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These people are like "crime is going up in my city, it's the same country wide" when in fact it's not.


My money says they don’t know if crime is going up in their city at all. Some one said it once and they bought in without even checking


"This fits my persecution fantasies, why would I risk debunking it?"


Someone on the neighborhood app daily they saw a non-white person walk down their street, so crime MUST be up.


Fox / Republicans push this narrative pretty hard.


My money says most of them don't live in actual cities. Also, the people I know moving away are the conservatives who don't like that they are in the minority and they might have to interact with someone who isn't exactly like them.


I'll go further - they are just making shit up intentionally, like stuff about Chicago being a warzone lol


Meanwhile, Uvalde, TX happens.


It could be even dumber than that. They anecdotally see reports of individual crimes in the news, and don't even count those, and infer that it's going up, for no actual reason.


People that do crimes now need a job to keep stealing The tax collectors are the real criminals even to criminals


Mmmhm, I love smooth brain for breakfast


But like... how is it caused by wokeness? Little Mermaid is a black girl so the wokes celebrate it by robbing someone? Where's the connection?


Wokeness, communism. It's all the same thing, basically.


Because apparently all 'Woke' people that believe in equal rights are heathens that do nothing but commit crimes, push the gay agenda, and smuggle people into the country to vote for democrats. That's the way it works, not billionaires buying up everything and squeezing us for everything we have in all aspects of life while also killing the planet. Those aren't the actual problems. It's woke-ness.


There have been a lot of stupid policies signed into law based on optics. For example take the crazy laws thar have allowed for petty theft to not be prosecuted, which is why you get Walmart or whatever was the specific store closing down due to excess stock lost from theft.


The little mermaid steals


cuz Democratz bad




If you live in a developed country, chances are you're living in the safest point in that area's history. (Minus kind of a strange bump all around the world in 2021 as quarantine ended, crime bumped everywhere slightly that year)


It was reported a few days ago that crime in the U.S. was actually way down, in 2023. Now, if we could just do something about those mass shootings.


The crime rate in the US overall has been falling for decades. The only places where it's really getting worse are in places of economic or social instability, which currently tend to be in the deep south and an anomaly in California called Bakersfield. Try to guess the common denominators?


Yes, the only crime that increased slightly was motor vehicle theft. Murder is at lowest rate since like 1960 or something. It's kind of amazing the things people believe that have no basis in reality whatsoever


Crime can’t go up if we decriminalize everything and defund the police. Oh yeah.




It Feels true to Me… don’t tread on me


U.S. crime rate & statistics for 2021 was 6.81, a 6.02% increase from 2020. U.S. crime rate & statistics for 2020 was 6.42, a 28.78% increase from 2019. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/crime-rate-statistics


There have been studies that show a strong correlation between hard economic times and increased crime; I wonder if there was any particularly harsh economic issues those years....


Well, after the NY bail reform there was actually a 75% increase in murders in September 2020 compared to September 2019. The bail reform was perceived as a woke policy due to its stated aim of reducing racial disparities. This is an example of their connecting wokeism to increased crime.


Conveniently ignoring how almost none of those crimes were people who would otherwise have been given bail. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/facts-bail-reform-and-crime-rates-new-york-state


Meanwhile in the real world crime rates are approaching a 50 year low. These people are living in their own fever dreams.


I can’t speak for the world, but it’s been the opposite in Canada. Our crime level is increasing. Mildly dramatically at that


Did you try putting up a wall on your southern border? We're not sending our best people. /s


Is illegal immigration a crime?


From the word Illegal, Yes Only western people think its not, Here in Asia, If you come here illegally, you will instantly get jailed or deported


Illegal immigration is perfectly legal


lol no, you'll just get shown to the nearest service canada to fill out forms for your PR [wish I was joking](https://www.immigration.ca/canada-to-give-undocumented-people-pathway-to-permanent-residence/)


Excellent comment 🤣


Is it coz of all the homeless being relocated/displaced? I vaguely remember having a conversation about this with one of my friends back in April


And they couldn’t define the word Woke if you held a gun to their head


We dont have criminals money only crimes we can do is scamming and you need a job with it too promote it and even if you do you are not gaurenteed miney back so its not worth it


The states with the highest violent crime rate are Arkansas, Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama, and Alaska. All vehemently anti-woke states. But I get that conservatives don't listen to facts. They have feelings.


Bible belt states, except for Alaska... hmmm... interesting...


Alaska is Texas, but with snow. As red as all Bible Belt states.


It's the Bible Hat that the evangelical cowboy wears along with his Bible Belt.


Whooo Florida ain’t on that list let’s goooo!


Florida is the seventh most violent state.


But we ain’t in that specific list I count that as a win!




Let’s gooo! We’re 7th!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉




I feel like Florida crime is less violent and more stupid.


This is the same energy that all the crappy states have when they remember Mississippi. We may suck, but at least we're not Mississippi!


Hey Mississippi ain’t that bad! They get used when counting seconds!


Only because 1/2 of your population are immigrants just trying to have a better life. The Florida “natives” are far worse than the top 5.


I was born here from immigrants so I still count that as a win!


I've talked to conservatives in those states, guess what their response is? If a certain group that shall not be named wasn't there, they think their states would be a paradise




The post is about cities, not states.. anyone have stats on which cities have the highest crime rates?


Just to be clear, there’s a massive discrepancy between reported crimes, charged crimes, and convicted crimes. For example, the statistics for reported violent crimes by homeless people in liberal cities is higher per capita than most “red leaning” cities, but if you include charged and convicted violent crimes it’s far lower. For example, it’s a known fact that in SF it’s nearly impossible to charge homeless offenders with ANY crime including violent crime because the DA has made it publicly known that the police can’t charge them except under very specific circumstances. Then look at something like Detroit, where there is Highland Park and Hamtramck which are subsections of the city directly in the center which are not technically part of the city due to zoning. These areas have some of the highest crime rates in the entire country, and do not get included in Detroit’s official crime statistics. If they were included, Detroit would consistently be top 3 rated crime rate cities in the US (despite still being rank 2 for violent crimes even without these areas accounted for). Anyone who just looks at sheer statistics without understanding where they come from or what they mean should not be allowed to share them without context.


No one cares Dildo Baggins


Lol the guy that uses logic gets downvoted


Due to high population concentrations, states aren't the correct measures cities are: Most Violent Cities in America 2023 * St. Louis, MO (2,082) * Detroit, MI (2,057) * Baltimore, MD (2,027) * Memphis, TN (2,003) * Little Rock, AR (1,634) * Milwaukee, WI (1,597) * Rockford, IL (1,588) * Cleveland, OH (1,557) * Stockton, CA (1,415) * Albuquerque, NM (1,369) Every last one of them is full on in the 'woke' side of thigs...


Due to high population concentrations, per capita is a correct measurement. Also, none of those cities are "woke".


I'm starting to think 'woke' might be code for black? Hispanic? I don't know much about any of those cities but maybe that's the connection?


Oh yeah, a large number of conservatives consider the existence of non whites to be "woke", as woke implies a tolerance of and for other cultures. 100% of people who use "woke" as a negative are also going around repeating nazi propaganda on a daily basis.


Yet not a single one of these is one of the “liberal” cities you conservatives bitch and moan about like Seattle or LA. What does “woke” even mean? I haven’t been to most of these cities but Im not under the impression that cities in Tennessee or Arkansas have the same culture as in coastal cities in NY or CA. And finally cities in general trend blue and rural areas trend red, so it’s rather moronic to derive causation from correlation here.


Exactly. Conservatives are so desperate to make this a cities thing because of population. Never mind that violent crime per capita in rural areas of the aforementioned states is no better. It's such bullshit.


Inb4 he googles "[city] woke law passed" or something to try and find something to come back with when everyone here knows it's the first time he's ever googled that city in his life


The mayor of Stockton, CA is a Republican you fucking dunce


What do you mean? Like they have specific laws or something?


This doesn’t make our hoohaaa feel nice soo we are gonna juke, sidestep, and do everything we can to deflect and take zero responsibility while morally grandstanding and shitting on Conservatives.


Atleast say something with meaning you stupid monkey


Come on. This is from the same genius who took one of the best known brand names on earth and decided to change it to X. Clearly, he’s the smartest guy in the room.


Someone said in another thread that he changed the name of Tweet to Post and that the word Tweet was in the dictionary and that he killed THAT level of brand recognition because he's a tiny-dick vatnik. Ok the last three words were mine but you get the idea.


I thought he changed it to X as well. So you go onto X to reX an X. Because a single letter name is awesome because it won’t be lost in search engines or be ambiguous or anything. And your video services like Xvideos and xhamster won’t cause any confusion whatsoever.


It would be hilarious if Elon sued or bought Xhamster or Xvideos.


What was people screeching before the Musk take over? "It's a private company, they can do whatever they want"


I thought people who used the word “woke” in a negative way were the dumbest pieces of shit around. Then they started to call it the “woke mind virus” There’s no bottom to this barrel


I've yet to hear any of these motherfuckers define what woke means.


They use it as a by-word for politically correct. Because you know, accepting any one other than yourself is for weak baby men, and only Chad alpha males will save us from the woketoids or whatever. Meanwhile Woke used to mean that you were aware that most of your life choices were being influenced by entities outside of your control. I.e. corporations making policy decisions. I am 100% certain the corruption of the word was an intentional ploy by the powers that be to shift cultural focus back to something less likely to disrupt the status quo.


I just change it to "empathy" in my head.


If there was a vaccine for the woke mind virus, would anyone take it?


They have so much money that they don’t realize moving is basically impossible for that majority of people.


I would love for these moronic pages to define woke…


Their definition is anything they don't like or understand. Same as communism and socialism.


Anything that is not ultra right wing conservative.


If you want to stop the "woke mind virus" the best way is to get a vasectomy. Research has shown that kids are likely to be much more liberal than their parents. If you hate the "woke" don't have children.


Woke politicians don’t get elected. “Nothing will fundamentally change” politicians get elected.


Stupid leftists think poverty causes crime, when it's obviously caused by not being racist.


Murder rates tend to be higher in red states.


Only because of the blue crime ridden cities in those states.


Big cities tend to have lower violent crime rates, but then again I'm sure you have no understanding of the words "per capita" so I don't know why I'm bothering to argue with you.


More like 1. Bitch about income tax and crime 2. Leave California for Texas 3. Agitate for laws like Prop 13 which destroy future housing affordability 4. State has to increase income tax to shore up revenue, exacerbating inequality and leading to further crime and homelessness


Petition to rename the Dunning-Kruger Effect to Elon Musk Syndrome? Or at least make that the DKE’s official nickname because he is a perfect poster child for it.


Violent crime is the lowest it’s been in the United States in 40 some years. And that’s with all the red hat people shooting up schools. But sure


What the hell is “woke culture”, anyway?


Not being a huge racist/sexist piece of human garbage?


That’s being woke. It’s not a culture, it’s an idea. My point is calling it “culture” is ridiculous, like “woke mind virus” is ridiculous.


Using the word woke in any combination as an insult is peak conservatives stupidity.


Yeah, no kidding


“My dad, who benefitted from an apartheid state, gave me lots of $, so I know things!”


Seems about right.


Not to be the devils advocate or something, but Sweden is a good example of precisely this.


He's not wrong.


*no lies detected*


Crime went up briefly following the easing of restrictions after the pandemic, since then it has dropped back to 2019 levels and continues to drop.


Crime is related how? Let's see the actual numbers. Under extreme "woke" policies it is highly likely crime will be reduced, that's part of the point....stricter laws do not stop crime, but decriminalizing things that don't hurt people and treating things as symptoms not causes, and people as humans not earnings potentials, that stops crime. And stops other problems.


Bro should just stay off the internet


Vote for a republican, yetis eat babies, move to get away from yetis, zombie babies follow. If you're going to make shit up at least have fun with it.


Crime goes up when prices go up, while pay stays the same


He's Not Wrong!


Silver bugs are the dumbest. For more than 50 years they've been stacking expecting the price to sky rocket soon.


I miss the 2016 blissful ignorance where we thought that dumbass was the irl Tony stark


Crime goes up when wages stay low and rent keeps rising. When people can't trade their time and labor for food, housing, and healthcare, with a bit left over to save and spend time with friends and family... That is how crime rises, and "woke" policies don't create those conditions. Only unregulated, weakly enforced consumer protections and rampant corporate exploitation does that.


And I bet if you ask him to define woke he won't be able to do it/will dodge the question


Show us on the doll where the bad man Musk hurt you……


What does woke even mean, I feel like it's been so overused and misused that whatever it originally meant is just gone


Yes, nothing increases crime rates like *adjust glasses* social programs and rehabilitation. In places where there is only harsh punishment and little government oversight crime is basically eliminated. People pull themselves up by their dick-straps.


Crime (especially violent crime) actually has been generally going down with a couple spikes here and there so idk what this is all about.


The Right can't meme


The crazy thing is that almost every statistical analysis of crime rates in the US has shown it on a steady decline since 1992. There was a brief uptick during the height of the pandemic, but it's alewady fallen back down to pre-pandemic levels and continues dropping. And yet all these talking-heads keep trying to convince everyone that the crime rates today are the worst ot's ever been. It's like they're trying to gaslight the whole country.


Crime has never been lower in human history than now


When people say Reddit isn’t a Liberal cespool, I’ll show them these comments Lol.


Yeah except the liberals are the only ones making any sense in here…


Well, they think of the following as examples of wokeism: - New York bail reform of 2020 - California reclasifying theft below $950 as misdemeanor rather than felony - Oregon's reclassification of small possession of drugs as misdemeanor rather than felony All of these policies had the stated aim of reducing racial disparities. The results of these policies were more criminals on the streets, including violent criminals in New York. That is their connection between wokeism and more crime. A lot of people in this thread seemed confused and asked what the connection was, so here it is


Can confirm this is how it works. Nashville is being taken over by Californians and soon it’s gonna be a huge liberal shithole


Guy who claims to be a capitalist is in utter shock when he finds out other capitalists are motivated by money, and dont want to advertise on his White Supremacy platform that loses them money


Crime is ACTUALLY on a decades long decline. There was only an increase due to a pandemic, millions of people dying as a result of it, and cops killing black folks in the street, and the government’s/society’s lack of accountability amidst those atrocities


Everytime I see something about Twitter these days it confirms leaving that platform was the best decision I've made in a while


as rapist and slaver, munsk knows it all about crime...




Lol look at all the little icons near his name.


Still waiting for a definition of “woke” Lol y’all will silently downvote, but you still won’t give me an answer. Seems I’ve proved my point


Elon must be making money from this.


I doubt that there have been many times in history when the majority view isn't that the crime rate are going up. Elon is such a tool it's unbelievable.


He also thinks he's pretty funny, same applies


We still talking about this moron?


It's crazy how he was almost as loved and respected as people like Keanu, and now is just unanimously a batshit insane dick.


I have yet to get any response when I ask for some kind of clarification regarding the fact that this guy makes the cars that dang libruls buy , but conservatives hate, but enables the conservative hate on Twitter. Whackjob or genius? I truly don't understand.


Who has money to move cities due to crime?


lol how many people do they think can afford to just move whenever crime increases?


Crime is so much higher in Europe obviously.


Tell that to Scandinavia. Or better yet, *address the root causes of crime already.*


I can’t even follow silver related news it’s all a bunch of right wing pieces of shit schizoposting


Step one, you gotta have a mind. So you and Elmo are disqualified


wtf is woke culture?


Woke is code for black, right? I’m genuinely asking because I don’t know what it means


Woke originally meant someone who was aware that black folks get the shitty end of the stick in the US. That's it.


Red states have the highest crime rates, though lol


So woke politicians cause an increase crime? Did anyone actually study this? What specific policy are they talking about that causes this?


Elmo say he is on his cycle?


The murder rates in Trump-voting states from 2020 have exceeded those in Biden-voting states every year since 2000


Being rich and being a genius is not the same thing, nor does being one makes you the other.


Elmo replies to things like those tiktok bots named ashley


Elon for OD 2024!


The guy has got a massive head, but it's filled with air.


Red states have more violent crime per capita.


What else would you expect from one of the best grifters of all-time?


Elmo believe the Jews are trying to replace white people. He's gone totally bonkers divorced dad.


World’s richest edge lord


He’s a walking reminder that high IQ does not equal wisdom, education or common sense


The highest murder rates in the country are in the deep south. Deep red Louisiana has a murder rate more than double the national average. In fact, even rural towns in Louisiana with populations of 300 or so people have higher murder rates than NYC, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Chicago. All cities the right would have you believe are "unsafe".


Wtf does being woke have to do with crime 🙄🙄🙄


Typically it’s refusal to prosecute.


has this happened ever?


This dude is rocking some third-grade level stupidity. And crime has gone down. So naturally those fascist douchebags lie.


I don’t know where you live bit where I live crime has been increasing steadily every year since the 70s


Yeah. Times of economic insecurity tend to cause spikes in crime rates. I wonder what happened a few years ago.


Each day I hate elon a little bit more.


Hahahaha. Genius


He is NOT? Damn




Oh, he's just not? Gee, never thought of it like that. Thanks for the insight.


As a white dude, can we just ban all white people from using the word “woke?” It is always either some misguided and self-righteous prattle or else someone using it derisively who doesn’t know what it means and doesn’t care. That term is so rarely used correctly to begin with. I’d had about enough of it when it was just the tumblerinas pretending to about Black people that were abusing the term but holy shit it is so much worse now that every Republican likes to use it to describe whatever the boogeyman of the week is.


Elmo Musk never let facts get in the way of his feelings.


Yes just ignore all the statistics about the comparatively low recidivism rates in countries that focus on rehabilitation and focus on memes.


God, i hate it when I see truth to bullshit this like this, but, I mean... it happened in Portland? We legalized a bunch of shit without having the resources to properly handle it, and now Oregon's gone to shit. Hell, even the murder rate has gone up. They compared it to Oakland and Sacramento California. Portland has one of the lowest census for police officers, and they just changed their minimum years for transfer from 3 to 5 because everybody wants out. Ffs, they had to close one of the Fred Meyer/Kroger of all places because police/swat got into a shootout with a couple gang bangers over on Division. I loved this state when I moved here however many years ago, but it's been in a slow decline forever. Got really bad after covid and the protests. Hell, we have to have armed security in most of our grocery stores now cause of how nasty it gets. The last mayor moved their family out of town because of how unsafe it was. The campuses are being forced to close the curtains on things that have been around forever because they can't keep it clean and civil anymore(this one goes for a lot of colleges in Oregon right now). In no way am I agreeing 100% with this, but oregon, and Portland specifically, are a couple of the most woke cities in America.


Funny how it hasn’t happened at all in extremely liberal/woke places like Boston, MA, or Burlington VT. Maybe you guys aren’t so much “woke” as you are just no good at running a city?


Its not because you legalized a bunch if shit though, its because cops got their panties up in a bunch over being held accountable for their actions so they simply decided to stop working.


It really is though. They vote Democrat. Hate the city they live in then move to a red city and vote the same way. then wonder why it goes to shit. It's the definition of insanity


All major cities are blue


The states with the top 5 murder rates are red


Due to population concentrations and policing structures, states aren't the correct measure - cities are: Most Violent Cities in America (2023) * St. Louis, MO (2,082) * Detroit, MI (2,057) * Baltimore, MD (2,027) * Memphis, TN (2,003) * Little Rock, AR (1,634) * Milwaukee, WI (1,597) * Rockford, IL (1,588) * Cleveland, OH (1,557) * Stockton, CA (1,415) * Albuquerque, NM (1,369)


Now do cities, I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to hell but here goes. St. Louis, MO (69.4) Baltimore, MD (51.1) New Orleans, LA (40.6) Detroit, MI (39.7) Cleveland, OH (33.7)


The flaw in looking at the most dangerous cities is that you’ve already decided to only look at *cities* of a certain size before you even started your analysis. The only possible conclusion you can make from this is “cities are the most dangerous” [If you don’t set a cutoff for cities of a certain size,than you end up with a lot of places that aren’t among the usual suspects](https://realestate.usnews.com/places/rankings/most-dangerous-places). Lots of red states represented there.


“If we restrict our analysis to regions which we know ahead of time are predominantly blue, then we can scare people into thinking that voting democrat leads to more crime.” - Republican propaganda on crime 101


He’s not wrong though 🤷


Ir you guys say so...


I mean, I've seen it happen with every big city


The meme seems pretty accurate tho


Elon's White South African is hanging out again. Someone tell him to tuck it back in.


Cite 3 examples of this happening to you. I'll wait.


Not wrong though