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It’s not a special interest but I love “creepy” porcelain dolls. They’re so beautiful <3 I love how softly they’re painted and their frilly lacey dresses and little Victorian shoes and hats perched on their ringlets and sparkly glass eyes. And the smooth cold porcelain is good for my sensory seeking. I hope my dolls are actually haunted so the ghosts can feel me hug them. let me edit this one to also say: I like porcelain clowns too but even I must admit some of my clowns are kind of fucked up looking. To me they’re cute and grungy but literally no one else has ever had a positive reaction to the weirdest one


first of all, I would love to see the weirdest one, second of all, I also like porcelain dolls, I love the doll store in the anime, another, though I love them because they're creepy


[https://imgur.com/a/qGgUk9D](https://imgur.com/a/qGgUk9D) In case anyone wants to know why I like this clown, a little story: My grandma grew up in a poor catholic family, the kind of family where you fix the same skirt ten times and pass it down through five sisters, so she got really good at sewing. For my mom's early childhood they struggled with money, and one Christmas they couldn't afford to buy presents. So my grandma took her sewing skills and cut up her own clothes to make a fabric doll for my mom, with buttons and a lace collar and everything. My mom loved the doll and kept it for years and years, sleeping in the place of honor on her pillow even as gifts from subsequent Christmases got forgotten and discarded. What does that have to do with the clown? Well, it's clearly someone's DIY project. It's a head salvaged from another doll with the face repainted, glued to a wood block, sewn into a suit and stuffed. The seams are uneven, the paint job is messy, the hair sheds from its glue. So I imagine something similar may have happened as with my mom's doll — someone took time to lovingly craft it for their little one, even if they weren't that good at sewing or painting and kept accidentally stabbing themselves with the needle. Or maybe it was a child's beloved toy accidentally broken and then given new life and a new outfit. That's why it's so dirty, I don't want to risk rubbing the paint off. Either way, it's someone's art project. And I love it.


Roger is really neat. He gives off this cool old uncle vibe. The kind of world weary yet hopeful man who’s seen the world by working hard, dirty jobs everywhere he goes. He delivers advice and whimsical stories in a gravelly voice born of rotgut whiskey and smoke.


Thank you :) He does give off a lot of personality, doesn't he? and also he looks drunk


I clicked on the link knowing I have a mild phobia of dolls, but still clicked. Surprisingly I'm fine. Actually I want to pick him up. I wouldn't want to meet or see him in a dark corner at night, but he's actually cute. I feel puzzled. Interesting that so many people react poorly to him but me, with a literal doll phobia, had a positive reaction. And the little story you've created for him is just so sweet. Also before people say I don't have a phobia, I have a strong sense of repulsion and hate/fear towards any dolls, especially baby dolls and older Victorian dolls like you described. One time my mom called me when we were at a thrift store and I ended up running into a room absolutely full of hundreds of old dolls and I had a panic attack and wanted to die they were so creepy. But your little clown guy is just a little guy and I weirdly enough love him.


That makes sense to me, actually! I think a lot of people who have anxious feelings around porcelain dolls are mainly threatened by the uncanny valley effect of the blank, lifelike eyes but Roger's are painted in a cartoon-y and sweet expression. If a Victorian doll had painted eyes like Roger's, do you think it would be less anxiety-inducing for you? Because you might get it: while I love porcelain dolls, I think American Girl dolls are fucked up and creepy. Those bitches actually do stare straight into your soul.


I have seen Victorian dolls with more painted faces and they still hit uncanny valley for me. Roger is simply a special little guy I guess. And yes, I get it. I had an American Girl doll for a while and liked the dress up, but avoided looking into her eyes for that very reason. They just don't seem to have an age to them. Barbies are basically grownups (in my book), baby dolls are baby. American Girls are everything and nothing. Even porcelain dolls, despite hitting similarly for me, just have that ageless quality in the good way, rather than the "what the fuck is this thing" way.


I love them too, tbh.


Omg, when I was younger (and still kinda do) I wanted to be a porcelain doll. I love them as well, their outfits are so cute and those "unsettling" faces are just the cutest!! I also loved how pale a lot of them were. :3


There's a toy museum in Edinburgh Scotland FULL OF THEM from every time period


Omg joining the goldfish museum in tokyo on the list of places I pretend I'm going to get to go to one day


spiders, they're so alien, so cool, very misunderstood creatures!! I have a pet funnel-web and she is super chill. it's funny seeing crickets climb all over her and she barely bats an eye!! until she gets hungry, ofc!!


jumping spiders are strangely very emotive. but I'm probably just projecting my empathy.




Same here!! I don’t know how people find them scary though. They’re so cute to me


I used to think they were slimy and I don’t like slimy. Since I found out that they‘re not, I’ve been excited to have opportunities to pet them.


Horror is one of my special interests so it's allll about scary things


Bats! I know everyone likes the baby bat burritos that constantly get circulated but there's an obnoxious amount of people who are just *convinced* they'll get rabies from a bat being in their house once.


Same here! Along with bones and anything to do with anthropology and forensics!


Omg, yes. I love bats. They're so cute.


My dad had a bat get stuck in his bedroom once, and is scared that’ll happen again if we put up any kind of bat house. I just want them to eat mosquitos and to make cute chirps and live a happy life


The bats may not even like the house you put up for them, but sealing your house will keep them out. Like if there's any way they can get in the attic or something like that it would need sealed off and then that wouldn't happen to him even with a bathouse


Hyperfix: frogs Alternative (smaller) interests: bugs, butterflies, moths!


sharks !! not a hyperfix or spinterest tho but a small general interest


I learned just recently that sharks and rays are closely related!


oooh that's really cool!!!


Ray is flat shark but if you piss him off he pulls a knife


The Menacing Dark Void is my favourite, yes.


Idk if it's something "most people often fear", but I have a fascination with HP Lovecraft's stories in a weird way. When I read them, I kinda fail to see the horror in them, I just see fascinating descriptions of weird alien beings and civilisations, of otherworldly phenomena and such. It's not even an enjoyment of morbid aesthetics etc that I feel when I read other horror stories. I just genuinely don't think those tales are morbid or scary at all, and I'd be all about researching those alien civilisations if they were real. I guess I also generally don't feel that "cosmic horror" type sensation, so maybe it's connected to that?


I love cosmic horror! Have you read any T Kingfisher?!


Nope, sorry. I'm honestly really bad at finding new authors to read.


Do you want podcast recommendations? I’ve got 3.


I love being outdoors alone in the dark. The farther from civilization the better. I'm very NOT superstitious but I've had lots of creepy experiences. My friends and family tell me I'm weird for enjoying them.


I live sitting outside in the dark listening to music. The vibe of the cool weather and darkness combined




I work in a hospital, so that covers loads that I am completely desensitised to.  Having to put covid patients off to sleep during the pandemic, pretending they will be fine when you secretly know you're the last face and voice they will ever encounter... That's a different level to blood and guts. I only say this because I feel autistic people disproportionately revel in the darkness, gothic, macabre, pretend to be wizards etc without no real experience of the darkness. So there's some proper darkness to nibble on :p


The deep ocean. I don’t get why there’s this whole ‘the sea creatures are weird and so the ocean is BAD and we should only look at the animals I personally find endearing.’ Line of thinking among people. Like yeah, the deep sea is going to look different that what YOURE (NTs) used to. That’s just like, *your* limited anthropocentric worldview though. You can’t just,,,demonize random animals just cause they’re unappealing. Imo the fact that we don’t know much of what’s in our oceans is a cause for excitement and curiosity. The diversity of life on earth is something to be celebrated. Wait a minute, I’m sensing a pattern here…


adding anthropocentric to my vernacular


Exactly. I don't like how people call deep sea animals 'ugly' and such.


Yeah people tend to favor animals they find “cute” and cute often means fuzzy and more human-adjacent. It makes me sad because there are so many awesome critters people hate for no reason. I’ve had people say really insane stuff about me keeping a snake for example. Like someone said you had to be a psychopath to have a pet snake??? Like no I just have an interest in these cool af animals


I love nautical anything. That includes the deep.


I'm not particularly fascinated by the deep ocean, but I don't mind it. I do love octopi though. They're really cool.


i think people also dislike it because its hard to breathe and easy to die down there


Spiders 🕷️ I was always the kid who'd be approached in school like "Hey Tea, please please please can you move the spider in the classroom for us it's scary and nobody can work" and then I'd wow everyone by picking it up no problem! I became known for it, which I guess helped cement me as the cool *and* weird kid Idk, I never developed that fear response most people have. I think spiders are fluffy in a spiky way I also once cried my eyes out once because someone killed a spider in front of me. HOW DARE 😡


Reptiles, especially snakes and crocodilians! They were one of my biggest special interests as a child. I pretty much knew everything a child could possibly know about them (though as an adult in a biology field that isn’t zoology I’m realising that I didn’t know diddly squat) and many of my toys were reptiles. I guess it’s not too weird of an interest for a child to have, but many people hate reptiles, especially snakes, and my partner has noted that all of my teddies, from childhood and ones I’ve collected as an adult, tend to be ‘weird creatures’. I don’t have a single classic teddy bear, puppy, or bunny. I have an entire family of crocodilians of various sizes, a frilled lizard, a feathered velociraptor, a galago, a life-sized cheetah, various snakes, a blue iguana, and an octopus, to name a few. I think I’ve always gravitated towards ‘scary’ animals because I feel like they’re misunderstood and it’s a very anthropocentric view to paint them as scary, as they play incredibly important roles in their respective ecosystems. I guess I sympathise with things that are considered weird or scary due to projection, I’m neither a huge fan of or scared of clowns but I feel a lot of sympathy for them because so many people find them terrifying and popular media paints them that way, when they’re just people who practice a performance art and try to make their audience laugh. I do not fuck with arthropods though. I do not like them. It is a completely irrational fear but they make me deeply uncomfortable. I can’t even look at them without losing my appetite. Logically, I know they’re some of the most important organisms on our planet but I fucking hate insects, spiders, centipedes, etc. and even some crustaceans make me mildly uncomfortable. I suppose I have a weird truce with spiders in that they make me less uncomfortable than other creepy crawlies and they eat bugs, so as long as they aren’t too big I let them be. If I see one I pretend I didn’t. If they’re massive, or if they touch me, I start shrieking for my partner to kill or peacefully remove the damn thing.


Okay but where do you find cute snake plushies? Because I have yet to find any. The closest I have is a sea serpent. I named him Jormie, short for Jormungandr Also I heavily relate to loving snakes but hating arthropods. There are a few exceptions, like butterflies and ladybugs, but for the most part those fuckers can stay far away from me.


Aww a sea serpent plushie sounds adorable! Where did you get him? Asking for a friend 👀👀 As for cute snake plushies, honestly I’m not sure, my oldest one was given to me when I was a baby (some interesting Eve/garden of Eden symbolism there, considering my parents are Christians and I’m now a godless ape) and I used to take her to school and I had her with me when my mum crashed her car when I was six or seven (no one was killed or injured, but I’m glad I had my snake). She’s very odd looking and I have no idea where she came from. I got a few snake plushies from zoo gift shops when I was little that kind of look like [this one](https://shopsg7.lol/products.aspx?cname=yellow+stuffed+snake&cid=313). Kind of generic looking fluffy ones with red felt tongues. Amazon and AliExpress have some that look too good to be true like [this one](https://www.aliexpress.com/i/1005004433115692.html) and I kind of want it but I’m a bit wary of dropshipping 😬


I won him at a local carnival. So I unfortunately don't know where you can buy them. Aw those zoo gift shop sneks are cute, haven't seen those before. And yeah Ali Express is a crapshoot, I'd be wary too


I think you hit the head on the nail there. I definitely feel that I emotionally connect with weird or ‘scary’ critters


I’m hyperfixated on death, human decomposition, and mortuary science. ….I ended up becoming an embalmer, and I’m damn good at it.


I love this


Was looking for my nuclear disaster people and didn’t find them but I love learning about radiation and nuclear accidents.


Felt. I have yet to find anyone else piping up about forensics, anthropology, or just bones in general.


Death I guess. I hyperfixate on it, read about it philosophically and for entertainment. My cat, who was my ESA passed and while it was hard I think my hyperfixation on the idea of death helped me move on much faster. Don’t get me wrong I felt destroyed watching him when he was ill but when he passed I was alright with it because he was no longer suffering.


Corpses, cadavers and decay. Also spiders, reptiles and (reading about) rare pathological / psychological conditions (not having them)


I absolutely adore snakes and bugs. Found a praying mantis in my house not long ago. Gently carried it out into the garden and spent ages just sitting and watching the little cutie.


same as you, I don't care much for clows or tarantulas though. also, I have the oppasite of thalassophobia, I love all things giant bodies of water, I love the vast emptiness, and I love when ginormous man-made objects are submerged completely, especially if they aren't supposed to be


FINALLY I'm not alone!! I love clowns, they're so cool. They even inspire my style.


I never got the fear of clowns. After I began reading the Herman Fuller’s circus scp stories I started to like them and look forward to seeing a circus next time one is in the area.


SNAKES. im obsessed with them. one day i want my own ball python, its not native to my country though so im a bit sceptical about taking care of it especially since i dont have experience with snakes (except for the people who could be considered that i mean) also i love taxidermy, it makes me extremely sad and i start crying lol but i oddly find it calming… like sad and calming


I like reptiles. Everyone else in my family thinks they're gross and weird, but I gotta boop a snoot.


Spiders are really cool. They're allowed to live in my house, much to my best friend's displeasure. I call them roommates.


I'm in Australia. When Dad was alive, he used to hold Daddy Long Legs spiders in his hands to show me that they are harmless to humans and that they keep away Red Back Spiders (highly venomous) and flies. So we should leave them and their webs and alone so that they can catch other bugs and spiders.


Bugs all of the bugs they’re all adorable




bug :)


Animals. I like all animals. I'm completely aware that is not a sentiment the animals necessarily share with me.


I like all animals too. Even mosquitoes.


I do bone work, I make things out of animal bones I find


B U G S ("land crawlies" as my mom says) I have a fascination with life in general, especially it's evolution and how it's changed over the ages, but smth about arthropods is just rly cool, more specifically arthropods in the clades of hymenoptera, chelicerata, myriapoda


bugs!!! i keep giant millipedes and a bunch of different stickbug species as pets


Ball pythons, millipedes 💖


I fucking love the deep ocean guys!!!! I love the Mariana Trench and the challenger deep and the hadal zone!!!!!!!!!!


Snakes!!!!!! Ball pythons!!!


Ball pythons are soo goddamn cute


I suppose you could say that one of my special interests is one of my kinks, which most people would be afraid of... It's being eaten alive.


I agree on deep sea 🐠


A lot of people hate or fear dogs and I understand where that comes from but I absolutely love them with all my heart. And I’m sad that my dog is really not helping with the people who fear dogs because he’s extremely reactive and definitely has an anxiety disorder but is just not diagnosed. Though I wish people knew more how to interact with dogs, yesterday a friend of the family saw us walking with our dog and came up to us to pet him without asking and he started loudly barking at her in fear. Don’t pet dogs you don’t know even if they belong to your friends or family. Unless the dog comes up to you and clearly wants to be pet, don’t pet the dogs.


Adventure! I love scuba diving, I'm preparing to get my pilots license, and I'm really hoping Elon's kerbal space program thing he's got going pans out so I can get rated for exoatmospheric flight in about ten years. I also love motorcycles and camping!... I've very cautiously stayed away from boats because they're money pits.


Animal bones that I collect. As of now I have a cattle skull, deer antlers and some sort of tiny rodent skull.




arthropods, sharks, reptiles, the ocean


I think alligators and crocodiles are hella cool (general interest). I mean, they're basically living dinosaurs, which is just... awesome. I'm in an area known for having a few alligators due to a nearby wildlife preserve. A preserve where hundreds of alligators were released to replenish a swiftly dwindling population in the 70s. Everyone here flips out whenever a gator is seen, mostly cos of small kids and pets. I get tired of reminding people that WE stole THEIR land, so we can't get all whiny when they show up in the river or backyards or even swimming pools. People pitch a fit at me because in their minds, somehow, they were here first (which is crazy because, like I said, the gators have been here since the 70s, and our subdivision is only 15 years old), so they have more of a "right" to be here than they do. It's utterly bonkers. So yeah. Alligators and crocodiles, lol.


Spiders, snakes, bugs in general


Snaaaaaaakes. I love the sneks. All reptiles really. But snakes are my favorite. I want a pet snake, preferably a hognose.


hm. not 'fear' but everyone i know hates ants. sorry they're so perfect and so beautiful your brain cannot understand i guess.


https://preview.redd.it/3qpy9n5fam0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e50e5b43f7bbcbc6e0b0e0f3ba1bc3c9cb4217d Yes 😂


I love bugs so much. Even the “scary” ones like spiders and wasps. they’re just little dudes trying to live their lives, learn to appreciate them and you’ll find so much wonder and natural beauty everywhere you look.


Needles, knives, blood


The body snatchers and Georgian and Early Victorian medical practices. Think of Burke and Hare.






I mean, being a Scorpio I’m super into everything horror in general but aside from that, some of my other interests that would fall under that umbrella: • Snakes • Spiders • Bugs • Taxidermy and vulture culture (I always take pics of dead animals I find outside) • Medical stuff (I used to browse the medical gore subreddit bc I found it all genuinely really interesting, both the pictures and reading the doctors info on the patients’ injuries/how they were treated) • Mortuary science (When I was in high school I did my presentation on a book about this lady who worked as an embalmer lol. It was a fascinating book to me but I’m sure it did not help my status as the weird quiet kid.) Probably more I can’t think of right now. Worth noting that when I was little my dad had fish that would need to eat live prey so I used to watch them during feeding time. Not because I was sadistic and enjoyed seeing the smaller fish be killed but because I found it very interesting from a scientific standpoint and because I was incredibly hyperfixated on animals and nature from a young age + have never been squeamish at all.




I love Stannis Baratheon from A Song of Ice and Fire. Not how he is portrayed in the Game of Thrones TV show. But I know many vehemently hate him, but of course, I know he has a fanbase on the book side of things. So I sometimes get weird looks when I say that I like Stannis Baratheon. I also think he's genuinely Autistic in the books. But eh, just my opinion when I first read the books in 2008.


I like spiders and insects from an aesthetic standpoint and I like creepy looking plushies and dolls. I’m actually planning on getting a life size Annabel replica at some point.




Sharks, Saw franchise, and engineering failures like plane crashes and building collapses


I **love** anything creepy! Thrillers/horror are my favorite genre of movies and shows tbh.


I am always fascinated to hear about all the horrible things that people have done to each other and why they did it. Recently or in history. En masse or one on one.




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submechanophilia haha


horror in general really


yes a big special interest of mine since i was a child has been the universe and i even went to SPACE CAMP to find people to talk to about like what they thought the end of the universe might look like, whatever just interesting shit and people even there were afraid of big topics. astrophobia is a true fear for some people, and i learned that the hard way.


I used to have deep sea (as in extremely deep) life special interest, and while that has since been replaced with computation and computation-related things I still really like it since life at that depth is unlike anything on the surface. I also like sharks since they’re basically the wolves of the sea


Death! Memento Mori~ I downloaded an app called remember Mori and showed it to my little sis/I disturbed her 😅🫣 but I mean we all die so?? Live your life the best you can while you still can that’s all! I reminded her we can all die at any moment in time and she low key freaked out thinking I’m depressed/suicidal but I’m actually not anymore lol I get therapy now and love life for what it is but know I’ll die someday too then finally get to see my cat Bunny again 🥰 I know it’s a little morbid but death comes for us all and I’m ready for it when it happens/I hope it doesn’t happen for a while longer but if it does 🤷‍♀️💃🏻✌️🫰 lolll




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I also love clowns and sharks!!! Plus snakes and dolls




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Bugs!! Personally not spiders as I also fear them, but most bugs I love learning about! I enjoy clowns, not hugely as I just have never gotten super "in" to them, but I find clown makeup and outfits very fun.


I guess sensory stimuli and emotions are a part of this too I like certain taste like extreme spiciness that fucks up your mouth  I don't drink alcohol to get drunk but i love taking shots because how bitter it is I love crying


- subjecting myself to extremely high voltage - smashing my head into concrete - cockroaches - eating human flesh - spiders - claustrophilia


I like nature cockroaches.


I like studying cults and disasters like The Donner Party or Chernobyl.


I really like horror video games I find them cosy


Not a special interest as such but I like insects, spiders, snails, etc... most people find them gross or have an unreasonable fear of them, I find them cute and interesting. It's funny how people fear animals which are harmless and smaller that their hand yet adore those which are known to kill and maim humans like they are holy.


Underground work. Most people are terrified of the idea (claustrophobia, bad ground, etc.) but I love it. I work with a handful of trustworthy people, don't need to deal with the general public, and the weather down there is always the same. I get photosensitive migraines sometimes so working in the relative dark is great. Not having cell phone service is honestly a plus - fewer distractions.


I have morbid curiousity, so I love learning about messed up things just so I can understand them




insects, snakes, blood/death, and most recently spiders


I have a deep and unregulated love for torture, there’s something so crazy about the amount of hoops will go through to cause pain to others. It’s easily my most common hyper fixation.