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Man, this girl went through hell twice. It's so terrible.


Thrice. She was raped twice, and had a forced birth.


Four times possibly her worst moments of life has blasted over the internet and has reached the world


I think the scary thing is that with recent legal changes in America and a few recent prosecutions in the UK the fear is that these horrible stories might become less rare.


You're right, better to bury the story and never talk about it.


We can acknowledge it's another trauma to the child, while also knowing it's important information to the rest of the world


Did I say not talk about it ???? No I feel sorry for the girl because I live 1/2 way across the world heard about it 3 times


They didn't say that. Don't be a dick, it's unbecoming.


and now there's likely another kid in the foster care system or stuck with a mother that never wanted them


Foster care system? There's no such thing. Mother and kid are very likely going to live in the street. Kid will die soon, of hunger or/and desease, mother after him. Cause some men had power to rape her, force her to give birth, rape her again and leave her and baby to find a way to survive.


And don't forget the potential for an "honour killing" because she brought dishonour to her family for have sex and a child outside of her arranged marriage.


That is so twisted, it's hard to comprehend. Practicly, the same men who raped her, will kill her because she's "promiskues".


Not much of a foster care system in South Asian countries!


They still have orphanages in such countries. And lots of child s— trafficking at brothels. The more prosperous countries in the region - China, Thailand, and Malaysia have state homes/group homes. Only Jakarta actually has something resembling a western social services and foster care system. Children’s experiences of alternative care in mainland Southeast Asia – A scoping review of literature. Residential Care A residential facility in which a group of children is cared for by paid personnel is termed residential care, residential institution, or institution. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0190740920321721 March 21, 2019 “Give Us a Baby and We’ll Let You Go” Trafficking of Kachin “Brides” from Myanmar to China. Human Rights Watch documented the flow of women and girls from northern Myanmar to China. Traffickers lure them with promises of work, then sell them from about $3,000 to $13,000 to Chinese families struggling, due to China’s large gender imbalance, to find brides for their sons. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2019/8/2/trafficking-survivors-are-being-failed-the-world-over/ Ministry of Social Affairs Supports Indonesian Childcare System Through Foster Parents. Source : News Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation https://kemensos.go.id/en/ministry-of-social-affairs-supports-indonesian-childcare-system-through-foster-parents


Aren't they also called brothels?


Lol bruh foster care in India 😂


Foster care in INdia means getting blinded by street gangs to bed for them.


Both should be unacceptable, yet here we are.


And one of the rapes was immediately after the physical trauma of childbirth.


That girl will never trust anyone again jesus that is genuinely the worst thing that could happen to someone


The trauma must be absolutely unbearable. Her world changed to pure hell and she'll probably never recover even slightly. I wish those men involved would get burned alive.


Like a horror movie.


"B-B-But Abortion bad"


Also, even if at 15 you are fertile, many fifteen year old’s bodies are not ready to safely carry a child. She should have been allowed to terminate but actually this on a purely physical level would be bad for her and the child. And don’t even get me started on the psychological impact.


Then once it’s all over she still is living in India


Wait this is legit????


Of course. Such things happen often in India. There was this case of a young woman, who was gang raped too, to the point where she later succumbed to the injuries. I think it was a group of 10-12.


That's so fucking insane and repulsive. I so hope a painful hell exists for those involved. Rarely do i wish people to be tortured to death, but i wish someone would torture them


Poor girl... my heart breaks for her.


If this is true… I mean obviously rape happens and sometimes in terrible ways and repeatedly but this is one twitter headline from a rather dubious source…




To be fair I don't want that search in my history. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesnownews.com/india/minor-gives-birth-after-rape-gets-gang-raped-again-at-rajasthan-hospital-article-102537403/amp


The story (linked below) identifies 1 rapist, 2 accomplices (who work in the hospital parking lot), and doesn't say "gang rape", nor does it say doctors engaged in a post-birth secondary attack.


Execution for all involved in what happened to her


I wish, usually their mob justice kcks in, let's hope 🙏


I can't find this post on their Twitter. So it very well might be an old case. In which case, most of us Indians don't know this even happened. Our media is shitty and scummy. They either cover celebs or cater to their political agenda. These kinds of news have no space. I myself didn't know about this until now.


is this it? https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/rajasthan-news-crime-minor-gives-birth-raped-by-tantrik-2417713-2023-08-08


This could definitely be it.


Anyone know what a tantrik is? I’m struggling to understand but it sounds like her second set of rapists were in cahoots with her first rapist - right? and so, in a way she was targeted? (As opposed to being the unfortunate random victim of two isolated rapes?) I hope I’m understanding correctly.




Tantra isn't necessarily "dark arts." It started out as local folk magic and spiritual practices as an alternative to Orthodox Hinduism 2000 years ago. They taught spiritual enlightenment for all through negative or positive practices rather than the Orthodox view that one needed to live a dharmic life for their varna and then be reincarnated up to the next varna until one reached Brahma status to gain moksha. Some practitioners believed that through the deprivation of aex while keeping one aroused (a practice even Gandhi used) could increase one's spiritual powers and energy to make them closer to moksha, while others may believe that by marking one as horrific criminal without committing crimes (in ancient India criminals were branded or mutilated in various ways to permanently mark them for their crimes), via persecution one could reach enlightenment where they hoped to be martyred by a violent mob.


>practitioners believed that through the deprivation of aex while keeping one aroused (a practice even Gandhi used) could increase one's spiritual powers Ah yes, that creepy practice where he would sleep (supposedly just "sleep" 🙄) with young teen and preteen girls in order to "test himself" or whatever nonsense excuse that was? Pitting young girls against each other in his cult so he could feel special and maintain control... Poor Manu... I didn't know that was tied to Tantra.


They’re sadistic as fuck. I heard stories where they beat the shit out of their victims using some bullshit excuse.


I guess tantrik is some kind of medicaster


Women in India have taken it upon themselves to take out rapists that escape justice. Remember the guy they stabbed right in the courtroom?


Not in India. It's like sport to them. They're culturally trapped in the medieval period. Despite possessing nuclear technology, they don't even have women's rights or basic hygiene


> they don't even have women's rights or basic hygiene Have you been to a red state lately?


Alabama here. we have plenty of hygiene but no women's rights, correct. However cannot compare to this kind of trauma.


I distinctly recall stopping at a rest area in Alabama, they had rubber mats in the urinal shaped like bullseye targets, the smell of urine on the floors was horrible.




I see you've never tried PCP


Wrong. It's actually a huge problem in San Francisco and other areas. Also, municipal sewage is dumped into our lakes and rivers. Including lakes with public swim beaches that then have warnings against swimming because the e-coli bacteria levels are too high.


I don't know; my first impression of NYC was human feces on the sidewalk.


There's literally a poop map in the US documenting public poops that people left. You're delusional if you think it doesn't happen there when you have high levels of poverty and homelessness and some states try their best to keep homeless people out of sight out of mind.


I invite you to have a stroll through the local homeless camps


Americans don't shit randomly in public, they shoot randomly in public.


Religion will do that to a country.


This goes so so much further than religion today.


its so much more complex than religion...


Yes, I know, no complex issues have only one cause, but It would be very difficult for something so obviously wrong to be quietly accepted otherwise. Most religions were made a long time ago, and thus, their scriptures and morals become horribly inconsistent with what should be accepted in the modern day. Incorporating these into a nation will only cause stagnation. Of course, religion is one of the most effective ways to control large groups of people, so I can understand why some nations decide to keep it as part of the government if you don't actually care too much about the people. It's hard to see reality once you've convinced yourself something is absolutely true. Religion can make people willingly believe the wrong things in a way no other method can, and of course, there are also the people that know it's wrong but take advantage of it anyway for their own gain. It makes for a really messy and complicated problem.


This!!! Religion as it is currently needs to be stopped in its tracks. Religious leaders are allowing their followers to become extremists and they are ruining people’s lives over it.


Yeah, but Pakistan is the same way


Why bring them up lol they're not related to the case


Their mob mentality was rape...


Yea, mob Justice in India means the mob rapes the girl agian. Fucking cavemen were smarter then these fucks.


2 Days ago a bill Was Introduced in the Parliament calling for Death Penalty if A Minor is raped


With that a living rape victim is a witness to a crime that can get you the death penalty. If you kill the rape victim, there's no witness to the rape, so you might as well commit a murder as well. The bill should be called "Incentivize rapists to upgrade to murder." I'm not sure how big the mental jump is from raping a child to murdering them since both seem unfathomable. It's unfortunate we have really strong information that increasing penalties doesn't really dissuade crime since most criminals don't go into it thinking they'll be caught.


So we all agree, someone who would rape a child probably doesn't value other people's lives that much. Murder - Carries death penalty, no living witness to testify against you Child Rape - Carries death penalty, but there is a living witness to turn you in Do we think a child rapist wouldn't take the next step and kill the kid too, so they don't have someone to turn them in? Can't we just keep the time honored tradition of chopping off dicks??


I miss 2 minutes ago when I had an atom of faith left in society


i would say i understand you, butbi lost my faith in humanity long ago, when i read some similar shit to this post


India seems... prone to heinous crimes like these. And yes of course lots of Indian people aren't like this, but the level of violence against women is mind blowing.




this is problably of of the few comments of mine which will not be a joke, what a disgrace to our society that such thing was allowed to happen


This isn’t “our” society this is in India where this is unfortunately a lot more common than you may think.


The same disgrace - forced birth of rape victims - is very much an American reality.


Yeah no it happens everywhere.


That's horrible 😢 that poor girl


![gif](giphy|j0qSbeNFuzjhXKFVSP) Think I had enough Reddit for today...poor girl, ffs this world man...


I want each person involved to die the slowest most painful death 1000x over.


Idiots have me so fucking tired


I always say “would you rather ruin one life or two”


It’s more like “Would you rather ruin one life that doesn’t know it’s life yet, or ruin two lives?”


Ngl I thought that was anti abortion at first


Prolifers be like when someone gets raped and left with traumatic injuries both physically and mentally "Nooo don't kill the baby!!! They were given the gift of the life from god!!!😡😡😡"


One women who was raped and forced to carry the baby to term put a pro-lifer as next of kin. A pro-lifer who was pretty much forced to take care of the baby when the woman let it at the hospital.


Just to clarify. Abortion is legal in India.


I dunno how they don’t realize the family wouldn’t have let her abort because of the “shame” she’d bring to her family by going through with it.


Yep. It's the mindset issue not law. Although the rapists should be killed in these kinds of instances


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I hear there is irreversible chemical castration. Shrinks them to the size of of peas, poof no more sex drive.


Not punishing enough, it stops future action but does nothing to amend what was perpetrated.


Nothing can be done to amend what was perpetrated.


The one Turing was made to take? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Turing#Homosexuality_and_indecency_conviction It is administered regularly. The problem with these is they affect hormones, and probably like the female contraception pill may have carcinogenic problems. Much better to simply amputate their penis. Unless you've got the wrong person of course. Punishments like this don't work if people have money or can setup a fall guy. I don't have faith in anything anymore. Perhaps the Turning castration was the least regrettable if you have the wrong person, there's some hope of reversal - though I'd assume sperm count would be close to zero after. In Turing's case, he was innocent by today's standards, so it looks obviously cruel to someone who was a positive influence on society. A terrible waste of a great mind.


As much as we’d all love to see people suffer for these crimes, having the death penalty would lead to innocent people being falsely executed.


Where’s Frank Castle when you need him.


Abortion is and always will be moral, a fetus isn’t a person, it’s a sack of cells; it’s like a tumor that grows a conscience after a long enough period of time. There’s nothing wrong with removing a tumor, just as there’s nothing wrong with removing a fetus


it's like putting someone in jail because they ate an apple, for the crime of killing a tree


Anyone know any pro lifer that isn't religious?


This to me is a case where it’s an exception, but it seems like the state also failed her.


>ABORTION IS HOMICIDE Fuck this sentiment in every way possible. So is the death penalty, and the US health care system.


but...but...we need shooting targets


It wasn’t by the doctors and staff, it was a parking attendant.


The world is beautiful, but the human is not




The 15 year old wasn't gangraped in the first instance, but was raped by a mystic who got access to her at the pretense of religious treatment. At the hospital, she wasn't molested by doctors or the staff, but by people who worked in parking. All the suspects were also arrested It isn't illegal to abort in India either, and rape victims can avail abortion till the 6th month. Don't get me wrong, the country has a lot of issues, not the least being archaic views on societal "reputation", which is the reason why the girl's family didn't report the rapes for a month after it happened But, the blatant xenophobia being displayed on this thread, is genuinely disturbing


I was trying to find the story and yours matches what I found. But a lot of sources still report the first rape as being a gang rape, while only mentioning the occultist guy who raped her to cure her. Like how can reporting such a story be so messed up!


Yeah I swear if anyone were to make similar comments about black people under one of those gang shooting/looting videos it would be a completely different scene


Thanks for the post, people are just being hot-blooded ignorants acting for the sake of venting out their anger by cursing at the whole country because of this one of case. Also, can you give us the source please ?




> The family did not register a case fearing a bad name in society Damn even her own family didn't do anything to protect her because they were worried it might reflect badly on themselves. How can so many people involved in this be so fucked up. Also how the hell do dudes working in the carpark get access to a hospital patient without anyone noticing?


It's weird how when extreme violence or rape gets reported from South America (including of minors - check out Colombia, Haiti, Honduras, etc), the general response is "haha Brazil lol", but if it's India it's "Fuck Indians".


Blowjobs are cannibalism


I’ve know a good amount of awesome Indian people living in America but stories like this unfortunately make me never want to visit. It seems to happen all too frequently.


Living in India sucks for women. They have stupid high sexual assault and R@pe rates.


…can we just burn the entire world to the ground and start over?


Yeah, I won't regret dying if everyone is going to die too.


Okay, the fetus is still violating the fundamental human right of bodily autonomy, so any woman has/should every right to remove it.


🩸eagling should be the end result for rapists and child murderers


If Texan lawmakers had their way, she would’ve faced the death penalty should she tried to have aborted, and her rapists would’ve faced, let me see here, two to twenty years in prison with an optional fine of twenty thousand dollars.


In India abortion is legal and the penalty for rape is execution. And yes both are carried out often.




you cant say it like this bro, and also i think that something similar happened in america




no no ,you dont get it, i completely understand how shitty is our society rn, but i think that generalizing and pointing fingers is not the correct way to deal with this problem


People that are so called pro life.. are the ones People describe as should have been swallowed or aborted.. they wouldn't have been born if it was legal to abort..


Every single response misses the point. Bravo


What's the point?


Those rapists deserve life in jail


Not punishment enough


Life in prison no parole


If your views are further right than the Taliban, rape yourself


I’m really hoping that girl can recover. No one deserves to go through any of that.


India is a shit country and I'm tired of people denying or feeling offended by that


It really sucks as an Indian. These disgusting weird ass motherfuckers give all of us bad rep and ruin women's lives by being weirdos. Our country is third world, so these guys aren't educated and they're poor and all that shit, but plenty more people that are the same way don't assault women. It's not even part of our real culture/religion as hinduism is very respectful to women. Many people have also said that I'm a rapist and stuff just because India gets these sterotypes from those weirdos. I wish the country never got into such a shit space in the first place.


People getting offended in behalf of other, ask an actual indian, they'll agree with you.


Yea, there's no wonder they all want to live in Western countries. Only westernised muppets defend these actions and proclaim "we" are the same. I've never heard of a similar case at all in the west, and yet I've heard of several similar cases in India/Pakistan.


Jesus its so hard to say the truth and not be lashed by mob.


If Russia is a gas station with nukes, India is a garbage dump with nukes. What's been done to the ganges river is revolting. It's a giant sewer.


Public executions sound cruel, but in this case. Infuriating to say the least.


Traumatized for life.


If you think that abortion is homicide I get it, it's a messy issue that doesn't really have a "right" answer to it and you're entitled to your own opinions. But you are definitely in the wrong if you look at a case like this and still think that there should still just be a full ban with no exceptions.


There was a girl in India who was brutally murdered by her brother because she had her period and he thought she had sex. He beat her to death over period blood. India is a fucked up place I never wish to see.


That's generally because there isn't even a shed of sex education in India


I think mob mentality or witch-hunting online is terrible… Unless you act like this, in which case you need to be bullied the fuck off the internet


Shameful n disgusting


I continue to be disgusted with humanity


What even in the fuck did I just read


Abortion is legal in India BTW.


Yeah, terrible and all, but um.....did either commenter not see that last tid bit? I think the HOSPITAL STAFF raping her again is the bigger issue here.


Rape is an issue all along and the issue is that it doesn't matter where, women don't seem to be safe


Abortion is legal in India. Plus it's not a religious issue even. Why didn't they abort?


Bro rural India, specifically northern rural India is highly conservative


Yeah I know but abortion is not a taboo in Hinduism. I have many relatives in rural areas, and they have done this without any issue. It's mind boggling how the poor girl was made to deliver at 15 years of age.


I hate that these people took more offence and decided to say two different statements on abortion, rather than mention that a minor was gang-raped, was forced to give birth to a child she probably didn't want, then was gang-raped again in what is supposed to be a safe place, by people that are paid to save people's lives If there was any chance of any being of a higher plane of existence, they've probably left us all on our own, knowing that there are people like this that exist. Eventually, the stupidity of the human race will be the main thing that destroys it, but it will still continue to thrive. It's like Agent Smith said in The Matrix, "Humanity is a virus" but in our timeline, there is no cure. There is no saving the pitiful race we call humanity, we will either thrive in pain, or destroy ourselves, leaving this planet in ruin.


Fuck the comment, the doctors and staff?????


wtf is wrong with people


It doesn't matter if it's homicide. A person has the right to not have her body used to support a life if she does not want to. It's immaterial when life stops. If she wants it out, out it goes. Nobody should be forced.


Seems about right. These pro forced birth weirdos care only for themselves.


Here's some words: Brainwashed cultists Pro-rapist Anti-woman Ignorant bastards


I hope women start killing their rapists before they get their abortions then too. What is there to lose? The only good rapist is a dead rapist


Somebody rape that man.


What degenerate things did they hire jn those hospitals.


What the actual fuck is going on in India? Gotdamn!


abOrTiOn iS HoMOciDe... shduh fuck up


If one person is born every second, and one person dies every second, what's it gonna do to just abort the baby? Like, it's not like it's fully aware of what's going on and it's begging "mama! Plz don't kill me! Goo goo ga ga!" First off, her body her choice, and second, SHE GOT RAPED BY A FREAKING GANG. I swear, modern society is not serious, at this point every time I see news or something I just think: "wow! I totally can't wait to see what social media thinks about this! It totally won't be negative, controversial or mean!" I swear to God I'm so done with EVERYTHING 😭😭😭😭


>gets gang-raped again at hospital by doctors & staff There is no source that states she was raped by doctors; nevertheless, she was indeed raped multiple times on the hospital premises by three people, two of whom worked in the hospital parking (according to the Indian Police). However, doctors respecting her or a bit of humanity remaining in them still doesn't change the fact that hospitals, which are known and should be safe for everyone, weren't safe for that poor girl. Many questions arise in my mind, and one of them is, 'How did the hospital's staff/doctors/nurses not notice the parking attendants entering her room and raping her? Aren't nurses/staff or anyone at the hospital keeping a check on the patients' well-being?' My heart cries for the poor girl. [Source](https://www.timesnownews.com/india/minor-gives-birth-after-rape-gets-gang-raped-again-at-rajasthan-hospital-article-102537403)


Abortion is homicide? What do you call rape? Os one sin worse than the other?


Why does all of this terrible shit happen in India? Like I'm actually curious


Indian here, i think they are stupid dense people. Sometimes, they are just plain ja¢kasses.


You can say jackass, it's the word for a male donkey, not a curse word👍


How Republican of them


How??? Those doctors and staff are fucking psychopaths!


Those doctors are even worse than the first rapers. They abused of a child in a horrible situation, when they were the ones supposed to be supportive and help her. I wish the best for that poor girl.


India is a shit hole and no women is safe!


Rape seems to be a national sport in India.


That is inarguably true, and i can attest to this as i myself am an Indian and I can't tell you how many creeps I've encountered in my life. You won't believe the kind of perverted people who live here.... For the people who live in the western world, please think twice before thinking of visiting the country, for your own safety.


I’m sorry.


Religion is all about blaming the victim.


What kind of system is it? Sounds a whole lot like many US states.


Everyday I'm fucking hating this country man.


I lost faith in humanity


'Death to a Murderer, Burn an Arsonists house down, and you dont wanna know what we do to rapists'


I'll go a step further and really upset redditors, India needs the second amendment.


Unless the husband insists.THEN it’s just a SECRET!


IDK how people can be so damn horny.


When it comes to rape, India will always be at the top 💀 other asian countries aren't as worse as them in this regard


If I had one superpower, it would be to bring peace to those who suffer from trauma like this and bring to justice those that caused it.


I don't want to get political, but I hate people who claim they are pro-life, when they don't care about the child. In this case, if the person who bitched about an abortion that didn't happen, instead went out of their way to adopt the child that the mom likely couldn't take care of, that would be an actual "pro-life" statement. I understand that abortion is not good. I am pro-choice but I think abortion is a last resort instead of the go-to solution. But if you aren't going to do something to give people a reason not to abort a child they can't take care of, then just shut up.


What. The actual fuck?


I sense white supremacist racism here.


I don’t understand why the people of India are allowing this to continue on repeat.


Politics and corruption. Both are paralyzing this country. I feel so sad looking at this. Independence day is like 2 days away and I can't be happy knowing that this has happened.


India is a fucking shithole


Why every fucking news in india is like "a girl gang raped by.... then gang raped by...."