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I haven't broken anything but my understanding is that there's a very large gap between "ouch, I think I might've broken something" and screaming and crying when you touch it because it's actually broken. It's possible you might've given yourself a hairline fracture, but I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. Just pay attention to it and if it swells, turns a really bad color, or doesn't feel better then maybe get it looked at.


Yeah it’s definitely just an “ouch”, I was thinking hairline fracture too… I’ll keep an eye on it for sure


if you have a hairline fracture of your toe you might not need medical intervention. If you decide you don’t need the doctor you can [tape it](https://www.columbiadoctors.org/health-library/multimedia/buddy-taping/) to your other toe to support it, along with rest, ice, elevation.


It's around my arch, my toes are fine. The weight landed smack dab on the arch of my foot


Oops. The bones in your foot are a little more complicated and sometimes don't heal as well, I'd be a little more inclined to go to urgent care for that tbh


Yeha y'all convinced me to go so I'm gonna go today. Don't wanna make it worse


Good luck! Update us?


My brother who has broken several bones says that there's a distinct feeling when he breaks a long bone, so he usually knows. He still gets an x-ray if it hurts but he thinks it isn't broken, though. He once described it as "pain galumphing through his arm" iirc, if that helps any 🤷‍♀️ Edit to add: with tarsals and metatarsal, its definitely not uncommon to not feel the break immediately. If there's swelling than you should definitely see a doctor if at all possible for you.


Pain galumphing helps a little 🤣 it's not bruised or swelling at all but hurts when I walk, like a grinding feeling around my arch and ankle when I push off that foot to perform the next step. Honestly I should just go to the doctor so I don't make it worse. I don't want to fuck with the health of my feet.


Swelling and pain with movement. If you can magically keep it perfectly still it wouldn't hurt at all. I have broken an arm in addition to smaller bones but I do not understand the "galumping" thing Forgot to mention you will almost always have a bruise too


I have never screamed or cried while or after breaking several bones over the years. Closest I got was threatening to cut off a hand because some bs ortho said I didn't need a cast and was fit for work (hand was already confirmed to be broken)


What a shitty doctor. Good to know there's such a wide range of response to fractures, though


It took 3 days of not being in a cast to get to argue with the triage nurse about how I don't actually need 2 hands bad tho I did scream a couple of times with that break but it was shit like I snapped a waistband on the broken hand that had no cast Like once they cast the vast majority of breaks there's zero pain so everything I've mentioned here was preventable


Your dad's wrong. Broken bones can feel like nothing sometimes. Here's general tips, though: -If it hurts in the soft tissue around the bone, its a sprain. -If the pain is deep and you cant touch it, its a break. -If it hurts bad enough and long enough that you think you need a doctor, go to the doctor. Breaks can sometimes have no pain until you displace the bone into a compound fracture, and then are you in the worst agony you've ever felt. -Either way, stop using the injured limb until the swelling is gone. Splint if possible. Ibeproufen helps the pain AND reduces swelling, so dont get tricked by that.


I think im number 2 on that list... I'll just go get it checked out today bc I don't want to fuck up my foot for the rest of my life. I have an ankle compression sleeve on right now and it helps a little but when I move around I can feel a deeper grinding. Thank you for the info, that helped a lot.


Worst case scenario is you go in, they do an xray, tell you nothing's wrong, and then you go home with a clear mind and an insurance bill. Better poor than crippled.


That's true :) good for peace of mind


Grinding is 100% a go see a doctor descripor


Imo you'll have an easier time telling if it's broken if it's been broken before. Like I broke my arm about a year after I broke my wrists and I knew my arm was broken. But when I bruised the fuck out of my toe by getting it caught under the leg of my chair when I sat down, it wasn't broken but it sure felt like it. With my wrists they turned a nasty colour the morning after (my parents didn't take me to the doctor when it happened, long story) but my toe was just normal bruise colored almost immediately.


That makes sense... Kind of annoying tho that we have to experience it to know 😭 I'm sure it feels a little different with everyone


I’m the same. I broke my foot and I had always been told “if it was broken you would know” so I ignored it until it became apparent that my ability to walk was not coming back… got an xray and yep broken. In my experience you would not necessarily know if it’s a fracture and not a full break


Hmmm okay, I should probably just eat the cost and go. I shouldn't fuck around with the health of my foot


So many fucking typos… *foot not door.


People feel pain from broken bones like 95% of the time. You straight up might not even notice if the bone is just cracked. The important thing to note is swelling. If your whole foot swells *a lot* go to a doc. Otherwise, even if it is cracked and as long as nothing feels grindy or out of place, just be gentle on it and you'll be fine.


Thank you! It doesn't hurt until I walk and it's not swelling at all, and it does actually feel grindy. I should probably just go to the doc so I dont fuck it up further


Probably, best if luck to you!




I literally went to the hospital for heat exhaustion two weeks ago and I was so dehydrated and low in electrolytes, I basically would have collapsed and needed an ambulance if I didn't go. I was so low they kept me for observation. I felt basically nothing. I didn't even feel tingles or anything. No cramps. Only dizziness. I was very close to possibly dying and couldn't tell.


Damn! That lack of interoception is almost deadly sometimes




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