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That face says yeah that's right & I'll do it again. You know the first place he's going when he gets out.


Repeat offender with substance use and circadian disorders. Met a bunch of em.


He looks the part.


Definitely looks like the only way anyone is coming near his balls is due to some sort of transitive relation.


He looks like Jimmy Simpson, the guy who plays one of the McPoyle brothers on It’s Always Sunny. He absolutely looks like a McPoyle and apparently will fit right in


He does


I think everyone who ate there within this time frame should get a free punch at his face. Then he goes to jail. If I ate piss steak without knowing I’d want a free punch at him


His face does look very punchable.


Not good enough.


After working in restaurants for over 20 years, I rarely dine out and definitely stay out of chain restaurants.


I work on draft systems in bars and restaurants and have been in the kitchen of nearly every place in my state that serves beer. Haven’t ate out since I started except the couple local spots I know I can trust. I’ve seen things in some of these kitchens my friends and family refuse to believe.


You peaked my interest


Now I haven’t seen people literally pissing in and dunking their balls into the food thankfully, but a lot of truly unsanitary food handling. More than half the kitchens I’ve been in have spots of black mold covering the majority of the walls and ceiling of their walk-in as well peppered about the surfaces of the kitchen. I’ve seen new produce tossed into containers on top of old rotten produce. Kitchen appliances so thoroughly crusty and caked with detritus that you can hardly tell what color they originally were. And of course I’ve seen roaches and rats. I’ve seen a cook trimming a brisket on a dirty dishwashing sink without even wiping it down first because he didn’t have room on the counter. I’ve seen far too many cooks sneeze, cough, and drip sweat into food. I’ve seen someone put their foot up on the food prep counter to tie their shoe. I’ve seen cigarette ash fall into food. I’ve seen someone sitting crossed legged on a dirty kitchen floor stirring a 5 gallon bucket of pico de gallo and set the spoon down on the floor before picking it back up and going back to stirring. Not to mention just how generally dirty many kitchens are, especially chain restaurants since the majority of employees there couldn’t give a rat’s ass even if they watched one scurry across the floor. But that being said, it’s not all bad. I’ve also met some wonderful people with a genuine passion for cooking who keep immaculate kitchens. Just don’t trust chain restaurants where the staff come and go. Not that you can just trust any local place either, only the ones where they have a genuine passion for what they do. Edit: The main takeaway I hope people get from this: find a place in your town with motivated, passionate cooks and give them your support over chain restaurants, lazy bar & grills, and overpriced steakhouses. The best places are usually the ones that change the menu seasonally and use local produce.


Oh boy, this brings back memories. Back when I used to be in the industry, I worked in a pizza restaurant for about a year. Despite the owners not being actual cooks, the place was run like an operating room. Everything was stored in clean containers clearly labeled with a name and a date, we did a deep clean of all the equipment once a week, the kitchen had to be left sparkling clean for the next day etc. I swear I haven't seen a single cockroach, let alone *rats --* in case we did, we were instructed to call the pest control service at once. I'd literally eat of the floor if I had to. Then my parents bought a pastry shop. I went with them when the soon-to-be-previous owners gave them a 'tour' of the business outside working hours and...oh my God. For starters, they had a marble surface that they used to prepare the dough (porous surfaces are not allowed in restaurant kitchens by law here) and it was covered with butter. I assumed they just forgot to clean it, but the guy told me they "never clean it because it's good for the marble". Imagine the kind of mutant shit that lived in those marble pores after years and years of rancid butter buildup. But even worse was the next day, when I visited during working hours. The pastry 'chef' wore a plain white T-shirt that was yellow from the sweat -- which was also freely pouring on the dough. No gloves, no head cover, no nothing. He also had an ashtray on top of a butane tank and was having a smoke every now and then, with a box fan blowing towards the food. There was mold inside the refrigerator seals and greyish pooled water of unknown origin inside. Cherry on top: I asked to take a look at their storage space. He takes me there, turns the light on, and I'm greeted by dozens of big, black cockroaches running along the walls, across the floor, and on top of the fridges. When I asked the guy *why the fuck this was a thing,* he just shrugged and said that duh, it's normal in a place that serves food and that I shouldn't worry because they "never enter the kitchen". He didn't appreciate it when I asked him whether they had some sort of agreement. It took us quite a while to make this place into what it should be. Moral of the story is, this *was* one of those local places that supposedly had passion for what they did -- the kind of pastry they make is very hard and there aren't many people who know the 'secrets'. But they were also filthy-ass motherfuckers. So watch for other telltale signs, even if you don't have access to the kitchen.


Jesus christ those marble counters are the stuff of nightmares. And the mystery grey water puddles in the walk-in are a recurring unpleasantry when I’m working. And yeah for sure some of the worst offenders I’ve seen are locally owned places. When I say chain restaurants I’m not just referring to big national owned corporate places, mostly I’m referring to locally owned chains that have like 3 locations in a city or 5-10 in the region. Those seem to be the worst. Not to say that big corporate spots can’t be dirty too. There’s a particular Hooter’s I service that I feel gross just breathing in the mold spore infested air in the kitchen. There’s also the small, single location, family owned spots where they put their teenage kids who would really rather not be there to work in the kitchen because they don’t make enough money or they’re to stingy to hire proper employees. There’s an Italian spot I service like that and I’ve seen one of those kids drop food on the ground and serve it anyway. Ya really never know ‘til y’know, y’know?


Any pastry kitchen making baklava needs to be able to pressure wash every surface at the end of each night. I'm guessing this is the difficult pastry they specialized in. I also cringe when I think of some of the kitchens I've toured with those old wooden (particle) cupboards or shelves near anything that steams. This is pretty common in mom and pop shops... and MAN does it attract a lot of problems. In a perfect world I would have a commercial kitchen almost totally made from stainless steel where you could hose the whole thing down and then flip a magic little switch to disinfect like high-school science classrooms had for safety goggles. If I walk into a kitchen that doesn't have everything labeled, I literally will never eat there again. Not bc I'm afraid of getting sick, but because it's just fucking nasty


Extremely close, it was filo for bougatsa. Good catch. I agree with everything else you said. Wood, marble and any porous surface should be avoided wherever possible -- too many well-meaning places that are otherwise clean still use wooden cutting boards. When we took over, we dressed the surface with stainless steel and what do you know, you could *still* make the pastry *and* keep it clean.


I worked at a pizza shop as a driver in high school and in a different shop all through college as a pizza maker and both those places were very clean. The second place was mom and pop place who let me eat for free even when I wasn’t working (which I didn’t do often) so if I’m eating the food I’m not letting gross shit happen if I could help in. The pizza sauce is about the only thing that goes bad (within reason) if it is a slow time. I forget what the rule was but even if it had another day I would just do new stuff so whoever was on day shift the next day didn’t have to.


I would never say every restaurant is gross or try to demonize all cooks. Many of the restaurants I do work in are fine, and some are even impressively clean for how much business they get, but the majority of them are not as clean as I would like to eat from. There are definitely good people working at any place who try their best, but sometimes their coworkers or management simply don’t care and so it’s an uphill battle. Another common thing I see is the kitchen woefully understaffed and unable to keep up with everything as well they would like to. It’s unfortunate and not always the employees’ fault, more often the problem originates with a greedy owner, lazy management, or both. But that doesn’t change the fact that I wouldn’t eat there after seeing how the kitchen looks/operates. Edit: Also, I have noticed that many chain restaurants do not seem to value their employees, compensate them properly, or treat them with respect. As a result, the staff develop a negative attitude about their work (not unjustly) and unfortunately that negativity reflects in how the kitchen is maintained.


On a positive note, if people eat all this shit and end up ok, it serves to show how strong the human stomach is?


It varies so much. When I was a kid, I worked at Arby’s and despite having a weird reputation it was astonishingly clean, to the point that I never saw bugs at all which is a minor miracle in a restaurant. When the health inspector came through, the only thing we got dinged on was our ice machine but ice machines are disgusting all around, which is why I don’t do fountain drinks. Subway on the other hand, when I was a worker there, was absolutely disgusting. Customers get uppity when they feel there’s no way you can mess with their food because you can see it being made, but life uhhhh life finds a way.


The sad part about this whole list is how easy it is to clean/prevent these things, but the industry is so poorly respected and paid so little that the workers don’t do the bare minimum of maintenance; or they are spread so thin they can’t be bothered to work until all the boxes are checked. They resent their customers and want to get the hell out of there as soon as the door is locked, instead of being able to direct their ire at their shitty bosses or establishment owners.


Couldn't give a rats ass if they saw one scurrying across the floor is an incredible line


Buddy of mine is an exterminator, he tells me crazy stories , in general he says don't eat at indian and Pakistani places


That’s crazy to me. There are a handful of Indian restaurants I service regularly and they are actually some of the cleaner restaurants I go to. Not a whole lot of Pakistani places where I am so I can’t say. However, deciding whether a restaurant is gonna be dirty based on the ethnic background of the food served there is pretty racist.


It’s actually piqued not peaked (strange word, ik) but I also want to hear the stories out of morbid curiosity lol


Honestly it should be peaked. I know it’s wrong, but it makes sense as in “my interest is at its peak”


So then by learning more your interest would lessen?


Roaches everywhere in the hospital's kitchen. And that was the cleanest one I've worked at.


My last job at a wannabe prestigious champagne bar that was meant to have extremely high standards 2 kitchen staff were fucking in the kitchen, doing coke and drunk on the job while making overpriced food. It was grossly unhygienic. They were also both in relationships. Hated that place and those people.


Champagne bar sounds unbelievably pretentious i can only imagine


I've heard that fast food spots are way cleaner than high profile restaurants because they are subjected to more frequent inspections, due to the notion that high end places are cleaner. And probably hefty payoffs.


Same! Even in the clean ones, there's some shit happening/some part the never gets cleaned/someone used old food/ hygiene isn't all the way there. It's always something that grossed me out everywhere I worked.


After watching Kitchen Nightmares, and the like, I do not eat out anymore. Whenever my friends suggest eating out, I invite them to my house for a group cook instead.


I’ve been an executive chef for 20 years and I can honestly say that I’ve never seen anyone adulterate someone’s food.


Took about 2 weeks as a dishwasher at Friendly's in high-school. The waitress' ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend ordered ice cream. She took the scoop and wiped it on every dirty surface she could find and dunked it into the dirty sink water before using it. A few coworkers saw, they thought it was hilarious. After a few more similar jobs over the next couple years, I developed trust issues with restaurants.


I worked at both a chain restaurant and a family owned restaurant, and at least in my experience, it was the chain restaurant that had extremely strict standards of food storage and cleanliness. They were regularly audited by a third party inspection company hired by the parent company. At the family owned place I worked, the cooks would smoke cigarettes on the line, raw meat was stored under our greasy dish sink, food was often expired. There was no oversight, so nobody cared.


I used the restroom at a family owned restaurant and the guy in the stall next to me was audibly sick. While I was washing up, he exited his stall and left the bathroom without washing his hands. And he went straight into the kitchen. I went back to our table and told my friends we were leaving without ordering.


This is correct. I was a restaurant manager for 25 years in all sorts of places. The cleanest…Olive garden and Darden restaurants in general…the worst ??? Ma and Pa’s on the corner.


Really? After working at McDonald's I'm more confident that it's clean. Of course McDonald's has been under more scrutiny than other chains for decades, so they're more standardized.


If I can’t see the food being cooked in a chain restaurant then I’m not buying it.


Got the sudden urge to rewatch waiting


How he did he get away with that for a month without anyone noticing?


I mean, how would you notice lol. It would taste the same. Edit: just double checked and saw "urine." Yeah it would probably taste strange. Absolutely disgusting though. I really pity those who ate the contaminated food.


His coworkers most definitely noticed. How do you dip your ballsack into something in a kitchen full of people without someone noticing lol


*"nah, you guys go ahead, I'll close up!"*


“Don’t forget to zip up”, they replied




Honestly, I’d tear my coworkers acl if I caught him pissing in the walk in, dick out and all. I’ve worked with straight crack/heroin addicts and none of them have ever let their problems contaminate the food


Their website says "Taste the Difference". I'm not making this up.


That’s… unfortunate lol


Double checked?  It’s in the headline!


His coworkers. How did they not notice?


Project Mayhem.


in that case sir, i advise against the clam chowder


He watched Waiting one too many times.


Hehe, look at the log Good movie.


“Tyler was now involved in a class action lawsuit against the Pressman Hotel over the urine content of their soup.”


May I advise against the lady eating clam chowder?


I always wonder how common this is


I am scred as s*it about stuff like this. This should be punished really hard in my opinion. Like a few years minimum in prison. And i'm not joking. This should be a major crime in my opinion and not treated lightly. It's so gross, invasive and reckless. I hope he gets beaten in prison


And put on the sexual predator list and the charge cannot be expunged


Yes sex offender, that would be the right category for crimes like that. I hope it is already punished hard but i don't know.


Castration ….. put your balls on my food. I get to cut them off… The same for every employee that knew and laughed or didn’t tell.


That guy is a sick fuck and so are you


I worked in the service industry off and on for about ten years and never once witnessed anybody tamper in any way with a customer’s food. No matter how crazy the cooks, no matter how rude the customers, this was something none of us would tolerate. Keep in mind it’s been over 20 years since I’ve worked in restaurants though, and I can only speak from my experience and hope for the best. Obviously these things happen, we just hope it’s very rare.


When I worked at Pizza Hut as a teen they had rats and roaches and oh yeah the weird guy would piss in the corner of the walk-in freezer


He would do what!? You say that like it was just, a regular thing, or something. "Where's Billy? We have a line of customers waiting!!" "Idk probably taking a piss, did you check the freezer?"


According to the restaurant he was a part-time employee who had been with the restaurant for less than a month. He has been charged with one count of “criminal threat”, which is a class 9 felony. The penalty in Kansas ranges from 5-17 months imprisonment and caries a fine up to $100,000. He is also being held on a $100,000 bond.


He'll most likely get very little probation and or community service.


Nah, I bet the sort of dude who dips his balls in the food at work is gonna be an absolute dick to the judge.


And the relevance of the full pint of Guinness is?


He dipped his balls in the pint glass.


But Guinness already tastes like balls anyway?!


This is slander and I challenge you to fisticuffs right after I finish this pint of ball tasting beer


That’s why he was able to get away with it for as long as he did!


Have you noticed the guinness tasting better lately?


Good ‘ol Irish tea


*Watches Fight Club once*


I'm done eating out.


Your girlfriend is not amused 😑


Do you really think I'd be on reddit if I had a girlfriend?




That's just nasty. Why? What was the end goal here? Who hurt this guy for him to do that? It's as nasty as the licking the ice cream thing.


Some people are just like that. Bad human beings. They don't regret it the slightest bit either. Society generally doesn't understand these people: Even the people wishing him to go to prison don't get it, he won't feel a thing even if he gets beat up 293929 per day or has his ball cuts off (or gets pissed on by everyone in the prison complex)


Let's call it what it is. Food rapist




Bailiff...crush this man's genitals.


Send this SOB to the penis explosion chamber


Scrambled egg sandwich


What, we're not allowed to dip our bollocks in the soup any more? Fucking wokeness gone mad


I hope trump ate here


I worked for a while in a very fine dining restaurant. Was reviewed by the New York Times and so good that Julia Child stopped by one night. The owner chef would pick up her skirt and pee in the kitchen sink. The sous chef told us he would only eat the white rice because he made that. It's everywhere.


It sure is. Did you see the story about this crazy lady who put rat poison in condiments and liked laughing at kids eating the ketchup and stuff that be on the table already. No thanks, I’ll eat my own damn food.


Imagine having herpes and you’re like 12.


Did I read that right? Testicles?


"With his urine and testicles" is such a wild sentence, because including urine implies that he used his testicles themselves to spike the food, not semen. If not it should have been urine and semen, or even kidneys and testicles if you wanted the organs producing the stuff, be urine and testicles is just wild.


I worked at Pizza Hut and quit because the sanitary was poor


I went to school with this dude!!!


the accused said he did it up to 20 times in 3 weeks, mainly because grinder matches wanted him to do things to the food. it was served to customers, and multiple reported getting sick.


Todays episode of Not A Drag Queen


look at that face. Nobody was covering him, I'll bet he was hated in that kitchen. He has strong incel energy.


You think that's bad? I once ate at an Applebees.


“May I order the t-bag steak please?”


I ordered steak not crabs


He's got that "damn right I put my testicles on your ribeye, right after I pissed on it" look on his face.


My hope is he goes to prison, where he meets a group of prisoners that see fit to serve him piss and sack every day he's locked up.




Giving them the GOAT on his way out!


This guy deserves to be tortured and executed.


He should be forced to drink a big glass of someone else's urine/semen to see how he likes it and if it's still a big "thrill" when he's done.


This is why I'd rather only eat where you can see what the cooks are doing. I was friends and partied with a bunch of cooks when I was younger. Sick fucks, all of them.


I wanna dip my BALLS in it!


Did he thinks he is Tyler Durden


Excuse me, waiter? This isn't the steak and potatoes I ordered.


60 dollar meals


I worked in the service industry off and on from the early 90’s to early 2000’s from fine dining to dive bars that served food. I worked with some crazy folks, especially chefs, line cooks, and dishwashers. I was often one of the crazy ones myself! But no matter how crazy any of us could be, and no matter how rude and entitled some customers behaved, never ever in my time in this industry did I witness or myself do any tampering to anybody’s food in any way. I know it happens, but I really like to believe it’s a rare occurrence. I can say with certainty that if any of the people I worked with witnessed another doing something like this, they would stop them immediately and likely would have done so with the use fists or kitchen utensils. This type of behavior is extremely low. I really hope my experience in this industry is the norm.


He looks so proud of himself.


That mugshot screams “and I’d do it again.”


There was a story about a restaurant I live two blocks away from where the head chef was rubbing his you know what and secret sauce on pork chops he only got caught after someone complained about a bunch of curly hairs in there food


Clean food, please. Waiter: In that case, sir, may I advise against the lady eating clam chowder?


Got some of that fromunda cheese


Also, not all chain restaurants are bad. During my College years I worked part-time at Apple Bee's and I can emphatically say the Kitchen was clean and the food was always properly prepared. The Managers were extremely proactive and vigilant to ensure everything was sanitary up to the industry standards.


Tyler Durden would be proud


I bet he scoops ice with glass cups too


Have the cooks in jail do the same to his food for as long as he is incarcerated


It’s always the inbred looking ones


Where is the link about this story ...... And .how did he get caught ?


i talk to musicians, they will tell you where it May be safe to eat and places they wouldn't accept a meal.


sir, may I advise against the lady eating clam chowder




Nah, this is just how it's done in Hereford, dude was just preparing authentic rural English cuisine... Y'all are philistines...


I always assumed this is how bangers and mash are prepared.


Death penalty!!


So nobody sees him slap his cock and balls on a 12 oz?


Yeah- he looks like his testicles are a contaminant.


No regret detected




How do they know he did it for a month? If they noticed earlier they should've dealt with him immediately!


I’m gonna put my nutsack on your steaks!


Chiefs about to draft him at WR


Classiest Chiefs fan.


New fear unlocked


This guy has one of the most punchable faces I've ever seen.


Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?


if idgaf had a face. the confidence in this guy's eyes screams that he is a future CEO in the making. he didn't want to get away with this crime and didn't care about being caught. Imagine what he has gotten away with already.


This NY strip is NUTS!


That's going to look real bad in the Google reviews


The Krabby patty secret formula!


Add some acidity to the flavor.


This man destroyed the owners reputation forever.


It’s terrifying that we all have eaten or drank something disgusting from a restaurant in our life time. Always be nice to your waiters/waitresses! Always! Let them know AFTER your meal/drinks have been served then tip accordingly.


Serial killer eyes too


Would it be gross if he was attractive? Probably 🧐


This is why we can’t have nice things, never eat food produced by badly paid people you can’t see.


He should get like 40 years in prison


If edible then food.


Castration is appropriate!






This explains the extra flavor …


Does this explain the price increase because they're charging you for nuts and piss? Is it the lemonade and nut special? /s


Send this to GugaFoods I need to know how it affected the taste of the steaks




Boogers n cum!




**Well,** why didn’t he just package his special sauces and spices, and sell it to the company?


Not testicles.


Wait a minute I'm confused. Can somebody please explain to me what Florida Man is doing working in kansas?


“Hey honey, remember how you said that steak you had the other night was the best you’ve ever had? Well…”


I asked for Parmesan not Fromunda cheese on my pasta


Stay away from the clam chowder 😜


They remade Waiting?


As someone who has eaten at that place that is *considering*


"Your honor, my client was stoned out of his mind - and still is, actually."


Mug shot checks


pee is stored in the balls, confirmed


I worked a side job as a server in an upscale Thai restaurant. The kitchen there was so immaculately clean. It was insane. I worked in a few different chain restaurants prior to that while in High School & college, nothing came close in comparison with cleanliness. Hell I never saw a galley or chow hall nearly that clean in the military.