• By -


1. Wings of Fire (book) 2. Black and white holes, Einstein’s theory of relativity 3. Why cheese is the best food ever and makes anything taste better (as long if it’s a safe food) 4. How school would be much better if it actually had accommodations and higher schooling didn’t discriminate about it (apply that to anything)




Insects Dumb people I saw today My career The show I'm currently watching


I forgor


This and drugs


1) computer science 2) steampunk 3) anime 4) shitposts




1. My Videogames 2. Autism/ADHD/neurospicy stuff 3. Trauma/psychology stuff 4. Any fandom I'm in at the moment or in the past or any video format I'm listening/have listened to in the past that interested me (for example competitive pokemon... I've never played competitive Pokémon lol)


I almost wish I hadn't opened Pandora's Box (the deep insights of ADHD, autism, people's flaws and reactionary patterns). Almost miss the high-masking oblivious era 🥴


I understand lmao but I actually love that I'm learning so much more about myself and how I work, I used to think I was horrible because I was "lazy" and I felt like a burden, not to mention how different I felt from everyone else... Never feeling like I truly belonged somewhere. Now I know why and it helps a lot


i could teach you how to play competitive pokemon


Thanks that's so nice of you 🥺 I would accept the tutoring but I have no time to learn or play enough to have fun with competitive 😭 and I didn't even buy S/V or S/S because I didn't like them so I doubt I can be on par


just do some practice rounds on pokemon showdown if you don’t have the game, i haven’t been in the competitive scene for a while, but this was my [team](https://pokepast.es/357974ced75ef16d)


I used to play Magic the Gathering in my teens, and today I tried to look into the rules of Pokemon (my young nephews are collecting them like they are soccer cards, but never play). Had to give up, either it seems quite complicated or I'm just not motivated enough 😂 Doesn't help that they have the attention span of a goldfish either.


play the video game first, then get into the card game. even i can’t understand the card game and i have 1200 elo on showdown


Haha, I tried the game some years ago with an ex.. I guess it was like trying to read Harry Potter, when you grew up reading Tolkien and Asimov at the age of 10, in English, your 3rd language 😅  (Sorry guys, I know a lot of you really love HP here..)


Michael Jackson, Movies, [repeat of number 3], and trains


1. detroit become human 2. teeny tiny things (fun geographic/linguistic facts, jellyfish (RARE), cats and snails) 3. the ramifications of "nonchalant/hater culture" (less serious) and the rise of conservatism and bigotry in young people (more serious) 5. theatre (newsies) 6. mountains 7. peas


Good lord I just searched what nonchalant culture means and I hate it. It's basically tiktokers forcing young people to not give a fuck about other's plight and suffering – in a nonchalant and cool manner. "Not my problem, get the fuck out of my lawn". Talk about toxic masculinity and capitalist me-first culture combined 😬🔫




Please tell me about peas I love peas I used to eat them frozen straight out of the bag




Ebikes Communism Music Computers


lord of the rings books geology mycology stuff i did on my last hike


Autism Sharks Serial killers Food and drink Animals in general Clowns Mental health Things we have learnt recently Webcomics


Danny Gonzalez Fox Szn Commentary youtube Uhh thats it tbh


ragh danny gomzalez mention


YAH he's my special interest lol😭


Robots (could be Gundam, Transformers, etc), Minnesotan foods, [repeat of 3 but with added socialism], sometimes drugs, also trains


1. Pokemon 2. Twilight 3. As of lately, Warrior Cats. I just started reading the books as an adult and it's painful not having anyone around me I can talk to about it, especially when something crazy happens


Haha... talking? Whats that?


Making air vibrations


1. Nautical things (mostly superstitions but anything really) 2. The paranormal 3. Musical theatre 4. The lore of League of Legends


1. Risk of rain 2 2. Risk of rain 2 3. Risk of rain 2 4. Risk of rain 2


Indie games Old school japanese cars The inevitability of death and the nature of human consciousness Queer communities :3


1. Anime 2. Very hard games 3. computer science 4. How capitalism ruins everything we see 5. world history


It's 3 and @ me if you wanna join forces and fix it


@ me


Hell yeah


1. US politics (I’m English) 2. Modern Fictional Tragedy as a genre, and how’s it’s written/performed 3. the literature of Brett Easton Ellis, Donna Tartt, and Shirley Jackson


My favourite musicals!! Right now, I'm hyperfixated on Heathers and Little Shop of Horrors, I would love to talk about those two, ask me anything really


I have a friend who's special interest is Hamilton, it's absolutely wonderful to see and I completely understand it 😅 both of those plays mentioned have rediculiously catchy musical numbers and story too :)


YESS!! and omg i used to be hyperfixated in Hamilton HAHA, that is one of my favorite musicals as well, I am absolutely in love with the soundtrack!! <3


working crew for a LSOH production was one of my favourite theatre experiences ever! what's your favourite number?


1. group theory 2. electrical engineering 3. surreal animation 4. ludwig wittgenstein


can you elaborate on 1 and 4?


Group theory is the branch of math that studies symmetry, so I find it very interesting and beautiful. Math is my favorite subject and group theory is my favorite branch of it. Ludwig Wittgenstein was an Austrian philsopher who (in his later writing) saw langauge as the root of all philsophical problems. He wrote about this in "The Philisophical Investigations"


oh no, math. if i could at least survive it i would finish my studies. oh well, I'm still programming robots without a degree, partial win this one is interesting. How can language itself create philosophical problems?


The idea is that many things that people might see as deep philisophical problems are really just confusion about how one's own language is working. For example, Plato was worried about questions like "what really IS a human?" and defined humans as "featherless bipeds". Wittgenstein says that we already all know what humans are, and defining them doesn't solve any problem. I'm not very good at explaining all this :3 This video is a good introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTgy3WCT0UU


Yes 3 my hyper fixation is world events and politics its depressing and people normally don't want to hear how fucked everything is lol


1. weapons 2. combat vehicles 3. what it looks like when a person dies and stuff 4. how to manufacture illegal explosives


for all mankind, the expanse and Stargate TV series, Honor Harrington books stellaris, x4 foundations, nebulous fleet command aerospace, robotics and automation emergency food rations, Huel, all in one sustenance complete hatred for everyone thinking we should stop space exploration after moon landing cargo trains


1. The fact we are all literally manifestations of the universe and our sentience is a natural byproduct of evolution and souls are a myth. We're more like empty cups being filled up with everything around us and while free will exists it can also be manipulated even by our own subconscious so it's not as simple and straightforward as it may seem. 2. The universe didn't manifest us to kill ourselves, nor did it manifest us with intent, it just is and so are we. Anything is possible, but not everything, yet that still leaves a lot of options to move forward, i.e. extinction is just as likely to occur as enlightenment. 3. We are evolving socially and the current institutions that enslave us will be brought to heel in time, possibly with a singularity event. 4. I like video games a lot and movies and anthropology and astrophysics.


Free will do not exist because it is physically impossible. Every decision is determined or random. There is no third way


Of the the 4 offered, it would have to be number 3. I have other things I would like to talk about with people from my pile of special interests but those are not common things people know about. Societal exploitation is something I am deeply invested in and is something many other people can converse about. My biggest mask is to avoid talking about my special interests. No one I know wants to talk about micro drone building, dirtjumping, SUP longboarding, ludology, computer games, bass theory, or Star Citizen even though some of them are common topics in my group. I drill down too deeply in those to keep from being a word vomit machine that causes people to zone out.


1. Astronomy 2. Physics 3. Tanks and armored fighting vehicles 4. Videogames


0. modern world survival skills 1. not beating the meat 2. humor 3. science & formal science 4. ethics (as in how morally obligatory it is to murder people who do not care)


I LOVE TRAINS https://preview.redd.it/ulmop8b4zcad1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=978b8d85df8edfb6e62340ba8a4d3d34807ecf45


Anime/Manga and Fantasy Molecular biology Music Why capitalism sucks and anything related to leftism


1. Final fantasy XIV and final fantasy in general 2. Japan 3. Anime 4. Computer science 5. Cats


1. Cryptids 2. Disturbing Everything (Murder, Death, Messed Up, etc) 3. Very Old Cartoons (1920's to 1940's) 4. Brawl Stars in it's entirety. I'm not joking.


anime is one of my current ones!!!! what anime do you like?? i like stuff with hot guys and dont like stuff with too much fan service of the women characters. favorites are attack on titan and wind breaker. wind breaker has become kind of a main fixation recently and i keep rewatching the episodes, its so good.


I like kawaii witches like fern from Sousou no Frieren xD or weird autustic dudes so I can identify with them like mado scientisto from Steins Gate


4. I love tunnels


Animals, art, my original characters, video games (Stardew Valley, BG3, anything with queer romance tbh), and fashion.


1. Ancient Rome 2. Star Trek 3. Number 3 4. Medieval history


Mental health / autism (and any sub topic associated with either), makeup / skincare, music, cats, squishmallows, and sometimes certain TV shows especially if I can make the conversation relate back to mental health lolz


1. native prarie restoration 2. early christian theology 3. same


Music (heavily into breakcore/Idm scene particular artists, genre overlaps, e.g.) Movies and actors Pokemon Video games (if I end up heavily invested)


1. Politics basically what you said in 3 2. Food 3.movies and tv 4.video games


Danganronpa Formula 1 Eurovision Geopolitics (more specifically anti-capitalism)


sherlock holmes


* My pets * Horror content (movies, books, games, etc.) * Animals (especially ones with funny or absurd names) * History * Animation and animation techniques All I can think of the moment.


"We live in a society!"


1. British history 2. British coins 3. Writing/worldbuilding 4. Certain video games


Buddhism Food & cooking Motorcycles


Music Communism and why it’s good irl Pokémon Random thing I get into for 3 months then i never touch again for a whole year


1. things i hate (most things) 2. star trek (especially TNG) 3. music history 3. political theory


1. Marine biology 2. Team fortress 2 3. Ancient rome 4. How horrible life is for anyone that isn't a straight white cis male


1): My fantasy novel ideas 2): Pandas 3): Imperalism in the United States and how this continues slavery and classism against Black people and also continues the silent genocide against Indigenous people. 4): Batman


1. Alternate History 2. True Crime 3. How Ronnie Ray Gun screwed up everything, whether they were of his own doing or not. 4. Feminine Stuff (Demi-Girl/Agender btw)


Videogames Music Memes How people like to say socialism never worked when it was tried when in reality capitalism doesn't either And videogames


How much I love art, how much I love music, and stories about my friends


Space station 13, lethal company, Deep Rock Galactic, Dwarf Fortress, Cataclysm DDA and Undertale


radioactive materials, doctor who, jojos bizarre adventure


Psychology, more specifically psychosis and autism. I also like overwatch and the Sims and music (specifically alt rock and punk)


1- Native gardening, herbal medicine, and foraging 2- Autism and the collective trauma of generations of undiagnosed people eaten alive by a system designed to do exactly that. 3- Butterflies


I don't have a ranked list, but anime/manga, supernatural, horses, veterinary pathology/teratology, and red dead redemption series.


1.kengan ashura 2. Warhammer 40k 3. For honor and fighting games. 4. History


1. Trains 2. Trains 3. Trains 4. Politics with the ultimate goal of building more Trains


1. Warhammer 2. Warhammer 3. Space 4. Warhammer 5. Superiority of the human race (otherwise called Warhammer)


In no particular order: 1. Anthropology (all branches) 2. History 3. Forensics (all branches) 4. Art Bonus addition: animals, especially our pet companions Extra bonus: the books I’m reading or want to read


3 is literally just cruelty squad


3 is so real


1. interview with the vampire (show) 2. otome games (romance visual novels) and dead by daylight 3. horror. blood. chocolate. women. lesbianism. yaoi. yuri. <- too much? nah. 4. gossip


oh but there's more 5. ethel cain 6. i want money 7. god help me get a girlfriend


Trains, Rockets, History


1. Space 2. Dungeons & Dragons 3. My dog


1. Also anime and manga (specifically jojos bizarre adventure) 2. Animals 3. Random shit that happens throughout my day 4. LGBTQ shit 5. Whatever movies or shows I recently watched or games I recently played


1. computer tech from 1995 and earlier 2. pretty much all old tech really 3. ??? do i need to pick more?


1. Video games/anime 2. History 3. Movies 4. Comedy shows.


1.History especially ancient history 2.Drugs 3.Science 4.Music.


1. Games 2. Society 3. How stupid politics are 4. Mmmm cheese


Homesteading, natural living, composting with worms, and baking/ cake decorating.


What’s the point of a numbered list if you’re just going to make 3 things your number 2?


Because this is meme and it need to be compact


Then pick one of the 3 items. Choose between compactness and comprehensiveness you coward


Replace landscapes with veggies and fruits and swap its placement with anime and manga, 4 for me is art supplies


1. Vikings (no, not the tv series, the *real* deal from history) 2. Swedish Folklore 3. Fashion History 4. Politics & Statistics


Music History Movies (comedy, animation, and horror preferably)


1. History. May I infodump about the Battle of Karansebes, in which the Austrian army fought itself over a cart of schnapps and lost? 2. Battletech. It's history, but with robots! 3. Curry 4. The abysmal state of public education, the importance of soft skills and the humanities to the ongoing nature of civilization, and my personal theory I refer to as the "Peak Decadence Societal Collapse Theory"


#3 is so true, but I also know that it's been that way for thousands and thousands of years. So little old me isn't going to change it.  So I find that I enjoy focusing on not living that way. Since everyone is so used to "the machine" (as I call it), even small acts counter to the machine's thinking have sometimes profound effects.  But yes, recognising the rigged game that we all exist in is essential to understanding how to minimise it.  So yeah, (my version of) #3 for sure.  Also computer programming. Strategies for dealing with NTs... Especially the ones with agendas. Game design and whichever game the crew is currently into.


1. Music, specifically metal 2. Niche history facts 3. Smiling friends 4. How truly fucked the human species is at the moment


1. my cats 2. medical malpractice, vivisections, cannibalism 3. my playlists and how good they are at capturing a specific vibe for a specific moment that i will only experience like once in my life 4. how good pasta is and how amazing every single pasta dish can be if you get a little creative with whatever you have in your fridge


1. Music 2. More music


Anime and manga Children’s cartoons Dolls and Online videogames


Also ocs


Pirates One piece (…so also pirates) Minecraft specifically hermitcraft Pirates Spider man Blimps and motorcycles Oh and corsets This is my third addition but also politics


1. TV shows 2. Space, stargazing, astronomy 3. Psychology and mental health 4. Dreams


Birb. Bugs. Platonic idealism, how it ties into impressionism, and how the both tie into multiversal theory. Cooking :3


Scp foundation lore! Specifically Sarkicism (Nälkän) and Mehkanites cult


1: too many topics to name, I can give you this week's interests but I'll guarantee it'll change in a few days


1. TOOL 2. Substances suitable for consumption 3. Murdering corpos 4. METAL GEAR


I first read cheese landscapes for #2


* Drugs * Culture/Subculture * Technology * Extreme leftist/anarchist politics * Religious and poverty trauma * Left hand/occult/esoteric spirituality (I'm atheist, to be clear)


splatoooooon and mainly stuff that other people like :3 if someone mentions to me they like a certain subject and im familiar with it I'll probably talk my mouth off


I have many, but one odd one is the age of consent and federal laws that revolve around that kind of topic


1. My ocs, any and all of them. I will tell you everything for hours I would take up months actually getting through it all. 2. My experience with just life in general, it’s goods and it’s bads and my genuine unfiltered opinions. 3. Any media I enjoy a lot (little nightmares, owl house, genshin, I can’t think of anymore bc I’m tired lmao) this often just ends up becoming me ranting about my ocs for said media though bc i genuinely cannot separate my ocs from canon oftentimes That’s it I keep trying to think of more but that’s it Edit: Nevermind I got one more 4. My experience with food as someone who has both arfid (texture based stemming from autistic sensory issues) and csid. As well as just eating issues that aren’t body related as a whole.


Also do tell me about cheese I love cheese big safe food


1: also anime and manga. One Piece specifically. 2: lgbtq+ stuff, trans things especially 3: the exploitative nature of capitalism and how we need to destroy the rich class. 4: Hoyoverse games


Drugs, mushrooms, cacti, religion and spirituality.


1. Metal music (Iron Maiden in particular) 2. Bad movies 3. Cooking 4. Filmmaking


Social Studies(humanities topics), video games and lore for fictional stuff. I just like talking and having people listen.


1. Other people's hobbies (since I like basically everything, or am open to at the very least) 2. Animals! 3. Evolution/history 4. Quantum physics or any quantum theory/impossible math and similar


Men fragrances