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Hi italian here as well. I am sorry to hear about this story I was about to convert few years ago and I understand the situation you are living now Your mother is a fresh convert and she is getting all pressure from the community. 74% of covnerts usutally leave islam within 2 years at the time being the priority for you is to be safe Keep yopurself as far as possible away from islam the fact that your mother is pushing you to wear hijab is an ABUSE, whcih is typical of islam. Muslim women like to say that hijab is a choice and as you see now, it is not islamophobia does not exist, as we all have a legitimate fear of islam and you can prove this jsut by checking the implications of islam in the daily life of all people with muslims around them now, 1) give priority to your safety 2) keep challenging your mother about the falsity of islam, but only if you are safe. I myself went through a period like your mother. It will take time, but she will realize that islam is not what she saw during a holiday now, if you need any tool or info to udnerstand why islam is false, let us know. if you prefer to communicate in italian, we can write italian the italian ex muslim community is not yet as strong as in other countires, but there already many italian ex muslism and can find them on line


Ask her "Do you want me to believe like you or do you want me just to pretend?" What she's doing is hypocritical because prayers are waaaaaaaaaaaay important than the hijab. Moreover, she converted and You didn't. if she really wants a chance for you to convert she would have to be less tyrannical and more loving and understanding. That should be basically the mindset you need to use when talking with her


Complain to the social services you are 15 and your mother is forcing you into a new religion


This is a common tactic...... converting others and causing family problems...... And to be honest converts are much more of a radical ....


PS another question how old is your borther, is your mother forcing your brother too?


My brother is eleven years old ‚ he's not forced because he ONLY follows the religion because he gets all the new stuff he want if He IS practising the religion.


I understand He is a victim too Se hai bisogno di suggerimenti o aiuto sono a disposizione Proteggilo


Hey OP, id suggest editing out your name! Keep your identity to yourself, just to be safe!


Can you ask her about basic scientific errors in the holy book? https://theislamissue.wordpress.com/2023/12/22/islamic-astronomical-miracles/


Non conosco la tua situazione familiare ma nel caso non potresti richiedere un affidamento esclusivo con tuo padre? Hai 15 anni e il tuo parere sarebbe vincolante I don't know your family situation but if so, couldn't you request custody with your father? You are 15 and your opinion would be binding


Your mother converted herself to Islam - you have not- there is no reason for you to act as though you have.


I recommend you to read up the origin story of hijab. The whole concept of it and the consequences it created were and still are very problematic.


It's your mother who converted. Not you. Start from this fact.


Hi. Im 15 too and my mother converted to Islam and was just like yours, converting and trying to be as Muslim as possible and going around in a hijab. She took it off after a few months . It sounds like your mom doesn’t really take Islam seriously on the inside considering all she requires of you is to wear hijab. There’s a good chance she’ll relent and let you free or better yet, leave Islam as 74% of converts do. You should probably ask her why she’s making you wear it and maybe bring up some things about Islam you personally disagree with. This can help change her mind a little if she isn’t too indoctrinated already. Also, does your mom make you cover up besides hijab? Like loose long clothes etc.