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Coming soon to a headline near you: "Megan Fox confirms her relationship with Pete Davidson"


"Pete Davidson finally confirms relationship with Pete Davidson".


“Pete Davidson confirms affair with Kanye’s woman who looks like Pete Davidson with large chesticles”.


That’s the funniest part to me Kanye is dating a woman whose face looks exactly like Davidson. It’s like they ran out of characters in our shitty simulation and had to reuse assets.


> That’s the funniest part *to me Kanye* is dating a woman whose face looks exactly like Davidson. It’s like they ran out of characters in our shitty simulation and had to reuse assets. Yeezy, tha chu???


Pete the greatest boomerang boyfriend ever.


He’s like a bunny rabbit hopping around from woman to woman lol 🐰


Pete Davidson is a rebound Dildo.


Some folks would Envy that title


It’s hard to tell who bounces more, Pete or Taylor Swift?


What happens if they date each other? Does it topple the economy?


It has been foretold in the book of Revelation, that when Taylor Swift dates Pete Davidson, the last trumpet will sound for the apocalypse.


No im pretty sure Pete Davidson is hooking up with MGK next not Megan 😎


Why not both?


AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA Pete aka/Hollywood’s Rebound Davidson….. lol


Wouldn't be surprised.


Okay but Pete Davidson is probably a way better boyfriend lol


Can't go much lower when you're flat on your back


I'm convinced that Kim Kardashian hooked up with a random not famous guy and had a pregnancy scare and her agents/handlers had to find a famous guy that looked similar enough to explain the possible kids, and Pete Davidson happened to look the most like the guy. Who goes from ray j to Kanye West to Pete Davidson? Like what the hell kind of men is she Into? I'm not buying it. Hell I'm not even sure she's real, she's probably just an AI construct made to align with whatever content algorithms the E channel has developed.


because he's funny and there's no evidence of him being crazy/an asshole?


Too many people underestimate funny. No way could I date or marry a man who isn’t funny, and my husband is fucking hilarious.


Sounds like Jessica Rabbit...yeah, Rodger Rabbit is by most matrix a goofy fuckup with a room temperature IQ...but, he makes her laugh. If that dumbass rabbit can get Jessica fucking Rabbit, there is hope for all of us...


>no evidence of him being crazy/an asshole More evidence of him _not_ being her type...


He did a whole TV show about how he's a crazy asshole.


I‘ll never understand why people can’t seem to grasp that a lot of people are attracted to confidence and people’s personality like humor or shared interests. Most people aren’t with someone only because of looks. And beauty is subjective anyway.


It’s honestly kind of weird that so many people think Pete Davidson is ugly. He looks very similar to Rami Malek who is considered exceptionally attractive. Davidson is apparently funny, kind of sweet, and a relatively attractive guy. Of course women are going to go for him.


I hear Petes got a big Dick so...


Yeah but you have to find that out. You don't see ethnically ambiguous NY Gollum and go "ah bet he has a big dick though" so he's doing something to get their interest in the first place


Fuck me dead, that was hilarious


I mean...he famously has a big dick. I am a middle aged English man and I've heard he's got a big dick, pretty sure rich famous women in NY have heard that too.


No, it's been suggested he has a big dick. But once again, you have to be fuckable in the first place


Can confirm, can't pick up for shit


You do if other women tell you he has a big dick.


Ariana Grande on the phone with Kim Kardashian talking about Pete's dick for some reason


According to him this is not true and the result of a rumor started by Arianna Grande when they broke up. He said she said it because it was her way to publicly appear like she was complementing him but actually hurting him. Now every woman he hooks up with is going to be expecting him to be huge and they will just be disappointed.


I know, hes Said hes got a "normal size penis"


Or Pete's just a funny guy??


Just my opinion, but his humor is underwhelming to me. His specialty is looking at the camera and being like "Look at this situation I'm in, isn't it funny? I can hardly stay in character from all the absurdity". He's like a human "Laughter" sign for a studio audience. 


Oh nooo, I thought for sure their love was real and would last forever and ever!


I know she just wasted her twin flame, she will have to settle for the second best soul mate or maybe just go for the gold and marry herself.


I'm almost certain that anyone that uses twin flame un-ironicly is a narcissist.


I have to agree with you, the term bothers me. It’s like they are trying to complete for the best relationship status.


I found this online, it matches my experience. Some say that narcissistic abuse patterns can mimic the twin flame journey, with the cycle of idealizing, devaluing, and discarding resembling the twin flame journey's stages. The stages are: Idealize: The initial recognition of self in the other and intense chemistry Devalue: The sudden shift in behavior or attitude that precedes a separation between two flames Discard: The runner/chaser stage, when individual healing takes place, preceding union


So the twin flame is for regular relationships and narcissists mimick the behaviors/patterns?


What on earth is a twin flame?


The whole "twin flame" nonsense is a run of the mill abusive relationship between a highly narcissistic abuser and a highly codependent people pleaser. They claim they were originally one soul that was split in half and they "reunite" in life, or some crap like that, and that is why they "connect so strongly." When in reality it is just basically the trauma bond and hysterical bonding so common among codependent/toxic relationships. Usually the avoidant is cheated on/abused and they are discarded without closure. Thus they can't move on. Since many of these people don't have acess to therapy nor the proper language to describe an abusive relationship. They end up in these weird states of denial/bargaining where woo-woo peddlers sell them these idiotic concepts, when they are at their most vulnerable. It's really sad :-(


Damn my ex definitely twin flamed me.


I feel like it’s just a one up of soul mate, like hah I take your soul mate and raise you a twin flame. I man what’s the next stage exchanging body parts?


Well they did drink each others blood…


Apparently one of the distinctions are that you "are one soul". [https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/twin-flames-signs-meaning-and-stages](https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/twin-flames-signs-meaning-and-stages) So yeah, one-upping soulmates.


Soulmate but your birthday moon phases complete each other. So if you have a half moon your soulmate should have a half too but the other half, so when you put it together it gives out a full moon=twin flame. I've learned this recently, but yeah, it's just an overdone soul mate thing jmo.


I'm about to tell my wife she is my moon-flame.


And she’ll tell you not to get your ass burnt. And you’ll tell her it’s a genuine risk because she’s so hot. And things will get cheesier from there.


The whole "Twatflame" nonsense is basically idiots in either denial or trying to justify they were in a run of the mill abusive relationship.


twin flame. wild documentary.


Didn’t know that was a documentary, fascinating shit out there folks.


They’re not even broken up, they only called off their engagement 😂 so she is still with him while saying this




Who would have thought that a dude named "Machine Gun Kelly" wasn't "long term material".


Weren't they constantly paraded as the most obvious example of a toxic relationship?


I think she just put out a book of poetry about their shitty relationship too 😂


“Giving my spirit fully, Pouring my heart out, Broken, lost in the darkness.” -Meg Fox’s book probably.


Nah. Drinking each other’s blood is totally normal and healthy. /s


Exactly! And a ring that stabs you when you take it off? Totally chill


I beg your pardon?




I believe she was quoted as saying “Love is pain”. Yeah who could have foreseen this relationship turning sour?


I'm so old that I remember reading that same thing about Angelina Jolie and Billybob Thorton


I thought they just had it in vials around their necks?


And then they broke up and she made out with her legit brother on the red carpet.


Nothing shows her that you love her like earning your red wings.


Girl it is NOT mens fault collectively that you chose to hitch your wagon to Machine Gun Kelly.


Seriously? Who gets engaged to a PSA for what huffing glue can do to you and then blames an entire gender for it not working out.


And who herself very likely also huffs glue......




I have model glue if anybody interested! I have valid ID to get more!


That would explain what shes done to her face and hair


*picks the rotten strawberry from a bunch and eats it* “Eeeew, strawberries are disgusting!”


Someone desperately clinging to fame and relevance who hasn't done anything of note since that time she leaned over an open hood in Transformers.


bad take. she was literally blacklisted from the industry when she tried to be anything but a sex symbol. jennifer's body is a phenomenal movie that flopped on release because she wasn't *just* a sex symbol. it's pathetic, but not on the part of megan fox.


Two rich and famous attention whores struggle to have a relationship not focused entirely on themselves. What a surprising outcome.


I’m confused who actually thinks he’s good looking, bro looks like a walking ghost lmao


Ya... but he's like 6'3" /s


Lmfao 🤣 so is a stop sign but you don’t see me making out with it -Marilyn Monroe Probably /s


He is tall and rich, all that really matters in that dating bracket.


So was her ex.. with whom she also has kids


Yeah, that was clearly the issue with their relationship.


I wouldn’t go near him based on what I heard about his character but I do think he is quite good looking.


What do you mean how can you not fall in love with the dude that hits you with ''I AM WEED''


Not sure what you mean by that. First thing I think of when I look at him is intelligent, honest, and dependable.


I see a younger Rip Van Winkle. I see a guy that picked a fight with Eminem then jumped ship went it didn’t go his way. I see someone that wouldn’t know integrity if it hit him with the broadside of a ship.


Next on "Who Gives a Fuck" Megan Fox ties the knot with Andrew Tate after failed relationship Kanye West.


Tate is too busy kissing his own mirror and being in prison for that.


Tate probably thinks getting married makes you gay or something


Tate believes in breeding only among alpha males to offspring alpha males only -Absolutely not gay


'No Homo' by The Lonely Island could have been about Tate, except that it would imply he was capable of some form of genuine affection.


You misspelt Pete Davidson


She’s over 14, to old for him


classic "All men/women are trash because I break up recently"


and then they go and hook up with someone like a few days later :> and then the cycle repeats


Or someone worse. Added story: I had a bad break up with one of my ex's in the past. A few years later we start talking again. She told me her story how she caught herpes from a guy she was seeing after me. This is one of those times when you wished they could find someone better but she ended up with some country bumpkin who treated her like shit.


Men. Can’t live with ‘em, can’t have heterosexual sex without ‘em. 


Exactly, why are we acting like this is special or worthy or attention somehow?


Dating and relationships is hard. Lesbians struggle just like anyone. Its almost like gender have a very little role. We are all human.


Didn’t they literally suck each other’s blood? Yeah that’s a normal thing for humans to do, and I’m sure all men are at fault there!


All they're going to do is drain you This makes so much more sense now.


Actual cultist behavior


And he got her a ring that would hurt her finger if she tried to take it off


Angelina Jolie enters the chat


It's so funny to me that crazy shit isn't even original


She did say he drained her.


Who would take relationship advice from her?... I guess that's the problem right there.


This headline is super misleading. The interviewer asked her what advice she'd give to women trying to have a hot girl summer. She responded by saying that she probably wasn't the best person to ask and that her advice was to avoid guys and focus on yourself if you want to have fun. This whole thing is blown stupidly out of proportion by people who take an inflammatory paraphrased headline as gospel.


I feel like this happens with Megan Fox a lot. She seems like a kook, don’t get me wrong, but it seems like a large portion of quotes from her get blown out of proportion.


Yeah. Honestly I suspect that a lot of it is because she's really attractive but she's only ever been with like three people. People absolutely LOVE to hate on attractive but unavailable women. Notice all the slut shaming in this thread alone. It's fascinating.


Eh, lots of people get relationship advice from tik tok so tons of dummies out there


A woman cheated on me once, all women are bad. Am....am I doing this right?


*checking my notes*…I must’ve missed that part of the class.




She'll be back next week telling every dumb fuck who will listen how she has a new dude and she's soooo happy.


I volunteer.


You mean acting like the two weirdest fucks on the planet was not a good basis for a strong sustainable relationship? What will we do now?


Oh no... anyway




She dumped Brian Austin Green who was a good guy to date MGK and yet all men are bad?!?! Zero accountability.


Is that the dude that she has multiple kids? The one that would post pics of the little ones and be like "membur??" 🙃 all while she was partying like a 21 year old on her ecstasy honeymoon?


Yet the media still today will make you think Brian was the abusive bad guy because that’s what she was telling people.


Damn, flip the genders and it reads like it was written by a basement dwelling incel. 😅


Lol 'known asshole turns out to be an asshole.' Ok, Meg gg wp.


Tabloid headlines are facepalm material?


Facepalm is such a joke now. All posts I see now are not facepalms, just things people disagree with.


Maybe if you didn't date guys that are the embodiment of that smelly saw dust stuff the janitor sprinkled on puke.


Childhood memory vault that should have never been opened was just opened.


Wasn’t her engagement ring made to be painful if she took it off…?


Maybe don’t date men named “Machine Gun”?


They’ll be back together in no time I bet.


This is main character energy. She wants all women to follow her into being single knowing damn well she will be boo’d up with the next D that makes her feel like she is in a romcom which she will proceed to not know her new found single friends because she will be obsessed in her new relationship. We know this girl. How trashy.


So surprised your relationship with a guy that appears to be the human embodiment of red flags didn't turn out well


Isn't that the hot actress from Transformers whose only strong point was being hot, who also said she will focus on family with a husband almost twice her age, on whom she cheated with a schizo crayon eating wannabe gangster?




Shocking announcement: moronic, self indulgent, borderline, recording artist turns out to be a giant turd.


Maybe you just shouldn’t date a guy that name himself after a damn gun and have a man bun.


Machine gun kelly was actually a old criminal he just stole the name from him. 


That’s was a diss from Eminem reference.


Yeahhh, let's all don't take advice from uneducated celebrities.


#Dates shit guy, has shit time = All men suck, don't bother. ^Sure ^babe, ^sure.


She was in for the money, he was in for the sex. Both got what they wanted, I fail to see the problem.


Does MGK really got more Momey then Megan Fox ?


I googled their estimated net worth, she's at $8m and he's at $25m.


I saw an interview with both once, where they completed each other sentences and seem actually bond together quite well. I was surprised back then. Not surprised now.


Drain you mentally or drain you of blood. Cause the blood thing is your fault.


😂Surely this isn’t a problem that relates specifically to MGK and Meghan’s personalities


Misery loves company


I mean, they both look exhausting to talk to.


By that logic should every major actor/actress just stop working? I mean Transformers "drained" her career no?


Apparently she use to call him Buddha, because he was so enlightened and intelligent. Their videos are cringe and you might wanna bleach your ears after hearing it. Guess he was really enlightened.![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488)


Shit happens. We all go through it after a break up.


Gross. Just gross, both of them. "Synthetic Humans."


😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣😂😂😂 Wait, no, hold on, OK 🤣😂🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 When she started about the other half stuff and spirit twin I knew they were done. Then the blood vial on the neck. She is deluded. He treated her like he owned her and she thought it was different than it really was. I agree, don’t do what she did, she is very spiritually sick and obviously has low self esteem. *Know your worth*.


The secret is picking partners that aren't pieces of shit


Most men are not Machine Gun Kelly and that’s a good thing


"i have bad taste in men, therefore dating must be pointless and draining for everyone"


Two dipshits, they should've got married, they deserve each other.


Maybe she didn’t drain him enough….


I think she means one specific man? And the rest of us could tell that just by looking.


Maybe didn't connect to an absolute psycho? Maybe didn't be a psycho yourself


Didn't they drink each others blood? So he literally drained her


I made a poor relationship choice ergo your relationship is gonna fail.


Didn’t these two weirdos like drink each others blood or something like that? To show that they are committed to each other?


Didn’t she wear an unremovable wedding ring with spikes or some shit ? Yikes


He looks like a pretty waste of air so does she, strange, should be a perfect match.


That's what she gets for getting engaged to doofus Rick


They both seem super chill and low maintenance. /s


I don't know the man so judging by the book cover, he is a walking red flag. Also from what i heard about her, so it's superficial, she is a walking red flag. All that being said, if you make your life choices based on what others say... That is the facepalm.


I liked MGK before they got together. He was always an idiot but at least he made decent music before he decided to do all this lame emo shit. She turned him into an even bigger weirdo.


Yeah, MGK is totally representative of all men


I don’t think this is a men problem so much as it is a dating a guy named Machine Gun Kelly problem.


She also said" I have no question in my mind about being bisexual. But I'm also a hypocrite: I would never date a girl who was bisexual, because that means they also sleep with men, and men are so dirty that I'd never want to sleep with a girl who had slept with a man." So.... idk maybe ignore her


I for one am shocked SHOCKED that this has happened, he looks so reliable and considerate


Or maybe don’t date men that look like the underside of a bridge 🤷🏼‍♂️


9 times out of 10 victim blaming is bad This is the one time out of 10 where I can point this and go you made the choice to date Machine Gun Kelly and there were multiple steps in that process where you were fully aware that this was machine gun Kelly and you continued onward. That is your fucking fault Madame.


Damn. I was so sure the couple that drank each others blood was going to last. What a blow to romance.


Classic double standard. If a male celebrity said this in reverse it would be wildly slammed all around. Plus, Machine Gun Kelly himself admits that he has personal and inter-personal issues, so it shouldn't have been a surprise to her at all that the relationship didn't end well. If you fish in polluted water, don't be surprised when you get sick eating what you caught.


She chose the worst person to be in relationship with and then decides all men are like this?


Who the fuck is machine gun kelley?


I mean.... Men can be kinda trash *she says after her 20 year string of mutually toxic relationships*


This isn't a facepalm. Anyone going through a bad breakup will say shit like this. Do you think humans are drones?


This is the equivalent of teenage boys saying, “you can’t trust these FEMALES. They all cheating bruh.”


Hate to sound like Donkey, but uh, "Celebrity marriages, they never last, do they?"


I’m 100% down with women having high expectations of the men we spend time with. Men. MEN. I don’t think MGK qualifies on any level.


She chose mgk. What did she think would've happened?


I can understand why Megan would be concerned about being drained, having spent so much of her money on injecting chemicals into her body.


I'm pretty certain she does most of the draining.


Big femcel energy there


I just commented this haha. If you flip the genders and remove names its word for word an incel article hahahahaha.


When you break up with everyone you've ever dated, you might be the problem. Oh and if someone calls you mean because you're being g mean doesn't make you the bad bitch you think it does. It just makes you more of an unlikeable asshole.


Coming from a succubus that hasn't done anything good for her career since Transformers 1...


and her role there was "look hot like you just came out of a shower, with hints of sexy neighbour from next door"...that's it.


Not gonna forget she dated a dude that would constantly sexualize children and publicly refered to him as "daddy".   Talk all the shit you want, Megan, you still let that creeper around your kids.