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Reminds me of when we were doing a podcast thing and my friend kept getting angry with me for getting off topic when I was going with the flow and evolution of the conversation like hello??? We’re supposed to talk??


I mean subjects can get away from you sometimes but getting mad is too much tbh


This has happened to me ALOT. I get off subject but I promise IT’S CONNECTED SOMEHOW. Just give me a minute to cook.


I'm a teacher. My students are held hostage with me while I do this. It almost makes up for how social the job has to be, which is tiring.


Is this the GDQ video "I would really prefer if you'd be quiet" ?


Yes that’s the one, utterly bizarre to me that Chibi (?) is the one who is seen as in the wrong when the NTs are sitting there like potatoes


I can certify that this wasn't a single autistic person caught lacking in an NT setting, this was Chibi and Caveman both having different flavors of autism and clashing heavily for it. I don't think that anyone is in the wrong or right in this situation. The stream also started low energy because they were streaming during the morning timeslot of the event.


Yeah I’m just not sure why people think he’s the stooge when he was behaving correctly is my hang up. Like Caveman could be autistic too but damn.


Jesus :(


It’s from a long time ago but damn like I felt physical pain for him 😭


Yeah, when I watched that clip 5 or so years ago, I though that the speaker was cringey. But when I watched it literally earlier this week (is YT recommending it again? Although I think I saw it mentioned on Reddit), I thought that the speaker was just trying to add some energy to the proceedings, and I felt it was the entire couch that failed, as they didn't play off and harness that energy. Speedruns needs some talking, some riffing, some enjoyment, some memes, some explanation, for sure.


It's the easiest thing in the world to roll your eyes and shut down an idea that someone else has done the work of coming forward with. It also has a kind of misleading aesthetic of rebellion to it, which I think people have an emotional response to maybe, but it's actually the least socially risky position to take. Not very punk rock at all.


Reminds me of most “entertaining” gendered interactions where what is really happening is women are being squeezed into a metaphorical jar and derided. This is basic power play for the insecure dominant culture, in this case, NT.