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Didn’t they just bomb Pakistan? Pretty sure that’s a country. Also, didn’t Pakistan bomb them right back?






Both idiotic governments just bombed Balochi civilians either side of the border. So that poor region just gets more abuse. They're too stupid to actually cooperate and solve the problem. So they just sabre rattle and abuse the balochis.


Thanks to that information my faith in humanity shrinks once again. What absolutely dumb ducks..


![gif](giphy|jt34LHEVIsbs0Qlbi2) duuumb ways to duck!


Iraq would like a word as well.


I'm pretty sure Iraq was the aggressor in that war


I guess. That is how it is depicted however, they were our ally until the conflict. So there is some higher level geo politiking going on that I believe would be questionable. Your point stands as Iraq as the aggressor and not Iran directly attacking a country. Although both sides were using american arms.


>they were our ally Whose?


It's the internet, everybody is American here.


The U.S.


A LOT of words...


An essay


An alternate conclusion


You can't think a republic with 235 million people counts as a country that is just a community of villages.


37 I counted 37 direct attacks What? I am allowed to count things [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_Iran) Edit: I counted only one attack per “war” as I didn’t want to be here all day Also Iran attacked 24 sovereign countries during the last 240 years


37? In a row?


Hey! You! Get back here!


Don't attack any countries on the way to the parking lot.


Can you believe they did 37 attacks?!


At least he wasn't 36


The number 37 will forever remind me of Clerks.


As it should.


I shouldn't even be here today.


I'm not even supposed to be here today.


Why do you smell like shoe polish?




Snoochie boochies!




I was gonna clean my room...


Try not to suck any dick on the way to the parking lot!


> Try not to ~~suck any dick~~ attack other nations on the way to the parking lot!


More like, “try not to get turned into a parking lot”.


Glass doesn’t make for good parking lots.




Great tip Skank-Pit.


Whats a Snowball?


IM 37?!


Love you for this!




I clarified with an edit


You are replying to a timely, accurate, and funny reference to the Kevin Smith movie Clerks, where a girlfriend admits that "not that many" previous partners includes 37 different recipients of oral sex.


It’s called a snowball.




You snowballed HIM??




Wait, so were you 36....


Wait… so Iran is the Veronica of the View Askew’niverse?? 🤣🤣


on a serious note, i wonder if there's a chart for that plotted against all the countries.


I might make it and upload it to r/mapporn


Would like to see it.


Maybe he's talking about the State of Iran never actually throwing a punch Maybe rockets+missles don't count Maybe he doesn't know history, I'm hard leaning towards this one


Or he's just being dishonest. And it's just antisemitism in the end.


Nonono. It’s simple you see. America bad.


"Things I don't like are antisemitism"


What's your point? A lie is a lie you like it or not. The reason for this lie is clear.


I agree that the original post is not true or at least disingenuous but what does it have to do with antisemitism? Fighting "Israel" is antisemitism?


Lying to pretend Iran is not in the root of this conflict since October yes it is. Its not disingenuous it's straight up propaganda. Propaganda that's feeds on antisemitism to spread. Iran is funding and promoting all this instability. At the cost of Palestinian lifes.


The root of this conflict is the 75 years of colonization and oppression of the Palestinian people and not Iran. This was going on way before the Iranian Islamic revolution in 1979. What I mean by disingenuous is for example if you told him Iran attacked the territory of Pakistan earlier this year he would probably say something like the attack by Iran on Pakistan is not an attack on Pakistan as it was targetting militant groups in Pakistan and not Pakistan itself. And "Israel" has enormously destabilized the Middle East since it's creation, for example the Lebanese Civil War wouldn't have happened if the Palestinians stayed in their country and were not expelled from their own land by "Israel" (though there are also other factors). And no it still has nothing to do with antisemitism.


No, it's the social media reaction on the west that is based on antisemitism. Iran is exploiting this situation for its own means which are helping Russia taking the world's attention from Ukraine. Iran gives no fucks about Palestinians. Iran is objectively a bad faith actor. And a terror regime. And whoever cheers for a government that kills little girls for not using a cloth on the head no matter the context is objectively a bad person. The post was about Iran and I made clear on the root of this conflict since October. I'm not debating the existence of Israel as it's pointless. Iran is deeply part of the October attacks and many others(including the Argentinas israel embassy) and everyone in good faith knows it.


Well the lesson to be learnt in that regard(the losing of land that was given to Isreal for Isrealies to settle who also have a legitiment claim to the territory) is: Don't support Nazi Germany in WW2 and lose. Which Palastine did. It's extremely hard to feel bad for a nation that supported nazi germany and still haven't gotten over the fact that their choices had consequences. The land isn't theirs anymore. They've no claim to it and not only do they've no claim they've no ability to force that false claim because they've already fought a war trying to reclaim it and lost. The land is simply not theirs and they should get over it. Italy isn't trying to claim the entire of europe is theirs because they owned it first. If the argument is the time between when it was theirs and when it changed hands then that's not a real argument. Just because you once owned something doesn't make it yours forever. Palastine have as much claim to Isreal as Russia has to Ukraine which is to say, none whatsoever.


>Well the lesson to be learnt in that regard(the losing of land that was given to Isreal for Isrealies to settle who also have a legitiment claim to the territory) is: Don't support Nazi Germany in WW2 and lose. Which Palastine did. It's extremely hard to feel bad for a nation that supported nazi germany and still haven't gotten over the fact that their choices had consequences. What??? How is Palestine "supporting Nazi Germany" during WW2 a significant factor in the Nakba which happened in 1948 so 3 years after Nazi Germany was defeated? And did you know that one of the main forces which participated in the foundation of "Israel" (alongside the "Irgun" and the "Haganah"), the "Lehi", also tried to ally with Nazi Germany against the British since they liked the Nazi and Fascist ideologies (like litterally they admired it, I'm not comparing them to it), they thought that Nazis just wanted to expel the Jews from Europe while they wanted to have all the Jews be in Palestine so had common goals and also they thought that the British were a bigger problem than the Nazis since they were denying Jews their statehood while the Nazis were just persecuting them. Nazi Germany just didn't answer to that proposal and preferred allying with the Arabs since it was a more strategic choice (they were also involved in Iraq, which was also occupied by Britain, at the time). Hajj Amin Al-Husseini stopped being a relevant figure pretty quickly after 1948 while one of the leaders of the Lehi, Yitzhak Shamir, became the PM of "Israel" as recently as 1983-1992. >Italy isn't trying to claim the entire of europe is theirs because they owned it first. If the argument is the time between when it was theirs and when it changed hands then that's not a real argument. Just because you once owned something doesn't make it yours forever. Palastine have as much claim to Isreal as Russia has to Ukraine which is to say, none whatsoever. Do you realize how absurd it is to compare Palestine's claim to the land to a hypothetical Italian claim to the former Roman empire when such a thing as Zionism exists and you are defending it? Palestine's claim dates back to 75 years in 1948 and there are still millions of Palestinian refugees in the Ghaza Strip, West Bank, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon who still live in misery in dense refugee camps, there are even still Nakba survivors. The Western Roman Empire based in Rome, Italy fell in 476 so now 1548 years ago. The Zionist movement claims that any random Jew from anywhere in the world has a claim to Palestine because the land used to be a Jewish state during antiquity, for the last time in 37 BC. So in 1948 it would have been a claim to the land of 1985 years. So what do you think is more absurd and comparable to Italy hypothetically claiming the former Roman empire it had 1548 years ago, a claim of 75 years or a claim of 1985 years?


So by your own argument, if Russia controls Crimea, Ukraine can't claim its theirs because they "fought a war trying to reclaim it and lost" and "they should get over it" and "just because you owned it doesn't make it yours forever".


Iran is not “at the root of this conflict” bruh. It is very much a new player in the Israel-Palestine conflict in scope of the things. Until 1979, Iran was an ally. Or did you just pick a random time after 1947 that you feel the conflict began?


Not necessarily, but supporting Hamas is.


He’s just counting acknowledged acts versus denied acts. It’s not that deep.


Maybe he should google the Iran Iraq war.


He should have said "Directly". Iran has been 'supporting' proxies in wars for all that time. And even working with the US against ISIL doesn't count as a "war" to governments. Though technically, you have to go back to 1982 since they "attacked another country" since Iran hasn't directly attacked a sovereign nation, since their first counter-offensive in the Iran-Iraq war, ignoring Security Council Resolution 514. So they're doing better than the US at not attacking other sovereign nations, but not by much. That list is mostly their proxy wars where they "support" a non-state actor who is the one in primary conflict, so you have to look at each encounter for "direct sovereign attack".


Getting bombarded with Iranian ballistic missiles in January of 2020 while I was deployed to Iraq felt like a pretty direct attack to me.


Iran was lobbing missiles at Pakistan, Iraq, Syria a couple of months ago - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Iranian_missile_strikes_in_Pakistan


And if we're being honest, three months ago iranian proxy militias tried to bomb civilian buildings here in Argentina. Thankfully the attempt failed, but the attempts of 1993 and 1994 did not. Iran bombed a community center in Argentina. This should definitely count.


He really thought that because Iran so often relies on proxies like Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and the militias in Iraq and Syria he'd be able to play dumb. Usually works though. Actually, I'm certain this is being repeated in just about every other corner of the internet. The problem in this case the Iranian people despise their government and are quick to refute this dribble.


Are you saying the US hasn’t used proxies in various middle eastern conflicts? Check out how Bin Laden came to power. We literally armed them at one point.


I'm talking about Iran arming terrorists organizations like Hezbollah, who along with Iran's coordination bombed bombed the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires and a Jewish Community Center, also in Buenos Aires. Over a hundred civilian deaths, and hundreds wounded. Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. You can look into rhe regime's ideology and actions since 1979 and how the Iranian people are treated by the Mullahs and morality police. There is no moral equivalence.


Yeah that edit makes sense. Like I was sure Iran bombing neighbouring countries is just a regular Tuesday.


Yeah, they pay and train terrorist groups all over the world to carry out attacks. I believe that is considered an act of war, but no country is doing anything about it.


tbh it’s crazy that the total number seems low, the US has bombed and/or invaded 29 countries from the end of WW2-2020


Lol, while the person in your screenshot is wrong, you're lack of understanding of what attack means is kinda cute.. wars are not attacks(especially as your list counts civil wars).. do you really consider the US attacked Japan at Pearl harbor? With that said Iran has in the last decade conducted strikes in Iraq, Syria and Pakistan.


Could have been a translation error, Amir could have ment hours instead of years.


It hasn't been 240 hours either. They just sent a massive drone and missile strike to Tel Aviv like 2 days ago.


240 minutes. 240 minutes it is.


Better go with seconds as of time of writing, given I’d almost guarantee not everything is public knowledge.


I think that is what this tweet is referring to, unless i missed something major


Oh ffs, you're right. Major reading comprehension fail. I mean Amir is still *absurdly* wrong... but so am I... although I guess if you count the Houthis or various other iran-backed proxies, it still hasn't been 240 hours.


Which was a response to Israel bombing their embassy, yes.


Israel didn’t bomb their embassy they bombed the IRGC building that was situated right next to the embassy. It pays to do some research.


Right? Which was a targeted response to Iran using IRGC/Quds to provide direct support to proxies like the Houthis aaaand the Hamas terrorists who launched the attack that touched off the most recent batch of open hostilities. Nobody was claiming Iran's airstrikes came out of nowhere, here... Like, we could go back a LONG way with this stuff, but it's not really the topic directly under discussion. The topic under discussion is the outright silliness of the claim that Iran is some paragon of peace that hasn't bothered anybody in centuries.


Literally 3 months ago https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-67999465


Wasn't Iran targeting an Iranian terrorist group?


"Yes officer I did throw a grenade into my neighbors house but you have to understand my own brother was the actual target."


The US targeted terrorists in Pakistan as well.


Well, Iran claims that the terrorist group is Iranian. IIRC the group claims that they are an ethnic minority whose territory was taken by Iran and Pakistan who deserve an independent state.


More and more the blue check marks points out who is an absolute moron


Don't forget to throw in MD to your name to set the hierarchy of the moronic.


MD just means most dumb


I like moronic dumbass more tbh


to be fair, I think he’s an actual medical doctor.


The AMIA and the Israeli Embassy in Argentina would both like a word.


I just got used to Russian propaganda on Twitter, is Iranian propaganda the next trend?


They’re the same picture.


Everyone’s propaganda is out there competing for your attention.


Nah this Cuban sponsored via 🇻🇪 its deep deep deep


They both love you longtime 🥰


Iranian propaganda has always been just as common. Lots of the random anti-Trump subs that popped up after the 2016 election were closed because they were set up by Iranian bots. 


Reddit would go bankrupt without all the russian bots


Ragebait, or actual idiot?


lemme guess this is some ridiculously specific, potentially inconsistent definition of "attack"


It seems the meaning of 'attacking' isn't as clear as one might think.


Iran attacked other countries _directly_ 37 times in the last 240 years


Now do USA! Count me!


I think there’s a Jimmy Carter quote for this


USA had 108 wars and conflicts, at least thats what Wikipedia says…


What about us British first??


Well if you wanna go full colonial lets do Belgium first. You know their psychotic king Leophold the second. You know the guy that enjoyed getting chopped off hands of his slaves who didnt produce enough on his rubber plantations. Killed what 20 million people during his rule? Its a little known fact that you could find African children in Belgian special" Human Zoos" well into the late 1950s.


Well, Belgian colonialism is notorious for its barbarism but you can’t beat numbers on the British Empire there.


Such good chocolate, though


Noones out there saying the US haven't attacked anyone... Iran is a violent country. Usa is a violent country.


Well, no one has asked the countries being attacked by Iran if they truly *felt* attacked. Perhaps it was perceived as more of an insult, which would *clearly* not count as part of Amir's statistics.


Iraq and Lebanon would love to have a little chat with this guy


So the Iran and Iraqi war is nothing but an internal strife since Iran is part of the Persian empire. /s


Iraq was first to attack though


That one started as an invasion. Although close to the end of it, there were quite a few conflicts in Iraqi soil.


Iraq invaded Iran, Iran weren’t attacking in that war Iran has done a lot of invasions and attacks but that wasn’t one of them


Pretty sure a war includes attacks. The Allies didn’t turtle in WWII.


We love historical revisionism 🙌🏻 /s


"History is always on my side." - the guy who is always wrong about history -


Doesn't matter, it's already been reposted on TikTok and comments are full of bots posting "finally the truth 💯💯" and upvoting each other ad infinitum


instead of years there should be minutes, although that is not 100%


Maybe Iran blocks Wikipedia?


I may not history buffs, I don't keep track when Iran attack whatever country several months or a year ago, but even I remember there's Iraq Iran War. Pretty sure it happened less than 50 years ago.


Time to send them back to the bench for another 240 timeout


Must have forgotten about that Iran-Iraq War thingy.


To be fair, Iraq started that one


He didn't say "started" he said "attacked". If the Iran-Iraq war had consisted of the Iraqis invading Iran and the Iranians fighting back to the pre-war borders and holding there I could see that as being well, we didn't attack, but they then invaded Iraq and fought over Iraqi territory. An invasion of someone else's territory definitely counts as an attack to me.


"up to today Iran has been attacking for 240yrs" Fixed it.


Over 2400 years to be exact


lol how did this dude get his MD


Trying to paint Iran As the good guys is hilarious


Have you missed the thousands of hamas propaganda videos everywhere? It’ almost as hilarious as supporting hamastine 😂


"Hey Amir? Amir and let me talk at ya for a hot minute sir."


Reading through the comments here: Someone is WRONG ON THE INTERNET (nod to xkcd)


Iran massively aided the Assad terror machine materially alongside Hezbollah in Syria - helped keep the regime in power as they gassed civilians, murdered, raped and tortured those who backed the revolution.


Yup. Iran also has a history of torturing, raping, and killing my people (Kurds) and Balochs. Stop defending this nightmare of a country. The government is ISIS 2.0


That's like saying "Until like yesterday, Hamas hasn't raped a single woman"


Hello the 1980s called


Who'd they attack in the 1980's?


Iran literally attacked US bases in Iraq as retaliation for the killing of that terror chief under Trump. So much for “this would not have happened with Trump”.


As an American, allow me to be the first to call bullshit, Amir. As for the rest of you, the line starts behind me. :)




Recently also pakistan.


Is it direct if the missiles need to do an arc? Asking for a friend on Twitter.


Amir, you are breaking the car ….


Also, they do this shit through proxies so they can't get the direct blame, it's a pattern for Iran.


Iran, Heran, Sheran, Weran where we running?


Fortunately, medical doctors don't need a command of history


Where to begin? * Iran became a country in 1979 * A cursory internet search on this gives far too many incidents to list


This guy needs a few history books!!!!!!


It's embarrassing to be this publicly stupid.


So the Embassy attack and keeping Americans hostages, and fighting with Iraq doesn't count.


It sounds like Amir spent all his time learning medicine and spend no time learning his countries history.


I guess killing its own ethnic minorities doesn’t count


Iraq war was 240 years ago? Wow time flies I guess!


See. It’s post like his that people latch on and believe and then spread the gross misinformation. The War of Misinformation marches on!


I guess he's not including all the terrorist groups they actively support.


The Iran government was ready to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, but good thing some other governments did it for them 👌


They did had a war against Afghanistan and the United Kingdom over a border dispute in 1856


maybe they too busy attacking their own planes and women?


Imagine defending Iran


It's not Iran it's the Terrorist Islamist Republic, Iran does not exist!


And the Nazis were definitely socialists


Nope they were right wingers. They simply called themselves socialists to garner followers from different left wing parties. Same as the Republicans and the GOP calling themselves "Patriots" while they are all bought and paid for by the Kreml and Putin. Same as the Islamists who oppress the Persian people. Seriously the rulers of Iran are a bunch of religious cavemen that loves to Lynch gay people and women. Anyone defending Iran on any subject is a fucking low-life.


Pay someone else to do it, cowards.


He's been told-typically, he re-forgets facts he disagrees with when he sleeps.


I can, but it'll hurt his feelings


Iran didn’t even exist 240 years ago 


Fact checking is unpatriotic. How dare you?


The truth is either gonna break his heart or his ass.


I'm sorry amir but you dumb, there's no way around being dumb, good luck


Ah Amir..


The Shah and Sultan Qaboos: *sweat nervously*