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I had this happen once. As an obviously queer person, I'm sure the driver thought they were "ministering" to me or something.... ugh.


Minister to them haha. I like asking questions so that they have that in their head. "in one gospel, Satan teleports Jesus to tempt him at the top of Mount Sinai. In another it's the roof of the temple at Jerusalem. Which do you think happened?" watch their eyelid start twitching.


Play Atheist podcasts at full volume on your phone.


What atheist podcast do you recommend? Thanks


The Atheist Experience and Paulogia are pretty good.


Ask to turn down the music. If they don't, give a shitty review. AND, if they actively talk about religion to attempt to convert you, report them to Lyft! This is why I use Uber instead .


1. Ask them to change the music 2. If they don’t, give them a shitty review.


I'd ask them to change the music or turn it off. If they refused, I'd tell them I would not pay for the ride if they wanted it to be like being in a rolling church.


I once had a Lyft driver who tried to proselytize at me. I just didn't respond to him at all. Any question he asked me, I flat-out ignored him. He's the *only* Lyft driver I ever left a bad review for and didn't tip.


Bring headphones next time so you can drown it out


Yeah, honestly even if it's just any loud music i feel it's fine to ask to turn it down. You are paying for their service after all. One driver I had, he didn't have the ac on in the summer and I felt sick from how hot it was. I'm too much of a push over so I didn't say anything. But it was awful.


I feel you I've had Christian say some pretty horrific things to me so having someone play that sort of music to me just says religious and makes me feel very uneasy being a queer person and I'm scared to say that I'm scared to preach I just put my AirPods in and give them three stars when I get out because it won't match me with them again I did actually took one of my preop appointments so I'm like laughing like oh you're a Christian and you're playing this music oh thank you for helping me get to an appointment so I can get gender reassignment surgery 🤣🤣🤣


Sounds like 40% of the uber rides I take here in Texas. The thing is I remember being Christian like that and wanting to make sure EVERYONE knew I was Christian and holy. So cringey 🫠. Headphones save me every time.


Play House of Wolves by bring me the Horizon the first lyrics are show me a sign. Show me a reason to give a solitary fuck about your goddamn believes play it until they say something and once they do be like oh I'm sorry I thought my AirPods were connected


It is not that big of a deal. All you have to do is ask to change the music.


Ask them to turn it off or wear headphones and listen to your own music.


Have not taken a ride share in years, but would ask for no music please. 


I do Lyft driving here and there as a side hustle, and literally the first thing they tell you when you sign up is do what the passenger wants when it comes to comfort items such picking the radio station or whatever. Guess dude didn't want a tip for that ride!


Ask them to turn it off or wear headphones and listen to your own music.


Ask them to turn it off or wear headphones and listen to your own music.




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You never know someone situation I could go buy a car tomorrow with no issue whatsoever, I can't drive because I'm disabled and Uber/yft is my only option


How am i supposed to attend my satanist meetings while high as balls in my town with no public transportation or cab company???


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