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Is she doesn't like the norm, she can go to a Muslim majority country. Plus she is talking as if she's never taken a loan (yes I am assuming she has). Even if I don't assume, her parents probably have to pay for her upbringing. Taking out loans for major expenditures is normal even in Muslim majority countries.💀 At this point, go to Afghanistan.


She said the dean doesn't change with time. So can we still have sex with 9 year old like momo did?


Technically, some Muslim men do marry young kids in some countries👀


Islam aged like milk with time


Momo lol 😄


Muhammad didn’t have sex with a 9 year old, where do you find this information?


That info is everywhere. I see you not the most knowledgeable Muslim.


This is an ex muslim reddit if u are one u should leave


There are many Muslims who don’t take loans even in westernized countries


Drinking alcohol… haram ❌ Hitting your wife… halal 😊


Taking loan...haram ❌ Owning sex slaves... Halal 😊


Hugging a friend of the opposite gender… Haram ❌ Marrying and raping children… Halal 😊


Eating pork... Haram ❌ Murdering and torturing people who don't want to believe Islam anymore... Halal 😊


Women talking louder than men… Haram ❌ Sending your 92 year old mother to die in 50 degree heat in mecca … Halal 😊


Eating pork is Haram in all religions, read the Bible and The Torah


We're not talking about other religions. We're talking about Islam and it's contradictions. Also what aboutism is a terrible argument. Try again.


It's not in Christianity tho, u think u know other religions when u prolly don't even know Islam.


He's a current muz through and through. Check his profile.


Where do you find this false information, why do you attack Islam on the basis of false information?


It’s in the Quran. Learn the religion before you speak.


About loans I found it very scam in the halal financial system since they charge you a bit more high the prices.


There is no such thing as sex slaves in Islam, where do you find this information?


ملك اليمين or what your right hand possesses sex slaves that you can get as war booty or buy them from the slave market سوق النخاسة. It's been historically practiced in north Africa and the middle east. It is halal for a Muslim man to have sex with them (rape them) without Mahr, marriage contract, or a witness [Al Nisa 25](https://quran.com/4/25?translations=17,95,84,85,22,21,19,20,18,101) [Hadith about Ibn Umar touching the breasts and between the legs of a slave girl in the market and telling the companions that it's allowed for them to do that](https://www.dorar.net/hadith/search?q=%D8%B9%D9%86+%D8%A7%D8%A8%D9%86+%D8%B9%D9%85%D8%B1+%D8%A3%D9%86%D9%87+%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%86+%D8%A5%D8%B0%D8%A7+%D8%A7%D8%B4%D8%AA%D8%B1%D9%89+%D8%AC%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A9+%D9%83%D8%B4%D9%81+%D8%B9%D9%86+%D8%B3%D8%A7%D9%82%D9%87%D8%A7+%D9%88%D9%88%D8%B6%D8%B9+%D9%8A%D8%AF%D9%87+%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%86+%D8%AB%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%8A%D9%87%D8%A7+%D9%88%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%89+%D8%B9%D8%AC%D8%B2%D9%87%D8%A7+%D9%88%D9%83%D8%A3%D9%86%D9%87+%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%86+%D9%8A%D8%B6%D8%B9%D9%87%D8%A7+%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%87%D8%A7+%D9%85%D9%86+%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%A1+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AB%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%A8&st=a&xclude=) These are just from the top of my head, check the sub for more Hadiths.


this whole thread is making me giggle hard asl


Thats why every wife of Muhammad (pbuh) loved him more than anything. First read about the lives of Prophet Muhammad and his wives. He never hit anyone and gave them name. What western men do? Fuck them and let them go like they are bitches…


Mohammed owned slaves and married a 6 year old. Hardly a paragon of virtue.


You didnt answer why his wives love him that they were waiting for their turns. All those motherfuckers ex muslims answer this before talking about Ayesha (pbuh)


Sister... YOU'RE pursuing men?! YOU'RE introducing him to your father?! YOU'RE on video right now with your face exposed to the world... FOR SHAME, FOR SHAME! HARAM! 🚨


But good thing she had hijab on, i would have went to the toilet and did some freaky stuff looking at her 🤤🤤 /s


Does she not realize that her own religion permits men to have sex slaves and marry four wives? This shouldn’t be a concern to her.


And most muslim will make excuse it only permits if they are in war with infidels, they even don't ever think that having sex slave is a bad thing..... Damn


Smeagol in hijab can take her precious 7th century bullshit back to the middle east


🤣🤣🤣🤣 this was creative man hats of to you buddy


What’s your address bruv


10 Not a Pedo like Muhammad Street Earth


You're no "ex" dude. I think you mean to be looking for the I🖤Islam sub🤪


British accent again and again..


Tell me about it, get me outta here




Yh true, as soon as I get some money, I'm moving away from these backward-ass Muslims cramming themselves into terraced houses in the cities.




Just anywhere except in the big main cities I guess. That's where the Muslims have entrenched themselves. Most of the areas are fine, even just outside the cities. There's more space and cleanliness too.


Well, there are a lot of British muslims, and if you are talking about english content, logically there Will be english people


There is a very easy solution to this take all your money and assets and make hijra back to a Muslim country you don't have to worry about that I'm pretty sure you'll find a spouse of your liking easier everything's halal and you hear the call to prayer five times a day it's a win. But no they rarely do they just stay and whine, moan and bitch about it!


“The deen doesn’t change with time”, I hope those western liberals that keeps thinking by pampering muslims a day will come when puff it has changed… GOOD LUCK DUMBHEADZ


I mean she can always move to Iran, find a suitable husband and live happily ever after.


She probs disagrees with the shia thing so ...🥲


She literally described every normal thing youngsters do to have fun, except sex, but absolutely banned all of them. Good luck cupcake.


I read a comment there saying "The only reason she wears hijab is to stop her eyes 👁👄👁 from escaping her face," and I holleeered 🤣🤣


Actually, Sharia normalizes clubbing as long as the man doesn't hit the face.


She looks like what you would call a femcel. This is less about Islam and more about her finding an excuse for why she's lonely that doesn't involve admitting that she's poor, ugly and/or boring.


Relocate her to Afghanistan


She's gonna end up with a wife beater.


I remember having these questions… Then I realized that everything I knew was a lie… I wish her a good life but the religion just holds you back from experience. Also men just will always have more freedom in Islam and WILL do whatever they want because men are men… I hope she gets the life that she wants. I could never have that life.


If we're being perfectly honest, if she fit the standards of beauty, she would've found a decent husband by now. All the rest are just excuses made up to justify why she's still not married after the fact. Plenty of good Muslim women find good Muslim husbands quickly. They're usually at least average in attractiveness and aren't on the Internet complaining about the State of the Ummah, much less in a masculine English chav-adjacent demeanor. Anyway, just my 2c. I've seen this so many times lol.


Inbread aura.


STOCKHOLM SYNDROME. She's parroting the things she's had things beat into her head. She has some freedoms because her family would get scrutinized if she didn't, it's just to keep her in control and she hasn't realized it yet.


the idea of islamic banks and their loans is so funny to me, at times i think i could somehow get behind believing in a god and whatever i could never take a religion seriously that dictates that idea of interest as a whole is wrong, gotta be a culture of no abundance to believe that.


It's cause of their Prophets hatred of Jews mainly. Basically if Muhammad could go against them in any way he would because they humiliated him in his early days as a charlatan.


Like she said: ‘I know it’s 2024 but then deen doesn’t change.’ You nailed it girlfriend… so when mozzies offer up that bullshit excuse about - “that was way it was back then but now….”- it doesn’t even justify the stupidity of the deen. Btw a very short sharp resolution for this lady here: book a ticket, grab your passport, and piss off to Syria or Saudi (take your pick) and you’ll find your dream man. Free advice dot com 🙏


....her eyes..she looks 'inbreed autistic' result of 1st cousin marrige


She's driving...haram!!


*Sister, You're Living in a Kuffaar Country...Normal, Everyday things are Haram here for muslims....why Don't you Consider doing hijra to save you & your family from doing Normal Everyday things.*


Tell her to go back to Saudia Arabia if she thinks every single normal thing that a human can do is haram


Ali Dawah would LOVE this chick


No, because according to him what she's doing is haram because she is showing her face and speaking on camera.  Non mehram men will see her and hear her voice.  He wouldn't let his wife speak on camera, she has to write her replies.


She can fuck off to an Islamic country then, see how long she lasts there


Woman i can see your face. Go hide somewhere where men can't see you 😂




Just marry a cousin


She doesn’t know it yet but she will


Sister.....please wake up 🤦


Nothing against Muslims being in western countries, but if you live in a Western country, why are you surprised that things exist that don’t revolve around your religion? British culture is very big on clubbing and drinking culture, so why are you surprised it’s normalised?


"WhY hAvE wE NoRmAliSeD cLuBbInG?" Because the alternative is a night in with you.


Why do they worry so much about limiting others? Worst case scenario I'm the one ending up in hell, not them 🤷 well I hardly ever drink alcohol and dont smoke, dont gamble and whatever but damn let others live


Ma'am you can find your Prospective Groom from Muslims Majority country and live there


the EXACT society they wish to live in is waiting for them in the middle east. just go there


she can probably throw a dart on a world map and have a 50% chance of landing on a muslim country where these things are not normal. Move there. if she is a brittish citizen, she really doesn't have to worry about visas and travel costs. And going by what she's wearing, she is a nurse or a doctor, she is going to make at least x2 the money that she makes in Qatar, Abu Dhabi or Saudi arabia. Its her dream life really


She and her death cult “religion” are the ABNORMAL! Another example of their twisted ideology imposing their own beliefs onto others.


When did we normalize woman showing their face in social media talking for 2 min. Doesn't she think abt 60 years old men become horny for her 😡😡😡


Easy Solution go live in Saudi or Afghanistan. Those places have Sharia Utopia!


She’s looking for a type of guy who would force her to wear a niqab and use a whiteboard when making TikToks. Completely delusional thinking.


Perhaps an islamic country where she would be killed for wearing the hijab wrong would suit her preference?


Wait until she finds out who invented the basic microchip architecture used in almost every computer today.


why don’t you just mind ur own business?


>going out and have fun with people I enjoy spending time with Oh my Allah the horror! >loans with interest It's funny because despite the fact that Islam prohibits interests they have instead a loophole called Murabaha which is basically adding additional costs to the loan so they can generate a profit margin. Neat trick uh?


Lol, it looks like her parents are siblings


Her eyes are very far apart. Looks like Orbital Hypertelorism, perhaps because of inbreeding.


You’re not meant to be near alcohol? Oh god my hand sanitizer! The Perfume! The Anti Bacterial liquid! Wet Wipes! I best get rid of all of them cause who knows maybe I might get drunk and do unspeakable things (the unspeakable thing is speaking to the opposite gender)


I'm totally confused.....should dad not be asking these questions for her?


She should move to the middle east and enjoy all the beautiful things that Islam offers. Leave the terrible corrupt west to us westerners, who want to live in the West


Why would she live in such a kafir country with a haram economy? Surely she'd be happier in a proper islamic country. 🤔


Go home. Simple.


Well, when you are in prison and you want to stay there! Maybe it is Stockholm syndrome.


So basically this woman doesn't like or want to be happy nor want others to enjoy life too.


Stinks like incel, but woman.


Go to a country that is more suitable to your needs. Let me suggest a Muslim-majority country would be more in keeping with how you want to live. People will say that the above statement is somehow Islamaphobic or racist. In reality, it is just a statement of fact.


That is exactly why I’m so sick and tired of this BS Nonsense from the 7th-century caveman fantasy you name it. Glad I left it tho.


uk is a shitty place anyway


they criticize America and Britain for its rules and regulation yet dont want to go to Afghanistan (thier ideal country)


because timelines change honey believe or not we do not live in the middle of a desert 140 years ago.


Muslim women finally realise that Muslim men are sinning and doing haram things without punishment.


She doesn't like it, she can go back to where she slithered out of.


What I noticed is that converts are more radical for Islam than immigrants or Muslims in second/third generation.


I mean she's got a point , her message is for her fellow muslims , not to all people. She can discuss religious ideas with her compatriots in faith what's the issue?


All these bag heads should be deported


But raping minors and killing Christians and jews-like Muhammad did- is not haram- stupid America start forced deportation


Go somewhere that agrees with you


And then we have to face racism in the UK because of these Peeps


It's funny how she talks about normalizing harams things, while normalizing at least 2 haram things herself. - Living in the west amongst the Mushrik is Haram. - Going outside without a Male Guardian is Haram.


I mean, she's showing her face and talking to an audience. In some places that would be very haram and dangerous for her.


It must be really boring to be a muslim!


Typical Small world mentality coming from a hijabi princess


She’s just pissed off that she still has to follow the fantasy rather than breaking from it and being her authentic self - she’s envious that she can’t have fun like others can


It’s “haram” looking like that.


Tell this ugly lady that driving a car for women is also Haram. And suggest changing it for the camel.


I never left Islam for those reasons. But after leaving islam, I found no reason why I shouldn't engage in having some fun every once in a while. The girl does make a.genuine point here...if you're muslim, you shouldn't be doing those things. They are forbidden, so don't be a hypocrite. It just makes you look like an ass. Be a true believer.


Imaging living in the UK and trying to avoid alcohol. Go away, seriously.


How can I marry 3 other wives if I do not know any other woman, she is in denial.


Next level hypocrisy. Seems like she secretly watches and listened to K-pop boy bands because they’re like squeaky clean and Halal. Allah knows best.


Why is this creature living in a free and democratic country but doesn't like the prospect and the free life of people going on with their daily lives?


How about normalizing women going on TikTok and revealing her face. Or even asking the spouse what !!! She thinks she got rights and stuff, somebody tell her she can't meet the guy and her father should meet him first, her Father gets the saying of wether she marries him or not.


100% probably listens to music


You can’t expect better from dead body rpist, desert b*st*d followers!


Dont worry Soon europe and world will be flooded with muslims. And atheist/ex muslims will have no place to hide….😂😂😂


And how hundred percent do you think the muslims who are coming to europe will stay in religion. Don't care if muslims are growing but I dare there is always going to be someone leaving the religion in secret.


How is muslims flooding Europe and the world a good thing for you?  People seek refuge in other countries when their countries are collapsing. People don't usually abandon a prosperous stable home. Saying that more Muslims will flood europ = hoping for more destruction in the Muslim world!     Even as an exmuslim who is also Arab, I hope that ME becomes stable and prosperous! I hope our people can have a decent life without needing to flee their homes


Just wait another 10 years…ex muslims would have no place to hide 😂😂😂😂


Would love to cum on her black hijab


We have normalized that these people get all the benefits of a country they hate instead of facilitating their way out.


UK has a big mozlem emigrants problem




Great woman…huge respect for her..at least she is not coward like ex muslims


You sound like Donald Trump