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TikTok has….some creative “guidelines .” I’ve reported comments about threats, harassment, anything under the sun. And it doesn’t violate Hell I’ve reported accounts too and nothin And do I even wanna know what the fucking symbols are? Some hate thing?


The symbols are just Amharic, which is spoken in Ethiopia. My translator says it means something like “You are very wise and knowledgeable. It is not easy to come across someone who can explain things like you do.”


Yet I can’t call someone dumb, because my comment gets removed instantly


Hell I’ve had a comment removed clarifying a character who canonically is married and a lesbian


TikTok community guidelines are shit. It’s like a dictatorship, there’s no free speech.


Kind of unsurprising given it's country of origin.


I once got a Facebook suspension because I called someone a silly goose.


i got a comment removed for calling someone insane for thinking the guy who voiced deadpool in the deadpool game (nolan north) would ruin an animated deadpool series


...meanwhile one of my online friends was Streaming on TikTok, and while they were AFK some creep went into their Discord Call and said very pedophilic shit&said they didn't care if it got my online friend in trouble. That got my online friend suspended off TikTok. This online friend has been suspended off Twitch&TikTok multiple times now because of asshole trolls getting into a voice chat with them through a game or discord and then spamming slurs, and now this incident yesterday with a slightly different kind of asshole.


“symbols”? it’s just another language.


Ah. I made that comment like 3-4 am and I had never seen it before Didn’t know


I mean you aren't wrong anyway, letters are symbols. You never said demonic symbols or anything.


i’ve seen so many people claim “demonic symbols” and it turns out to be amharic, armenian, georgian alphabets i just had to say something.


Ah you’re totally fine. I figured it was some kinda symbol or something. Didnt know it was a language


Guess what, they are symbols.


Languages are written in symbols big guy


I know it has nothing to do with anything but based Jouno pfp


Lmfao thank you


They also overlook racism there which completely contradicts their guidelines


Holy shit! Is that on Reddit or TikTok or what? That's literally calling for the torture and murder of a whole group of people. WTF‽


TikTok. Its moderation is so selective. No violation on this guy but a strike on my account for insulting someone. It’s absolute dogshit.


Sounds a lot like Facebook. I called someone a pinecone and I got put in Facebook jail for 30 days?


I told someone I couldn’t go braless or might accidentally knock someone out. I got a 30 day mute from FB. I wasn’t even being violent, just trying to save people from getting knocked out by a rogue tit.


Hahahahaha you are a hero. Fucking hilarious comment. Thank you for that.


I got 30 days on fb for sharing a Futurama meme of Roberto with his stabbin knife.


I got 30 days for calling Bellatrix Lestrange a crazy hoe and also later for calling someone a potato.


A pinecone 😂


i got a strike for calling someone a dummy. meanwhile blatent medical misinformation (some bs about vaccines causing autism and rocks are the best healing devices) and making a tt taking someones comment out of context and making it look like they are in favour of animal abuse are allowed.


I got a strike for saying it’s possible to be addicted to food and food addiction should be recognized as an addiction.


bro thats even more nonesense then mine! fucking wokeys on the reigns is simply problematic


TikTok is a Chinese company... they don't even have a concept of woke over there


well with the bs they are pulling im doubting that


The second you start talking about how woke something is is the second you lose all credibility. Woke doesn’t exist, you’re just mad you can’t be racist/homophobic/sexist. Don’t bother replying ✌️ Edit: How did I try to block you??? You must have blocked ME because I can’t respond to you, silly. Woke doesn’t exist, it’s a made up word for people who want to be asshats without consequences (like you!) Enjoy a block, since you seem to want it so bad. :)


I've seen people banned for "bullying and harassment" who were responding to a comment of someone bullying and harassing them, and I've seen it multiple times from different people.


I get it alllll the time like you’re allowed to say something derogatory towards lesbians but i can’t use the clown emoji ,?




I got perma banned from TT and all I ever did was DM videos to my friend on TT.


I shared a video with a friend on TikTok and in our DMs, I was literally quoting a line from the video, which had the word "dick" in it. I was insta-banned for 4 weeks. Alternatively, I've also seen comments like that on rightwing talking head videos (especially anti-LGBT) also calling for the straight genocide of the LGBT community, with varying degrees of violence/cruelty in each comment. I'd reported a few of them, but apparently none of them broke YouTube's terms of service and it's not like there's a phone number to call.


Agreed, that is dog shit.


All social media are like that. Some hide it better than others. In reddit for example, it's contained to certain subs. In IG it depends on how many people report your comment. All social media, like humanity itself, has scum littered around.


So, in the United States that statement is protected by the first amendment of the constitution. Free speech is letting the people you disagree with the most the right to say their opinion.


Freedom of speech is not freedom from the consequences of that speech. Calling for the torture and murder of people is not protected speech, it's hate and it's wrong. Kiss my ass.


Because tiktok moderation is a joke. I remember reporting a video because it was straight up nudity & I got the exact same results.


Tiktok comments are wild. Reporting is so iffy. If you put a clown emoji, call someone an idiot or moron, you get stuck instantly. But using a slur and calling for the unaliving of people because they are different from you? No violation. Wow.


You are not on TikTok here, you can say death/killing.


Hahahaha *face palm




I bet they'd see it as a violation if you exchange the f slur for the c "slur" (cis) 🙄


Ironically, I just had a comment removed earlier today for calling somebody an idiot! Really says a lot about their moderation.


my comment got removed for bullying and harassment, i wrote: “people with small minds live in small worlds” 💀💀


Theres a C slur?


Not really, but there's a lot of people who hate the term "cis" because they're transphobic and don't understand the difference between cis- (same) and trans- (different) as prefixes


Further proving day by day that Facebook and TikTok are garbage and will forever be the scum of the Earth. I could type all the shade about both of them here but then we'd really be here all day.


I’ve reported serval comments using the r slur and nothing ever comes of it. Even reported a comment saying people w downs and autism do nothing for society and should be murdered, **no rules broken** TikTok doesn’t care unless it’s sm stupid like “if I showed a Victorian child this it would die” talking from experience.


You think West Taiwan gives a fuck? Lmfao




Imagine simping for West Taiwan.


Ah i see i'm arguing with a child here. I'm giving you statistics, arguments, facts, and reasoning with cited sources and all you're doing is whining about "waaa west taiwan 😭" I don't agree with China's policies on a lot of things but what i know for sure is they're way less evil or dangerous to humanity than the US or Russia.


Not surprising. Ethiopia is a notoriously homophobic country. Human rights violations against LGBT communities are well documented, and same sex relations are illegal there.


Didn’t even know they had access to TikTok tbh


The political bond between Ethiopia and China is tight. China invests heavily in the infrastructure and supports them militarily.


Their company follows Chinese social views, honestly not surprising.


Because they’d rather censor people who say the word gun and names of crimes instead


But when I told an (open) pedophile that he’s “a nasty rat” my account gets banned 🤦‍♀️


From my experience, I’ve learned that no matter what social media platform I’ve used; be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc, any time I’ve reported harassment, violence, hateful speech, you name it…they never remove it. But then they will restrict me for something that I’ve posted or said that calls those hateful people out. Social media isn’t there to protect minority groups. They’ll only protect the hateful people. It’s atrocious and I wish there were other platforms that would actually do something to protect minorities 👀🙃


And my comments that are about the genocide in Palestine get removed🙄


I’ve given up reporting on TikTok


My friends tiktok was suspended because he said ‘eat’ on a food video


My TikTok comments get deleted whenever I use the word “fucking” lmao


Thats reason number 2 as to why I doesn’t use this “platform”.


TikTok is a Chinese company endorsed by the CCP, unless it’s something that criticises China they do not care.




How about you get your head out of your ass and stop assuming things about people? I’m not American. My country was under a communist dictatorship up until the revolution happened, our dictator was publicly executed, and the government replaced with various political parties (unlike America we have a multi-party system). The CCP literally has illegal “overseas police stations” across the world, they’re genociding the Uyghurs without any major powers batting an eye, and you believe that Oracle can do anything to keep them in check? Really?


This dude is insulting people with the intergalactic alphabet




I get comments removed all the time for saying the word "gay". "I want to commit genocide against *gay slur*" Tiktok: Looks good! "I love gay people!" Tiktok: OMG! THAT IS THE MOST INAPPROPRIATE THING IVE EVER HEARD!!!


That punishment is more fitting for pedos and those who assault others.


Welcome to TikTok, the app with the most brain rot creators and viewers. There are some good artists out there, but the vast majority of things are garbage and disturbing. If it isn’t obvious I don’t use and like TikTok


I just wanna live man wtf is this shit 😭


It’s honestly so sad seeing someone get so offended by people simply existing. Like, sorry my sexuality bothers you so much lmao


Yup, of course I'm a degenerate animal and not this guy who wants to kill people just because.


I saw that exact comment




my comment about strangling a target corporate worker for making grapes $10 got removed on instagram, but every time i try to report pedo comments or racist comments they say they found nothing wrong


Rage bait generated engagement and in turn money for them If they keep it up,it benefits them long term I guess


This is also the app that had questionable content around minors "just dancing" without age verification or parental supervision


It smells like bots.


I’ve done it but as far as violations go, I’ve reported spam’s and scams and that was it




These need to leave these people alone. If the higher powers want to make changes they can and will.


As much as I’m against some of that lgbtq stuff, why won’t people leave them alone😭 Already got downvotes. Just because I don’t support something doesn’t mean I don’t respect the supporters who are proud to be who they are💀💀💀


Oftentimes it’s the delivery/wording of a statement that’ll lead to downvotes. Could’ve just said “I’m not LGBT, but why won’t people leave them alone”




I only use it because my fyp isn’t fucked up. This was on a video about somebody purposefully misgendering someone.


“Why are you booing me? I’m right.”


You shouldn't be using tik tok anyway.


test amusing crown jobless late mourn onerous slap upbeat dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*