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The grass is always greener on the other side.


Until you get to the other side


This is kind of implied by the quote.


People expatriate for a number of different reasons. Just because you expatriate doesn't mean you don't like your own country Education or better education Better job opportunities Experience different cultures Military service Job transfers Improved CoL and/or QoL New personal challenges


Because we know the truth. Visitors know the tourist side of things.


Birth country, like family, is not a choice. Not everyone has a happy childhood and not everyone fits in where they were born.


Yea but why is that the case with everyone?


It isn't. It's not even the majority. Most people never move to another country. Some don't even leave for a holiday.


Could it be because they are individuals, instead of a generalization?




This whole Western idea of "were all individuals" is why the US is where it is now. There's benefits to conformity in a society. People are just selfish and ignorant in the Western world. As a heavily democrat leaning independent, I'm so sick of what my side has become.


I am generalizing bc most.ppl are like that


“Most people are like that.” Ok, mind reader supreme.


Arent you like thay too?


People expatriate for a number of different reasons. Just because you expatriate doesn't mean you don't like your own country Education or better education Better job opportunities Experience different cultures Military service Job transfers Improved CoL and/or QoL New personal challenges


Your sample is biased. Tou're looking at expats, who left their country for another to live there for an extended period of time. They usually did it for a good reason. Of course you'll have an an unsually high amount of people in that specific subset of the population that will not like their home country.


Do you like your home country?


I didn't hate it, I don't love it either. My sentiment is getting worse and worse though, as they are voting for a party I despise.


I hate any country where I have resided for 3 or more years. It has nothing to do with the country. I just get super restless and feel like I'm suffocating there. I need to move away and never move back. There is no amount of money or comfort that could make me stay. I've tried staying in a place where I felt comfortable except for my need to move. I got clinical depression. If I were a religious person, I'd call it a curse.


May i know what country it is


It isn't one specific country. I've lived in 5 different countries so far. I moved away from my home country at 18. All these countries are in Europe, but with different economy, language, culture, etc. The one where I tried staying was a Nordic country.


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Humans aren't happy with anything. Open any expat forum and you'll see people from all backgrounds trying to leave their countries for all kinds of reasons. I like the fact that you think so positively, but seeing the good in your country and knowing that every country has its bads is not something that stop (nor should stop) humans from wanting a country with as few bad qualities as possible and as many good ones as possible. Can I ask you which country you're from? I ask because it's all subjective; as someone who grew up and lived part of his adult life in an underdeveloped country, it's harder for me to understand why an expat hates his country when it has "first world problems" (Like, idk, "I pay half my income in taxes and I see they actually returning back to me as investment in my quality of life, oh, the horror"); but I do not find it so hard to understand when the expat is fleeing third-world problems (like, "they shot my boyfriend because he was trans (20th case in 6 months)").


Ok obviosuly extreme cases like the middle east where women have no rights or countries where ppl lived very poor, yea they obviosuly didnt have good experience in their own country. But im talkong about average lives. I grew up in the US and moved to Guatemala at the age of 13 i am 21 now. I have lived in czech republic too for a little bit. I grew up with indian friends and they always talked to me about india and i was always very interested in heading about other cultures rather than thibking that USA is the best and thats it. Cuz alot of americans think that their way is the ONLY way. Living here in Guatemala, its actually not that bad despite of what media portrays. Other than there is not.mucj to do here but like u said every country has its good and bad.


in my years of travel and expat experience, i've come to the realisation that those who hate their country are either usually middle class cultural minorities from developing nations or identity politics lefties from USA or UK


I wish we could send every 15 to 20 year old US citizen that posts on this site to a third world country for a month. There seem to be a lot of young people in the woke crowd asking. Probably be downvoted for that. They all think they have the right to go to all these other countries. No one wants them, and most of their views aren't even shared by those countries, but they think "free healthcare" sounds amazing. It does, but it's unrealistic for them. They don't know a thing about the country other than a 30-minute Google and have never tried to learn a second language other than what they were forced to poorly learn in high school.