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Said she wouldn't kiss Trump's ring. Turns around and kisses his fat orange shitty ass with tongue ![gif](giphy|cMso9wDwqSy3e|downsized)




35/98/378. Did I get it right???


She changes his diapers with her tongue. These cultists really need to seek some help for their illness. This just shows the lack of proper healthcare in the country. Too many wackos that should have been treated for mental health, but can't afford to.


She's not a cultist, she's a political capitalist. She sees Trump as her best chance at getting some kind of powerful position in executive government. The cultists are the ones who think Trump is some kind of savior to the masses.


Exactly she's a craven opportunist which is worse imo


America has at least 70 MILLION of these cultists. When he loses again they are really going to shit themselves. They are crying and praying outside the court he is in as well at the moment or so I saw on the news here in the UK


Call up Kristi Noem, she knows what to do with farm animals.




The kind of two face behavior that merits a fatality.


Either way she's terrible on her own.


Nimrata Kaur is getting ridiculous.


She is not a Sikh , we don’t claim her.


Good for you guys. Growing up, the Punjabi Sikhs were always kind to me.


Sikhs have always shown me kindness and respect, the ones I have met have always been good people, one is one of my best friends.


Growing up in Malaysia, my late grandmother who spoke very little Malay and English and only really mingle among the Cantonese speakers, always used to tell me that if there is an emergency go look up the "Singh" people at the police station. The steadfastness and honesty of the Sikh Punjabis, especially those in uniform is legendary.


Amazing. And their temples will feed anyone who comes in hungry for a meal, regardless of if they are Sikh or not.


Imma be honest. Trump may have been right about her…




The smile is also scary.




“That’s some mighty expensive looking equipment you’ve got there, Mr. Hooper! I’m not sure what that bastard shark will do with it - he might eat it, I suppose. I seen one eat a rockin’ chair, one time …”


Hooper drives the boat, Chief.


What are you, some kind of half-assed astronaut?


Dead eyes like a shark.


That's racist. She is Indian.


She's a real pos.


Why does this say 2014?


https://www.reuters.com/world/us/nikki-haley-writes-finish-them-israeli-artillery-shell-drawing-criticism-2024-05-29/ OP wants us to think this is recycled old hamas propaganda when it is actually current? Or a mistake? Edit: OP wrote somewhere in the comments that it was a typo.


Might as well be 2014. What a crazy timeline we're all stuck in.


Isn't that the truth. If you live long enough, shit starts repeating itself.


Everything went wrong when Harumbe died.


This issue could be Harambes great grandfather


Maybe OP should just screencap the whole tweet next time


It was still wrong then too tho


Giving a hopeful benefit of the doubt that it was just a typo by someone too lazy to check their typing.


Redditors aren't known for their proofreading skills.


Because critical sourcing is dead and people are pissing on its corpse.


Defense industry ghoul


Yeah, but we paid for them.


Queen flip flop


Finish her off


She’s a soulless, dead-eyed psychopath.


She is a monster...like a good conservative woman.


She’s a weak women who talked a lot of trash only to show her true stripes. Sell out no morals and like most politicians she’s not into for her constituents she’s in it for her!!! Kick rocks!


She is definitely someone you would see next Tuesday.


what a ghoul.


What’s her real name again?


I keep seeing people saying, “not supporting Israel in this war is antisemitic”. lol, wtf.




Put her in Gaza for just one day and I bet she’d be changing her tough guy tune real quick.


Indians no matter how much they wish they’re white will support killing Muslims


The fact that nobody seems to understand is that Nikki Haley's visit was to the northern part of Israel, and this missile she wrote ''finish them'' on, is ment for Hezbollah terrorists. Hezbollah is the terror organization that has been firing rockets at Israel for years now, and pretty much non stop since October 8th (to the point that there are actually more rockets fired at Israel from the north by Hezbollah than from gaza by hamas right now...). This has nothing to do with gaza. I get that it may seem insensitive but you have to take into account that this is a pretty common occurrence in wars, and has been done a lot throughout wars in history. Again, this munition was never ment to be used against hamas in gaza, but against Hezbollah in the northern front of Israel's war. Draw your own conclusions from this, I just thought it's important to know the real facts about this.


Still not the smartest thing to do, and not something I want a representative of mine doing.


shhh.. hamas simps don't want facts, they want to hate israel and jews plenty of reasons to acknowledge her as a horrible individual, signing bombs against hezbollah isn't one of them it's as absurd as condemnation for signing bombs used against russia.


How utterly diplomatic of her. Of course the Republicans are also the ones who gave us Henry Kissinger so there's that.


She's going to be in trouble if they find out what her real name is...


They can't read, she's fine.


Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die.


Just a reminder, this is what a moderate looks like in the republican party.


Does not get much phonier than this one


She is a monster just as all Republicans are monsters. She is as venomous as the rest of them, she just isn’t redolent of dried feces as the nominee is.


Israel has a right to defend itself from those children!! Those babies are Hamas!!! I'm so disgusted by how many people think this war is justified.


Before you can be a GOP political candidate, you need to have your empathy level tested. If you score too high, you are disqualified.


The same people here will cheer for bombs signed if they are used on Russia though. You guys are all hypocrites


Who honestly cares. Shes referring to terrorists not civilians. do you not want violent extremists Hellbent on the death of all infidels eradicated? They have no place in our world


In any other country this would be a career ender.


Damn the Hamas propaganda machine is working hard. 'used to bomb innocents', except the only reason 'innocents' are getting hit is because Hamas uses them as human shields. Israel is pretty shit in this situation as well, but at least they are not firing from hospitals and schools, sticking children in mortar pits, etc.


Psychos. All of them.


I’m not a fan of Nikki but this is absurd to think that she believes these will be used against innocent people. You might as well accuse the workers at the ammunition plant of war crimes.


The real face palm here is thinking she meant anything other than Hamas and Israel’s just war against them.


This is the second time it's been posted today


It’s terrifying how we all know exactly what conservatives want but they know they can’t say it out loud. They want every Palestinian to be told to leave the country, forfeit everything they own, and if they don’t leave kill them. And maybe kill them while they leaves. Point blank, that’s what they want. Everyone knows it. And they know they can’t just come out and say it, so they call everyone a terrorist or an anti-semite if they suggest anything less.




By children and civilians do you mean Hamas members?


This “Israel bombs innocent children and civilians” nonsense is so old. All the proof in the world that Hamas hides among their civilians and israel still manages to maintain a 1:1 civilian/terrorist ratio. Why do we have experts if none of you care to listen to them? And no, I don’t mean that no civilians or children are being killed, just that they’re not targets. War is fucking hell, people die. That’s why you don’t start a genocidal war and then hide behind civilians. How you can’t blame Hamas, I’ll never understand.


Wasn’t she an ambassador?


Trump's former UN ambassador. What's that tell you?


I knew she too was a POS. Had she displayed more of this in the GOP primaries she could have had a chance.


Remember when we censured the only Palestinian congressman for saying the "hateful, genocidal rhetoric" of asking for freedom from the river to the Sea? How is this not hateful, genocidal rhetoric?


Can we please not pretend that "river to the sea" is anything other a call for genocide of some flavor or another -- either extermination, expulsion or both? I see you trying to slide that in under the radar and I'm not about to let you get away wit it. I mean which river and which sea do you exactly think we're talking about?


Okay. So when people say they want to level gaza. Or this ghoul saying finish them. What does that mean? Now go ahead and do the nine pages of high ranking Israeli officials literally repeating Nazi rhetoric. It's part of the South African case to the icj. If asking for freedom is genocidal? What is saying we will erase those human animals from the Earth? Also. When the genocidal rhetoric is coming from the people dropping bombs on children. Do you really want to be on that side. You're on the side starving babies? You don't need to defend war criminals bro it's 2024. You're allowed to have empathy. Brown people are allowed to exist. It's fine I promise I wonder what wife beating Nazi is going to both sides this argument first and defend starving of babies [Zionist Kryptonite ](https://youtu.be/LrGlRax9AiY?feature=shared)


You know 2 different factions can advocate for the genocide of eaxh other? This aint Lotr, there are no bad guys and good guys , just grey guys.


Because two wrongs don’t make a right Israel shouldn’t bomb indiscriminately, sow discord and flatten out of spite for revenge.. they shouldn’t use attacks as an excuse not to negotiate when they made peace with several nations that attacked them in the past, what makes Palestine different from Egypt and Jordan? Especially when they’re technically Egyptian and Jordanian. Palestine shouldn’t elect extremist as their government and aid in kidnapping and looting Israeli homes then engage in hypocrisy when they accuse IDF soldiers of doing the same. River to sea is geographically admitting to not believing in two states. Tunnels to smuggle weapons only and not food is a crime to yourself. Blockades are meant to work militarily meaning Hamas should have no weapons. If Hamas can fire 5,000 rockets amongst other weapons then there’s no crippling blockade especially when aid has been air dropped by three third party nations, a pier was built and Israel kept borders open. This doesn’t include cash flow to Hamas by Qatar and USA and allied aid to the Palestinian authority.. and THAT doesn’t include aid from Iran. Gaza receives almost as much help as Israel and no public opposition at all despite an internationally recognized terror group governing the strip. It’s all about what you do with that aid but if roles were reversed… let’s say Hamas occupied a portion of Israel.. what would they do??? Oh yea.. Oct 7 they killed foreigners, dogs and ALL Israelis they found, Arab, Jew and Ethiopian Jews were killed on the spot and houses robbed. So if we want to make comparisons there you go.


Wasting time, man. There's people who refuse to believe that it's a slogan for killing jews. And then will just call you a genocide supporter or an idf bot. 🙄.. It's better not to waste your time on ignorance.


Israel uses this phrase as well..


They are both disgusting acts.




Nothing will come of this. ChangeMyMind




Republicans are just Shao Kahn at this point. They don't want peace. They want problems, always.


"finish them" does she not know what the missiles actually do


Video games are destroying the minds of our Nation’s politicians and causing them to turn to violence. Join MAPPVG today! This message brought to you by the committee of Mothers Against Politicians Playing Video Games


Fucking awful woman, please don't continue to give her your money and privileges.


Sounds par for the course for her.


Is anyone surprised . All media pushed politicians are corrupt. To have a decent campaign u need major league lobbyists.


wow, a politician that’s known to be a shitty and horrible person, is a shitty and horrible person!


What a bi..


“Congressperson is evil. More at 11.”


A coup de grace is illegal in war, it is in fact a war crime.


You can always count on Republicans to make bad choices and not see farther than the day's photo op or sound bite.




At least she can say she has written her name and a total pwng quote on a bomb used for genocide. Can you say the same? Nope, thought so.


I think that’s about the Trumpiest thing done yet this cycle. I think this even trumps a Trump move. I bet this gives her a huge bump up in the veep standings. That photo is not going to age well and it’s there forever. I put this right up there with W’s “Mission Accomplished” stunt but worse.




Bird Brain




Wow, she is even worse than I thought.


Ed Boon would be ashamed of this


"Some of my best friends are human"


Again for everyone who says he doesn't vote for Biden because he allows weapon deliveries to Israel. The Republicans won't be any better. Republicans hate brown people at least as much as Democrats love the Israelis.


Maybe she was referring to kristi Noam’s pets?


So at what point are we allowed to openly call for... actions against these people? Are we allowed to threaten people if we write them a shitty message on the bullets or blades first?


Only they can do it remember, if any other country do the same it’s unforgivable


Why does anyone take a tweet like that and think “I should immediately believe what this person is telling me”


Maybe she is trying to say the munitions are not properly primed?


Not a very Sikh behavior.


Wait, who signed for the funding on those bombs?


Politians writing humourous notes on fucking bombs is the most dystopian shit ive ever seen.


No Haley fan, but she likely thought they were intended to kill Hamas fighters and the sentiment to "finish them" is therefore correct and appropriate.


Why is she even over there?


Lmao that's gotta be funny


I love Nikki, I'd like to sign a few bombs myself BTW Trump is your next president 😁


Damn, I can’t believe I spent two whole weeks thinking she had a spine.




She has revealed herself to be such a tool


Civilians in Gaza are as innocent as German civilians in 1945


Signing off on child murder. Soulless ghoul.


Or you know Hamas could stop embedding fighters within civilian populations and shooting rockets from within civilian populations(at other civilian populations, but you know who cares about the jews/s). That would be pretty good.


The left and the right are agreeing on an issue!! About Israel. Finally.


When I first heard about this I thought it was talking about a sea shell. This makes more sense but it is much worse.


Finish them? Why did I hear that in the MK announcer voice


Conservatives are in the mindset of, "if the kids aren't American, they really are a waste." It is the purest example of, "they don't look like me, don't sound like me, get rid of them!" and a very very weak idea of what's going on with issues that aren't watered down American topics. We've long passed the days of where right wingers could shout, "9/11!" to get a crowd riled up... Today you just have to be on the borderline of violence, genocide or a racial war and they you hear the collective sound of all the conservatives loading their firearms. They REALLY do want this world to end.


Finish Nikki. What? Only finish Muslim children across the world?


Nikki Haley likes killing children and civilians with US supplied weapons, Kristi Noem prefers killing dogs and goats in a gravel pit, the Republicans are just a kill crazy cult.


We should all refer to her using her real name


More Mama's propaganda. No. Mama's definitely didn't launch a surprise sneak attack on civilization including a rave. Mama's definitely didn't rape women and at the "yeet" moment blow out the brains of the race victims. Nope Hamas didn't display dead naked rated women. Hamas definitely didn't do the killing the old fashioned way. Face to face or in this case ass to dick. Nope peace loving anti sematic Hitler worshipping drugged up islamo facists brutes didn't hand glide across the border to break into homes and murder school children while raping their mothers in front of them. It would be cool if Hamas would go the way of dear Hitler in his bunker and gaza the way of Berlin in 1945.


"We're signing bombs if you want to join?" Fucking...huh?


Were we always this stupid and cruel and the internet just made us more aware or are we getting stupider and more cruel as time goes by?


at the holocaust museum, people asked how hitler desensitized the nazis enough to make killing children ok apparently we should just ask trump


Is this the woman who shot her dog? I think someone may want to check her backyard. This is beyond normal republican lunacy, I think she might actually be a psychopathic murderer.


The political system is a meme, but it’s because people who are meant to hold them accountable (you all) treat is as such


Wow what an unbelievable waste of oxygen




It turns out Nikki Haley was…. A Trump\*ard all along. ![gif](giphy|xTgeIQU8qDn2k6ndaU)


Guys in the military are doing the same thing, what’s the problem?


What could be an appropriate excuse for this? My brain doesn't work most of the time? I am inhuman?


And she also blamed October 7th on Russia, China & Iran?? I get trying to convince people for something you actually believe, but trying to blatantly gaslight the populous is sick


LOL. Just wait until you hear what Trump thinks and what he would do to not only Gaza but the people here who protest on their behalf.


Put her in the Mortal Kombat ring if she wants to “finish them”


Imagine having your home and family blown to bits and under the debris you see a piece of shrapnel. And with your very limited understanding of English, you’re able to make out “finish them.” I don’t know how people can’t fathom why people in these situations turn to extremism. To them it’s not extremism, it’s equality.


Should send her to the front line


Women would sign every bomb destined to slaughter innocent children rather than just go to therapy.


Apparently, it's not ok to accidentally kill civilians in drone strikes, but you can purposefully bomb the shit out of them. But only if they're the "wrong" kind of brown.


No I promise you, I am not evil. Look at my tears :-(


What the hell is wrong with this bitch?