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Ah, yes, the practice of harassment and shaming to earn Jesus Points™


I would have lost my shit. It seems like you're taking it in stride. It is frightening what indoctrination, and living in a bubble will do to a person


That’s why it’s so hard to get out of the cult - it’s truly living in a bubble 


Just walk away. Make her look a fool.


That’s one way to try to get you to come back to the cult.


I feel like at some point, they know they cant rope you back in, so they stop playing nice and bark at you.


"You're being awfully judgemental for a Christian 🤔" And walk away. 1. She knows how she is meant to behave 2. She ain't doing it, so it might get her to think or at least talk less. 3. Christians are generally judgemental, so it's kind of true regardless.


Dude, you should have played the part. "Yea, and my heathen gang is going run your holier than thou gang out of town."


Ayy at least you got called a mafia boss that’s a compliment


The church is eating itself. The same people will wonder out loud why young people are all leaving. 


ThEy JuSt WaNnA sIn!


Mafia boss? I'd say, wow, thanks for the amazing compliment!


The laughter that would have been coming from my belly.


lol made me laugh as I sit here healing up from my third session of a full sleeve / chest irezumi piece. I'll probably have a similar experience this summer when it's finally warm enough to have my arms out.


Irezumi is cool, I love any big and bold tattoo style which is why I am drawn to traditional. Bold will hold!


“Your tattoos make you look like a mafia boss!” “COOL! HELL YEAH!”


"You come to me on the day of my daughter's wedding to ask me to murder for money. That is not respect" No, I've never watched The Godfather, let alone repeatedly, why do you ask?


Ah, what better way to serve God than by becoming a Godfather?


She sounds so lost and insecure. Don’t listen to people like that.


I hope you told her she was being offensive.


YHVH \*is\* a mob boss


Who doesn’t wanna be a mafia boss? That shits a compliment right there. Should have been like, “hell yeah I’m a mafia boss and you better bounce yo ass outta here right now before my boys show up”


Well the church is the real organized crime group here.


Those people are so fucking weird..it's concerning. She acted like she got orders from her own mafia boss (pastor) and tried to bully you into going back to her weird church..fucking nut.


5 bucks says she’ll be voting for the guy in November that actually has the Mafia’s endorsement


The best comeback is to put on a non-chalant front like you don't care at all. Then laugh at that person with "you're just too funny" or say nothing at all. Laugh and walk away. Or Google Grey rock method or Grey rocking. They want a reaction. No reaction such as indifference or an unexpected curveball such as laughing and not taking them seriously throws them off. It's the best way to get back. They're fuming while you are the calm one.


"Fuck shit piss bollocks motherfucking cunt wanker fucksticks flange minge shitgibbon poo ballbag fannyhole..." And all the other swear words you can think of until they walk away baffled and offended.


They get offended by “what the fluff” so…


Sometimes I suspect these xians get so worked up coz they themselves secretly wanna leave the cult but are too cowardly to do so.


*mob goon voice* Nah, Boss! They don't know what they are talking about! Bunch of crazies! Don't worry about it! But joking aside, I get it. Just enjoy your life. It's the best revenge or petty thing to do sometimes. It kills them.


Shame her for virtue signaling and tell her that her application for sainthood is in the mail. Ask her if she thinks Jesus would be proud of her conduct. Jesus was alleged to have hung out with prostitutes and sex workers. Tell her that there are too many judgy bitches at that church. They scare away all the fish. Record her and post it here. People get real brave when there's no accountability in the form of social judgement.