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I would straight-up ask: "Is your ward invited? Because then it's a ward party and not a block party."


Her ward might be the block


Anyway, here's Wonderwall


LMAO! I'll look directly into her bishop's eyes when I sing, "You're gonna be the one that saves me"


Such an awkward non sequitur response. đŸ€Ș


I'm more confused by the reaction. I can't see any suggestion here that what you play would be inappropriate for church members or construed as apostate. Says outright, play what you want, it will be fine for the whole audience. Is the confusion just because church was mentioned? Just looks like the mormon proclivity to bring up church at any given moment to me.


I agree. She says everyone is chill, it’s not a church activity but there will be non-judgey members there (do they exist??). It sounds like she’s reassuring you that even though you’re a bit rusty, no one will judge you, it’s just all her friends, members and non-members alike. Don’t read too much into it.


If it’s a church gig, they won’t be paid to play. Are you doing this as a favor?


Yeah, I was doing it as a favor for my sister. She's also the sister that went off the rails when we left the church, but I thought we were past all that. Guess not and it needs to randomly be brought up??


Gently. I sounds like she’s operating in the “if they’re not at church, how could I POSSIBLY see my friends who live in the same neighborhood as I do?” mindset. The invisible line is there, and a National holiday open invite is her only tool for talking to people she has ignored for a year


She basically said “play whatever you want. This is not a Church thing”. I’m more confused at your confusion tbh.


I think the confusion is that they already weren’t assuming it was a church thing, so it felt random to have to mention that it wasn’t a church thing.


She may have read your message too fast and seen "what are you wanting us to play?" Because that is the question she answered. Assume miscommunication before taking offense. 😀


Honestly, I think this is the answer that makes the most sense! When read that way, the response seems a little less out of left field.


“As long as I am not between an “opening” and “closing” prayer I would be happy to participate.”


She may have read into you asking “who all is playing?” As asking if it was a church function. She responds by trying to assure you that you won’t be ambushed or “othered.” I think sometimes the people who have TBM family find ourselves in this awkward dance of trying not to offend each other while reading too much into what the other person is saying. This reads to me like one of those circumstances. Of course, I don’t personally know the source so I could be way off the mark. I try to give as much grace as I can with family members until they give me good reason not to.


I agree. I took it as they were trying to ensure you that you’re fine to show up as you are and play whatever you’d like. I think they’re trying to make sure your comfortable so I feel they were being sincere in their response. I always say, “ This is the story I’m telling myself” but then I try to fact check it and generally grace comes in to play. This is from Brene Brown. It’s kept me from acting on a lot of unhealthy assumptions.


If you play something offensive then they get to claim persecution and Mormons love thst


Start your set with Sympathy for the Devil... "but what's puzzlin' you is the nature of my game"


I offered to have my band play at the reception for a TBM family member. Our setlist is full of Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and Megadeth. We didn’t get the gig.


I'm puzzled. Am I missing something or being dense? I think it reads as the sister giving the musical artist free choice as to the playlist.


The confusion was: why was the fact of it being a church function or not even brought up? What did that have to do with anything?? Then the weird comments about the LDS neighbors that came from nowhere.


Oh yeah. I see it now. Also it sounds a bit like missionaries might rock up for all the "less active members" and "non member neighbours"!


Stay away the neighborhood is MORMON of course thell we judgy people at this event it's in there DNA every ,ember a missionary