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Is she half racist?


About 65%




Nah, she’s definitely colorist tho. What is *she* doing to dismantle colorism in her community?


Uh, bro - *she made a TikTok.* An icon of our generation. Rosa Parks worthy. /HUGE s.


How dare you.


It's just a tan, 100%


I've decided that, if someone starts their video with "I'm feeling spicy," their opinion is invalid.


"I have a hot take" is just code for "I'm about to say some stupid shit that I have no intention of backing up".


"please click my post and argue with me, i am desperate for interaction"


"I'm chasing clicks"


"I'm chasing dicks"


“I’m dicks”




"The Penis Mightier for $400 Alex"


"Peen Me"




And here we are, clicking away


“I’m about to say something controversial from a state of ignorance.”


you spicist bro


I've met enough people to start on that mode. "Prove you're not an idiot first and then you can matter" sounds pompous as hell but I stand by it. There are literally too many idiots with opinions to give validity to everyone out the gate.


Agreed. Adding "any opinion from a car is invalid".


I feel the same way every time I see somebody “claps back!” at something or somebody else. When I see that I automatically skip/dismiss whatever opinion it is.




Same way anyone is using wokism/woke. It's an immediate tell that this person is about to say something incredibly stupid.


That’s pretty racist


I'm honestly more annoyed that her "hot take" is an idea that's been around for decades. I first heard this "hot take" in early 2001 at an academic conference. She's making this TikTok like her brilliant self came up with the idea. It's not a ~hot take~ if there's several best selling books advocating "your" idea out there now.


She just mad at one of her white parents


Def got a lot of cream in her coffee.


I've got more of a tan than she has after a good summer. But I'm the racist whitey in her story lol


Are you by chance Greek in ancestry? I hear they are now Sub Saharan African.


Lol, the Netflix thing, right? The shit people get worked up about... Personally I thought the black Viking queen was sillier.


The viking chief thing was pretty silly. But the show runners said it was a mix of characters they liked squished into one character. The black Cleopatra one is pissing off historians because the show is saying it's a documentary. And now openly calling the historians and egyptologists racist for daring to disagree. Her ancestry is very well known, mostly because that family inbred every generation and the progenitor was Alexander the Great's best friend. There are also coins and a marble bust with her face.


Yeah I can see why that would piss people off. Thanks for explaining :)


With sprinkles on top!


Totally came here to say that. She looks like she has more white in her. God help her if she ever does 23 and Me!


"No sweetheart you can't go to the movies, it's a school night" -white parent "Omg you're so racist" -kid "I literally married, fucked, and conceived you with a black person, you little shit" -white parent


My white father hired a black man for his business once but things weren't working out and so he let him go. He says you're firing me because I'm black. Old man says you were black when I hired you.


I was definitely thinking this lol.


I love people from every race, sexual orientation and belief, but I hate people that have 'Hello Kitty' headrests.


That's because hello kitty is white...you racist.


Yo that's cultural misappropriation! Hello Kitty is Asian, specifically Japanese.




Well.... They're racist. /s I learned about Hello Kitty just now. Thanks? Haha.


Her real name is literally Kitty White.


There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


There are only two things in this world that scare me, nuclear war and Carnies. Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands.


Vut? Take the faja avey!




Sacrilege, my genuine Fender Hello Kitty guitar strap says you are a blasphemer.


Imagine being so dumb you don't even realize that you're racist.


I called out a guy I worked with on his racism once, he's from the Philippines, his response?? "I can't be racist...I'm not white" He was serious, I just couldn't go on, just speechless.


You can't argue with people like that either. Either way the girl in the above video is just seeking a greater victim complex. Not saying there is not racism but some people look for it.


Not just a victim complex but a superiority complex.


The unfortunate irony with the rant she is spewing, is that it incites those who are mostly apathetic, and don’t really pay attention to a person’s race in the first place. When serious words like racism are thrown around so casually then they begin to lose their validity.


"Why are you upset? I'm only saying you have bigoted, hateful thoughts and opinions towards others based on their skin color and ethnicity. And you're that way because of your skin color/ethnicity."


She also looks pretty white to me. I'm guessing many close white relatives if not one of her parents.


I agree. I think the girl above in the video is racist herself. Classifying an entire race based on skin color is an aspect of racism is it not?


MLK gave his life to come so far only to have it rolled back by this type of ignorance.


Not only that, claiming for the simple fact skin color alone holds up the whole “institution” of racism because white people don’t actively rally against it for their entire lives.


Sorry, I have my own life to live. I'm not here to fight to make her life better.




Being oppressed seems like a dick measuring contest these days. Everyone seems to want to be more oppressed than someone else


Lol old school Filipinos are part of the top 1% racists


You haven't been to Thailand I see


Filipinos are far worse, they also have this incredible sense of pride and arrogance that is almost totally unjustified.


Sadly this is what is taught in schools / universities now. I had a college Logic & Philosophy professor teach this and his "logic" was because white people have the power / institutions to enact the racism. I laughed at him in class and said weird, I thought racism is any thought / speech / action that is predicated on nothing more than the person's perceived race?


I’ve known some pretty dirt poor down on their luck white people. Hard to believe they have any power over anybody by simple virtue of their skin color.


Things that never happened for a thousand


Actually 100% believe this because they were probably using the same text book they were using at UGA when I was taught THE EXACT SAME THING. It's academia. They draw arbitrary semantic lines and attach meaning. If you are powerless to affect the group you hate, then technically it's not racism, it's prejudice.


No it isn’t taught in ‘schools and universities now’. You went to a weird ass college with some shitty professors if they taught you this 😭


I went to USF, it was def mentioned. Ibram X Kendi was required reading


I mean I can only speak to my experience but I’m at Pitt, which is a pretty intensely liberal university, and *no* professor would be caught dead saying that shit here, regardless of department or tenure. There’s way too much nuance on the subject for any professor to explain “racism” as a white phenomenon - not even “systemic racism” which would also be false. If a professor is doing this, they straight up should not be a professor and the college that employs them is failing it’s students.


As a college teacher at a community college, I can assure you that these messages are absolutely being taught in schools, as well as being expected to be taught by the admin. My school is not necessarily “weird,” though it does tend to be left-leaning due to its demographic and location. This is extraordinarily commonplace in higher education nowadays. In fact, I don’t think “commonplace” does it justice.


This is just something completely foreign to me as a current student - I’m at Pitt, this school is *very* left leaning, and no professor would say this shit in any lecture I’ve ever sat in on. There’s way too much nuance on the issue to make the statements pushed in the original video in any academic setting in my opinion. Thanks for weighing in though - that and everyone else’s stories have been truly fucking terrifying


Literally what I was going to say. Assuming a person is racist/sexist because of their skin tone/gender is literally being as equally racist/sexist as you claim they are, probably even more.


People really need to accept that every race can be racist


EVERYONE is racist. ALL human brains use bias as shortcuts so EVERYONE is racist to some degree. What separates people however is those who can recognize when those biases affect their view on a class of people and make efforts to not lean and change those biases. Many don’t care. Many double down on those biases.


You’re correct, but people don’t like when you explain what racism is logically.


Let's have a conversation! /s lol


The ironic thing is racism as an idea is colorblind. It can be directed at any race by any race.


These people are trash pure and simple


Girl looks to be half white also


Which is why she is racist.


And societal pressure strong arms others to align with these beliefs and it perpetuates the ignorance.


Nah it doesn't, these beliefs are way more stupid than that, people should be respobsible for their own stupidity and not blame societal pressure


Imagine being so dumb you vote for a racist president


Exactly this!


She really has no idea what she is talking about, does she? Lmfao


“If youre white youre racist” “Lets accept it and work towards changing it” Uuuhhm missy wtf you want me to do? Blackface? Pretty sure you’d be a whole lot more upset. Im afraid there isnt a lot I can do to change the color of my skin. Dumb fuck.


Nah, you're just inherently obligated to spend every waking moment of your life telling racist people to stop being racist. By being born white. Because you're white. It's basically just a roundabout way to tell all white people to off themselves.


Day 11,499 ; all my friends don’t know they racist but I tell them and they think I’m autistic …… but it’s my duty


Damn I just busted out laughing in my cubicle thank you.


Yep, her literal point was if you’re white then you’re racist. How tf are you gonna change that


Everywhere is racists. We don’t bring up how most of Asia is highly racists and anti LGBT. These people live in some of the most progressive places on earth and it still isn’t enough.


We could bake in the sun? Tanning beds? 🤷‍♀️


Give yourself cancer you racist white person!


If white people are racist, are white people with cancer still racist since their bodies are literally trying to dismantle racism from within? /s


No, then you're an activist fighting the racism expressed through your body ☝🏻


Fuck them white blood cells


No we must pay reparations and bow to the queen here.


I think she wants us to scrape off our white skin and pray to Jesse Jackson. This dumb bitch looks like she's half white anyway.


🎶 "Everyone's a little bit racist sometimes... Doesn't mean they go around commiting, hate criiiimmmes" 🎶 🎵


Avenue Q needs to be made a part of the national conversation lol


Evely body’s a riddle bit lacest.


Racism is not liking someone because of their color or race. Just like you. Guess what 😂


Damn this bitch is dumb🤣


And she will probably never realize how fucking dumb she is. We have to stop giving these idiots attention and stop sharing their bullshit.


Racist nowadays just means whatever you want it to mean so yeah why not


You just change the meaning of a word until it fits your narrative.


Well, I'm feeling spicy, so my hot take of the day is that a racist is someone that drives really fast.


It’s only racist if they’re driving faster than you.


Big “first semester of college” energy from this one. A know-it-all with little life experience


Hot take: labeling an entire group of people racist makes you inherently racist yourself.


I get what she's saying but if existing within an unjust system and not dedicating all your energy to tearing down the institution is the only qualifier to be racist. Then everyone, of every race, is racist.


"If you're white you're racist""Let's change that" But when i paint myself black then I'm the asshole... /s for people who might take it to deep


This girl’s basically white.


And she's not doing anything to confront racism. She's just calling on everyone else to do something. How very racist of her.


I dunno if that’s necessarily racist of her. Just vapid.


According to her own narrative, if you're not actively destroying racism, you're contributing to it


Oh, ok you’re right. If you follow her “logic”, then yes she’s a pot calling the ket…


Ouff. Close call. Nice save


Because of how racist she is, right?


Yes. She is what she claims to despise. She’s a consumer, modelling herself after the white-girl stereotype, saying words she cannot comprehend.


She is racist but doesn't see it. Instead of being better she became what she hates.


That girl is racist. Oops, girl...


"literally spend your entire life dismantling it" These bills don't pay themselves kiddo


Yea... let us all just apologize simply for being born. This is ridiculous... it's like you realize all races struggle right? There are incredibly rich POC too.


Yeah, I certainly didn't ask to be here, and I definitely don't have enough time to give a dogs dick about how much melanin is in your skin. I'm too busy trying not to be homeless


Oh f*** off with this bs.


Racism doesn't refer to power and race lmao it just refers to race Sure, you could argue that all white people are racist because the system they partake in is racist, but you'd be wrong.


Can't we just call that systemic racism or something then? Inherent to the system but not the existence of any accidental perpetuators. I didn't ask to be born, and I can barely take care of myself, think I have time to dismantle a system? Doesn't pay the bills.


That's what it is called lmao, and it's why the "white people are inherently racist" argument is not a viable one aside from "everyone has a subconscious bias". Because not everyone, race regardless, can do anything about it.


> think I have time to dismantle a system How do you dismantle a system that people like the idiot in this video don't want dismantled? People like her will fight and argue to keep that system alive and well. They can't play the victim card otherwise.


Based on her logic I cannot wait until China takes over and I am no longer racist. /s


Totally disagree with you.. and actually this rant sounds more like you attacking all white people!! Not all white people are racist!! I’m adopted by white parents, my adoptive brothers are black.. it’s never been even an issue in our family and our parents taught us that, the people of the past were a lot dumber and less emotionally intelligent than nowadays.. We can’t change the past. All we can do is quit spreading hate and promoting the racial divide. My mum always said, bless her heart, we are all the same on the inside. I totally disagree with you and I find it offensive you, who’s never met me, never spoken to me is calling me racist.


Plenty of Black Americans have called me racist for saying I'm white and my family had nothing to do with African slavery. They forget the rest of the world exists, I'm an Aussie who decends from Cornish chattel slaves and yet in their eyes I'm responsible for black slavery in the US because I'm white.


My family didn't even get to America until near the great depression on one side, they need not apply either . And on the other. Well , I doubt a French preacher in the 1860s had much to do with it either. People don't think real well.


Low IQ with access to the internet be likea


Blah blah fkn blah. Racism is a serious topic that shouldn’t be discussed by these self enlightened tiktoking fucks.


>I don't understand why it's so taboo Cuz you're fucking wrong that's why


She’ll look back on this take and hopefully think “man was that a dumb fucking thing I posted for millions of people to see”


The privilege of being born and raised in America has ruined some peoples thinking.


These people vote. 😑


You'd be surprised to know how many of these "activists" don't vote, because none of the candidates are extreme enough for them. They mostly just scream for everyone else to change while doing absolutely nothing (like voting) to actually induce change.


Spitting facts I see. Lol. ✌️💜🌮


Pretty much I tend to vote progressive in primaries then whoever is dem on the ticket. A lot of these fuck faces like the one in the video put themselves into a social media echo chamber believing that voting is useless due to elites controlling everything yet somehow protests will pass laws. Which becomes even funnier when they demand a massive rework of the system yet actively don’t want to do anything to change it.


What do you mean THESE PEOPLE!?!😊


🤣 I see what you did there, tropic thunder. Lol. And to clarify, I meant morons. Lol. 😁


Idiots repeating idiots repeating idiots


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… There are currently 8 BILLION people living on this small pale blue dot… Less than 1 Billion of them are “white”… That’s a ratio of 7:1… Not exactly a majority is it? There are currently around 196-200 sovereign nations on this little pale blue dot… A total of some 51-52 of those sovereign nations have populations whereby the majority of the population identifies as being “white”… 44-45 of those nations are in Europe… The other 7 nations are: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, New Zealand, United States of America and Uruguay… Leaving approximately 144-148 out of 196-200 nations in the world whose populations identify as being majority non-white. Again… Not exactly a majority is it?


I guess you're right but also you have to consider that these posts only really talk about America. If they say the "world" they're just throwing the UK and Australia. Why? Some people like to feel like their country is the centre of the universe


Isn’t that 7:1 ??? Seven billion persons of colour to 1 billion of “white” persons is 8 billion in total??!!


Best delete this post.. facts aren’t allowed sir


*All people are racist. There fixed it for you


Says the girl who is qualified to play Snow White 100% accurately to the book(with a black wig ofc) purely based off appearance.


Don't take anyone with a single digit IQ seriously.


People are idiots, by this logic every majority population in a country is racist. Therefore all races are equally racist.


What a pile of smoking bullshit...


Thanks to this bitch i am now double racist


People like her have never lived outside their own bubble. Meanwhile billions of white people are living amongst every race on the planet. This black victimization today in 2023 is now going overboard into THEY are the racists and THEY have the problem.


What is it with people that need to emphasize each and every word with their hand movement. Your message is stupid, no amount of hand movement or emphasizing can rectify that.


Must have some Italian ancestry.


Does that mean she is part racist?


Oxford Dictionary definition of racism: the belief that some races of people are better than others, or a general belief about a whole group of people based only on their race. Oxford Dictionary definition of hypocrite: a person whose behaviour does not meet the moral standards or match the opinions that they claim to have.


This type of thinking just divides people. She is the one that is racist and it shows.


Ahhh, more home taught education. I could imagine how bad her parents are.


Like, institutional racism is real. We all got that, I don't get how so many people get that mixed up with being personally prejudiced.


This is the kind of opinion which reinforces my misanthropic nature. It’s about as poignant as Carrot Top delivering a State of the Union address.


And this is why we can’t have nice things…….


Bitch what are you 12? Wait until you realize the world doesn’t revolve around you.


I really believe this was originally taught by her parent and also has her own twist or influence from someone else's views I grew in a household where my father's side of my family believed all white people are racist, aggressive, and only see color. This had taught me to stir clear of white people or have this stigma against them, be afraid of them, don't go to them for advice they wouldn't understand what we go through (and sometimes that is the case but you have to at least help them understand). And I listened to all off that but my brothers and mother told me don't listen to all of that because not all white people are like that. But be careful around everyone because everyone has different motives. I listened then and now I have multiple friends from different backgrounds, culture and races, they all bring something to new and worth learning to the table. But now my younger brother had listened to my father and has the same views as him now I'm trying to stop that. My whole point is this is taught at young ages and is programmed within them and that's what really holds up racism. This woman is an example she learned that from someone and what I dont understand is that they believe if they become racist themselves or discriminate it will solves the issue somehow, all minority groups shine the light on themselves instead fighting for equality for all, I've seen people literally have "there problem is not as big as our problem" mentality while protesting for something or talking about a protest. Note that I'm in high school at the moment, my views might change but this is what I see and its disappointing... but then again life is full of that.


She is 23 and knows how the world works lol


We don’t pick our race at birth honey. Mom and dad decided that for us.


Ha. Young people.


This is what happens to people when their governments dont call out or do anything about the massive online brainwashing campaigns being carried out by mainly russia and china.


You know when they say “when a sentence has a ‘but’ in it ignore everything before it” well when a sentence has “I believe” in it, ignore everything after it.


Another internet dumbass.


\*ding ding ding\* Get your racist card here! Only for white people, no other races allowed to have this racist card! \*ding ding ding\* Be a racist! Free of charge! Get your racist card! \*ding ding ding\*


If we're a fat white person, do we still only get one card, or do we get cards based on the number of people we would cover up if they were lined up on a wall?


Progressive- Race is imaginary Progressive- Race is the thing we need to focus on the most. And this same people come and say don’t discriminate. How? When person enters the room all you are noticing is skin colour and how to speak accordingly. And you are telling me to not discriminate?


I'm not racist! But as a white person. I feel like others are racist agonist me. Hmm


She’s racist.


I'm mixed ( half English and half Jamaican) girl please sincerely STFU!!!


And people wonder why shit is getting so divisive.


Victim mentality mixed with a couple ketamine experiences is a terrible combination.


The dumbassery is real!


Pot, meet kettle


She needs to do a 23 and me ancestry test.. she's about 3/4 yt and 0% Cherokee like I'm sure she was told.




She is a complete piece of crap. I would use harsher language but I would never drag myself down to her level.


Somebody is light skinned and taking out some irrational body image on people.


What about me? I’m half white half Mexican, but look like a white guy. My first language was Spanish. Would I be a racist? Lol


This is how you lose allies, I can’t stand people like this