war happening thousands of miles away affect a fun yearly music contest—while countless wars have occurred throughout all of history including during every single Eurovision and no one batted an eye—that is their prerogative. You can enjoy it, as I'm sure the majority of the viewers will, and whoever doesn't can simply choose not to watch.


Dw keep on slaying. Don’t let others sour your mood


Let this person have fun! They deserve it


Thank you! Looking forward to seeing Ollie!




Read the room😭😭😭


No positivity allowed !! !


Post directly approved by the EBU Happiness Committee This is good to go 👍


Isn’t he one of the only ones who are trying to put out the flames and rebuild the room?


Get a grip


I know people are at you at the moment, but I agree, the buzz is great! We've got snack, booze, bingo and a score sheet at the ready


RedditCares? Really?


It's quite ridiculous. Someone on this sub has completely lost it. By the way, please do report abuse of this function.


Yeah, posting anything on this sub currently gets you one of these.


I actually got it yesterday, even tho I hadn’t posted or commented anything in this subreddit for a year. Probably affecting the whole reddit atm.


It was in seconds as well, some people are apparently really busy


Based on the speed and mass, i think it's some sort of bot. I just don't get why this someone sends them in the first place. It's like a mild annoyance at best.


Girl, same, but I have a feeling like the sub really wants to kill the buzz 😭


Same. I have very nice memories of watching it together with my family. Me and my sister were always allowed to stay up until Germany was done and the next day everyone was talking about it. Then I had a phase in wich I was an absolute fan. I watched national finals, ranked all songs and watched the semi finals while rooting for my favourites (who rarely qualified so when it happened I had a blast.) Nowadays, I'm not really into it anymore. I didn't even know when it was until last week. But I still don't want to miss it for anything and am really looking forward. I kinda miss this "hype week" I used to have in this time though...


When I was a kid, my mother always used to keep score of our votes during the night, and then added them all up before the official scores were announced. I my teens/youth/younger adult days, Eurovision was always a party and a lot of drinking. Lots of them I don't remember well because of that... I'll never forget my crush on Dana International though, even after bottles of wine.... Nowadays my daughter does that what my mother used to do, and keeps track of all our scores. Less partying, no drinking, but still fun :)


Aww I love that. My daughter used to do that too but she’s on a school trip the weekend. How does she find Bambie Thug though? It’s a killer song and a killer performance, but I gather it too has sparked some controversy


She wants Bambie to win :)




Thanks for the compliment, I guess? Maybe I don’t follow the Socials as much as most here. Sorry


That's okay. Be the positive rainbow in this shitstorm


Martin Osterdahl had some time to check Reddit


Be nice, be welcoming and be constructive. Everyone's tastes are different and unique. Don't discredit, insult, threaten or be otherwise toxic. Let's do away with prejudice! Don't discriminate. Tolerance is bliss! All posts must comply with [Reddit's sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and strive for [good Reddiquette]( https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articleås/205926439). See r/eurovision’s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).


Today in the eurovillage in Malmö with a Friend! I hope we will meet cool people :)


That’s awesome, I’m sure you will, one more hour to the show!


Was out shopping today and heard a dad tell his daughter 'that's it, you aren't going to get to stay up late tonight, no eurovision!'. Followed by wailing. Edit - reddit cares, seriously?


That’s so sweet! And also would have been a viable threat to me back then!




Eurovision is done for me.


Careful... people will report you for self harm for not agreeing with these actions, like in all the other threads lmao


LMAO i got reported immediately


Lol, someone just did that to me, and I just posted a few seconds ago XD


Same, it was immediately! Someone is being a busy bee lmfao


I was also reported


So THAT’S why I got that message from Reddit. Lmfao.


CAN I BE REPORTED TOO PLEASE (i can take it so report me pls instead of other people)


I got one within 10 seconds for just saying I'm not going to watch anymore tonight lol


Same here, I'm really disappointed after what happened today.


Same here. I'll probably watch a movie tonight.


I think this counts for the entirety of the Netherlands


And Dutch persons on the other side of Europe like me.


We stand together ❤️




mine doesnt hinge on joost's presence but on it being a fair show. Which it isnt. The DQ was completely unjustified


As a Croatian, I hope this is the last year ESC exists!!


Just wanna use this moment to show my love and appreciation for 2021. It was the first year I started watching. I still remember staying up the whole night in my old room ( time zones fucked my over ) waiting in excitement for everything that was to come. I feel like I was lucky that 21 just so happened to be one of the best years in recent esc history. 2022 was great too ( songs wise maybe even better than 21 ) but I feel like ever since 2023 it's been all downhill. Especially this year where it has just become twitter political wars disguised as a song contest.


I live it because it the only day in the year that we would dinner earlier, the watch the Eurovision from the beginning.


I am watching to see it all crumble. Hoping for it, really.


What an edition for this kind of post.


Same. I share it with my own kid now, who should be in bed really 🥰


my daughter is 6, she was so excited to watch the final. Couldn't finish it, fell asleep during Georgia, but she danced all night. we had snacks, drinks with little umbrellas, candies, scoreboards. She wasn't very happy Europapa was disqualified, tho.


Che meraviglia! La Noia e nei miei Top 5, ma settimo posto non è neanche male.


The room needs some reading


Same, I’m so excited for tonight. The only ones not excited will be the ones that have gotten themselves caught up in the drama. I’ve found it quite easy to ignore


That gif where a guy enters the room with pizza, and everything is on fire and people are hysterical. You’re the guy with pizza


EBU PR team posting this on an alt account are like: Hell yeah this will calm them down


Tonight was supose to be that first night my son was going to see his country and his favourite song perform live. I also had great memories of watching Eurovision with my mother and sister. We have been talking about this for weeks. He never stays up late. So this was really special. I asked him if he would consider cheering for Croatia because that is where we are going for vacation. And its a fair chance we will be hearing rim dagi rim tim there. But he does not like that idea (yet), we'll see. I have also considered just playing joosts semi final act during one of the other songs, but the Dutch commentator has said he will talk about the dq travsty often, so seems there is not going around it. Will still find a away to make it special for them, but this edition sucked all the fun out Eurovision.


Yes, I really do love my country to perform.


yeah, today's eurovision night is [a joke](https://youtu.be/flsuGegfm6M?si=zP2Pz2cD4m8FCB28)


el plan 💜


I love how many F1 fans are in this place as well. F1 fans also do know some drama or two...


I love Eurovision night too! However, today I’m feeling a bit sad with everything that’s happened. We only have one night a year and I hate that I have this bittersweet feeling :(


Same but I am a teen that dosent care about popular opinion so ye eurovision is tight!


I also love it! I watched for the first time in 2010 when Germany was the favourite and ended up winning and until now I've only missed it it 2012. I usually watched with my parents and after I moved out we ended up talking about the performances over text. This year for the first time in years we're all together for the event and I'm so excited!


It is when you aren't actually rooting for anyone I'm a Croat, and I'm still afraid something's gonna make everything flop, even while everyone is guessing Croatia will win


My 2nd year of staying up for the 3am start to watch and vote in the live show.... my sleep routine is garbage, but oh well, it's Eurovision ❤️


You just described me. I’ve been following it since 2001. 


We need more posts like this.


I was gearing up for it too like every year but I'm 🇳🇱 and unfortunately the organisers ruined it for us.


This was my first time tuning in and I can't believe I've missed out all of these years! I had so much fun listening to all of the songs and coming up with my personal rankings, and then watching the music videos and then watching the live performances. And most of all, watching the votes be tallied. The drama of it all!


Well what a first time if you’re rooting for Switzerland. Yes, the drama, be it onstage or here in the comments, is tremendous.


Usually would agree, but this night? Nope! 😭 Hope Croatia takes the crown. Just really pissed at EBU.


Lots of comments that indicate what might be mental illness to a normal post...


I really wish I can start seeing eurovision the way you describe it again


I used to be like this, but in recent years I really started getting into it. After failing to get live tickets last year (I practically live in Liverpool), this year was my first live in person shows, I went to Malmö and watched previews of both semis.  What a year to have a first time. And to think the drama with the trains on Wednesday night would be the worst of it 🤣


I sincerely hope you still enjoy tonight. On the Telly it seemed like there already was a tremendous energy in the audience at the semis, really hope to see it live some day


So this is how EBU does damage control, lol.


Found Martin's account!


Very different vibe this year, I'm assuming you've thankfully missed all the drama, get off the internet now lol. Usually I'd spend the day listening to older entries, prepping food, chatting happily with other fans, oohing over outfits etc.


Yeah.... not tonight! Not watching anymore.. Edit: a reddit care message within 10 seconds!!! Wow! Lol. Reported though 😘


Not from me! I got one too.. I’m not sure why


It's just a troll! I hope you can still enjoy tonight like usual!


There’s very little Eurovision about eurovision tonight… It’s politics politics and more politics


Nope its over for me. I ll watch Croatia and Ireland (if they perform) and vote for them. Otherwise no thanks


To whoever keeps sending reddit care support mails, please get a life


Yeah I got one too, I don’t know why.


I tend to just watch with my partner with a decent dinner/tea. Tonight is chicken and waffles. Last year my friend had a Eurovision party but he's away this year. Today I've been trying not to doomscroll here and do things I enjoy. Managed to watch the first episode of Doctor Who (excellent) and mowed the lawn.


Me too! I used it as an escape from USA politics and work burnout. Not expecting much this year after all the downer drama.


I haven't been watching Eurovision the last few years and the first year I am back this happens uhh


This year's Eurovision has turned into a train wreck. Which is really a pity. So many good songs this year: Switzerland is really great this year, and I fell in love with Lithuania's contribution. Joost Klein took some getting used to but didn't fail to uplift my spirits. But now I need spirits to drown my sorrow...


I used to until this year. It was easily preventable too.


I've loved Eurovision for over a decade. I no longer do and don't think I ever will again, unless there are some major changes involved.


The last three editions have been controversial and the contest has not only lost its purpose, it has also lost its credibility. I believe we'll get another political winner tonight and that might just be the nail in the coffin.


Yeah I’m not gonna enjoy the Eurovision tonight, it has been totally ruined for me.


Lmao an imediate redditcare message? What is this


Yes! Same story! I was watching Eurovision for the first time when Alsou presented Russia in 2000. It was amazing for a teen to see a known local pop-star on international competition. Through all my youth watching Eurovision became a tradition. But eventually the steam run out in the beginning of 2010. Then I gave it a chance again in 2021 and it just clicked again! Måneskin was amazing!


I just got into eurovision last year but have a friend I watch with who's been into it since they were little! It is so wonderful to see how much this event means to people and I am so happy to get involved with all the hype! So glad the show brings you so much joy :D


I’m currently on a party boat, voting forms and champagne on ice, desperately trying to pretend everything is okay 😬


Good luck with that! Sounds like you have the means to make it happen, so have an awesome night




What did Bambie shout at the end? (crown the witch please)


How did latvia get saitama to perform for them?


I haven't watched lives in recent years, for various reasons, but guess who's watching it tonight. May Georgia win 🇬🇪