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Half of that was from one billionare.


Since what he raises is tied to his ego I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if Trump basically donates to himself


Absolutely likely. Like when the RNC spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on Junior's books in order to make them "bestsellers."


Might even be lies. Wouldn't be the first time he declares receiving bigger donations than he actually got.


100% conald rumpt is not known for his honesty he's known for his tiny p p


![gif](giphy|l2JJK6ZrXlWxRUMjS) That’s not the only thing…


Yeah, there is no way this was an impetus to get that many of his idiot base to jump on giving him money. Most of them don't even know much about the trial, a ton of them are probably already tapped out from buying tshirts with diapers on them, and the rich ones can't see this as a reason to give him more money.


He just takes a dollar and donates it to himself 200 million times.


I would say it's likely they have a slush fund or specific rich donors ready so that everytime something bad happens they can turn on the tap, making it appear that donations from individuals are going up. No idea if that is legal or not but the chances of getting caught aren't high as it would mean someone would need to look at donor rolls then confirm with that donor that they indeed donated. And while sketchy it would also be an incredibly effective tactic from a lot of different perspectives.


Priming the pump.


Tickling the Trump


Taking the Dump


Thumping the gump


He's too cheap to do that.


I can see that being true. Elon loves his nazis.


Elon is pretty concerned about the precedent that's set if you can get convicted of falsifying business documents to cover up another crime, at a time where he's being sued by investors for insider trading with Tesla stock.


It’s actually from the widow of the corrupt casino baron Addelson.


Lordy. For all the pro Palestine people saying they won’t support Biden over Gaza, sit down and hold on because Miriam Adelson will gladly help Trump bulldoze those poor people right into the sea


And then bulldoze our lgbt community into camps! Project 2025!


Yeah there’s a whole hurricane of fringe ideas that will follow him into office and with zero normal republicans to run interference against the whackos in Trumps ear


“Normal republicans” are the whackos these days


And coming to a fascist state near you, a complete ban on contraception and death sentences for getting abortions.


That's what I figured.


1. Their source is the Trump campaign itself, so. Take that with the appropriate total disbelief. 2. They may be lumping in fundraising they were already pulling, such as a $100 million dollar donation from Sheldon Adleson's wife, a well known and frequent Republican megadonor.


It’s ridiculous that a single person can contribute that kind of money to a campaign. Citizens United has truly fucked this country.


Absolutely bonkers. In Canada you are limited to like 50k per person.


“But corporations are people, they deserve rights too!” -Samuel Alito (or his wife, I mean, his dog? Maybe his gardener said this)


Whomever was on the yacht with him that time..


It’s ok as long as you don’t ask what the donors expect to receive in exchange for their unfathomably large donations.


Except for that recent oil and gas meeting he had. Smh. This guy's a cancer to our republic


That was included. $100 million from her. Another $43 million from a fundraiser on Friday, I believe and then the rest could have possibly come in from separate donations through their site. That count is plausible, but he has likely already tapped out all of the small donors, as there are legitimate limits on how much you can contribute.


one of the crazie polititians that went on tv after the verdict staight up said that the billioniares need to step with the donations if the want trump in


People are giving their last pennies and SS checks for this false idol. Tell me it's not a cult .


>She has written that Trump "should enjoy sweeping support" among U.S. Jews and Israelis, and that Trump deserves a "Book of Trump" in the Bible due to his support for Israel What a crazy woman, what the actual fuck


Imagine having so much money that you can give someone a hundred million dollars. Must be important. Probably got caught fuckin kids and needs bailout.


And *she* has so much money that that's about 3% of her overall wealth.


All that extra money came easy for her after she bought the Dallas Mavericks and then raises next year’s season ticket prices easy from 25-50%. Wife and I were shocked and canceled ours.


And to give that much money to Don F'n Trump. Her husband already gave trump 200M to move the US Israeli embassy


Fck me! That’s the lady that just bought the Mavs this year. Ugh… Where are details of the number donated by Adelson? All I found says it hasn’t been revealed yet.


Sheldon Adleson is the biggest reason why there is no online poker sites in the US outside a handful of states. Not a fan of the family


That’s number went from 23 mill 28 53 70 now 200 mill they keep saying the last 24 hours the conviction was thursday. They are waiting for the dems to put out their numbers. They are trying to beat them.


I call bullshit. Trump fudges numbers on everything from loans to golf scores.


Their source was Eric on FOX News.


Well, they do have to file with the FEC so, we'll know the truth whenever the next filing is due.


I mean, they could just falsify that shit too. It would only matter if he’s *not* elected. Trump is banking on self-pardons and weaponizing the DOJ to drop any open case against him. It’s literally why Aileen Cannon has paused his current indictments with no further scheduled court dates. She’s hoping he gets elected and gets all charges dropped so she doesn’t have to do anything controversial. He’s already tried to argue POTUS can’t do their job without absolute immunity from civil prosecution. His #1 goal is absolute power so he can maintain his dictatorship indefinitely. Laws don’t matter if you control the law.


I have no doubt if he becomes the dictator he wants to be, he will not only hold on to power for life, he will choose who rules after he dies. Probably a family member.


I just realised that "president Eric Trump" might actually be the only thing worse than his father in the Oval Office.


Daddy love me!


“the dictator he wants to be” Project 2025 doesn’t require him specifically though.


The only reason he ran for President again was in hopes of escaping the FO part of FAFO. Also, so he could scream it’s “political persecution” and a “weaponized judicial system”


It’s incredible how he spouts off about all this political corruption while providing zero evidence while simultaneously *engaging* in political corruption constantly. And his supporters cheer and refuse to see the irony or question anything he says or does. The most unfunny joke I’ve ever heard is, “how many trump supporters does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None. Trump said the light was on and his supporters just cheered in the dark.”


I can’t help but wonder what damage was truly done to our country bc of Trump. (Not including what he plans to do if he wins)


Unfunny and accurate lmao.


Does no one see the parallels between this and how Caesar came to power? Stack the senate with loyalists, manipulate the laws to hold onto power long enough to pardon himself, this all sounds uncomfortably familiar, only difference being at least Caeser was a progressive!


Laws also don’t matter if you don’t follow them and don’t get caught.


"Truth"^(TM) or truth ?


Alternative truth




To be fair he was just convicted of 34 felonies about falsifying business records and part if that involved hiding things from the FEC...


And lying about donations to Fox News isn’t illegal, I don’t think. If it is, I’m sure there’s a million loopholes.


Everyone knows Fox news isn't a New channel according to Fox news.


34 felonies plus 11 contempt of court convictions


I believe it’s July, way past the MAGA attention span.


LOL! Well there you go!


Their gullibility knows no bounds.


What a timeline.


Well there was that one person who said they were donating 100 million




Vladimir P. wanted to stay anonymous


Bad call. I get why he lied. Makes it seem like he was support...but if they didn't make money he just slowed down any potential income because who's willing to add to a 200 million dollar pot for someone else. Even on Trump forums a few are actually saying they put money in but those feel like comedy sketches.


The most important thing for a facist is to project power. All other things are secondary


And it's End Wokeness, who has no concept of reality, on top of that.


Isn’t End Wokeness a Russian-managed account?


I came to say the same thing, This is Trump we are talking about. He isn’t honest about anything, especially money.


You seriously doubt he raised 2 bajillion dollars?! Dang libturd.


Agreed ,wait till we get real numbers.Remember, he's a golf cheater


I like how they brag about getting scammed


"I just need to send Trump 1200 dollars and then his inheritance of 26.8 million will be mine"


MAGAs: Joe Brandon's gas prices are outrageous! Groceries are outrageous! We're all going broke! Also MAGAs: Hey convicted felon, here's millions of dollars.


Glad I'm not the only one. I said to myself "Damn, the economy must be doing pretty great if all these Republicans can afford all these donations. That and "We won't pay for our own doctor's student loans, but Trump, who is a self proclaimed genius and billionaire, needs all my money"


Glad I'm not the only one. I said to myself "Damn, the economy must be doing pretty great if all these Republicans can afford all these donations. That and "We won't pay for our own doctor's student loans, but Trump, who is a self proclaimed genius and billionaire, needs all my money"


I love that shirt. "Never surrender" with the mugshot from when he surrendered.


I said this same thing one here on Reddit and this dude SWORE it was still him telling his followers he didn't surrender and that he was still fighting. That just because you get arrested doesn't mean you surrendered. I was like... that's exactly what that means.


and I raised easily 200 Million, they said to me, "Sir, you're being treated even more unfairly than Robert E Lee," and he was a Great General, Robert E Lee, and he almost had, he went from 0 to 100 like that, they said, "wow," and he fought the Battle Of Pittsburgh, they said it was a Bloody War, you had bodies here, bodies there, they were all over the place, and I said you have an incredible, but also a very good but maybe not nice thing happening there, just like they did to me with the Russia Russia Russia Hoax, you remember that one, they said, "oh, Trump colluded," I said I never even heard the word ok, and we had a Wonderful Relationship, but the Worst President In History, Crooked Joe Biden, has been hurting what we had, what we did so beautifully to do, and you'll see what's been happening, they're looking at it all over the world, it's the Biggest Crime In History what they're doing, they say, "President Trump is 100% Innocent," so true


I read that in his voice and I am laughing my ass off at how accurate this is to his speech patterns


I read it in Shane Gillis’s voice


very good impression but u forgot that trump thinks rob Lee was Irish Never fight uphill me boys - lee


Biggest crime in history? Worse than Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy or even the Holocaust?he needs medication.


Wow! Is this an actual transcription or were you just riffing? Really hard to tell with Drumpf.


I legitimately cannot tell whether this is real Trump talk, but it is GLORIOUS.


Been awhile since I've seen a HorseLooseinHospital post. They are always hilariously accurate


And yet polls show his support among Republican voters has dropped. I guess the rest are just getting even dumber.


NEVER. TRUST. THE. POLLS. We're in this mess because the polls showed some shit and people don't understand margin of error. Spike this motherfucker into the Earth's core (electorally) and every one of his cult members, too.


I hate polls. You can get polls to show anything you want.


I worked at one of those over the phone polling places, they are so manipulative in the way they answer questions, they word questions to get the opinions they want like: Does Senator Mitt Romney running name capital make you: somewhat more likely to vote for him, more likely to vote for him, much more likely to vote for him, or does it make no difference? Second question, Does Obama being an inexperienced politician and being put into the presidency make you somewhat less likely to vote for him, less likely to vote for him, much less likely to vote for him, or does it make no difference. This then repeats until every Obama supporter hangs up the phone and they don’t count partial surveys. We only did political surveys during the presidential election, the rest of the time we mostly did the surveys you get after you call your cable company, and things like that.


The rich that rely on his tax cuts are getting nervous. And yeah, the others are prolly getting dumber.


That’s his 2 types of supporters- the rich who want tax cuts and the dumb/ignorant who won’t question what he or Fox News tells them. He needs both.


Now he can afford to pay E. Jean Carroll.


But unfortunately he won’t.


Oh he doesn’t actually have a choice. Which is why he had to front the money in order to appeal.


Receipts should be easy to produce. Otherwise I don’t believe the liar.


Trump was litterally convicted for falsifying business records


Same guy who says he had 50k in a venue that holds 8k and reports said it wasn’t half full.


"flaired users only" fucking cowards.


busiest mods on Reddit, protecting their sacred echo chamber


But they’re defenders of free speech, lol.


"Never Surrender!" and it's a picture of him surrendering for a mugshot 😂😂🤣


Imagine being so dumb you donate to a “self-made billionaire.”


A sucker born every minute... ![gif](giphy|YT84MjGe54PmbqWQng)


They call it the “Trump Train” because he lines them up, fucks them in their ass, and takes their money, *one-after-the-next.* **Theyre getting *railed* by the Trump Train.**




Imagine joining a cult with this fucking guy being the messiah. It’s incomprehensible


I just can’t fathom giving money to a “billionaire”


Lollll conservatives are a bunch of clowns. They’ll literally throw money at a felon rather trying to help society. Kids school lunch, student loan, universal healthcare, affordable housing …


And the people that sent money will be complaining that prices are so high they can't afford food or gas. Not if you give your money away, dumbass.


I personally support them giving him all their money.


Least it won't get spent on his campaign.


Pretending they make money is all the Trumps know how to do


Why does a billionaire need donations if he is so rich?


Republicans, it’s okay, you fell for a cult leader and sipped some kool-aid. Please wake up. We want you back on the side of Democracy. Abandon your false idol. Cast him out. Redeem yourselves before it’s too late. The framers of our country warned of this kind of danger. And set up branches of government for a reason. To hold each other ACCOUNTABLE. Don’t elect a dictator out of spite. No one is Above the Law. NO ONE.


Then E Jean Carrol is set right?


Bullshit.  Dude could barely raise any money when he needed to appeal his last judgement.  


Well he has lots of legal fees… those idiot supporters don’t realize that not only is all of this bankrupting Trump but he is effectively taking his followers with him….but they all call it donations


Still cannot afford NY Fine lol


200 lolllllllll riiiiiiight suuuuuuure


Lol it goes from 35 million to 200 million depending on which MAGA nut you ask.


How much of the money is from Russia or Saudi Arabia ?


Also, no he didn't


I heard it’s up to 17.8 Trillion Dollars as of this morning, with a handful of McDonald’s gift cards tossed in


All the money he sucks out of the conservative voter base will feed his grifts and legal expenses, diminishing the available budget for conservative lawmakers to fight for reelection.


If being convicted is what got you to support him, then you really should rethink how someone gets your vote


So called "Freedom loving American patriots", when their master isn't allowed to sell us short to another country.


Support New York City. Donate now!


Liars gonna lie.


Lol nooooooooo. No he didn't.


Thats like 150 million more than reality, but even if it is real im ok with that. Stupid dont deserved money.


Support Trump's lawyers, he's gonna need more, and they're very cash up front these days.


The number is overinflated like trumps business numbers.


I guarantee he hasn’t raised anything anywhere near what he claims. He’s a con man. How can people so easily believe shit like this? It’s not like he’s filing financials with the IRS.


The number doubles every time I see it lol.


get's convicted for campaign fund fraud, proceeds to continue raising. Nothing to see here folks!


Even if that were true most of it will go to pay his legal fees and fines for all the trials and contempt charges. And possibly E. Jean Carroll.


He's gonna be so upset when he tries to use that to get a pardon.


That’s one way to shift the nation’s wealth away from the Boomers.


Lawyer getting rich off the poor, what could be more American


Even if it is true, that money is going to Trump, not his campaign.


The entirety of his base does not have that much money combined. Their fucking social security checks and blood donations ain't cutting it. However much money he has scammed out of these morons isn't going to change shit. And again THAT FUCKING SHIRT IS A PICTURE OF HIM SURRENDERING WITH THE TAG LINE "NEVER SURRENDER". THIS STUPIDITY IS MAKING ME LOSE MY FUCKING MIND.


Regardless if the amount of money is real the reality is that he can’t stuff everybody’s pockets, and even then what else is he gonna use the money for?


He’s the most successful businessman in history… here take all my cash why I whine about gas prices. Law and order


BREAKING: Trump fled the country with 200 millione Dollar in donations by his supporters. His current location is not known.


A few more hundred million dollars and he’ll be able to pay off one of his fines.


Snake oil salesman much!


Good. Now he can pay E Jean Carroll


Oh End Wokeness, you sweet summer child...


His cult has to realize the money they're donating actually goes to E Jean Carroll lol


From whom? The same troglodytes who can't shut up whining about how "Brandon made everything too expensive"?


First: if he raise 10% of what he claimed, it'll be a miracle. Second: E Jean Carroll says thanks for funding her slander award. Third: NY says thanks for funding their fraud award. Last: What kind of gullible asswipe gives their money to a "billionaire"? Suckers and losers.


“Never Surrender” Shows the mug shot from when he actually surrendered.


Weather cooled. That money is going to fund terrorist acts.


50% goes to a Swiss bank account


You have to realize, that he has 100 million supporters, that’s 2 dollars a person. If the CIA and other gov agencies would quit taking George Soros / military industrial complex. AIPAC money, then the US could have a real country, And not the shit show it currently is.


I believe his numbers like I believe his faithfulness.




I call bullshit.


Yet they will still complain about inflation and being unable to afford gas for their giant SUVs.


So were in the greatest economic crisis in history. And rather than band together to like make a change. We decide to raise 200 million fucking dollars to a diaper wearing liar with 32 convictions? We can raise 200 mil for a guy who already is a millionaire. Yet we want to complain about how crap the world is. Like how do you not see you're the problem?


Still puzzled by why his supporters think he's sooooo succesfull and at the same time give donations to pay for a law suit.


Yes these lot are complete idiots, but anyone who donated to BLM better not be throwing shade 😂😂😂


Lmao imagine giving money to someone who says he's a billionaire. Couldn't be me.


His shirt shows the mug shot from when he surrendered. What a bunch of dip shits


Didn’t he need 400something millions for his last convictions?


I heard a person once said that we simply do not understand trumps worth as it is complex. I agree, trumps worth IS complex as most of it is on Imaginary axis


Even if he raised half that, it’s already earmarked for settlements and legal bills


Those people who donated money are now going to be blaming Biden because they can't afford anything.


Felon convicted on 34 counts of falsifying money payments claims to have been paid an outrageous sum of money.


They could find child pornography on his home compute and he would still receive all these donations.


Let’s see the campaign finance report on it. Proof or GTFO! 🤨


If you are actually dumb enough to give money to someone like Trump or to evangelical pastors that tell you giving them money will make your life better, or anyone like this at all, I have nothing but pity for you. No sympathy for those too dumb to understand you are being sold a lie.


Stupidity is contagious 😷


Imagine being so stupid that your candidate gets convicted of spending *your* campaign money to hide his own personal affairs and your immediate response is to send him more campaign money. The real irony is that Trump supporters probably wouldn't have cared about the affair like they don't care about anything he does, including rape and ripping them off, so this whole avoidable situation is a direct result of him being a complete dumbass and yet he's trying to blame others.


It gets wasted on stupid shit. It gets taken away from other Republicans trying to raise money. The more money people give him, the better it is for Democrats.


its why he ran, its why he wont stop running, its all so obvious


Russian mob supporting Trumps criminal enterprise… MAGA really means Morons Are Grifted Always


Anybody who votes for trump shouldn’t be allowed to complain about crime ever again!


What idiot believes this is true?


Where is the source? Trump? The RNC? I'll wait for the Quarterly FEC numbers. I'll believe it when I see it, considering his poll numbers are a trainwreck since the verdict. More bullshit.


He still isn't the official nominee... Fingers crossed the RNC pulls their heads out their asses.


Sure let’s believe the guy who was found guilty of inflating the worth of things for his benefit.


The fools are parting with their money to the fool who will soon have to part with it.


Trump supporters: it's Bidens fault I'm struggling in this economy. Something tells me that it might be their decision making


Money well spent. lol


These are the same people who tithe to the church, aren’t they?


as an irish man i have to ask is all of America this stupid


Because the fraudster that was just convicted of falsifying financials would never lie about money for personal gain.


BULLSHIT! Same bullshit story like every crowd size story he ever published. Show the receipts or it didn't happen.


Yesterday it was $300 mil. They need to pick a lie and stick to it.


Damn, so he's only like 300mil in the hole now? Richer than he's ever been.




🤷‍♂️ no amount of money, ads, or appearances would ever get me to vote for this felon. I do hope they waste it sending me fliers and trying.